The Power of the Goddess

Duke Gorin sat at his desk shuffling through reports of his recently inherited holdings. This was his least favorite aspect of being a duke, well perhaps he did not dislike it as much as he did listening to all the sycophants and their petty disputes that happened throughout his lands. At least the paperwork did not whine and attempt to deceive him on a constant basis. He counted his blessings to have his steel Reynald whom was very helpful in managing many aspects of his holdings. A great deal of the review and preparation were done with his assistance. Come to think of it, should he not be here by now?

Just then the door to his study opened to admit Reynald. He walked over to stand in front of the duke’s desk, “Pardon my tardiness your grace but I was delayed,” he paused, “it seems you have an unannounced Visitor.”

“Visitor?” the duke asked. “Who comes this late in the day?”

“Well,” Reynald’s expression looked a bit strained, “the High Mother of the Temple of the Goddess is here about that matter we discussed earlier your grace.”

Reynald’s uneasiness now made more sense to Gorin. Several of his men-at-arms had taken certain liberties with a young priestess from the Temple of the Goddess. As far as Gorin was concerned she had asked for every bit of it. They paraded around in form fitting gowns displaying ample cleavage. They might as well work in a brother for All their duties serving their “Goddess” entailed. In his mind they were nothing short of whores and his late father always seemed to keep them in check. Gorin would be no different.

“So did you send her away?” Gorin asked.

“Well your grace,” Reynald’s uneasiness seemed to increase, “I actually led her to believe that you would…well…speak with her,” Reynald blanked as he said the last part.

“Why would you do such a thing?” Gorin was suddenly having trouble keeping his ire in check.

“Your grace,” Reynald began as he fidgeted nervously in front of Gorin’s desk, “while your father kept the members of the Temple under control, he did not ever let them be misreated. It was an unspoken agreement he had with the High Mother.”

“Your point?” Gorin asked, his impatience coming through all too clearly.

“Just a bit of diplomacy your grace?”

“Diplomacy? With that whore?” Gorin stood up his anger rising even more.

“Well Your grace,” Reynald answered, “there are many among the people who regularly attend the Temple of the Goddess. The High Mother does carry a great deal of influence among the merchant class and quite a few of the guilds as well.”

Why did it always come to money Gorin thought to himself? Of course he could hear his father talking to him about how the economy made the kingdom. The stronger the flow of money, the more power one could acquire with it. Gorin looked down at his desk and took several breaths before looking up at Reynald, “And you think I should do what Reynald?”

“Just listen to her your grace and try to make some sort of peace…or at least try to find out what she desires and then we can work out some sort of compromise later,” Reynald stood waiting for Gorin’s answer.

Typical Reynald he thought, always trying to be the voice of reason for Gorin. Trying to think what his father would do and emulate it, he deferred to his most trusted advisor, “very well Reynald,” he motioned to the door, “send her in to see me.”

“A wise decision your grace,” Reynald turned and walked from the room.

Gorin sat back down at his desk trying to calm himself before meeting with the High Mother. He had met her a couple of times as he had grown up. She was a slight woman, not without subtle curves and though she was older Gorin could tell in her youth she was probably quite fetching. As she had aged her narrow face had taken on a more severe look, but at times her beauty was still apparent. All of the women who served the Goddess had a certain sex appeal to them which was why Gorin liked them all to whores. Their brash display of sexuality was totally improper in polite society.

His train of thought was broken by the sound of the door opening. Gorin looked up to see the High Mother walk into the room. She wore a maroon dress that hugged her slight form in all the right places and adequately displayed her cleavage. How was her bosom still so pert at her age he Wondered. Her hair was dark, curly, and short. Her lips were full and she had painted them red to enhance their color. She was not a tall woman and Gorin thought soaking wet she might weigh 100lbs. “Your grace,” she smiled giving a slight bow.

Gorin remained seated knew full well the sleight he was giving to her station as High Mother by not rising out of his chair. To add to the insult he addressed her by her name rather than her title, “Angelica.”

Rather than getting offended she gave a half smile as she looked at him, “so kind of you to see me on such short notice your grace.” She remained standing and moved her hands up to her rest them on her hips. Her gaze was one of confidence almost as if she was the one in control of the conversation and not him. Gorin wondered how far he had to take this before he could be rid of this woman and her insolence. While she looked to be older than fifty she still had a certain appeal to the eye he could not deny. He did not want to get distracted by beauty right now. There was time for dalliances later.

“What can I do for you?” he asked, once again omitting the use of her title.

“I think you know why I am here your grace,” Gorin still could not believe how calm she appeared. Not a hint of anger on her face. One of her priestesses had been rapid yet she acted confident and collected. Was that the sign of a true leader? It is likely Something his father would have taught him had he lived longer. Her full red lips curled up slightly, her chest slowly rising and falling. The shouter she was wearinghad a ruby ​​in the center that he swore had a soft glow to it.

“The incident with one of your girls,” he replied.

“Yes your grace,” her smile grow to show her teeth, “I have come to discuss their punishment.”

“Punishment?” Gorin felt his anger slip a little. “What makes you think I am going to have them punished?”

“I am sorry you misunderstood me young Gorin,” his eyes grew wide at the slight, “the Goddess has already determined their punishment. Just have them sent to the Temple and we shall handle it.”

Gorin could not believe the audacity of this woman. Beautiful she might be, almost irresistible really, no wait, he was the duke damn it. He was going to put a stop to this right now. Why was he having trouble standing? His arms and legs felt leader. He looked up at her eyes widening. “What is going on?” his voice coming out weakly as the panic that was slowly setting in.

“Oh sweet Gorin,” she had not lost that lovely smile since she entered the room”Your father never let the Star of Alafell be hurt in his presence,” her hand went up to touch the ruby ​​at her throat. “You see it allows me to channel the power of the Goddess,” she slowly started to walk around Gorin’s desk. “Right now you are feeling the overwhelming weakness the Goddess exposes in men,” she moved up next to his chair and leaned down to speak close to his face. Her eyes were a deep green, Her lips began looked so inviting to him. Hear nearness making the lust inside of him go from a simmer to a boil. “You see all men have cocks Gorin,” her hand moved down and began to rub his cock through his pants. Gorin had not even realized how hard it had become. “Once your cock became engaged all reason leave your minds,” she held his gaze only inches from his face, “one moment you are creativity of great logic and pragmatism and the next,” she squeezed his cock gently, “weak-minded fools who will do anything for more pleasure. So docile and lethargic now aren’t you?”

“Reynald,” he cried weakly finding his voice was becoming more difficult by the moment.

“Oh I wouldn’t worry about Reynald sweet boy,” she said with a glint in her eye, “he serves the Goddess, just as you soon will.”

She stood up and gently pulled him up out of the chair. He was shocked how his muscles responded to her touch and not his own will.

“When I came Here today I was hoping you would give the men up to me of your own free will,” she led him towards a divan chair on the far side of the study, “I still planned on exposing you to the Goddess and her power, but now I am going to show you what your men have in store for them when you order them to the Temple. You are going to have them sent to the temple for their punishment. Isn’t that right?” She stopped and looked up at him. She was so slight, under normal circumstances he could throttle her, but his body would not obey him. His mind was getting cloudy. He wanted to answer her, to feel her touch again, “yes,”he replied feeling his cock twitch as he said the word.

“Yes that’s a good boy,” she cooed as she slowly disrobed him. Her black painted nails dragged along his body as she pulled his shirt and pants off. His cock stood out straight when she released it to the air and he shivered when her hand took it and gently stroked it up and down.

“And now my good boy,” she laughed softly, “or should I say my bad boy,” she teased. “Mommy is going to punish you,” she stepped back and deftly removed her dress. Her body still held some of its natural beauty despite her age. He took in her body, from her pert breasts his eyes traveled down to her neighborly trimmed crotch and her shaped legs. His desire for this woman washed away any other thoughts. “I am your High Mother, but I think you like it better when I say mommy, don’t you?” She stepped to him and turned him to face the chair before pushing him down so his knees were on the floor and his chest was pressed against the fabric of the chair. His arms lay useless at his sides. Gorin was so weak and aroused he could not even answer her, though the need to do so was overwhelming.

“Yes mommy is going to punish her little boy now,” he felt her naked form press up against him from behind. He felt the hardness of her nipples against his bare back, “now this may be uncomfortable at first, but soon you will beg for more.”

He Felt her nails rake the side of his ass and suddenly there was a pressure. Something was pushing at his hole and then it slipped inside of him. He gasped from the pressure and felt his ass start to fill up, “Oh yes baby, can you feel the Goddess’ power now? It has brought you to your knees.” The pressure in his ass was causing him to cry out softly. “Oh yes little boy, ” she moaned as he felt her rise off him and the pressure lessened before she moved back down plunging into his ass again. Gorin cried out as she began to slowly fuck him from behind. “You’re mine now Gorin and I shall take you atmy leisure,” her breathing starting to deepen as she increased her pace and Gorin’s cries slowly became moans. The pleasure mixing with the pain, “Oh that’s it, feel me take you Gorin, only I can take you like this,” she continued fucking him from behind as she started to slap his ass with alternate hands,”through the gift of the Goddess you are now mine.”

Gorin felt his cock twitching as she fucked him. He did not even notice his cock was leaking out pre-cum onto the floor. His ass burned from where her hands continued to slap it. His moans grew louder with every thrust, “you love this don’t you my pet?” she asked.

“Yes…oh yes, “Gorin felt the words were not his own but the pain and pleasure were hard to tell apart and any control he had was gone. Suddenly she stopped thrusting and Gorin involuntarily moved his ass back into her.

His movement elicited a laugh from her, “Oh yess, you’re mommy’s little slut now,” she started her rhythmic thrusting again, “once exposed to the Goddess you are helpless before her.”

He was not sure how long she fucked him but by the time she finished his body ached and was covered in sweat. She rolled him over and stood over him, one leg on each side of his. Through his clouded mind he looked up and saw her pussy lips glistening in the fading light of the sun that came in through the windows. He fleetingly wondered how she had just taken him as she slowly lowered her pussy towards his face, “now it’s time for you to pleasure me.” She put on knee down on the side of the chair and grabbed him by the hair pulling him towards her sex. “Pleasure me with your tongue now,” he responded to her commands without hesitation. His tongue found her clip and worked it over furiously. His lust had not dissipated at all, in fact it only seemed to grow inside of him. He felt feverish with the heat that had built up inside of his body. Angelica moaned loudly as she grinded him into her. Her hips started rubbing into his face.His tongue struggled to find purchase as she rubbed her clip from the bridge of his nose down to her chin. Over and over until he feel her thighs start to quiver from her orgasm.

“Yes little boy,” she cried, “give mommy her due. The Goddess commands it.” Her orgasm lasted for several minutes until finally she collapsed down astride Gorin’s lap. His cock was pressed between them. He tried to move his hips to create some sort of friction. The aching he felt was too intense. The fire burned deeply inside of him, needing release.

Her head rested against his chest and he felt her nails rake gently over his body, “I would take you now sweet boy,” she told, “you have done so well.” Her head rose form his chest and she sat back looking him in the eye, “but now you must give the Goddess her due.”

With one hand she grasped his cock and the other moved down cupping his balls, “when you feel the Goddess it will be more intense than anything you have ever known Gorin,” hand began stroking him up and down and her other hand moved up to the top of his scrotum encircling it with her fingers. “You will not be able to withstand her presence for long,” the strokes were getting faster. He felt his orgasm but somehow it was being held back. The pressure was building more with every stroke. Gorin tried to move his hips into her hand to find release but found he could not move. He felt open and exposed before the woman sitting astride him. He would do anything she asked if she would only give him release.

“You feel it don’t you Gorin,” her eyes took on a far away look and the ruby ​​at her throat started to glow bright red. She took in a sharp breath, “she comes for you now Gorin.” She gave a soft cry, “you cannot resist her power,” his balls were now aching with the build up and his body felt like it was on fire. Angelica’s eyes had a look of near terror in them as she looked at him. The tension was too much, he felt as if something was tearing inside his chest.Suddenly Angelica’s body began to softly glow and Gorin felt the orgasm burst forth. The tear in his chest widened as the orgasm pounded through his entire body. Every muscle was stretched to the point he felt his body might break. The glow from Angelica spread to envelope his body as well as he continued convulsing. Gorin was lost inside a torrent of ecstasy and pain until the blackness overtook him.


Gorin slowly opened his eyes. Angelica was back in her dress and seated next to him as he lay down in the divan chair. Her face had a gentle smile, “How do you feel?”

His body felt relaxed and sore in some places but he could only describe his mood as serene. “I feel…good High Mother,” the honorific felt natural as he said it.

“Yes young Duke Gorin,” her hand caressed his face, “the Goddess has taken you. I have seen manymen fall before her to serve but few does she reach into and bind their souls to her.”

Gorin knew he should be alarmed by her words bit the feeling of serenity at them only grew.

“You are forever hers now Gorin. Her presence will not leave you.” She continued caressing him lovingly.

“What…what does that mean?” he asked.

“I see many men come to the Temple to give offering to her. My priestesses milk their seed from them in various ways, it is what allows the Goddess to grow her power. You young Gorin, are now more to her. She can now take what she wills from you,” she leaned down and pressed her lips to his kissing him gently. Her lips felt wonderful and he felt his cock began to harden as she broke the kiss, “I wished to be the one to take your seed for the Goddess, but she took it herself.” Her hand trailed down to his cock and started rubbing it slowly. While she had dressed herself Gorin was still naked, “Your father thwarted me for years and finally my chance came to tie the dukedom to me,” her eyes grew intensity as she spoke about it, “you were going to be mine and I would have you serve me as the Goddess will.” Her lips curved into a frown for the first time since she had been in Gorin’s study. “Only now the Goddess has taken you for herself.”

He reached up and pulled her astride him. With his strength returned to him he was surprised how easy it was to move her about.

“No Gorin,” she grasped his arms her nails digging into them. A look of fear on her face, “we must not anger the Goddess, as much as she can give pleasure,” her body shook as she looked away, “her ability to punish through pain can be greater.”

“But I have to allow you pleasure,” he did not understand why but he felt a need rising from deep within him.

She looked down at him some of the tension leaving her body. Suddenly her eyes went from fear to longing. She pulled her dress from underneath her until nothing was between his cock and her sex. “Please,” she moaned as she started to grind her pussy along his shake. Gorin knew she was not pleading with him. The simple cry of please from her lips was meant for the Goddess. The wetness of her felt wonderful to Gorin. His hands found her hips as she moved atop him. She moved her hands to his chest where she pinched each of his nipples between her fingers causing him to gasp.

“Oh yes Gorin,” her eyes began to burn with lust, “this is my reward.” She moved a hand to his throat and gripped it tightly, “for this moment the Goddess wants you to be mine to use for my pleasure,” her other hand traveled down and inserted his cock into her waiting sex. Her grip on his throat tightened as she started to ride his cock. Gorin’s body tingled with pleasure greater than any sex he had ever had. Her sex felt electric on his cock. Deep down he felt a sense of rightness. This was how he should be. Giving himself over to a woman for their pleasure would only intensify his own.

“Yessss,”Angelica hissed as she fucked him. “You have been conquered little boy,” her body moved with a catlike grace as she rode him. The feeling was wonderful and Gorin felt his orgasm building already, but the resistance had returned. The damn held back his release. The longer her pussy glided up and down his shake the more intense the pleasure. Pleasure without end. Pleasure with no release. Angelica fucked him and fucked him but Gorin could not shoot his cum. His body shoot along with hers from the intense pleasure. Angelica had several orgasm and her body glistened with sweat making her look even sexier to Gorin. Finally she collapsed against him her deep breaths slowing down as her thighs occasionally quivered with pleasure.

Gorin’s head was still fuzzy, the pleasure and lust burned in him.

“Oh Gorin,” Angelica said softly, “she controls you now and forever.” Her hands moved over his body making him shake at times from the pent up pleasure still churning inside him. She stoodup and looked down at him, his body continued to tremble with waves as pleasure. “She is showing you her power over you Gorin.”

“Please,” he moaned as his body tensed. He was smoking and he arched his body upward as his hands suddenly grasped the side of the chair.


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