Chapter 1 – Independence Day
Hi. Thanks for reading my story. It’s milk for starters but I plan to make this a series. I value your feedback so let me know what you think.
I was so excited. My parents had just left and I was off to university. My parents had pushed for me to go to Queen’s but I wanted to go to the biggest university possible. To their disappointment, I picked the University of Toronto, UC Campus, 300km away, but it had an international report so it was really impossible for them to say no. They dropped me off at about 11 in the morning and I was already working hard to set up my half of the room.
My roommate, whoever he might be, wouldn’t be here for a few days and I hoped he wouldn’t mind me picking my side. I guess that was the bonus of an academic scholarship as I got to move in 3 days earlier than everyone else. When I checked in, I was told there were only 4 people moving in to Whitney Hall that day but they didn’t both telling me where I might find them. It didn’t matter anyway, I wanted to get myself prepped for school. I was pumped. After 18 years of having my hand held, I was on my own.
I loved school, particularly the sciences but really, I did well in every subject. I was admitted to UC with a 98% average and was the first person at my high school to actually pull off perfect marks in both math and physics. To make things ever better, I actually won this scholarship with full tuition plus $5000 annually for the next four years by getting the highest North American scores on the Descartes exams.
I could finally look back at high school and say good riddance. It had been hell for me. I had been the butt of jokes, teased, and mostly just dismissed by my peers. At least, the teachers loved me but outside of that, high school was a colossal failure.
The reason, quite simply was that I was a nerd. I was small, really small and I never had very much strength. On a good day, Istood five feet tall and I was literally the smallest person in my graduating class, with of course the biggest marks. No matter how well I did though, I felt like a loser. Life would be different in university though, even my parents said it would be, everyone valued intelligence here and I could excel in the areas I did well in.
As I hooked up my computer, I looked out the window as two extended SUV’s pulled up to the front of the building. I didn’t pay much attention at first but when I looked back out, two gorgeous women were standing on the sidewalk looking at the building. Both were blonde and had unreal figures, almost Barbie like. It wasn’t until another man came from behind one of the trucks though that I realized just how tall they both were. They towered over him. I overheard one of them call the man Walter and tell him to unpack the trucks. The two women then walked up to the front door and disappeared.
I kept unpacking and heard the door to my floor open. I heard a woman’s voice announcement this was her floor and I looked up to see the tallest woman I had ever seen walk by. I don’t think she even noticed me but I couldn’t help but see her. Her legs were endless, especially with the four inch wedged sandals on her feet with daisy duke shorts that covered her beautifully apple shaped ass. Her stomach was hard and so thin that it made her breasts look almost unreal as her cropped tank top barely held them in place. I could see that she had long straight blonde hair and pouty lips but she went past the door too quickly to notice anything else other than her sunglasses. Regardless, I saw enough to know that I needed to see her again.
I moved to the door to catch a second look at her as another giant woman walked by my room. She was more mature and dressed a little more Conservatively with a tight white skirt and pink silk blouse with matching white siletto mules that clicked with every step. She looked down at me and smiled, “Hi sweetie.”
I said nothing as my eyes were fixed on her massive tits that were eye level with me. I peered out the door and watched both women sachet down the hall until the door opened behind me. I turned around to see that same man from before roll in with a loaded trolley, he pushed it by my room without even acknowledging me and stopped just outside the room next door where that the other two women had apparently disappeared into. One of the women told him to get the rest of the boxes and he rushed back off the floor to bring more stuff up.
It took a few minutes but I finally got the nerve up to walk down the hall to introduce myself and found myself falling in behind the man as he carried another load of articles up to the room. He was maybe a couple inches taller than me, 45 years old, clean saden, and very slight. I stood outside the door as he put the boxes down box inside the room. The older woman directed him to park both trucks then come back up.
He answered very quickly and rushed back out the door. I could tell he was out of breath and beads of sweat were dripping into his eyes.
I looked into the room and saw them both standing side by side looking down at me. Both women were huge and utterly breathtaking. The younger one was taller by a couple of inches but both of them had to be more than 6’8″ tall with their heels on.
“Can I help you,” the taller girl called out.
Silence overtook me for a moment, “Oh, hi… I’m, I’m Matt.”
They both greeted me at the door. I could not believe how they towered over me. I had never felt that small and insignificant in my life. The younger woman gave me her hand, “Hi, I’m Jessica and this is my Mom, Alexis.” Her hand completely enveloped my own and her grip was so strong I actually winced as she shook it. “When did you get here?”
“Oh, oh just a couple of hours ago,” I answered as she stepped closer and stood over me. My neck craned back to look past her enormous breasts and into her face. I was uncomfortable but the door jamb stopped me from moving back.
She smiled down at me, “Well I’ve been told it’s just the two of us on this floor for the next three days so I’m sure we’ll get to know one another quite well,” she predicted as she turned around and sat on her desk across the room. I couldn’t believe that, even seated, she was still taller than me and how long her legs were as she crossed one over the other towards me. Endless was the only way to describe them.
A million questions were thrown at me. Where was I from? What did I study? Did I come to school with any friends? The usual queries I would learn. I answered everything asked of me and even tried to ask a few myself but she never seemed to answer them. She just ignored my requests and asked her own. It feel more like I was being interviewed for a job than making a new friend.
When the man returned, her Mother interrupted, “Sorry dear, where do you want everything put?”
“Uhm, I don’t know yet,” she stood up and walked around the room inspecting her options, “I’m going to have to think about it. For now, why don’t we just unpack everything onto the second bed and I will take it from there.”
“Ok,” she replied as she looked around the room, “Walter, pile everything neatly over there,” her Mother ordered, “and, where’s my purse.”
Walter instantly cast his eyes to the floor, “I think, uhm, I think I left it in your truck Ma’am.”
Ma’am! I couldn’t believe what I just heard. This man, who I could only presume was her father as I was never introduced, was the most whipped guy I had ever seen. He was obviously nervous in front of Jessica’s Mom, and he jumped the second she, or Jessica for that matter, spoke.
Alexis’ brow quickly furrowed as she placed her hands on her hips and walked up to him. He continued looking towards the floor as her breasts rested against the top of his head, “Is that where it should be?”
“No, I’m sorry Ma’am. It’s entirelymy fault,” he quivered.
She continued walking further as she pulled his face up with her finger and backed him into a wall where her breasts wrapped themselves around his face. “You’re absolutely right there. Now go get it,” she quipped as she took one step back.
He was already rushing for the door and I jumped as she yelled, “NOW!” as I watched him run out the door.
Still, as Shocked as I was to see someone being treated like that, I could feel my own cock as started to engorge itself. I loved how she had total control over him and in a perverse sort of way, I wanted to be him. I had seen some domination porn on the net and every time I watched it, I couldn’t contain myself for more than a couple of minutes.
“Mom!” Jessica laughed with a smile, “You’re going to freak my guest out.”
Jessica’s Mom just laughed, “You’re right sweetheart but I’m sure little Mattie here understands, don’t you young man?” she asked as she ran her fingers through my hair.
I suddenly felt like the room was shrinking. How could I answer that? I stood parallel in fear. It was clear that Jessica’s Mom enjoyed busting her husband’s balls but I couldn’t let her know I enjoyed watching it! She’d think I was some sort of pervert. I had never seen anything like this before. What should I say? What could I say? Finally, as both giants starred silently at me I came up with an answer, “I don’t know Alexis.”
“Oh sweetie,” she laughed as she pulled my head closer to her breast, “I’m old enough to be your Mother, you’ll call me Mrs. Vandertorn.”
I felt my body shrink even more, just like my own Mom could when she chided me. “Yes, Mrs. Vandertorn.” She was a stunningly attractive woman with had long golden blonde hair and those plump lips from I noticed on her daughter. For a woman of at least 40, she also had the silkiest skin I had ever seen, and her crystal blue eyes popped against her tan. Her breasts were just like her daughter’s except that my eyes were just about level with them while I stood below Jessica’s. I didn’t know if they were fake but quite frankly, I didn’t care. This was the closest I had ever been to a Goddess.
“Alright then,” she pushed my face back gently as she realized I was staring at her tits and turned at me when her hand broke my gaze.
It didn’t take long for Walter to return with her purse. He stood quietly at the doorway with the pursuit held out until she signed for him to approach. “Cigarette.”
Walter reached into the pursuit, pulled out a long silver box and opened it for his wife. As she pulled a cigarette out, Walter presented her with a lighter and stood motionless as she lit it up. As Mrs. Vandertorn pulled back from the flame she smiled and blew the smoke in his face. “Now get to work.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
I still couldn’t get over how grogeous both of these women were and I couldn’t believe how hard my cock was as I watched Mrs. Vandertorn treat her husband like a little a pieceof trash. As Mrs Vandertorn sat down, she looked over at me and smiled.
“Jessica,” she called out as she fixed her eyes on me, “look,” she said with a smile as she noticed the tent in my pants.
I heard a very brief laugh as her daughter looked down to find her new neighbor battlering to conceal the one secret I really wanted to conceal. “Huh,” she said to her mother, “Perhaps you’re right. I’ll have to let you know.”
“You’ll know by tonight, I’m guessing,” she retired.
What the hell did they mean by that? I didn’t have a clue but I suddenly felt very nervous standing in front of them.
Jessica stood back up and told her father to put her shoes by the closet. As she turned back around she deliberately drove her hip into my chest and shoved me into the wall. She held me there for just a few seconds before letting me go, “Listen sweetie, this room is pretty busy right now why don’t you curry back to your room so I can unpack. I’ll come get you when I’m readyfor you.”
I had never felt as small as I did at that precision moment but I liked it. Her ass was hard as a rock and she had deliberately shoved it into me. I stood silently watching her walk away from me not knowing what to say until finally, my mouth opened. “Oh, ok. Later then,” and I ran out the door. I felt like a kid who had just been caught doing something he shouldn’t have and Suddenly felt very awkward just being in her room. I couldn’t believe how attractive Jessica was and how turned on I was by the thought of being completely dominated by her. I wanted to exploit in my pants right there but somehow, I contained myself as I left the room. I rushed down the hall as fast as I could and closed the door to my room where I blew my load before I could even unzip my pants.
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