The Power of Desire Pt. 05

**I want to apologise for the delay, I have been extremely busy but I am hopeful I will have more time soon. Thank you for the comments and feedback already received. Part 5 adds a little more background before Part 6 which has a whole load more of the hot stuff. **

Jessica heard the recruits walk into the room and her heart began to race knowing the prediction she was in, her wetness was surprising, even to her. She had never thought she would finally submit to someone; she fought her thoughts about it – ignored her feelings and went with the moment.

“The simulation you will be completing today involves a search and rescue mission of a missing recruitment,” the group looked around and saw that she was the one missing, “The longer you take to find the person, the longer the person endures whatever they are going through.”

The words made her wet, wondering how long it would take them to get to the point that they knew her “location”. Wondering how long she would be encased in the box.

They were presented with maps, details, data, and all other possible information that may have been needed to find her. The group got to work and began reading through transcripts, reviewing footage, cameras, retracing steps which were put into the documents for them to work through. Mark took the lead by issuing orders to the recruits; who was to review which part of the simulated evidence.

Jason walked over to the box and turned the e-stim on at a level he knew she liked; she took a deep breath in as she felt her pussy pulsating around the metal cock inside of her. The recruits continued to search for her, half an hour went by and she was verging on desperation – she wanted to cum, she was so close, but it was impossible – the pulses were just weak enough for her to be left hovering in desperation.

Jason turned the e-stim off and then walked back to the front of the class, “A lecture hall is no place for you to do this, get up, get out, and go findYour teammate.”

Jessica could hear the group shuffling around and leaving the room. From inside her box, she heard the door close and then lock. Her thoughts started to run wild, “He wouldn’t leave me, he must be here.”

There was silence, the 5 minutes between the recruits exiting the room and e-stim being turned on again seemed like an eternity to her.

“How are you doing slave?”

“I’m good, I think.”

He turned the current up, “That’s not how you answer me, is it?”

The current made her wince, but she was unable to move, “I’m good, I think, Master.”

“Do you want me to turn it down?”


He turned it up, “Don’t make me hurt you.”


Jason turned the e-stim off and Jessica felt the box move from a vertical position to horizontal, it was hardly 5 seconds and the box walls split off. He pulled the key out of his pocket and unlocked her wrists and ankles, then helped her to her feet.

“I am not going to hurt you. Voluntary submission is what I want Jessica, not mental and physical torture. I won’t do that to you, sometimes I like hurting you, but not when it’s because you’re emotionally unable to do something,” he walked to the back of the lecture room and grabbed a backpack which had the prisoner clothes inside, “Put these on so that the recruits can find you properly.”

She was furious, “That’s it?”

“What do you mean?”

“I stand here fucking naked, we share intimacy, I do this,” she competed to the box, “And then you hand me a bag and fuck off with no affection? Like I’m a piece of meat? Fuck you Jason.”

He took a step towards her, “Jess-“

She cut him off, “You can go fuck yourself, don’t you ever fucking touch me again.”

He tried again and stepped towards her naked body wanting to hold her, “Jess-“

“Fuck off Jason, get the fuck out.”

He began to walk away, “I’ll meet you at-“

“Don’t meet me anywhere, fuck off and do your job,” she knew wherethe scenario would take place and where the captive location was – she designed it.

Jason left the room and caught up with the recruits who had made minimal progress. He continued with their training like the seasoned professional he was – despite the turmoil in his head and heart.

Jessica had been reviewing the CCTV of the premises and was listening in on the conversations. When she saw that the recruits were leaving for her captive location, she went there herself, sat down with her back resting on the pole and cuffed her hands behind her back around it.

The recruits ended up taking the wrong turn when heading to her location and she grew fed up with the situation. She had all the time to contemplate where she was in terms of life and matters of the heart. Her decision was made when she realized the anger she felt was because she had let someone get too close, she was in love, with no idea in the world of how to express it, so she did what she did best – she ran.

She left a note under the handcuffs which she removed with the key she had kept with her for an emergency escape should she need it, “Thank you for the training, I’ll return another time, I have been called back to duty. Best of luck to my fellow recruits. Never give up.”

An hour later the first recruit arrived at the location and picked up the note, he read it aloud as the rest of them entered the dilapidated cabin, Jason saw the group’s confusion and hadn’t heard the message, “What’s going on?”

The recruit handed him the letter, “Is this part of the simulation Sir? Or has she really gone?”

“She must have been pulled out by the team, get yourselves an early night, tomorrow is weapon handling. We will do the debriefing from today first thing in the morning.”

The recruits were ecstatic that they would be able to get some proper rest, none of them wanted to do anything but get a hot meal, warm shower, and climb into bed.

Jason found the director, “Whereis she?”


“Jessica? Where the fuck is she?”

“We’ve had this conversation, Jason. I told you she will be around.”

He handed him the note, “You don’t understand, she was in my class, she was one of the learners, and this is what I found.”

“Jason, are you feeling alright?”

“What? I’m fine, I just need to know where she is.”

“Jason the recruit that left during your exercise wasn’t Jessica,” he pulled her details up on the screen, “Alice Walker was her name. She was here to complete the training to join our team, but she was called back to service and had to leave.”

He turned to walk out of the office, “That wasn’t Alice Walker. That woman was Jessica.”

Jessica arrived at her home where she hooked into the Feed from the CCTV, Jason had been told to move all his lessons from the hall he was in to the one which was smaller – the one with better sound and better cameras. It was only Jessica and the director who knew about the camerasin some of the areas, she had them installed to ensure she could monitor future progress without having to return to the site.

She sat in her office staring at the monitors as silent tears fell down her face, she began deleting all their explorations which had been caught on the cameras. The days seemed to go quicker as the time of completion approached. The first set of recruits stood proudly at the graduation ceremony and were awarded their medicals – There were only 4 men who had made it to completion. Mark was awarded his badge and was welcomed to the training team, the other three left to party before their deployment on a mission which they were guaranteed they could join if they made it through the training.

Jessica sent through the completion records to the director and explained which sections of the training needed to be amended, all the documents were presented to Jason, “These are the changes, please implement them.”

“That’s not my job. Tell her to come back and do it herself.”

“Fix the documents or I’ll get a new instructor.”

Jason nodded his head, “I’m sorry, I think I just need a break, Sir.”

“I think that’s a good idea Jason. Go and get your head right, you will be evaluated when you feel you’re fit for training again.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“Finish the paperwork then get out of here.”

Jason dropped to the town centre where he had dropped Jessica off the day after they made love – the day he realized what love really means. He sat at the park staring into the distance with his sunglasses on, she was nowhere to be seen and nowhere to be found.

A few days into his leave he called work and spoke to the receptionist, “I’m really sorry to ask you this, but I need a favour.”

“How can I help Jason?”

“Did that recruit who left for duty, did she,” he took a deep breath, “Did you collect her contact details?”


“I need them, please.”

“I can’t give them to you Jason.”

“Did Jessica leave any contact details, or an address?”

“You have her email, use it. If she wants to speak to you, she will.”

It was 3 weeks later when Jason arrived back at work, he parked the way he did before they had met, hoping that she would turn up and tell him he had parked like a dick again. He climbed out and she wasn’t there, he hauled himself up the stairs; despite keeping himself fit during his time off, he feel the weight of the world pushing down on him as he took every step through the place which was plastered with memories of her.

“Good morning Jason.”

“Good morning Sir, thanks for the time off, I needed it.”

“Get yourself to the pool, Mark will do your evaluation.”

The words won on him, but he managed to keep his thoughts to himself, “A man who I taught is evaluating me.” Despair and failure began to overwhelm him, but he knew he needed the job so continued towards the pool anyway.

Mark had never been happier, this was hisfirst opportunity to evaluate a return instructor, “Morning Sir.”

“How are you Mark?”

“I’m good, excited. How was the break?”

“It was shit,” he looked at him emotionless, “Let’s get this done. Where are we starting?”

“Sir, you’re going to need to put these on, behind your back, and get in the pool,” he throw him the handcuffs.

“That’s not part of this evaluation? That’s not how this works.”

“That’s how it works now. Get them on, and get in, or we stop, and you can go home.”

Jessica watched from her home as she saw Jason jump into the pool, being put in the same predicament she was in, she turned the volume up and listened to their conversation.

“Why did you need time off Sir?”

“Personal shit,” he spat the water out of his mouth.

“Personal shit like what? Like breaking recruits? Like torturing a trainee? Shooting a young woman over and over again for some perverted desire of yours?”

“That’s not what any of that was, that’s not what my leave was about!”

“Then what was it about? The fact that you’re in love with her?”

“Don’t fucking talk about her. Just shut up and get this over with, how do you know that recruit was her?”

“I just know.”

Jessica smiled, knowing Mark was an incredible soldier, knowing that even on day one he knew who she was, but that Jason had missed it.

“How long am I going to be here for?”

“Until I decided you’re fit for duty.”

The receptionist walked into the session, “Mark, call for you.”

He took the phone, “Hi Mark, it’s Jessica. Don’t tell him it’s me. I’m watching you. Make him remember what he did to me.”

“Certainly. Will you be attending?”

“I might.”

She hung up and Mark turned to Jason, “Right, let’s get this done,” he walked towards the paintball gun which had been loaded earlier in the day, “No bullshit answers Jason, truth and you won’t get shot, you understand?”

“Yes,” his arms were aching, he was never as good in the water as he was on land, “Get on with it.”

“Are you in love with Jessica?”

“Stop fucking asking about her!” He shot him, “Fuck you Mark, I fucking teach you and this is what I get?”

“I learnt from the best Jason,” he took aim again, “Are you in love with Jessica?”

“It doesn’t make any difference now. She’s gone,” his voice began to quiver and feel his heart breaking, “I can’t find her, I tried,” Jason kicked himself to the shallow end of the pool and then stood up, “I can’t fucking do this, get these things off me, I’m done.”


“What part didn’t you understand? Get them off I’m done.”

“Sir, if I take those off you, you fail this session and you won’t work here anymore, I can’t do that unless I believe your life is in danger, I can’t see you quit.”

“Mark, I’m not fucking asking, that’s an instruction as listed in our code of conduct, I’m done.”

“Fuck your code Jason,” he shot him on his back, “Are you in love with Jessica?”

“Yes, I am. I fucking am! I said it, are you happy now? Get these fucking things off me.”

“No Sir,” he throw the keys into the deep end of the pool, “If you want them off, you can take them off yourself.”

Jason watched as the keys fell through the water, “You’re a right little cock sucker, you know that?”

He smiled, “Yes Sir.”

“There’s no fucking way to get to those fucking keys like this, you know that!”

“Yes. I do,” the receptionist handed Mark the phone, “I’m almost there, have him on the table for medical evaluation, face down, cuff his ankles to his wrists, tape over his mouth and a sack over his head. Don’t Leave him alone until I’m there.”

He put the phone on the ledge and looked at Jason, “Looks like it’s your lucky day, the doctor wants to do your exam now. Get yourself out the pool.”

Jason climbed out with Mark’s help and thenthrow a towel over his head and dried his face off, “Why now?”

“Don’t push your luck, you don’t get to ask questions, you’re not that lucky,” he pulled on the cuffs which were painfully biting into his wrists and directed him towards a point in the ceiling where a chain with a hook hung down at waist-height, “I’m sorry that this is going to hurt as much as it is,” he pulled the chain until Jason was bent forward and begging him to stop.

“Please you can’t fucking leave me like this, please.”

“I’m not going to leave you like this, but I do need to make sure I don’t get hurt when I do this,” he walked to the end of the room and picked up duct tape and showed it to him, “Are you going to stand still while I do this?”

“Yes, please just let my arms down, Please,” Mark lowered his arms to a point where the pain was no longer overwhelming, “Mark?”


“Why are you doing this?”

“This is just part of training; you know the drill. This is what happens.”

“Nobody uses emotional blackmail to break an instructor, I’ve never hurt one of our instructors like this.”

“You did it to Jessica, and you’re not me. Now close your mouth before I make this hurt when it comes off,” Jason did as he was told, Mark put the strips across his mouth, “No nausea?”

Jason shook his head.

The wet sack was placed over Jason’s head and he fought the urge to buck it off, knowing his arms would be bent to nearly broken if he did. He was unclipped and Mark led him to the medical quarters where he saw Jessica, she raised her finger to her mouth and smiled at him, she nodded her head at the table.

“This is probably going to be cold and uncomfortable, for that I am sorry, I hate the cold myself, but rules are rules. Bend over.”

Jason bent over and jolted upwards as the ice-cold steel table made contact with his face. Mark forced him down onto the table, and with Jessica’s help, moved him fully onto the table.

The grunting and groaning that was coming from Jason made her wet. Mark secured his ankles in cuffs, and then his ankles to his wrists, smiled at her and left the room. Jason heard the door lock and began to shake his head to free himself from the sack.

He felt a touch on his shoulder, it was gentle and caused him to stop emrith. Jessica pulled the sack far enough up so she could remove the tape, but ensured he couldn’t see who it was, she roughly pulled the sack down again and fixed it around his neck with tape.

“What is the point of this, I already told you I quit, why are you doing this?” He felt his wetsuit being cut off his body, “What the fuck are you doing?” He tried to resist but he felt the cuffs which joined his wrists to his ankles being clipped to something and pulled up. The strain on his back, arms and stomach was immense, “Please, please stop, I’m sorry stop. Please.”

The remain of the wetsuit were pulled out from under him, leaving him naked on the table, she ranher hand up his thigh and then began heading to his intimate parts, “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!”

Jessica couldn’t control her laughter at that point, “Are you sure you want me to go Jason?”


“Do you want me to go?”

“No, of course I don’t want you to go. How -“

“Your evaluation isn’t complete Jason. I suggest you shut the fuck up and answer my questions.”

He waited for her to speak.

“Do you believe you are fit to return as an instructor at this time?”

“If you are going to be in my life, then yes. Otherwise, no. I should probably go home because I’m not going to be alright to do anything for a long time to come.”

“Why didn’t you hold me, or kiss me, or do anything that day? Other than throw a bag at me and head out?”

“Jessica, I’m sorry -“

“I didn’t ask if you were sorry or not, I asked ‘why’.”

“When you call me ‘Master’ it makes me feel like you are in love with me, when you don’t, I feel as though it’s all a dream and I’m going to wake up and you’re going to disappear. I was right, that’s exactly what you did.”

“That happened because you behaved like a fucking asshole who doesn’t love me.”

“Jessica please can we talk about this properly? Get this fucking thing off my face and get me out of these things. I want to see your face.”

“Why should I? You enjoyed your time with me at your mercy, now you don’t like it when it’s reversed?”

“This is different.”


“Because you wanted what was happening, you enjoyed it too. I’m not. I don’t want this.”

“Right now, I have a job to do Jason. That job is to evaluate your ability to train recruits.”

“I already told Mark I quit, I told him to let me go.”

“I know.”

“Well then it means it’s over.”

“It’s over when I say so,” she craneted the chain up contorting his body.

“FUCK Jessica, STOP PLEASE! I lied on my medical forms when I came back, my shoulder, stop please.”

She slowly released the tension, “What’s wrong with it?”

“I did a job while I was off, I had an accident.”

“I’m going to take the cuffs off you, and you’re going to keep lying on this table or I’m going to fuck off and you will never see me again.”

She released the links in the handscuffs and then let him position his arms where he was comfortable, “I’m sorry Jessica.”

“What happened?”

“We were in a chase, my car spun, then rolled, I woke up in the hospital and I don’t remember anything. I dislocated it. Can I take this fucking thing off my face, please?”

“No. Any other injuries?”


“Where’s the footage?”

“I can’t give that to you Jessica.”

“Here are your clothes,” she handed him a backpack, “Get dressed after I leave, keep that fucking bag on and wait here until I’m back.” He heard the door close and did what she had asked him to do. A while later she returned to the room, “Have you watched it?”



“I started, I pushed play. I got to where we were shot at, then I turned it off.”


“I don’t cry, and I was about to.”

“Did you cry when I left?”



“Please can I take this off? I need to see you.”

“Answer the question.”

“Because I told myself that you were nothing to me, I told myself you were a fuck and nothing more.”

“This conversation about your injury never happened, do you understand?”


“This conversation didn’t happen. What is complicated about that sentence?”


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