The Power of Desire Pt. 04

**Warning — include scenes of reluctance, heavy bondage, encryption, BDSM and breathplay.”

**Apologies for the delay in getting this up — life has a way of getting in the way of kink**

When Jessica finally awoke from her night of forced orgasms in the box, she was lying on Jason’s chest in his bed, she instinctively snuggled into him in her sleepy state, and in doing so she realized she had fallen in love. The panic overwhelmed her as she lay in his tracksuit and t-shirt.

“How did I get to bed? I didn’t put these clothes on.”

She fight to catch her breath and calm herself down. It was useless so she decided to do what she did best when she felt “feelings” — she would run. She picked up her things and let herself out of his house, she tapped the Uber icon on her phone, and it started up showing her location.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fUCK.”

Jason walked out the house behind her, “Where are you going Jessica?”

She turned to Jason andhung her head down, then looked into his eyes, “I’m sorry Jason. We can’t do this; this isn’t going to work.”

“Which part? I thought the night was pretty fucking amazing?”

The smell of his cologne on the shirt she had on was driving her crazy, she began to have a panic attack which resulted in her collapse right into Jason’s arms. He carried her back inside and lay her on his bed, covering her with the duvet. He left her briefly so that when she came around, she would wake up to fresh coffee. She looked around and replayed the events of the previous night and the morning as he handed her the coffee.

“I need to get going soon, I’ve got a job that needs to be done from tomorrow until we run the first class.”

Jason nodded, “I understand,” he put his coffee down, “I’ll take you home,” he stood up to get himself dressed to get her home.

“Jason, it’s not like that. I told you before last night that I had to do this.”

“I know,” he smiled at her, “You’llbe back before we both know it.”

As they drove towards her house, she asked him to stop in the town centre, “Here is good, I have to pick up some bits and pieces anyway.”

“I can wait for you, save you carrying it all.”

“Thanks, but I’m good,” she opened the door and turned back to Jason unable to stop herself, she kissed him on the lips and whispered, “Thank you.”

“I love you Jessica,” his eyes were full of fear after uttering the words, but he didn’t want to risk not saying it and lose her.

She felt the lump in her throat and the terror of being attached to someone, all she could do was smile as she took a deep breath in, turned, closed the car door, and left him alone with his thoughts. The hours turned into days and Jason continued to wait for some sign that she was back safely from whatever job she was meant to be on, he didn’t even have her address so he couldn’t go to her house to check on her without alarm bells ringing at work. Her phone continuedgoing to voicemail.

Work started and she wasn’t there, she had effectively vanished, it was day one of the course they had created together and she was supposed to be there with him, he tried calling her, the phone still went to voicemail, emails were going through but he had no idea whether they were read or not.

He confronted the Director as soon as he saw him, “David, I need to talk.”

“Sure, is everything OK?” the Director of the company was always attentive to his staff.

“I can’t get hold of Jessica; it’s been over a week, she’s supposed to be here, she’s not answering her phone or emails or anything. I don’t know what to do, we were supposed to do this together today.”

“If I show you something will you promise to just get on with your day, you promise not to do anything Stupid?”

“Like what?”

“I’ve seen the way you both look at each other, I know what you’re thinking, I know you’re in love with her, but she is not yours to love.”

“Her husband is back in the picture?”

“No, her dividend went through weeks ago. She isn’t yours to love because she’s not free to do so, she’s in the SAS, you know what that means, Jason.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Read this,” David angled his computer screen to Jason’s view.

“Dear David,

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of your team for this period, I am satisfied that the job has been successfully completed and I will now be able to evaluate from a distance. Once this process is completed, I will revert back to you.

Warm Regards


“What does that mean? Evaluate from a distance?”

“It means she’s around and she will be back when she needs to be. I don’t know where she is, just get on with what you need to do.”

Jason walked out of the office more confused than when he went in, his stomach was in knots and he had no idea how to pick himself up after the blow of her not being there to start the session with him. The trainees arrived and he began in his drill sergeant tone, “Fill out the forms on your desk, follow the instructions and then report to the swimming pool once you’ve put them on the table.”

Jessica sat in the class, her naturally long dark hair had been dyed beach-blonde-bimbo and she was unrecognizable with her new hairstyle which had been cut so short that it was shaken at the back, her eyeshes and browsers had been tinted, and her chest was no longer a B-cup, it was a D — courtesy of a padded push up bra. She placed the papers on his desk and walked towards the swimming pool, she was the first there and found him waiting for everyone.

“Get your swimming gear on, it’s going to be a long day.”

She nodded, amused at how he was totally oblivious to who she was, the recruits flowed into the area and stood on the poolside,

“Everyone in the water!” he shouted to the group. She jumped in among the crowd and screams of the cold bounced off the walls, “You will all remain in the pooluntil I’ve finished your paperwork.”

The receptionist walked into the poolroom with a pile of documents and handed them to Jason. He began to read through the documents and then shouted out name after name, instructing them to get out of the water.

He announced to those that remained in the pool, “For every learner on the side of the pool you will tread water for half an hour.” He looked to the recruits standing outside the pool, “None of you fuckers completed your paperwork correctly, now you can watch as your team suffers because of you. Dry off and get your clothes on.”

One of the trainees decided to disregard that instruction and jumped into the water screaming an apology as his head surfaced. Jessica rolled her eyes, knowing she had put the plan in place for what was to happen next. Discipline. Punishment. Instruction. Reconditioning.

“You want to be part of the team, but you couldn’t even fill out a fucking form! Get out the fucking pool and get in front of me now!”

The trainee began another apology and was caught by a noise from Jason and dragged out the water. He was handcuffed with his hands behind his back and forced to stand on the pool edge, Jason shouted to those in the water, “If you attempt to help him, you will stay here all night, and all day tomorrow.” He pushed him into the water, Jessica swam towards his body which was heading to the bottom of the pool and pulled his head to the surface.

“Float, lie back, I’ve got you.” The young man was terrified and thought he was going to drop, “Listen to me, just calm down, you’re safe, I’ve got you.”

Jessica had completed thrownproofing as part of her training and had been tied in every position possible and knew that so long as deep breathing was maintained in certain positions, throwing wouldn’t be an option – unless exhaustion set in.

He bellowed at Jessica, “We have a hero! What’s your name recruit?”

“That information is privileged Sir; I am under instructions not to answer that question.”

“Everyone else, get out!” The traines stood on the side of the pool, lost for words and in a panic as to what they should do, “Get yourselves warm, it’s going to be a long day.”

They stood on the poolside and followed his instructions. They drank coffee, tea, hot chocolate, ate biscuits and had a warm lunch as they watched Jessica and the other trainee struggle to adjust themselves in the water. Jessica had positioned herself under him with his hands resting in her hips, ensuring he couldn’t sink. “Just keep still. It will be OK.”

“You better tell me your name recruit, otherwise your boyfriend is going to have a problem.”

She shouted to Jason, “That information is privileged Sir, I cannot answer the question.” She then whispered into the trainee’s ear, “Bite your teeth together and open your lips, start breathing through your mouth only. He’s going to try and make you panic, please just trust me.”

As her words hadhave been digested by his ears a hosepipe with ice cold water was positioned onto their faces, the trainee began struggling, gasping, and kicking, a few seconds later he screamed the words, “I’M DONE! I QUIT!”

“FUCK.” Jessica shook her head.

Jason grabbed the learner with the noise and pulled him to the side of the pool and sat him down with his legs still hanging in the water, “How does it feel to be failure on day one?”

He cought and spluttered the water out of his lungs as he looked at Jessica, “I’m sorry.”

The other recruits stood on the poolside avoiding all eye contact, “Since little-miss-hero decided she won’t tell me her name, let’s get the rest of the list going, every time one of you refuses to give me your name, she gets shot.”

They gasped knowing that was the first thing listed on the activity sheet they filled out: You are not to state your name to the instructor for the first 6 hours of training.

“I apologise Sir, I cannot share that…”

The paintball gun fired; once, twice, three times, four times, the trainees after that cracked as they watched the bruises appear on her skin. One after the other they shouted their names at him. He reached the young man on the side of the pool, he looked at Jessica, “I’m sorry,” then he looked at Jason, “Go fuck yourself, Sir.”

He shot her again, “What’s your name hero?” She ignored him and took another hit.

After exactly 6 hours of torture, a hosepipe being positioned on her head and random shots every time she decided to give him her name, he shouted to her for the final time, “What’s your name hero?”

“Jessica May, Sir.”

He froze as he stared at her in the pool and saw that he had been so distracted that he hadn’t noticed it was her. He had followed every Instruction given in the rules she had set out for the course and she was black and blue on her back, chest, and legs.

“You lot get to bed! Tomorrow class starts at 04:00. If you’re late you’re out!” he looked at the man sitting on the poolside still in cuffs, “Do you want to be here, or you want to fuck off back to your mommy?”

“I want to be here Sir.”

“Then get yourself to bed, I’ll take those off in the morning.”

The young man stumbled his way up and out of the pool area with the help of his fellow recruits.

Once everyone had left, he turned to Jessica, “Get out of the pool.”

She swam towards the steel stairs and made her way out where he stood waiting for her, “Turn around Jessica,” his voice was harsh as she turned away from him, “You’re supposed to know better than to do that, why didn’t you let one of the others do it?”

“I needed to see if our timings were right. 6 hours is too long for these kids.”

He grabbed what little there was of her dyed-blonde hair and pulled her towards him, “I’ll decide what’s too fucking long,” he pushed her into the pool, “Tread water Jessica. Tread or you’re out.”

She began swimming towards thestairs, “You can’t do this, this isn’t part of the training.”

“This isn’t about recruit training, this is about instructor training, you wrote the manual, don’t forget what this falls under.”

*Any instructor who deems it necessary to deliver PT for another instructor shall do so and ensure that requirements of Annexure 2 are met.*

The annexure flashed through her mind and He knew that he was within his rights to continue with her until he deemed fit or she broke down. She swam to the middle of the pool and continued to tread water, she was desperate for the coffee that was in his hands and wanted to rip him to shreds.

“You ran away Jessica, you left me after I told you I’m fucking in love with you. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“I’m sorry. I got scared. I didn’t Know how to deal with it and didn’t want to lose what we had.”

“That’s a piss poor fucking excuse,” he throw the handscuffs to her, “Put them on, behind your back, and you better fucking make them tight.”

“Jason, please don’t do this.”

“Now Jessica.”

She followed his instruction and knew what was coming, the acid build up from the previous 6 hours had made her stiff and sore, the welts from the paintballs that had hit her had a heartbeat of their own. Her shoulders ached as she secured her wrists behind her back, she got her head above water and tightened the cuffs, “Jason, please don’t do this.”

“I am going to break you today, even if it kills you.”

Jessica had nothing to live for, so she wasn’t afraid of death, she was more afraid that Jason would blow himself if something went wrong. He shot at her legs as she floated in the water, helpless to his assault, “Just tell me you want me to stop and we can both go to bed.”

Half an hour passed and Jessica was struggle to keep herself afloat as the paintballs turned into pepper balls on her shoulders, “Do you know that I’ve only ever been in love with one woman, and that is you?”

She stared at him as best she could as she tried to float in the water, “I’m sorry.” She took a deep breath and her head went below the water. Jason jumped in, swam with her to the shallow end of the pool and sat her on the step as she gasped for breath and cought the chlorine out.

“You lied to me.”

“No Sir, I didn’t.”

“You didn’t tell me you were going to be in the class.”

“Would you have spent the day shooting me and trying to drop me if you knew it was me?”


“Exactly,” she looked at him and smiled, “You’ve done well Jason.”

“Don’t come with that shit, you don’t outrank me over here.”

“Yes Sir,” she laughed, “Get these things off please, it’s going to be a long day tomorrow.”

“I’ll loosen them, but they’re staying on, and you’re staying with me.” She was too sore to throw him around without her life depending on it, so she sat still as he freed her wrists slightly. “Get up,” he walked her into his home at the facility, “Get on the bed, face down.”

“Jason, I don’t want you to –“

“I’m not going to; I would never do that to you. Not unless you wanted it, you know that.”

She followed his instruction and he removed the handscuffs, “Thank you.”

“Get yourself a shower, I put the heating off by the trainees, I can’t send you back there to a cold shower.”

“Thank you, Sir, but I will go through the process with them,” she smiled at him as he stared at her bruised body, “Stop looking at me like you goal me, I’ve been through worse.”

“I would never have been able to do this if I knew it was you.”

She walked over to him and whispered into his ear, “I’m going to fuck my instructor before the end of course.”

She rubbed her hand down his groin and felt him get hard, he wanted her, he wanted to fuck her hard and satisfied his own needs, “Bed. Now.”

“No Sir. I will beg you to fuck me when the time is right. Master.”

He stared at her and his heart started to race, sheslept peacefully that night and he slept worse than ever, he couldn’t stop thinking about her.

“She called me Master, does this mean she feels the same? Does she just want a fuck, or does she love me?”

Day 2 began for Jessica at 3 am, she walked into his room and slammed the lights on, “You’re not supposed to sleep with your doors unlocked, Sir.”

He lay in his bed delicious from lack of sleep, “Yeah, and trainees are not meant to be in here.”

She walked over to the kettle, “Do you want some coffee?”

“What time is it?”

“Just after 3 am.”

“Fuck. Go away,” he rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.

“No. Get up soldier.”

“Fuck off.”

She made their coffee and he did off, only to be awoken by her forcing him into handcuffs. He didn’t both resisting, knowing there was minimal time she would be able to keep him like that, “Turn over, Sir.”

He compiled and readjusted his arms as the metal bit into his wrists, “Now that you have me helpless, what are you going to do with me?” his cock grow as he said the words.

“I’m going to tease you a little, then a lot,” she stroked his cock, “I’m going to drive you insane, Sir.”

“You already are Jessica.”

“Don’t you dare cum,” she looked into his eyes and then began to suck his cock.

He moaned in ecstasy, “Please let me cum…”

She stopped and looked into his eyes, “No Sir,” and then began to slowly stroke his cock.


“No Sir,” she stopped touching him and stood up, “You want coffee?”

“No, I want you to carry on.”

“Tell me, Instructor, have I been a good recruit?”

“No Jessica, you’ve been a fucking great recruit,” he laughed as he looked into her brown eyes, “Have I been a good instructor?”

“No Sir. You’ve been very, very bad.” She began to suck his cock again, licking the shake and the head before taking his whole cock into her mouth and down her throat.

“Oh God, Jessica I’m going tocum,” she didn’t stop, she only sped up, she pushed him over the edge and gave him the best orgasm of his life, “Fuck Jessica.” He lay breathing deeply as the pleasure continued to wave through his body.

“Now I can have my fun.”

Confusion flashed across his face, and then she licked his balls, up his shake and the head of his cock, “No. Shit. Stop.” He tried to pull away and laughed at her playfulness, “Come on Jess, please.”

“No, lie still. You said you didn’t want coffee, we have another 15 minutes before we need to head to class.”

“No please,” he laughed again, “You can’t do this Jess, please.” She took goal on him and left him on the bed trying to adjust himself out of the uncomfortable position the handscuffs had him in, “Where’s the key?”

“Is that how you ask for release?”

“No Miss. I’m sorry Miss. Please can you release me Miss?”

She sat next to him on the bed, “I will release you on one condition,” he looked at her as his heart melted with her smile, “You don’t treat me any different than the rest of them.”

At 4 am the trainees were in the class — except for one who had overslept. The same one who had been part of the group who didn’t answer the questions correctly.

“Go find him.” The instructor’s voice was calm as he sipped on his coffee throwing the instruction to the receptionist, he turned to the class, “I’m going to show you how to immobilize and arrest someone safely.” Jason looked straight at Jessica, then around the room and asked the question, “I need a volunteer.”

His accent could melt the underwear off any unsuspecting young girl. A girl who out-bimboed all bimbos stood up, “You can arrest me any day.”

The trainees erupted in laughter and the noteworthy cringe flashed across the military man’s face, “I would very much prefer if one of the men could be the first one, I do not like to use force on a female before giving them suitable training.”

Jessica stood up, “I’m trained. Let’s see you arrest me.”

“You weren’t trained by me,” he looked towards one of his recruits who was in training to become one of the instructors, “Mark, would you mind?”

“I’d rather not be planted into the ground today, Sir.”

“Come on. Get up. Don’t resist and you won’t get planted,” Mark stood up and both walked towards the centre of the room, “Pick your weapon.”

The young man picked up a training knife, Jason picked up the firearm and pointed it at him, “Put the knife down.”


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