The Pool

I’m on my way home, it’s Friday and my week has been horrible. Thank god it’s weekend! Though this weekend will be full of housework. I need to rest. With you! But you are far away. I guess tonight the consumption of ice cream will increase in my town. Sank in daydreams I arrive at my door. The letterbox is overcrowded. I empty it and hold a very pretty decorated letter in my hand. I walk inside and open it up. It’s your handwriting.

An address and a time and the words ‘You better are punctual angel!’ I have some minutes left so I take a shower. Then I’m standing in front of the wardrobe. I don’t have any idea what to put on. I chose a dress and some heels and after thinking about it a while I decide to not put on underwear. Then I leave to catch the train. Half an hour later I’m standing in front of a hotel, one of the best in town. I go inside and ask for you at the reception desk. The woman smiles and hands a key to me. She tells me to take the lift and put the key into thekeyhole for the penthouse suite.

I do as she told me. When I step out of the lift I’m having a great view on town conditioned by the huge glass front in front of me. I can’t help myself. I walk towards it spellbound. From the corner of my eye I see somebody standing in the room. You scared me to death! The grin one your face tells me that you know. You lean against a sofa having a look at Your watch. ‘In time angel, one minute later and I would have greeted you different!’

I run towards you with tears in my eyes and hold you as tight as I can. ‘I missed you so, so much!’ You stroke my back as you whisper in my ear.

‘I know. It’s ok! You had a hard week and I thought I surprise you.’ I could stay in this position for the rest of the night. kiss me and suddenly all worries are gone. The moment appears endless and the tears dry up. Then you lift me up and carry me out to the negative edge pool on the deck. I’m so done. You let me down and open up my dress while youkiss my neck. ‘No underwear little one?’ I bet your smiling about it. Then you tell me to take of my shoes while you take of your suit. I want to get back into your arms. It feels as if it takes you an eternity to take of your clothes!

‘Demon.’ I whisper. Then you are finally done you lift me up and we sink into the warm water together.

It surroundings us so smooth and we are so close! I’m staring at your lips. They are my gates of heaven. You whisper ‘You’re staring angel!’ and then you smile. This evil way I love so much. I kiss you and you kiss me. Your tongue is forceful, your kiss dominant it makes me want more, so much more. More than kissing I feel how I get wet. I feel how we are moving. Then I feel the pool wall in my back. I feel you growing between my legs. Your erection is pressing against my pussy. I think we both just need each other. We stop kissing and we both are gasping. I want you so, so bad!

‘I want you little one! Here and now!’

‘Yes daddy I need you too.’ I have to think about something I read about, I want to try it out with you, but I’m scared of asking.

‘What’s up angel?’ Why is my face an open book for you? I think about not telling you, but I know what that would lead to.

‘I want to try something new with you, but I think I’d need your help.’

‘What is it?’ I can’t spell that out loud so I whisper it in your ear.

‘A underwater blowjob.’ I feel how I blush. You whisper back.

‘That sounds great!’ You turn us around so that the pool wall is in your back and then you look at me. ‘How can I help you?’

‘I think you have to push me down cause of the buoyancy. I will be focused on you, so I can’t focus on that.’

‘I will do that. As soon as you let the air out I will pull you back up. Did you understand?’

‘Yes daddy!’

‘Good. Now take a deep breath!’

I do as you told me. You grab the back of my head and push me down. I nee some seconds for orientation. I put my hands onYour thighs and start sucking on your cock. It’s a little weird, cause I can’t hear you. But you show me that you like it by moving your hips so I go on till I need to breath. I let my air out and you pull me up by grabbing my hair and I’m taking a deep breath. You pull me close and kiss me rough.

‘This is so gorgeous! The next time you let out the air you do that while my cock is in your mouth! Do you understand?’

‘Yes daddy!’

‘Take a deep breath!’ I do and right afterwards I’m back down. I start sucking you again, this time I to swallow it while I move my tongue in waves. I let the air out the way you wanted me to and you pull me back up.

‘Breath! And the next time I will use your mouth so put your hands on your back and don’t move!’ I nod and breathe in deep.

You push me down and put my hands on my back. You hold my head in both hands and fuck my mouth like I was your little fucktoy. I’m so wet! Hoping for you not to cum and fuck me hard. I keep the air in much longer than before. I want you to enjoy this my lungs are burning and my chest is seizing. You pull me up and I take a deep breath.

‘I told you to let out the air as soon as you have to get up!’

‘I wanted you to enjoy this as long as possible.’ You look deep inside my eyes.

‘That’s dangerous and you will not do that again!’

‘Of course, I’m sorry.’

You kiss me and we turn back around. I feel your fingers on my pussy and I have to moan. ‘You’re so ready for me aren’t you little one?’

‘Yes daddy! Just for you.’

‘Good girl!’ You’re teasing me with your glans. I need to feel you inside me!

‘Please daddy! Please what?’

‘Please. Fuck. Me. Hard.’ Then you are inside me. I close my eyes and let myself fall. I can’t think anymore, my brain is turned off. A moan is escaping my mouth and I can’t focus anymore.

You pull yourself out of me. And I’m back in this world. I whine. I can hear you laugh. ‘It’s a miracle your cheeseky little mouth which is always giving me back talk is shutting immediately as soon as I’m inside you.’ You’re right. You are my weakness. But I don’t care about tat at the moment I just want you back inside. ‘Please!’

‘Please what?’

‘Please fuck me!’

‘No!’ I don’t know what to do. I can’t think of anything else than having you back inside. The Only thing I can do is whining. And you smile. You put a finger in my dirty little cunt, but it doesn’t fill me. I need your dick.

‘Please fuck me daddy!’

‘Don’t you like my finger?’

‘No!’ Oh fuck that was out before I thought about the consequences.

‘Sorry?’ I blush. ‘So my finger is not good enough, huh?’

‘No, it’s just.’

‘I don’t want to hear! Turn around.’ I do so and you bend me over the rim of the pool, so my ass is presented in front of you. ‘You have to learn to be grateful for everything you get from me. You get 5 spanks per bun. You ready?’

‘Yes daddy!’ 10 spanks later my ass is burning and I’m even wetter than before. You pull me back into water.

The liquid is flattering me and is cooling my ass. You put your finger back inside me and ask me I like it again. ‘Yes daddy I do like your finger, but I like your cock even more.’

‘Well if that’s the way it is.’ You bump inside me and I’m loosing myself. I’m so close to cum and I’m sure it’s the same way with you. You fulfill me completely. Each time your glans is hitting the end of my pussy it’s creating this little teasing pain that brings me closer to the edge.

‘Please daddy, Please!’ I’m screaming. Your voice is rough when you answer.

‘What little girl, what do you want?’

‘Please let me cum!’

‘Do so! Cum for me!’ And I do. The orgasm is floating through me. Your cock is taking me higher and higher. Afterwards I’m sinking into your arms. I’m done, tired and done.

The last thing I get before I fall asleep is that you are carrying me inside. I wake up in your arms. We are lyingin a bed. In this warm little world of bedding. I take a deep breath. Your smell is surrounding me while I close my eyes and fall back to sleep feeling saving and warm.


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