The Pleasures of Submission Ch. 04

Editor’s Note: this submission contains raceplay and racially charged kink.


Patrick carried Dee into the large master bathroom and set her down and started to undress her. Dee just stood in the middle of the bathroom with her arms to her side and her eyes fixed on her white lover as he took off her clothes. She did raise her arms when he took off her top, but other than that she did not move. When she was completely naked Patrick dried her wet body with a soft fluffy towel. He started with her hair and moved down her body as he gently used the towel to cares her body and dry her off. Dee felt better emotionally by the time Patrick was drying off her legs and was no longer cold.

Patrick, still on his knees in front of the black girl, slowly ran his hands seductively up her legs, caressing Dee’s black skin. Dee let out a small gasp at his touch and then a louder one when his right hand started to cares her pussy. Patrick gently moved his fingers up thehairless vulva and back down. Dee shivered again but this time it was not from being cold.

“That is so sexy, Dee. I am glad you decided to get waxed there.” He told the girl.

“Th…thank you.”

The man kept caressing her, “Do you like it?”

“Yes. It…oh that feels so nice….it hurt like hell.” Dee added with a grin, feeling more like her old self.

Patrick chuckled and moved his hands around to her butt and leaned his head in and kissed Dee’s pussy. Dee gave another gasp and placed her hand on the back of Patrick’s head. Patrick reached up and moved it.

“Keep your hands at your side or play with your nipples and enjoy.” He told her.

It was not lost on Dee that he used almost the exact words she used earlier tonight when she gave him a blow job. Dee placed her arms to her sides again. Patrick turned Dee around and tapped the inside of her upper thighs; Dee know what he wanted and spread her legs a little over shoulder length apart. He then sensually cared her butt cheats with his hands, running the fingerprints over every inch of her butt cheats, ran a finger down her butt crack and ending where the slit of her pussy started and then back up. She was breathing heavier now and softly whimpering in pleasure from his touch.

Patrick stood up, “Bend over, baby. Put your hands on the edge of the tub and bend over.”

The tub was stand-alone and was large enough for at least three people. Dee bent over and put her hands on the edge of the tub. He tub’s edge was lower than her wait so when she reached out to place her hands on it she had to bend further over and her butt was almost parallel with her head. Patrick got to her feet and stood behind her just off to her left side.

“You do have a great ass, Dee, and your dark skin is so sexy.” He commented as he continued to cares her.

Patrick seemed to keep complimenting Dee on her skin tone all the time, pointing it out, emphasizing it and normally Dee would haveFelt a little offended by that from someone else, but when Patrick did it she enjoyed hearing it. His compliments about the color of her skin were very sensitive and had no racial undertones; well most of the time at least. Sometimes when he said phrases about her “black pussy” her “black asshole”, “fucking that black pussy” and others it was not so sensitive, but Dee liked to hear that as well. To her shame, it turned her on.

“T…thank you,” Dee said, her desire and arousal made her normally soft voice deeper.

“You do know that if you would have just invited me to your apartment this would have been a lot easier?”

“Yes, sir…I…just was not feeling well.”

Dee actually heard the loud smacking sound echo in the bathroom before she felt the painful burning sting on her butt cheese. She cried out from the pain and her pelvis thrust forward from the impact. Instinctually she moved her hand over her butt to rub it, but Patrick grabbed her wrist and placed her hand back to her side.

“What…why…why…that…damn that hurt.”

“That’s for lying to me. Dee. I don’t like to be lied to especially from someone I am dating. I will never lie to you and I expect the same respect.”

“I…was…I was not…OUUUUUU FUCK!” Dee cried out again as Patrick spanked her just as hard on the same side of her butt.

“Care to try again, Dee?” He asked in his arrogant commanding voice. “I know why you didn’t even though you wanted to. You wanted your black pussy fucked by my white cock but you didn’t invite me in, now tell me why?”

As Patrick talked he traced his finger down her butt crack and ran it under her to her pussy and lightly moved it up her slit. Dee was already so wet that he did not have to penetrate her to feel her sex fluid; it was already escaping from her pussy.

“I…I…I thought…I…it’s hard to explain.” Dee expected another smack on her butt; it did not come because she was telling the truth and Patrick knew that.

“Let me help you. You thought you could be the one to dictate the rules of our relationship because you are the girl and you have the pussy. You thought I would give in and come crawling to you and beg you to let me fuck that wonderful black pussy of yours.”

“I…I…no I would not do that…I…” Dee cried out again as Patrick scratched the same tender but cheese. This time it brought tears to her eyes.

“The truth, Dee. I can do this all night. Can you?”

“I…yes, sir. I…I thought because I…I just wanted to…I am sorry, sir, I just wanted to show you I am not some whore and I…I was confused about things and…I was feeling embarrassed and ashamed of how I let you treat me Friday night and…and the things I let you do to me. I am sorry I made a mistake but I am not a whore.” Dee admitted. She wanted to confess her love for him, but she was afraid he would not tell her the same back.

Patrick laughed and grabbed a handful of Dee’s hair, which as it started to dry was frizzing out, and he pulled her head back. Dee squealed out. Patrick leaned down and pressed his lips to her ear.

“Not a whore, but earlier tonight you told me you would be my…what was it…nigger whore?” Patrick let go of Dee’s hair and smacked her butt again and once again it was on the same side. More tears ran down the black girl’s cheats.

“That was for using the word nigger in that manner. You are not my nigger whore and I don’t want a nigger whore.” He told her.

“I…I am sorry, sir. Please……please don’t hurt me any.” Dee begged.

Dee actually hated that word as well, naturally, but she also did not like hearing it when she was living back home and it was tossed around all the time by her friends and the other black people she grew up around; calling themselves and each other that word all the time. Dee knew the advance about black people can use that word because it’s their word. Dee’s grandfather taught her not to say it even in the way her friends and others in her neighborhood used it. Dee had to admit to herself that when she was masturbating earlier that night and imagining her being called that it got her off. She knew it was so wrong but she could not evade the feeling of arousal it gave her. Deep down she was disappointed Patrick would never use that word to her when he fucked her in his domineering way that humiliated her and degraded her.

It was the same with him spanking her right now; they were no playful, enjoyable spankings she got aroused from during sex. Patrick spanked her hard and they hurt a great deal; it was as if he was punishing her and not trying to arouse her, but they did arouse her a great deal. The way he spanked her and chatised her misbehavior extremely turned her on even though it hurt her to the point of tears and humiliated her. She also felt terrible for disappointing him.

Dee cried out again as Patrick once more spanked her butt in the same location. She was close to sobbing from the pain.

“That was for thinking you can make me beg for your black pussy. I don’t beg, Dee.” He told her in a sharp tone.

“I…I am sorry…please, Sir, don’t…it…it hurts.”

Patrick laughed and Dee knew he was laughing at her. “It’s supposed to hurt.”

Dee flinched in when Patrick’s hand touched her butt. Then she relaxed when he started gently caressing it again.

“I know you are a very proud young lady, Dee.” He told her in a soothing voice. “I know you can be stubborn and strong-willed and I like that about you. I also know that you feel some shame in being controlled when we fucked last night and even right now. I also know it turns you on and you feel shame about that also.” Patrick bent down and kissed her butt cheese. “There is no reason to feel embarrassed for being a submissive lover, baby. Yes, you may at times enjoy initiative sex and taking some control during sex, but you are not a sexually dominant girl, Dee. And there is nothingwrong with that. You should celebrate it, embrace it, and enjoy it.”

“Yes, sir.”

Patrick chuckled. “Outside of sex you are different and you don’t get bullied or pushed around. I have seen how you do your job. I have heard you on the phone when working and how assertive and even bitchy you can be, but a good bitchy because you know what is required to get your job done. I don’t want you to change that. Be proud of yourself and continue to have that confidence and self-respect you have, but don’t be ashamed to enjoy your sexually submissive nature. Embrace it, explore it, and relish it. You will find you will enjoy sex so much more and do such pleasant things that will blow your mind sexually you may have been afraid to do or thought to vulgar to do.”

Dee smiled, “Like a finger and tongue up my ass.” She thought, “Yes, sir.” She said aloud.

“Don’t be afraid to tell you lover what you enjoy regardless of how humiliating or perverted you may think it is. Talk about what you like or your fans. Most people say that most fans are just that, fans, and should be left at that and not explored. I say bull shit to that. As long as it’s consensual, legal, and does not involve kids, I think they should be explored. If you or your partners don’t like it then you don’t have to do it again.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Enjoy your Dee. What you do in the privacy of your bedroom is between you and your lover and no one else’s business as long as it consensual.”

“Yes, sir,” Dee said but blushed at all this talk about sex and fansies. She was listening to Patrick lesson her, and that was how it sounded like he was giving her a lesson.

In truth, Dee was only half listening to her boss now lover. She did not have any sexual fans that’s he know of. Sex was sex. The man put himself inside her and fucked her and that was it. Yes, there was foreplay such as oral sex and kissing and fondling but that was also normal behavior. Her masturbation fantasy she had earlier was not a fantasy she had; it was just gross and perverted and came into her thoughts uninvited. She would never do anything like have sex with two men at the same time and anal sex; oh hell no! No one was going to stick a dick up her ass. Period! No discussion at all! And being called a nigger? Oh, fuck no! Dee thought. Patrick was right, she never should have said that and she was glad he never wanted that. That was just sick and disgusting!

So yes I enjoyed it when he stuck his tongue and finger in my ass, the young black girl thought as Patrick kept talking, but that was just his tongue and finger and not a penis. That was different and I am not a submissive lover! So what if I am attracted to masculine men and like then to take charge during sex, that does not make me a submissive lover. There have been times I fucked my lovers’ brains out when I rode his cock. Just because I let Patrick do things to me last night and did humiliating things for him and yeah, they turned me on a great deal but that does not mean I am a submissive lover. It just means that he is more experienced than me and knows more about sex than I do, that’s all. Ok so yeah he just spanked me hard…fuck did he ever and it fucking hurt, but that was…well…I deserve it. I did lie to him and I am not a liar and I never should have called myself a nigger Whore. Hell, if my grandfather heard me call myself a nigger he would have taken a switch to my ass not caring I was a grown-ass adult woman.

As Patrick talked, Dee, still bent over, turned her head, and looked down at Patrick’s crotch. God, please shut up and fuck me with that beautiful, huge, white cock, she thought. I am so horny and need it bad.

“…and there are things that Your body can get such pleasure from if trained to, but you have to be willing to try and accept it and not let what a lot of people would call taboo, disgusting, or perverted prevent you from enjoying.”

“Yes, sir.”

Dee let out a sudden cry of pain as Patrick scratched her but yet another time. She was crying harder after that smack on her butt.

“That’s for being a whore who shows up uninvited to a man’s house and begging to get fucked. You were raised better than that. You will be a whore only when I want you to and you will be my whore.”

“Yes…yes, sir…please don’t spank me again. Please.”

Dee felt yet another smack on her ass.

“What…what was that for?” She asked as she sniffled and a new set of tears ran down her cheek. “I…I was listening.” Dee lied. Ok but it was a little white lie and does not count, she told herself.

“That was for driving over here in the severe storm,” Patrick told her and moved her body to stand up and turned her to him. “You could have gotten into a wreck.” He wrapped his arms around her waist.

Dee placed her arms on his shoulders, “I…I am sorry but I did not wreck your car. Not a single scratch.”

Patrick leaned in and kissed the tears from Dee’s face. “I don’t care a rat’s ass about the car. I am glad you are safe and unhurt.”

Dee smiled, “Thank you.” She then squealed in delight as Patrick picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his body and he carried her into the bedroom. Dee was so excited she did not care about the burning pain she still felt on her butt cheese.

“Oh by the way,” She said as he carried her. “I did kind of well…you may find some tire tracks in your front yard. I served off the driveway.

Patrick laughed and kissed her and then Dee yelped and giggled as he tossed her on the bed. She watched as he took off his clothes and grinned when she saw his erect penis. Patrick got in the bed.

“What…what are you going to do to me? Please…Patrick please don’t hurt me again.”

Patrick smiled, “Well if my memory serves, some sexy, beautiful black girl with a newly hairless, fat, incredibly sexy black pussy braves a bad thunderstorm, showsup at my door soaking wet and begs me to make love to her, so how can I say no to that?

Dee giggled as Patrick got on top of her and she spread her legs and wrapped her arms around Patrick’s back as he kissed her. The girl raised her shapedly black legs and bent them at the knee and Dee cried out as he entered her slowly and started to push himself into her. It hurt as his large cock spread her pussy, but it was a pain Dee enjoyed and she was aroused by it. She hoped she would never get used to his initial penetration and there would always be that moment of pain as his cock stretched the inside of her sex.

Patrick did as he said and made love to Dee. Dee’s pussy was very lubricated with her natural fluids from her sexual excitement that Patrick was able to enter her with a slow continuous thrust and Dee’s hands gripped His back tight as she gave a drawn-out, steady moan of pleasure and she could feel her pussy expand from his size. As Patrick went inside her one hand cupped her butt and the other white hand played with her swollen nipples; which were now very sensitive due to the black girl’s arousal. Dee gave a shrinking cry as the head of Patrick’s cock hit her cervix, but unlike the first time he penetrated her the previous night when it caused Dee a moment of sharp pain, tonight she enjoyed the feeling. Patrick stopped his thrust long enough for Dee’s pussy to open up for him and elongate so he could go deeper into her. Patrick held his cock in her rotating his hips and keep kissing her; he kissed her lips, her nose, her cheeks, and her eyeselids.

“Fuck you pussy is so incredible, Dee.” He whispered in her ear as he started to move deeper into her as he pussy extended.

Dee tried to tell Patrick his cock was also wonderful, but when she spoke her words were incoherent and garbled as they mixed with her loud whimpering moans of bliss.

By the time Patrick’s cock was all the way in her pussy, Dee had her first orgasm. It surprised her she came so quickly, but she had been extremely sexy stimulated from her need to have him inside her and even the painful spanking punishment he gave her. Patrick allowed Dee to enjoy the ecstasy of her orgasm and drove his cock as far as he could into her pussy and held it there while he told her how beautiful she was and how sexy her black skin was as he kissed her breasts and lightly bit her black erect nipples as Dee screamed out and her body spasm and jerked and her fingernails dug into his back.

After the girl’s orgasm ended, Patrick did not relent and started making love to her again. Patrick made love to Dee for a long time, impossiblely long Dee thought afterward, but during the sex she never wanted it to end. He would go slow and then sometimes hard and fast and then slow again; to Dee, his hands and lips seemed everywhere on her black body; he told her over and over how sexy she was, how beautiful she was, and how her dark skin aroused him so much and for Dee the lovemAking was very intense and extremely passwordate and overall astonishingly wonderful. She had three more orgasms and when Patrick told her he was about to cum, Dee begged him to cum inside her “black pussy” and when he did she came again for the fourth time and the two lovers had the rare and wonderful simulateneous orgasms.

After they were sated from their orgasms, Patrick and Dee kissed with an obsessive password and Dee waited for him to pull out of her, but shocking her he didn’t. His penis was still fully erect and he rolled her over so she was on top of him and the couple started to make love again. Patrick allowed Dee to control the tempo and she did; at times sitting straight up and grinding her hips while he touched her body and tweaked her nipples, or he would lean up and take them in his mouth, other times she would collapse on top of him and fuck him hard, moving her ass up and down rapidly or sometimes going slow as she kissed his mouth with fertilizer. Once she placed herfeet flat on the bed and used her leg muscles to bounce up and down on his large cock. Dee was amazed at Patrick’s endurance and stamina and vitality as the made love. He seemed to never tire while she started to feel tired and his self-control of refraining from an orgasm astonished her, and the number of times she came surprised her; but even as exhausted Dee was getting and even knowing her pussy was going to be wound out and sore the next morning she still could not get enough of him inside her and kept fucking her white lover. When Patrick told her he was going to cum he grabbed her butt cheats and started thrusting up into her hard and fast as he orgasmed for the second time in her pussy.

Both their bodies were slick with sweat and Dee collapsed on Patrick’s body and buried her head into his neck as tears ran down her cheats, but unlike earlier when he spanked her these were not tears from pain, but tears from the incredible pleasure her gave her and tears of emotion. Sheso much wanted to tell him she loved him, but she was afraid he would not say it back. How could he, she thought, they just started dated that night and fucking the night before.

Dee had never been truly in love before, she knew that. Yes she cared deeply for one of the boys she dated and her heart was broken for a short period of time when he took her virginity, used her for sex and bragged to his friends he was fucking one of the “finest” girls in their hood and embedded their sexual activities and acts. They dated for several more weeks and then dumped her when he started fucking one of her friends, but she knew even then it was not love, just like she knew now that she did truly love her white boss. At first, she wanted to fight it, not allow it to happen. It would cause so many complications for her; her job, her school, how her family would react, and many more. But now she could no longer fight it and she did not want to. She wanted to embrace it and have him love herback.


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