Lori was third in line to file off the shuttle into the bare blinde. There were twelve of them altogether, six human, four female and two male, and then six of other humanoid races. As the airlock door closed behind them, rough hands from behind turned them all to face the blank wall. Obediently, Lori watched as the wall lit up.
The image was of a beautiful human woman, dark of hair and skin, tall, with a studied grace. She was dressed in a body-hugging black outfit from neck to feet. “I will begin by reminding you of the terms you have agreed to in order to be in this room,” she started without preamble. “You are here to serve guests of the Severn Station in any way that pleases them. Since many of our guests have unorthodox pleasures, you will first undergo a period of training. For twenty-four hours, you will be trained and handled as our servants often are. At the end of that time, if you wish to leave, you will be permitted to do so. If you choose to stay, you will be outfitted with a collar that will open only to your own safeword. You may sign on for a week, and if we are happy with you after that and you wish to remain, you will sign on for three months. Contracts are renewable indefinitely. Any questions?”
With barely a pause, during which none of the twelve ventured to ask a question, she continued, “To your right are a series of doors. Each of you will go through one of them. On the other side, you will divest yourself of clothing and then make your way into the room beyond. Anyone who wishes to leave now may do so through the door on your left.”
The screen went back to bare wall, and Lori turned with the others. As each of the twelve selected a door and went through it, she got more and more nervous. She had heard the money for this service was good, which was why she was here. After a year here, she’d have a nice little nest egg to begin her dreams back on her home planet of Pentar. And it wasn’t like she’d never done sex work beforee. But somehow, this type of work still seemed different.
She gave a mental shrug and picked a door.
The room on the other side was barely more than a closet. There were benches on either side, one of which had a small box on it labeled with the number 801. Taking the hint, she removed her simple jumpsuit and soft ship shoes, folding them and placing them in the box. She took off her jewelry, too, and her small purse. When she was done, she looked around for the door out.
It took her a moment to find it, because it wasn’t a full door. Rather, it was a round panel that swung soundlessly inward when she touched it, revealing a short tube similar to one at a water park, but not at an angle. Was she means to crawl? That would be in character for this place, wouldn’t it? She got down on her hands and knees and crawled through the tunnel, pushing open another, similar door about five feet away.
She was looking around before crawling out of the tunnel when a hand camedown from above, snapping a collar around her neck. The hand stayed there, keeping her on all fours. She glanced up; it belonged to a humanoid figure completely encased in black PVC. Even the eyes and mouth had only a lighter mesh across them. The figure was female from the shape, but beyond that she could tell nothing about the woman. Silently, this figure snapped a leash onto her collar and began to lead her to a line where the other new recruits were already waiting. She noted that they also wore collars and were on all fours, and each also had a PVC-suited companion holding their leashes.
The room they were in was the size of a large school gymnasium, but otherwise bore no resemblance to any room Lori had ever before occupied. There were catwalks and platforms at various heights around its perimeter and hanging from its ceiling; some of these contained cages, some of which were occupied with naked human figures. The room was dotted with implements of torture such as Lori hadseen in her research before coming here. There were several St. Andrews crosses, some whipping posts and spanking benches, a fucking machine, and a variety of stockades and other bondage devices, as well as many things she could not name. Other than the caged figures, themselves, and their handlers, there were no other people in the room.
“Well, well, what have we here?” drawn a voice from above on one of the catwalks. Lori started; why was that voice so familiar?
The woman it belonged to was dressed in a simple blue pencil skirt, a white blouse, and a pair of high heels. It was an outfit that would have been completely appropriate in any executive lounge at any corporation in the galaxy, but it seemed incongruous here. With the push of a button, the piece of catwalk she was standing on floating airily to the ground and she stepped off. Lori studied her, trying to place her. Why did she know that voice?
“I am Mistress Ravena. You will call me Mistress, or you will call me nothing at all when I gag you. For the next twenty-four hours, you belong to me.” There was a tiny gesture, and Lori felt pain blowsom on her ass. She yelped and looked around; her handler, and all the others, had just whipped her on the ass with a wicked-looking leather whip with two tails! “Your handlers follow my orders, and will punish you as I see fit. They are all slaves like yourself, but they have earned the right to participate in the training of the new slaves. First, you will learn some simple commands.”
Another black-suited figure approached, and the mistress made a hand sign, her hand extended, her fingers bent over. The figure knelt down, her hands on the floor in front of her, her knees separated as wide as she could, her head up just far enough to see the mistress’ hand. “This command is “kneel.” When someone makes that sign or say knee, you will assume this position.” She turned to the new recruits and made the sign.
As Lori started to spread her knees, it suddenly hit her where she knew her from.
I flashed back to a scene in my last year of high school. I was surrounded by my friends, a crowd of well-off girls nattering about nothing. A tall, gangly kid I barely knew, with mousey hair, her eyes hidden by a bad hairstyle, approached me.
“Lori?” she said.
The chatter stopped, and the crowd of friends turned to look at her. The look they gave her was similar to what they’d give to an insect who had shown up in their bathroom sink. She shrank away from it, but did not false.
I recall smiling at her. “Who’re you?”
“I’m . . . I”m Rae. Would . . . would you like to go out with me?” she said on a rush.
My group of friends burst into a gale of laughter. One of them, Sandra, pushed her aside, while Tina told her that I wasn’t about to go looking in the barn for my dates. I didn’t even speak to her; my friends whisked me away without a backward glance. I’d thought of her a few times after that, and had seen her in the hall, but to the best of my knowledge I’d never said another word to her.
And here she was, facing me, ordering a handler to whip me on a whim.
A sting of the whip brought her back to reality. Hastily she parted her knees, put her hands together, and dropped her gaze, but it was too late. Mistress Ravena had already started over to her.
She put the tip of the whip she held under Lori’s chin and raised her head. The new slave looked her in the eye. “Do you think you are above the rules, Lori?” she asked softly.
“No, Mistress,” she said, stiffly, wondering if she knew her name from her application or remembered it from that day seven years before.
“There are no friends here to answer for you, now, or keep you from the consequences of Your actions,” she said, confirming the slave’s worst fear. She held her gaze, then snapped a finger at her handler. “This one needs some special handling, I think,” she said without lookingaway. “She will watch the others train. Her training will begin tomorrow instead. This one needs to learn that here, she does not call the shots.” She turned on one heel and began to walk away, not watching to see if the handler brought Lori. Lori followed the independent tug on her lean, not daring to look where she was being led.
She led the way to a cage that was hanging just a few centimetres off the ground. Its bars were two centimetres of very solid-looking metal. It was oddly shaped, looking like a box with the bottom bent upwards into a right angle, as though an open box had been placed over a rectangular prism, but all one piece. With a snap of her fingers, another slave appeared from somewhere with some rope. A tug on the lean brought Lori up to her knees, and in moments, the mistress had bound her hands tightly behind her back, crossed at the wrist.
“Stand,” she was ordered. She got awkwardly to her feet, then was pushed headfirst into the cage. Her handler opened her legs and she found herself standing with the edge of the prism about six centimetres below her labia.
She was pushed forward, and took another step, only to discover that her feet slipped through the cage! Her handler fastened an ankle cuff to each ankle, and she looked down to realize that the cuffs had spikes on them. The spikes made it too wide to fit back up through the holes in the cage that had allowed the feet to slide through.
Someone, whether it was Mistress or the handler she could not be sure, throw the rope through the upper slats of the cage and back down again, pulling it taut and tying it to the bottom of the prism. Her arms were pulled up behind her, forcing her to bend forward a little bit.
The door of the cage slammed shut behind her, and she heard a lock click into place. Then came the worst part: there was a whirring noise, and the cage started to lift higher in the air.
First the prism’s top bar made contact with her labia. Then it pulled her off her feet. As the slave’s feet left the ground, she realized that this apparatus would have her entire weight resting on that bar between her legs. The spiked ankle cuffs were heavy, pulling her legs straight, and ensured that she could not use her legs to push herself off the bar in any way.
Mistress appeared before her at the front of the cage. Her feet were only ten or so centimetres off the ground, and since she was bent over a bit, the two were at eye level. “Please, Mistress, please, let me down, I’ll be a good slave,” she pleased, knowing it was no use.
“Of course you will. But first you’ll know what happens to people who spurn me.” She smiled, a predatory smile of total control, and opened the front of the cage. She reached in and inserted a gag into the slave’s mouth. It was shaped like a baby’s pacifier, but very mouth-filling, and she buckled it very firmly around the captive head. “I’ll turn you around so you can watch your competitors at their training,” she said conversationally. “When you’ve been screaming into your gag for a while, I’ll let you down, and then you can serve me. We’ll begin the rest of your training tomorrow.” She grasped her slave’s cheats between her fingers and looked deep into Lori’s eyes. “I swore seven years ago that sometimes I’d have my revenge, Lori. Getting you here was a bit of work, but you’re here now.”
She snapped her fingers twice, and two of the slaves approached and knelt beside her. She turned and unzipped their black suits, peeling back the hoods so I could see the human women underneath.
A gagged Sandra and a gagged Tina knelt there.
“Tomorrow, slaves, I’ll have some fun with all three of you,” she said. There was another whirring noise and the cage rose higher, until Her ankles were perhaps one and a half metres off the ground. With some quick twists of rope, Tina and Sandra had their hands tied to my ankle cuffs. Then the cage rose higher until both women were stretched on tiptoes, their weight pulling down on Lori’s legs and digging the bar of the prism ever deeper into her cunt. She began to cry and scream.
“Or maybe we’ll have that fun now.” The cage spun around so Lori could see what was happening in the rest of the room, and she was left there with two dead weights attached to her legs, awaiting her Mistress’ pleasure to release her.
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