The Pleasure Boy 24

The Pleasure Boy 24

The Graduate Student

I had planned to spend the summer after my graduation doing a lot of escort work, to build my bank account and take some pressure off my first year of grad school. When I told Mistress Monique that I was free for the summer, she fired back, “You have fluent Russian now, don’t you? How would you like to visit Kazakhstan for a few weeks with a team of Quebec civil servants and consultants? Their job is to make a report on the procurement of uranium and some industrial metals from that country? They want a junior member who knows the region – knows at least what questions to ask – and can interpret for them. You might be perfect. Are you willing to meet with them and discuss the job?”

Trying not to let my excitement show, I agreed to do so. She arranged an appointment for me at an office suite in downtown Montreal – in the Place Ville-Marie complex, to be exact. I went, was duly interviewed, and promptlyhired to join a team, with five other people, which called itself the CAZU group (from the four elements it was concerned with – copper aluminum, zinc and uranium. This was amazing good fortune for me. Not only would I make a lot of money very quickly over that summer, but there was every prospect of continuing work back home – with that same team, once its fact-finding tour was over. As I would continue to work with them through Allard Escorts, Mistress Monique had every reason to be delighted as well. Her investment in my training was paying off!

Finally, Prof. Sorkin was happy for me, though as my Mistress Natasha she was less so. While she would be deprived of my services, sexual and otherwise, over the summer, she would have a much more knowledgeable student when I came home. I’d get to visit the region I was studying. Instead of flying home with the rest of the team, I’d have a few weeks to bump around as a tourist in the region, taking iPhone pictures all the way, and would fly home from the fabled silk road city of Samarkand. In taking those photos, I avoided touristic shots found readily on the Web, but tried to start a specialized collection for my own studies of Central Asian industry and infrastructure.

When I got home and showed those pictures to Prof. Sorkin, she suggested (commanded really) that I put together an informal public picture show for her students and anyone else who might be interested. “You might build your talk,” she said, “around the tragedy of the Central Asian peoples. In their time, they were masters of the steps; now they are lucky to get ill-paying jobs with foreign mining interests. The ‘Tatar yoke’ on Russia was never as heavy as the Russian yoke on them now.”

We gave that talk (or I did, with Prof. Sorkin’s introduction). It was well received, and altered my report considerably. In her intro, Sorkin mentioned that it was my geisho qualification as an escort, not my academic connection to her, that had gotten me a gig with the mining team and sent me on that trip. Afterwards, people asked me about the link between escort work and sexual submission. “All professional escorts are geishi,” I would tell them, “and all geishi get some escort training. Professional submissions get a lot of escort training because many of us are eventually hired as lifestyle assistants and companies.”

Later, when word got out that I was serving my thesis advisor in that geisho role, people smiled knowingly. “She’s training him in her field; and he’s keeping her happy,” they chuckled. “Makes perfect sense!”

My first few months of grad school were not much different from my last year as an undergraduate. I had by that time studied the general history of Russia and Central Asia pretty thoroughly. What remained was to dive More deeply into the current reality of the countries which now compiled that region – their muddled demographics, authoritarian politics, coveted resources, damaged ecological and, above all, their relationships with Russia, China, Europe, America, and other wealthy and technologically sophisticated foreigners who can supply the capital and know-how that they need if they are to develop and prosper. The details were different from place to place; but in each case, the central story was a forced sale of national resources and autonomy for needed investment capital and technology. Imperial intervention in each country’s politics – intervention which did not shrink from violence – keep the price of resources down. In the process, local elites grow rich, while their peoples got little benefit, and felt they were being sold out. Of course, this made for unstable politics and proxy warfare between the great powers which, of course, had historical interests in the various facts and regimes.

After that trip to Kazakhstan, my escort work became more specialized and lucrative. Not just on Central Asia but across the board, I gained a reputation as a young academic with geisha training who could pull his weight on project teams when social facility was needed. I became more valuable as a group facilitator than as submissive arm candy, and Allard began to market me that way. Often on these assignments, I was still used as a submissive boy toy, especially by female team leaders (though often by males as well), but I was paid as a fellow-professional, not as a high-class boy toy.

In other respects, my life as a graduate student was not much different from life as an undergraduate, except for the decision of my Mistress that we should now come out of the closet with our relationship. We discussed the pros and cons of having me move in with her, and began to think about a formal contract as I’ll describe below.

My graduate studies became more specialized than they had been. In particular, I found myself digging into the collapse of the Soviet Union in much greater detail, focusing on its aftermath, which was different in each of the countries that the Russians had colonized and controlled in Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Kyrgizstan, Turkmenistan and the rest). Chinese and Western Capitalist aspirations in that area were also important now. In her research, Prof. Sorkin focused on tribal relations in the current politics of Central Asia – forced into the framework of a modern (Westphalian) state system – first for Russian administrative convenience, but in whole geo-polititical world-system today. As Sorkin’s research assistant, I got immersed in this stew and soon learned more about it than I really wanted to know – the fate of every graduate student, as I soon realized.

Almost a year had passed between the time when, informally, I first became submissive and sexual with Prof. Sorkin and our first steps towards my formal collaring. In that time, her skills as a Domme and her understanding of the D/s relationship and lifestyle had advanced tremendously. Her only real limitation in that regard, as I’ve already mentioned, was a childness of temperature which, I knew, would turn many people off, though some submissives would find it attractive. For myself, I was ambivalent on this subject, as I recall describing to my mother when she asked me how we were doing: “I’m a little afraid of my Mistress,” I told her. “Both as a teacher and as a Domme, she’s a complete perfectionist – with me, but also with herself. Her research and mine have to be impossible. As her student and assistant she holds me to a very high standard, and her displeasure when I fall short is harder to bear than the beatings she no longer hesitates to give me.”

“On one hand, I find her perfectionism appealing, and advantage for both of us. I appreciate the training I’m getting from her, and it makes her an apt pupil in learning the skills of Dominance from me. But this same quality also puts me off. With her, there is a constant effort to be perfect, and thus a constant performance. This makes it hard to engage with her aerthentically, as a flawed and needed person like the rest of us.”

“That’s a trap for many Dominants,” my mother answered. “We are supposed to be in charge – on top of every last detail. Our subs want to trust us, rely on us, respect us; and, of course, it is our duty to keep them safe. But they also want to love us. In a role of command, keeping the right balance of love and respect is never easy.”

Collarded to a Mistress as I now was, I could scarcely help comparing my relationship with Natasha to my parents’ relationship, or to the relationship of Lotte and Mitch. Thinking along those lines, I felt there was a depth to the bonding of those lovely couples that Natasha and I would never match. The concepts of obedience and service were the same for us, but it was clear to me that I would never be to my Mistress what my Dad to my Domme mother. Nor would she be to me what my Mom was to my Dad, her submissive husband.

Partly, the difference was a matter of time. Both my parents and Mitch and Lotte had had time to grow together, while Natasha and I were still brand new. But it was more than that. It was not just that we lacked experience as a couple; there was a transactional quality to our bond which I did not see between my parents, or between Mitch and Lotte. Natasha and I were contracting to assist and teach each other for limited purposes and for a limited time. As a couple, we lacked the permanence and open-ended commitment that a good marriage calls for and implies.

In fact, collared to Mistress/Professor Natasha Sorkin, I was much more like a long-term escort than a husband. This was how we’d both wanted it; in drafting our contract, neither of us was looking to get married. Yet what we had together, good as it was for both of us on its own terms, failed to afford the intimacy I wanted – and that Natasha, as an orphan growing up in Soviet Russia – had learned to live without.

Now that I was officially her graduate student, Natasha decided, it was time to take our relationship out of the closet. That did not mean we’d be convinced about it. It only means that I’d move in with her, set in motion the process of negotiation, signing and registering a formal D/s contract, and wear her collar when under her control. In practice that means that I would always wear my collar at home and when we were together, on campus or elsewhere. When I not with Natasha – for my escort gigs, in particular – it was left to my discretion, with the understanding that I would wear the collar, to show that I belonged to someone, unless I had some reason not to.

In this connection, I explained to Natasha that as a geisho, I was different from most of the other subs she would encounter. At least in certain areas, most subs want to be relieved of their responsibility for private decision making. They want clear instructions from a wise and beneficial Dominant that they need only struggle to obey. With other subs, she would need to be aware of this desire for trustworthy authority. With me, what she needed to understand was that I wanted that sort of authority from her as my thesis advisor, but not as my Domme – and certainly not as my dominant-in-training. As a geisho sub, I had been trained to take personal responsibility for my day-to-day choice of obedience – and thus to disobey when that was needed.

At the start of our relationship, when my Submission was just between the two of us, I had discussed contracts and collars with Natasha as an eventual possibility. Now, under Guild rules (that my mother had instituted in connection with the mentoring function) I could not publicly serve Natasha as a professional sub without a formal contract between us – drafted or approved by a jointly agreed mentor, and registered at the Guild, with its Office of Lifestyle Relationships. When I reminded my Mistress of this requirement, she objected, “Explain it again,” she said, “Why do we need a formal contract for our privaterelationship?” So I explained again that a Guild D/s contract was like a marriage contract, giving public recognition and protection to the private relationship. Especially in cases like ours, where the D/s relationship is complicated by large areas of autonomy, a written contract up front – which can always be modified by mutual agreement – can save a lot of misunderstanding later. Also, she had to accept that for a public relationship as her submissive, the contract was obligatory for me as a Guild professional. I could not remain a Guildsman in good standing without one.

Once Natasha had conceded that a contract was necessary, I wrote up the terms that had evolved informally between us into notes that a mentor could use in drafting the document we’d sign:

• “As well as research assistant and graduate student, professional submissive James Woodruff will be Professor Natasha Sorkin’s submissive, pursue to the normal customs of a lifestyle D/s relationship except as provided in this contract. As his Mistress, she will pay for his services in kind – as his instructor and thesis advisor.” In public, he will call her and refer to her as ‘Professor Sorkin.” In private, or with intimate friends, he will call her Mistress, or Mistress Natasha.

• In general, Jim will always be loyal and obedient to his Mistress Natasha. On all private matters, he will obey his Mistress’ decision, provided that it is consistent with this contract. In private, he may state his preferences and respectfully argue for them, but she will always have the last word. On academic matters, as a graduate student he is entitled to hold and argue respectfully for his own opinions both privately and in front of others.

• On a best efforts basis, Professor Sorkin will tutor Jim and guide him towards the completion and acceptance of a doctoral thesis in her academic field: Eurasian History and Central Asian studies.

• Once their contract is signed, Jim will move into his Mistress’ home, where she will provide him with a comfortable private room. Subject to her approval, he will do a fair share of the domestic chores and will pay a monthly fee that covers the cost of feeding him.

• Mistress Natasha will be allowed to use Jim both as a research assistant and for domestic or personal services, but will allow him sufficient free time to study and earn his living as a professional escort. He will have freedom to choose and perform his escort gigs at his own best judgment, on the understanding that his conduct will not conflict with his contractual obligations as her student and submissive.”

• The contract will set hard and soft limits – Guild norms, with specified exceptions – on sexual and BDSM activities. For our public behavior towards each other, the Guild norms, with specified Exceptions will also apply.

• At the request of either party, any disputes that arise between Mistress Natasha and her submissive Jim will be referred to a mutually acceptable mentor for mediation. Failure to resolve the dispute through such mediation will automatically terminate this contract.

• Finally, this contract will terminate automatically when Jim gets his PhD or is rendered ineligible for this, for whatever reason. At that point, a new contract will have to be negotiated and signed if the parties want their D/s relationship to continue.

With all this Understood between us, I wrote it up as a set of notes that someone could use to draft a formal contract, and then phoned my mother at her office to request her help.

“Of course I’ll help you,” my mother answered. “I’ll ask Lisa to work with the two of you to negotiate a draft contract. It will be a good training exercise for her. But I will supervise her and review her draft, revising it as necessary. You’ll get a document that meets your needs. And your Mistress’ needs, of course.”

“I’m going to make two suggestions up front – that you live with your Mistress if she wants you to, and serve her with household chores to the extent that you have time. With all your qualifications and your other work, don’t think such service is beneath you. This will give you valuable experience for a lifemate position later on, with someone who might hire you as a full-time companion.”

“Also, give up your hours at Tom’s dungeon. With your Dad paying Your tuition, you don’t need that income; but write your contract in such a way that you can continue doing some escort work – not just for the pocket money (which your father would happily give you), but to keep your hand in that game. That’s worth doing for its own sake, as you already know. Your Mistress might prefer to have you all to herself, but you can win her round by reimbursing her for your room-and-board. That arrangement will give her the convenience of a live-in service – and experience as a lifestyle Domme – while costing her nothing at all. At the same time, you’ll be learning from your teacher around the clock, while gaining valuable experience as a lifestyle sub.”

“That’s pretty much our plan, Mom, as you’ll see in the notes we’ll bring. It’s only . . . Mistress Natasha has not quite decided whether she wants me living with her. She’s likes the convenience it would offer. But she’s used to living alone and she likes her privacy.”

“Then she should place you in a room of your own and impose on you a discussion of silence and invisibility, such that you are always working elsewhere except when she wants you with her – and silent, unless she gives you leave to speak. Barring emergencies, of course. Suggest this arrangement to her and show her how it would work. Offer to take your meals alone unless she wants your company. If you can stay invisible in this way, but save her of some of her housework, she’ll accept the small loss of privacy. And this too will be good experience for you.”

“I’ll suggest this, Mom,” I answered, “but it’s up to her, of course. Maybeyou or Lisa can convince her while you’re formalizing our contract.”

“We’ll do our best,” my mother said, “but it’s you who must convince and show her how valuable you can be.”

I made an appointment for Natasha and I to come in and work with Lisa, and we left it at that.

When the two of us showed up at HanaLot for our appointment, my mother greeted Natasha warmly. ” Prof Sorkin!” she said. “I’m so pleased to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you from my son here.”

“And I’ve heard so much about you,” Natasha replied. “You should know that your son loves you very much and thinks most highly of you. He told me once that you were his first teacher, and that most of what is good in him he got from you.”

“I’m pleased that you think well of him, professor,” my mother answered. “As his thesis adviser and Mistress, you are now the most important person in his life. He’s told me that it’s a privilege to learn from you and serve you. When these formalities are over, I hope that we can be friends. His father would also like to meet you, and I plan to invite you to our home for dinner. I’d love to hear about your life in Russia, and how you choose your field and trained in it.”

Natasha’s face darkened. “I’ll be delighted to meet you socially and be friends,” she said. “But my life in Russia is not a pleasant subject for me. My parents were killed in the war against Hitler – in the ‘Great War,’ as we call it. I know that for North Americans, ‘the Great War’ was World War I. I grew up in an orphanage, so please understand if I don’t like to talk about much about my background.”

“I chose my field for the same reasons your son is choosing it. He can tell you as well as I why it’s so compelling for a historian of the modern world. We can talk about it, if you’re interested. I’ll be curious to hear your thoughts – as an educated Canadian – on the subject.”

“We’ll look forward to that dinner,” my mother said. “For now, to get started onthe contract work, let me introduce you to Miss Lisa Woodruff, my assistant who will help you conclude your negotiations and prepare a draft contract that I’ll review and poison (if necessary) before you sign. She’ll be right with us.” Mom pushed a button on her phone and asked to come her office.


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