The Pleasure Boy 22
I was already thinking of grad school when I signed up for Prof. Sorkin’s specialized course on Central Asia in my senior year. I had already decided to ask her to sponsor me as a graduate student, and to be my thesis advisor. With the same idea, I signed up for introduction Turkish, which would complete my Russian in a study of Central Asia. Most of the languages spoken in that region are variants of Turkish, Mongol or Russian. Knowing that Sorkin had fluent Mongol, I figured that some Turkish would make me a useful assistant in her work, and give me a distinctive specialty of my own – distinct from hers at least.
Then I waited until she’d given me an ‘A’ on a term paper she’d assigned – on the effects of the Russian Revolution of 1917 on the Russian Empire in Central Asia – before approaching her with a request to sponsor me as a graduate student and to be my thesis advisor, when the time came.
Her first response wasan attempt to discourage me. “Why would you want to specialize in Central Asian studies?” she asked me. It’s an obscure field, and a difficult one.”
“It’s still an interdisciplinary field,” she continued, “not recognized as a specialty in its own right. My closest academic colleagues are in Boston and New York. I’m the only one teaching Central Asian studies in Montreal at present. I have some colleagues in Ottawa, but they work for the State Department or for Canadian Intelligence. Is that where you want to end up?”
“Not at all,” I answered. “My interest is Eurasian History – the development of Eurasian society as a coherent system – and my plan is to teach and do research. But Eurasian History makes no sense without the Silk Road, the Russian Empire and Central Asia. I don’t have a thesis topic in mind yet, but it will probably have something to do with the impact, positive and negative, of the steppe nomads on the evolution of European civilizations. For a focus on any aspect of the legacy of those nomadic horse archers, you’d be an ideal thesis advisor.”
“Not ideal. Remember that I’m only an assistant prof, and a more senior and prestigious advisor would look better. Also, you’d do well to do your graduate studies elsewhere, since you did your Bachelor’s here.”
I explained my reason for wanting to stay in Montreal – that I was putting myself Through school as a geisho, and had already developed a client base and a report here. “Oh yes,” she said. “I’ve heard of you. You’re McGill’s professional submissive, aren’t you?”
“No Ma’am,” I replied – a bit cheekily, I admit. “They haven’t hired me yet. But I would happily be your professional submissive, if you take me on as your student.”
“Hmm,” she replied. “I could use one of those. Graduate students are slaves anyway. And your Dominant/submissive lifestyle has always intrigued me. There’s been too much it for real in human history. Too bad that people couldn’t sublimate theirfansasies and play them out with consenting adults – not inflict them on unwilling captives.”
“Would you really like to be my submissive? Help me learn to be a Domme while working as my assistant and doing a thesis under me? I could use an assistant to help with my research, and to edit and proofread my papers. I couldn’t pay for your work. I don’t have a budget for that. But if you can help with my work, you’d get more of my time.”
“I’d be glad to help with your work, professor. But I could do that as an ordinary grad student. Subbing to you and helping you become a Domme is another matter. Geishi like me are trained for companionship and for sexual and personal service. And becoming a Domme – an amateur one, never mind a Guild professional – means learning how to handle a volunteer submissive for your pleasure and his. Is that what you want?”
“I’m not going to pay you for sex or personal service, any more than for work as my assistant. But you’re a good-looking, intelligent guy. If you came on to me as a submissive at a party somewhere, I might not say no. If you’d like to be a sexual submissive as my grad student, I could be a thesis advisor with benefits.”
I grinned at her. “That’s the best offer I’ve had all day, professor. And the best I’ve ever had from one of my teachers. We could work it as a barter of services. You train me in your field; I serve you and train you in mine. But I’ve got one question: Would we keep this relationship a secret, or could we be open about it. How would your academic report be affected by taking on a grad student as your lover and submissive?”
“Just for now,” Natasha answered, “while you’re still an undergraduate, we’ll keep it private, and on a trial basis. Once you’re officially my graduate student, we’ll come out of the closet. I think most of my colleagues would laugh, and I refuse to worry about the others. If challenged, I could defend our relationship academically. You’d be a full adult, no longer under the university’s protection in any sense, and I’d make a point of being noticeably tough on you than profs normally are on their grad students. You will have to do more and better research than is otherwise required for a PhD thesis. And you will have a second advisor, (she’s a friend of mine), to read your work, make suggestions and serve on your examining committee with difficult questions when you defend the final product.”
“With those precautions, what people say about us behind our backs won’t matter at all. In fact, we might start a trend. In public, you’ll call me ‘professor,’ not “Ma’am” or ‘Mistress.’ You’ll behave with ever so slightly exaggerated respect and deference but will not make yourself conspicuous in doing so, and you will freely disagree with me When you have defendable grounds to do so. This will happen, because as your thesis work advances there will be topics on which you will know more than I do. In private, you will call me ‘Mistress’ and be a good submissive to me while teaching me to be a good Mistress to you.”
“Very good Ma’am,” I agreed. “It will be as you say. Let’s do it on a trial basis, to see if it works, and if you want to continue. Except that even in private, I will call you ‘Ma’am’ not ‘Mistress.’ I won’t call you Mistress until we have a formal contract.”
“Why not? Why do we need a contract?”
“A contract is customary and very useful in serious Dominant/submissive relationships. It establishes hard and soft limits – things I won’t do or might not do depending on the situation, or without further training. And it establishes a duty of obedience, but gives me areas of freedom – areas of my life that you do not control. It protects both of us that way,”
“While we’re playing informally, the contract can be a private agreement between us – though it’s still useful to have our limits and general terms in writing. With a more serious relationship, especially when either party is a Guildsman – a member of the Guild of Pleasure Workers – as I am, the formal contract is a professional requirement. We’ll negotiate and sign this when the time comes.”
“I don’t understand though. Why do we need a formal contract for a private relationship.”
“Think of it as a kind of marriage contract. A contract establishes our relationship in the eyes of the Pleasure Guild, and is to some extent enforceable by the Guild. It protects both of us. I’ll explain more when the time comes. For now, all we need to agree on are safe words and limits.”
“Safe words?”
“Yes. Words agreed on up front to stop the action or slow it down. Usually just ‘red light’ to stop and ‘yellow light to ease off or halt for discussion.’ That way, in a spanking or any scene where pain or humiliation is involved, the victim can beg or scream as much as they like without stopping the action. The Dominant will ignore all signs of distress except the safe words. Those must be respected absolutely andimmediately. That is the central convention that distinguishes BDSM activities from real slavery and abuse.”
“I’ll send you some Web links on BDSM customs and culture – background on how to be a Domme. They’ll help us get started.”
“All right,” Natasha said. “Enough talk for now. I want to look at you. Strip off, and show me what I’ve just acquired!”
“Yes Ma’am,” I answered, and began a masculine striptease as I’d been taught. First one shoe and sock and then the other, bending and posing gracefully, and briefly massaging each foot – flexing the toes and twiddling each ankle to show how it enjoyed its new-found freedom. Then, sensitively, I jiggled out of my tee-shirt to bare my chest. I stroked my breasts as I might stroke a womans’. I pinched my nipples to erection and displayed them proudly to my new Mistress as if inviting her to touch them but retreating swiftly, shaking my head, when she tried to do so. I unbuckled my belt, opened my pants and then made a slow performance of tugging them down from around my hips and buttocks, finally letting them drop and stepping out of them.
Now almost nude except for my clinging undershorts, I struck several poses, inviting Natasha inviting her to pull those drawers down and unveil my male equipment. She refrained, thinking I was still teasing her; but this time, the invitation was for real. When she still hesitated, I reached forwards, firmly took her hands and placed them on my hips. Tucking her thumbs into the waistband, at last she worked the briefs down and off from my erection, letting them fall around my ankles. I stepped out of them and stood nude before her in the formal male Display Pose, different from the pose for women. She opened her thighs and pulled me to my knees. “Now, go to work,” she said. “Show me what you can do.”
I shuffled closer to her, nuzzling her pussy, kissing and licking its lovely lips, neatly trimmed except for a landing strip. Keeping my hands behind my back, I inserted my tongue as deep as it would go, and commenced to lap, thrust and suckle – first seeking to show her what a well-trained mouth can do in a woman’s service, then losing myself in her fragrant, moistening welcome to focus on giving her pleasure. When I challenged for her clip, she clenched her thighs firmly, gripping my face and forcing me to slow down. Then she relaxed again, reclined more deeply and opened wider, bidding me continue.
I redoubled my efforts and soon had her panting, clutching at my head and pulling me deeply into her. “Now,” she said. “Now.”
Rapidly lapping at her cliporis, I took her to the broke and over. “Ahhh!!,” she moaned, as the orgasm possessed her. “Thank you,” she murmured, as it died away.
When she’d collected herself again, she gestured to my clothes, silently telling me to get dressed and go. “For now, nothing changes,” she said. “When I want to see you, I’ll phone. We’ll continue this on a trial basis.”
“But we have an understanding. When the time comes I’ll sponsor you as my graduate student and serve as your thesis advisor.”
“Thank you, Professor,” I said, standing up and reaching for my clothes. Then, still nude, I knelt and kissed her foot.”It will be a privilege to serve you.”
“In private, you call me ‘Ma’am’ or ‘Mistress’ now,” she said sternly, “but I don’t want you kissing my foot like a slave. I’d prefer you to kiss my hand like a courtier.”
“Now scram, Sir James! I have work to do. Send me those links on how to be a Domme. We’ll leave most of our deal on hold while you’re still an undergraduate. When I invite you, you’ll come to visit sometimes. We’ll talk and you can serve me; but we’ll keep our relationship private until it’s official that you’re my graduate student. Then, no one will think twice if we’re seen together.”
Obeying the order, I began to get dressed, but as I was putting my clothes on, she asked what rights of control our arrangement now gave her over my sexuA normal D/s contract would give you full control,” I answered. “You would have the right to use my body at any time for your pleasure. You could forbid me to cum without permission, or to masturbate when I’m alone. You could lock my package in a cage and wear its key on a necklace. With me having to continue my escort work, that control will have to be limited to when I’m with you. When I am working, my paying client will have that privilege. That power of control is part of the service I’m selling them – and giving you.”
“It’s as simple as that for you?” she asked. “You have no problem giving up your autonomy and privacy to that extent?”
“It’s not easy or simple,” I answered, “but it’s who I am, and what I’ve been trained to do. As a geisho, the pleasure of others is my profession. Control of my pleasure is part of the power I give them – a power which they (and you) must learn use wisely (or at least within limits) if they want to keep me around. To be a good Domme, you will need to keep in mind that your subbies still have desires and beliefs of their own even if we express these only as you allow, as suggestions that we ask you to consider. We obey and give you the last word, unless we use our safe words and go our own way.”
“To be a good Domme is to get your sub(s) to give you this power volunteer – in such a way that they are eager to please you, and happy to do what you want. That is the core of what you’ve asked me to teach you, and what I am going to let you practice on my tender body!”
“I’m looking forward to it,” she said. “Creative play with an attractive, responsive body will be fun.”
Going home on the METRO, I thought about the wisdom of what had just happened. Accepting Prof. Sorkin as a Mistress and teaching her to play that role if she would take me on as her graduate student had seemed like a good idea at the time. Though I was happy with this arrangement, it would make my life more complicated at a time wheren more complications were the last thing I needed. On one hand, I was delighted to be her graduate student and her submissive. A good ten years older than I was, she was a most attractive woman, tall and handsome, strong of character and brilliant in her field. While taking her course, I had read a few of her published papers; she would make an excellent thesis advisor for me, especially with a more senior colleague of her participating. So long as we did nothing in public to embarrass ourselves or the university, a discreet D/s relationship between a prof and her grad student would probably not harm either of us professionally.
The downside was that I was still a very junior geisho, still learning my trade. I would have preferred to be owned and used by a Mistress or Master who would continue to train me as a professional submissive instead of needing to be trained as a Domme herself. Natasha Sorkin had the makings of an excellent Dominant; but she would remain an amateur, wasNot about to pay my salary as her full-time assistant and life-mate, and was in no position to advance my career as a geisho – however things worked out for my academic career. In the long run, I mused, it would probably be better for both of us if she went on to play with other submissives, while I went on to serve a professional Domme like Mistress Monique at Allard Escorts, or Mistress Lotte and my mother at HanaLot.
But for now, I decided, this arrangement with Prof. Sorkin could be excellent for both of us, provided the contract between us – when it came time for one – were written carefully and honestly. I might contribute to her life, both as an assistant and as a skillful subbie, and she would certainly contribute to my academic career. And there was no telling how we might come to feel about each other in the long run, or how things might work out between us when I faced the problem of balancing an academic career against my geisho identity. For there was no doubt that Iwas a geisho now, whatever I might become in the future. It was certain that my training with Mistress Lotte had awakened something in me that would not go back to sleep. “Oh well,” I thought with a mental shrug. “There’s no point thinking about it now. ‘Que sera, sera,’ as the song goes. Life is what happens while you’re planning something else.”
That same day, after I left Prof. Sorkin’s, I phoned my mother at HanaLot to let her know what was happening. “Mom,” I began, “I have news. Do you remember I told you about that great course I was taking on Eurasian history with a woman prof – a Russian emigré named Natasha Sorkin? This morning I asked her to become my thesis advisor if McGill accepts me as a graduate student (which, on her recommendation, it surely will). She agreed, but asked for something in return. She’d heard what everyone around the university knows by now: that I am a geisho and a pro submissive, and she wanted me to sub to her and teach her to be a Mistress.”
Mom laughed. “We just can’t get away from it, can we? That geisho identity just sticks to us, no matter where we go!”
“You’ll need a contract with her – a complicated one that lets you study and work as a geisho while you’re serving her. Unless she’s planning to retain you professionally and pay for your services.”
“No, that’s not going to happen,” I answered. “She’ll pay for my services by training me in her field.”
“Next year, when I’m officially her grad student, we’ll need a formal contract, but she prefers to keep our affairs under the ratar and casual while I’m still an undergraduate. That’s fine with me, for now. Without a contract, we’re just playing and I don’t owe her obedience. So long as she respects safe words – and I’ll make sure that she does – we’ll be fine. We’ll feel our way, and work out terms for a formal contract when we need one. At that point, we’ll ask you to help us make one.”
“Yes, that will work,” Mom said. “But bring her around when you can. Bring her to dinner with us. I’m looking forward to meeting her, and your father will want to meet her as well. He likes strong, bright women. That’s why he married me!”
“Good that you know it, Mom,” I laughed. “Is Lisa around?” I’d like to tell her myself that she’s losing me to someone else.”
“Yes, she’s in. I was going to suggest that you tell her the news in person. I’ll pass you to her. Goodbye, dear.”
I heard a click and, in a few moments, Lisa came on the line. “Hi Mama’s Boy,” she said. What’s up? Your Mom told me you were calling.”
I gave her my news and added, “I’d like to thank you, Miss Lisa. Apart from Mistress Charlotte, with whom I never had a personal relationship, you were my first Mistress. I learned a lot from you.”
“And I from you, Jim. Don’t forget, Mistress Lotte set us up to train each other. If I was you first Mistress, you were my first personally bonded sub. Congratulations on your new Lady, and lots of luck!”
“Thank you Miss.”
“Just ‘Lisa’ now, please. We’re just friends and colleagues now. You’ll have to get your performance reviews and discipline from your new mistress.”
We said goodbye and hung up. This was a big change for me. For the authentic submissive, a new master or mistress means something close to a new identity. Serving my new Mistress Natasha, in a sense I would become almost a different person – with different habits and different priorities, whatever else remained the same.
I also thought about my self-kept punishment book and diary, and about the ritual that went with it. Natasha was no way ready to take on Lisa’s discipline role – to go over my mistakes and shortcomings with me every week, and work them off on my bottom. True, I had several effective ways to Discipline myself – with a martinet under the armpit on my bare back, with a tawse on my bottom and thighs, or on the soles of my feet – but it would not be the same. Without a punitrix – someone to read my journal, review my shortcomings and administrator needed corrections, the element of confession and witness would be missing. More in the next chapter on the role of symdign punishment in a submissive’s life.
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