Before I started geisha training, I’d been a pretty ordinary teenager. From just a few weeks with Mistress Lotte, I’d become an aficionado of kinky sex. Now Mika’s arrival forced me to recognize and come to terms with homosexual interests that I hadn’t know I had. My mother had noticed subliminal responses to other young men in the results of those tests she gave me. She had mentioned them, but they meant nothing to me at the time. At Lotte’s, I had performed homosexual acts with Mitch and Joe and had enjoyed them, but mostly for my own submissiveness with them. My pleasure with them came almost despite their maleness – not that their masculinity had turned me off, but that it had not especially turned me on.
With Mika it was different. He was a handsome youth of my own age. Making love with him felt like making it with a clone of myself. The pleasure I got with him was like the pleasure of petting with Kendra: I enjoyed stroking and sucking his male parts in just the same waythat I’d loved to sniff and lick the female parts of my girlfriend. I loved it, but it felt strange – queer, in the original sense of that word. Right from the start, I felt my sexuality called into question. I felt a choice before me: to either reject this homosexual attention, or allow myself to respond. I responded.
It was after dinner, the evening that he arrived, that I kissed Mika deeply for the first time. I’d given him a peck of welcome at dinner, when Lotte formally introduced us, but not a proper kiss. Lotte had instructed me to work with him. “It will be good for both of you,” she said. “You will help him get used to us. You’ll also get some experience as a Dom, and with someone of your own sex. That will be new for you. Enjoy it. If you have any questions or problems, talk to Mitch.”
After we’d eaten, I gave Mika half an hour to settle in and then went looking for him. When I knocked on the door of his room, he opened to me. “Lotte sent me to you,” Itold him. “She said to welcome you, help you feel at home here and answer your questions. I would have done that on my own. I hope we’ll be friends.”
“I’d like that very much” Mika said. “Please come in. I’m all alone here, and I’d love to talk with you.” He stepped aside, pointed me to his armchair and sat on the bed. “How long have you been here?” he asked me.
“Almost five months now,” I answered.
“Do you like it?”
“Very much,” I said. “We work hard, but it’s like a close family. Lotte and Mitch are great – strict, but kind, fair and very helpful. Lisa whom you just met at dinner is also a wonderful person. She’s an intern now, will be graduating shortly, and doesn’t live here anymore. Lotte had Her dine with us tonight so you could meet her. She’s still around, working as an intern, and she’ll probably work with you sometimes. When I arrived here, she was assigned to welcome me as I’ve been told to welcome you. She’s a Domme; I’m a sub; so we’ve been workingtogether and training each other. But you should know that as future professionals, we all have to train in both roles and with both sexes, regardless of our personal desires and inclinations.”
“How do you feel about that?” I ended.
“That’s what I’m here for,” he told me. “I’ve read a lot about all kinds of sex; but in eastern Europe, at the school I went to, and living with my parents, there was little opportunity. My dates were chaperoned. I could hold hands with a girl, give her a chate kiss when I took her home, but that was about it. I came to Canada to get away from that mentality. I want to become a geisho to make living, gain all the experience I can, and work against that puritan mindset. I want to suck you off right now, if you’ll let me.”
“I’ll let you. And I’ll suck you. But there’s something I have to tell you first. By all means, let’s play with each other and make love and get each other off, but you shouldn’t think I have anything to teach you in thisarea. I don’t. I’ve had very little experience with other men myself. Mistress wants me to help you and work with you, She expects me to Top you (if you know what that means); but having sex, we’ll be Topping and bottoming to each other.”
“I can help you learn the ropes as an appreciation here, but when it comes to gay love and sex, I’m almost as much a beginner as you are. In this field, it’s Mitch who will be teaching you.
Mika hesitated. “I need to ask: Are you just doing sex with me as a task from Mistress, or do you want me a little? Because I want you, you know. I’ve been thinking about sex with you since I walked in the door this morning.”
I grinned at him. “I’m not surprised. I saw the swelling in your pants. But I don’t think you got to see the stiffie on me when I watched you nude and kneeing, waiting for Mistress.”
“Don’t worry. Helping you got started here and helping Mistress Charlotte and Mitch with your training will be a job for me. But it’s a job I’m going to enjoy.”
I stood up, walked over to him and drew him off his bed. Standing there, face-to-face on the floor of his room, I cupped the cheeks of his small, hard butt and kissed him on the mouth, inserting my tongue and making him open to accept me. “There,” I said. “Does that answer your question?”
We went on from there, and both of us found pleasure – responding to the responses of each other’s bodies. I’d given blow jobs before, but it was different this time. Previously, I had found the pleasure in my act of submission to the man I was serving – to Mitch or Joe. Now, I was not submitting or serving, but taking another man because I wanted him. I turned an important corner that day. Mika and I became friends and lovers; and I have had other male lovers since – not just men who Topped and used me (there have of plenty of these as well), but a few whose male bodies I’d loved. I might have expected to feel threatened by this discovery, but I did not. I felt enriched.
Two days after Gayle and Joe left us to do their internships at a dungeon in Vancouver, Chantal and Suzanne arrived, greeted by Mistress Lotte and Mitch as I was at school that morning. When I got home, Mistress called me to her office to brief me on my role with them. Mitch was also there, but he just listened, saying nothing. As I was now her senior appreciation, except for Lisa, who was interning and only available part time, I would be helping her with their training. Then she called the two new women from their rooms and introduced me, telling them to follow my lead and obey my instructions unless overridden by herself or Mitch.
Then Lotte dismissed us, suggesting that we spend the rest of our time that afternoon getting to know each other; and that after dinner, I should take Chantal to My room to work with her, while Mitch would work and spend the night with Suzanne.
Suzanne asked frostily, “Are you saying I that I have to sleep with him?”
Mistressanswered calmly, “I’m saying to both of you that if you want us to train you, you have respond to Mitch and me, and also to Jim, as respectful, obedient subs – letting us do whatever we want with you, and using your safe words only to discuss an order, or when you feel endangered or pushed beyond your limits. If you can’t accept these conditions, this training is not for you, and you will be asked to leave.”
Chantal nodded, but said nothing. Suzanne said, “But I’m training to be a Domme, not a sub.”
Lotte scowled at her. “Say that again, but properly, if you want an answer. I told you this morning how to address me, Master Mitchell, and any other Dominants.”
Suzanne balanced, but finally looked away saying, “If you please Mistress, I came here to train as a Domme, not as a submissive. I’m not submissive, and don’t want to be.”
Lotte replied. “That’s much better. Now I will answer you.”
“This is a school, dear. It doesn’t matter what you want. You’ve asked us to train you, and have been accepted on probation. Over the next three months, we will decide whether you’re trainable and whether we want to train you, while decide whether you want to stay and be trained. Until then, there are no commitments either way, so you don’t ‘have to do’ anything.”
“But you should understand that in the Guild’s view, Dominance and submission are two sides of the same intimate and mutually respectful relationship. We don’t train Dom(me)s and subs. We train geishi in various specialties, BDSM among them. We train BDSM geishi to engage in and teach the Dominant/submissive relationship; and we believe that this involves learning both sides of it: to command and to obey; to use consenting subs for sexual pleasure and whatever else, and to be used by anyone your Dom(me) puts over you.”
“Are you with me, so far?”
Reluctantly, “Yes, Mistress.”
Lotte continued, “Very well then. To be trained here, you have accepted me as your Mistress, on a trial basis, for the next three months. You have signed a contract to that effect, and paid a non-refundable tuition fee for that probation period. That means, we are legally obligated to try to train you to the best of our ability for the next three months, with me as your designed trainer while you are also attending Guild School. Since your selected specialty is BDSM, you should think of me and treat me as your Mistress. You will obey me and those I put over you as a good little submissive.”
“Are you still with me?”
Resignedly, “Yes, Mistress.”
“Good. Jim here, is training to be a professional submissive, which means that he must also learn the skills of a Dominant. On some occasions he will be a Dom to either or both of you, while on others, he is a fellow submissive to Mitch and myself, and to another of my students (named Lisa) whom you will meet at dinner tonight. Mitchell is my husband and consort, and though he is submissive to me, he is highly experienced in most aspects of BDSM and, along with me, will also be your trainer. You will call him ‘Master,’ obey him as you would me, and do your best to learn from him. He will be working with you much more than I will.”
“Now, listen carefully to the instructions I give him, and try to understand why I am giving them. Also, be assured that unless you safeword out of here, he will do exactly as I say.”
Speaking to Mitch now, “Love, this evening after dinner, please take Suzanne to your room, and get to know her. Help her to understand who you are and how we work here. Be kind and patient with her, as she is ignorant of our ways and has a lot to learn. Then ask her clearly, if she really wants to learn what we teach and is willing to obey you and be worked by you. If she says no, dismiss her, send her back to her room and let me know tomorrow so I can discharge her and replace her with someone else. If she says yes, I want you to fuck her brains out and teach her what it means to submit to a Master. Without giving her deliberate pain at this point, and being careful as always not to hurt her, you can be as rough as you see fit. Again, if she safewords at any point, dismiss her and let me know tomorrow. When you’re finished with her, invite her to sleep on a mat at the foot of your bed, explaining what a privilege that is. But don’t urge her. Let her go back to her room if she prefers.”
Then to everyone, closing the meeting. “I hope everyone understands that we are not kidding. For us, Dominance/submission is a way of life, and we really mean it. It can be a role game when people want it to be, but that is not what we do. Any one can play at D/s without much instruction, making up their own rules as consenting adults. But a real D/s relationship is like a marriage in most ways. It needs mutual concern and honest, free communication if it is to work. It takes the skills, mindset and values that we are trying to teach. The D/s lifestyle is not for everyone, but if you think it might be for you, please be clear that it isn’t easy, and that you have something to learn.”
After the meeting, it was almost time for dinner. Mitch had ordered in several Chinese dishes as there had been no time for any cooking. I laid them out, as it was my night to serve, and we ate a quiet meal because no one felt like talking. Chantal looked frightened and Suzanne looked sullen and resentful. It was not a good beginning for either of them.
After dinner, I asked Chantal to stay with me and help me while cleaned up the dining room and kitchen. I told her about the chores and how we shared them and pointed out the chores list on the kitchen wall where our assignments were posted. Listening and being useful seemed to calm her. She seemed more comfortable than during our meal by the time we finished.
When cleanup was done, I took her hand and asked her, “We need to talk privately. Would you prefer my room or your own?”
Surprised at being givena choice, she answered, “As you wish, sir.”
“Alright,” I said. “A girl’s room is her castle here. Let’s go to mine. But remember, regardless of anything that happens, you are not being held by force. I’m supposed to be your Dom; but by nature, I’m really a sub like you. You have a safeword, and we expect you to use it when you need to. We will be pushing your limits, but if you’re too uncomfortable, you can stop what is happening and talk it over or go back to your room. There will be no penalty for doing so.”
Chantal smiled, “Thank you, sir. I trust you not to harm me. As a subbie, I’ve been beating and fucked before – all three holes. What else can you do to me? I know there are rules here and that my limits will be respected. Mistress Charlotte made sure I knew that.”
“You’ll never be harmed,” I told her, “but you may be asked to do things that you are not comfortable with. Even by me, on your first night here. In fact, what I’ve decided to try will probably take you well outside your comfort zone. But it’s for your own good, and it certainly won’t harm you. I hope you’ll go through with it. But no one will compel you on your first night.”
“What have you decided, sir. What’s going to happen?”
“Just wait till we’re in private. Then you’ll see.”
When we got to my room, I told her, “OK. Here it comes. You’ve been told that I’m a sub, given the job of helping to teach you. Have you thought that as your temporary Dom, I might set you the task of Topping me?”
The girl looked shocked. “But why would you do that, sir?” she asked.
“Because my to help our Mistress train you. And just as she has given me the job of Domming you, she will expect you as a geisha submissive to Domme others, on occasion.”
“I never thought of that, sir. I signed up to train as a submissive. That’s what I am.”
“And you will be trained as a submissive, just as they’re training me. But a professional sub can swing all ways. I’m also basically a straight male. But I’ve been trained to make it with other men, and to enjoy doing so. You can be sure that before Mistress Lotte finishes with you, you’ll have all the skills and plenty of experience as a Lesbian Domme as well as a sweet little subbie. And you’ll probably learn to like it!”
“I’ll do my best, sir. But I don’t think I have it in me. I’m submissive in my bones. In my heart and soul. I’ve never Dommed anyone and never wanted to. I love to obey and serve. That’s who I am.”
“And that’s fine. In the Guild you’ll do plenty of that, and make a good living if you do it well. But if you don’t want the kind of versatility I’m talking about, you shouldn’t be here. You should train as a lady’s maid, or cook, or a masseuse. You could just be a submissive, stay-at-home wife to some guy who makes enough to keep you. Geishi, male and female, do all those things, but we’re trained for something else: to teach and facilitate pleasure in all its forms. Mistress Lotte and her pupils choose to specialize in the pleasures of BDSM and Dominance/submission, both as a game and as a lifestyle. Once you qualify as a journeyman, you can call yourself a geisha and make whatever life you want. But as an appreciation here, you’ll do things you never dreamed of, because they might some day be part of your job.”
“You’ve already signed up and paid. Why don’t you just take it one day at a time and see how it goes. If you have a problem, talk to Mistress. She may be able to help you – certainly better than I can.”
“I’ll do that, sir,” Chantal answered.
“Very good then, Ma’am,” I told her standing up from my chair and dropping to my knees at her feet. “We’ll start right now. Tonight I will call you ‘Ma’am,’ and you will not call me ‘sir.’ You should call me ‘Mama’s boy,’ or ’embee.’ That is my nickname here, as a subbie. Or just call me ‘boy,’ for short. Though I will Top you from below, I am your humble submissive. I long to give you pleasure and await your command.”
She gave a nervous laugh. “First, don’t call me ‘Ma’am. It makes me sound middle-aged. To be modern and respectful, you can call me ‘Ms.’ Pleasure?? I don’t know. No one’s ever tried to give me that before. My parents treated me well. They took good care of all my needs, and they were kind to me unless I misbehaved. But ‘pleasure’ was not a word they used. They never thought in those terms.”
“Surprise me, boy. Show me what you can do.”
And so I did. I began slowly, massaging and kissing her feet, stretching and gently twiddling her toes, and sucking on them. From time to time I looked up at her, to see how I was doing. For awhile, she just sat there, staring up at the ceiling, with knees tightly close together, But gradually she relaxed, and her thighs began to open. At one point, she met my gaze and I saw her smiling with tears running down her face. “Why are you weeping?” I asked her.
“You were right, sir,” she grinned, breakingout of scene for a moment. “This is outside my comfort zone. But I could get used to it.”
I knew right then that she was going to be fine, but continued to take it slowly, kneeing her calves then her thighs, kissing and licking her thighs, and finally, burrowing my face in her crotch, prying the lips open with my tongue and gently licking her clip. Soon she came – not fiercely as Lisa always Did, but with a gentle quiver. Then she pulled away from my mouth and cuddled up against me. “Thank you,” she said.
“Thank you, Ms,” I answered. “It was my privilege to serve you.”
For awhile we just lay there quietly, and I thought she had fallen wait. Then she stood and asked, “Please do that again, sir.”
“Not if you ask me nicely,” I answered. “I want to hear a command. In fact, I think you need to spank me first, for being slow to anticipate your wishes.”
“No, boy. I’m not going to do that now. This our first time together, and you don’t knowme yet. Next time you failed to anticipate my desires, I may punish you. Just get your face back where it belongs and do me a few more times until I say I’ve had enough!”
“Yes, Ms,” I responded happily, and obeyed.
While I was helping break in the newcomers, my own training continued. At least once a week, either Lotte or Mitch took me to their bed, to have me serve them Sexually in a variety of ways. Mitch trained me to swallow his cock, but then pull out at the last moment, so that I ended with either a mouthful or a face sprayed with his seed. Lotte teach me all the ways that tongue and lips could give pleasure – not only kissing and licking her labia and clip, but also serving and reaming out her rosebud. If I did well, they’d let me masturbate, or might do me themselves. If I did poorly, they’d punish me by putting my hands into scratchy mittens and have me try to cum while wearing them. Either way, they enjoyed watching me pleasure myself – or try to, and they trained me to do it as performance art, to amuse an audience.
Lisa continued to enlarge my man-cunt (as she’d been told to call it). Pegging me with a good strap-on – one that rode inside her vagina, stimulating her as she took me – was one of her favourite activities. That stick-on could accommodate different dildos; she gradually increased the diameter of her cock until she knew I was ready for Mitch. Then she arranged a special ‘graduation ceremony’ from my submission training: She had him fuck me in our dining room, fastened on forearms and knees over a whipping pony with herself and Mistress Lotte watching while the junior apprentices were at school. On one occasion (at Lotte’s suggestion, I think), she invited my mother to witness the occasion, but my mother (Lisa told me) thanked her and decided.
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