Nothing much changed at the three-month mark when my probationary period officially ended. Still, from the official Guild perspective, it was a milestone. As a probationer, neither Lotte nor the Guild had any commitment to me. I might have been dismissed on Lotte’s say-so for any reason or none at all – if she’d decided that trying to train me was a waste of time. Having been formally accepted, Lotte was now obliged by Guild custom and regulation to aid me in my geisho training and career to the best of her ability. I, in turn, was required by the Guild to sign a document which acknowledged Mistress Charlotte as my sponsoring trainer, and arranged that 5% of all my future earnings as a geisho would be diverted to her account as fair compensation for her efforts and expenses on my behalf.
The formalities of this new status were handled briefly at the Guild one Friday morning. The registrationr made sure I understand the implications of our permanent relationship – I as Mistress Lotte’s accepted appreciation, she as my sponsoring trainer. She had us sign the necessary papers, and issued a new tag for my collar to inform whoever read it of the altered relationship.
That night Lotte had me spent the night with her, Mitch having been dispatched to share a bed with Lisa. This was unusual. Like the other appreciations, I had been sleeping in Lotte’s room on a regular cycle: one night, every two weeks, but always in a threesome with Mitch. This was their way, as she once told me, to check on how my skills and feelings were advancing – how I was really coming along. “But tonight,” she said, “you will have to please me all by yourself. I probably won’t be the most demanding client you will ever have, but I’ll be high on that list.”
She was as good as her word. That night she put me through my paces – first, spanking and pegging me and riding my face, then having me knee between her tights and lick her through a succession of orgasms using every trick I knew, then having me fuck her roughly and strictly from the rear, and last, to finish, tenderly and sweetly in missionary position face-to-face. Through all this I was forbidden to cum; but she did not try to break my control until the end when she gave permission. Finally, she had me lie quietly on back, hands behind my head, while she rewarded me with a superb hand job – the only one she ever gave me. And then, she had me sleep on the floor, without a blanket, at the foot of her bed. She did give me a pillow though.
Next morning, Mistress Lotte said I was progressing well, and she congratulated me on how much I had learned. “But you were too self-conscious,” she added. “I could tell that much of the time, you were thinking about your own performance, when you should have been thinking of me. That’s understandable, at your stage, but when you’re tested at the end of your training, and later with clients, you will need better focus.”
I had fallen into a routine of visiting my parentsEvery Sunday evening. When Lisa came with me, as she often did, most of the evening’s conversation turned into a dialog between them (sometimes with short explanations to Dad and me) on the state of Mom’s mentoring enterprise and on her plans for its future. In this way, I learned that the two vegetable Domes, Mistresses Hannah and Charlotte, had formed a new entity called HanLot Mentoring Inc. (or HLM, for short) to combine their different resources and talents while preserving separate their identities elsewhere. Through HLM, my mother gained the use of Lotte’s well-equipped dungeon while Lotte gained some extra income, and a new line of business. With Mom’s assistance, she would now be in a position to offer mentoring services to her existing clients and to any new ones she might develop on her own. Lisa’s services they shared between them – gratis while she was still an appreciation, but then for a good wage once she graduated and received her journeyman’s license. Of course, she continued to learn from them as she worked for them so, in that way, her appreciationship continued.
The clients of HLM were mostly individuals or couples who wished to experiment with, or commit to living by, a full-time D/s lifestyle. Until recently, Mom told us, such a business would not have been viable, because the demand was simply not there. BDSM was still cover, shameful as homosexuality had once been. And the few people who did get together to attempt such a lifestyle did not realize the special difficulties of what became, in effect, a D/s marriage; nor did a background culture exist from which support services for such a marriage could be provided.
By now, all this had changed. BDSM was becoming socially acceptable, and was much better understanding. Individuals and couples in the Scene were coming out of the closet. A D/s culture with its own customs, language, standard postures and technical skills had evolved, along with experienced practicers to teach them. Within this subculture, the typical issues in such relationships – of prerogative, responsibility, communication and mutual respect – were better understood that those of a typical vanilla marriage (if there is such a thing). HLM would bring this support culture together for an affordable fee.
With the guidance of Lotte and my mother, (and her experience working with me), Lisa was developing not just as a Dominatrix, but as a future D/s mentor. Obviously, she still needed years of experience; she still had a lot to learn. But one could see that the potential was there. She had a certain steadiness and wisdom, unusual in anyone her age. It was clear that my mother was pleased with her as an assistant, and I had learned to trust her as my Domme. She worked me hard; she punished my mistakes; she made me fear to displease her; but she was always generous, loving and respectful, and left me feeling (as a good Domme will) that it was a privilege to serve her and learn from her.
Some part of Lisa’s precocious wisdom must have been a reaction against the catastrophic rigidity of her parents. She had overcome her unfortunate family background and learned from it. Her parents had not just escaped of her activities as an experimenting teenager, but had rejected her a daughter and as a person. They had driven her to run off to the big city and to reject them in turn. Those who knew her were aware of a smouldering anger as the source of her striking intensity. She could have remembered her background with rage and bitterness, but she had made something positive from that deep anger by learning the importance of mutual respect and communication, even in adversarial situations, and by resolving never to repeat her parents’ mistakes. Thus she’d developed a reliable facade of good judgment and tranquility to hold her negative feelings in check.
Months ago, I’d heard Mom promise my father that she would make it up to him for her return to active geisha work despite his opposition. On my Sunday visits, I learned how she did it. Since I was out of the house and she no longer needed to function as a normal wife, she could treat him as a client again and, when she was not working, devote herself to serving his needs. So she offered him his choice: Did he want her as a Mistress, or a submissive? He could have it either way, or they could switch – for example on a weekly or a monthly basis. He would also become HLM’s first client, with his wife as a once-and-future geisha, and with Mistress Lotte as their mentor.
Dad thought about this and decided that he had enough of being ‘the boss’ at work, and that in their domestic life he preferred to be her submissive – more or less as he had always been, but more overtly now. He would wear a discreet collar, telling anyone who asked that it was a fashion accessory “because my wife doesn’t like neckties.” At home, he would function as a majordom, running the household with paid help or (in the future) with help from HLM submissives in training. Out in public, except in situations related to his business, he would try to behave like a trained escort and defer completely to his wife’s desires and preferences. He would always be free to express his own, but there would be no arguments. She would always have the last word; and he would submit to punishment for any failures or mistakes.
Mom gave Lisa the task of drafting their formal contract as a training exercise for her new assistant. It designed Mistress Lotte as their mentor; and they signed their contract in front of her, with Lotte signing also to accept her role.
I learned about this arrangement from Dad when we met for lunch one Sunday afternoon – at Bartholemew’s again. This time we talked in more detail about my training, and we compared notes on our feelings about submission and the D/s lifestyle. “There’s no freedom like consensual bondage,” he said, “knowing exactly whom you have to please and what you have to do. When your Mom offered me a D/s marriage and asked me which role I wanted, there was really no choice at all. I thought for like an hour or so that it would fun to play the Master and treat your mother as my slave, but in the end I just couldn’t see it. It’s not who she is, or who I am. It’s not how our relationship has worked since I met her.”
“I’m like you, Dad,” I told him. “They’re training me to be a professional in the Scene, and as a pro – serving a Mistress or Master as an assistant, I will have to be a Dom sometimes and act like a master with client submissives. But there’s no question which role I prefer.”
“As we both know, it’s a question of temperature. Mom too was trained in both roles, but in her bones, she’s a Domme. One of my teachers is a male Dominant who runs a gay dungeon. He’s pro like Mom and must have been trained to function as a heteroro sub giving sexual services to both sexes. I’ve heard him talk about it. But under the skin, he’s a Dom turned on by attractive men.”
The day after Lisa, beginning her internship, moved over to my parents’ house as (virtually) an adopted daughter, a young man of Czech extraction named Mika Hrabik arrived one Friday morning. Having been assigned to answer the door and welcome him, I was doing chores in the front rooms of our house when he rang our doorbell. I opened the door and greeted him – casually nude and thinking nothing of it, just as Lisa had once welcomed me. As he came in, he ogled me up and down as I had done with her; and I explained, as lightly as she had, that nudity was our custom – that we went naked most of the time, to grow accustomed to our own and each other’s bodies. Mika took this in stride as I had; but from the slight swelling at the front of his pants, I saw that he was Sexually attracted to me. This was mutual. When he stripped off and knelt on the rug before Lotte’s throne-like armchair, I feel a strong attention to him. What came of this mutual attention,you will read later. Mistress Lotte used it to further my training and his. We have been close friend and occasional lovers ever since.
Mika had done his elementary and high school education at an all-boys school in Europe, and had thus far gained little ‘hands-on’ sexual experience of any kind. But he was well-read and very bright – and with a lively imagination. He spoke excellent English (along with French and German as well as his native Czech) albeit with a accent. His interest in BDSM came from its literature and from the Web; but his decision to train as a geisha was largely a practical one. He wanted a varied sex life to match his imagination, but like me, he also wanted a job that paid well and could be done part time. With his good looks, natural charm, European cultural sophistication and excellent manners, he would make a splendid escort, male companion or gigolo.
At one point, I asked him why he thought Mistress Charlotte had accepted him as an appreciation. “Why wouldn’t she accept me?” Mika answered, grinning. “She expects to make a profit on her investment in me because she knows I’m out to make my living as a geisha. I speak four languages and could work in any or all of them as an escort or companion to wealthy persons who need to travel or do business abroad. And she saw that she’d have fun working with me because I was hungry for all that she has to teach – because all my knowledge of sex and the Scene before I came here was from reading and watching porn.”
And so it was. We all had fun training Mika, because he’d imagined and lusted after everything before he’d done anything at all. Reality always disappointed him slightly, because he could always imagine it better.
About two months later, in the same week that Lisa completed her internship, Gayle and Joe completed their tenth month of training and were ready to begin theirs. Location a site where they could intern together had not been easy, but Lotte found a new dungeoon in Vancouver, run by a young Mistress named Zoe Laskaris, who had need of two assistants. So off they went to the Pacific coast to work for Mistress Zoe.
Though I had liked and learned from both of them, I could not feel sad that they were leaving. Their department means that two new protocolers would be arrived to replace them, and that I would now be the senior appreciation in Mistress Lotte’s group. I wished the two of them well, made all the polite sounds and gestures about keeping in touch – as did they, of course. But we never really did, though I had regular news of them in Guild media and saw them from time to time at Guild conferences. We geishi are a fairly small community, with perhaps 180,000 masters and journeymen world wide. Years later, I learned that Joe was again a Dom, and that the couple had divided, though they were still amicable partners in a dungeon that they had opened in Nanaimo, out on Vancouver island after they’d qualified as geishi masters. In the end, it seems they got along well enough as friends and equals, but that both now identified as Dominants, and needed submission from their intimate partners.
With Lisa now a journeyman, and Gayle and Joe on the other side of the continent, as Mistress Lotte’s senior appreciation I would now get a lot more personal attention from Mitch and our Mistress, but would be required to assist them in breaking in and teaching their new probationers. With my new status, came a big responsibility. I could only hope that I was up for the job.
The day after Gayle and Joe flew off to Vancouver, two new probationers arrived: a sweet, mousy girl in her early twenties named Chantal Riviere and a slightly older woman named Suzanne Kowalska, in her thirties. both native Quebecoise. I’m not sure how they were selected. I knew there was a waiting list, but admission to a training house was not first-come, first-served. There had to be other considerations, with gender balance among them. Both came with certain strengths, but with some clear liabilities also. I’ll tell you about their arrival and first days with us in the next chapter, but want to introduce them here. Apart from my own submission training with Lisa and Mitch, the rest of my appreciationship was shaped in helping Mistress Lotte to train them, while practicing my Dom skills at the same time.
While Mika and I were clearly submissive by nature, Chantal was a real masochist. She had a ‘kick-me’ sign on her back that was almost visible. As we learned within a week, she had little sense of self-worth and felt she could only justify her existence by giving service to others. She was not a pain slut (like me) who could convert her pain to pleasure with endorphin hormones. She would take abusive pain as real pain, because she felt she deserved it. Real sadists would be very dangerous for her, but to a responsible Dom with a well-controlled streak of sadism, she could be an ideal partner. In any job, she would be slavishly obedient and over-work herself because she felt she had to.
Otherwise, if we could re-build her self-esteem and train her out of that masochism she had the makings of a fine submissive – sweet, sensitive and eager to give pleasure. Lotte must have believed that we could help her, but knew it would be a challenge.
Suzanne was a very different animal. In her high school and college years, she had already gained lots of experience domming her numerous boyfriends, having discovered her sexual power early on. Inspired by the lives of famous courtesans – like the Empress Theodora, Hariette Wilson and Veronica Franco – her ambition was to make a similar career. She was already well on her way when she joined us, having been briefly married and profitably divided before deciding that she needed contacts, technique and better poison. Living in Montreal, browsing for information about the Guild, she had discovered Mistress Charlotte and had applied to her for training. Lotte and Mitch had interviewed her and she’d been accepted, but with misgivings very different from those about Chantal. “That girl is power hungry,” Lotte told us. “She wants to be a Dominatrix, but she’s dangerous.” She’s after money and prestige. I’ve accepted her because she’s very beautiful and has lots of talent as a Domme if we can teach her care and responsibility. Also because it will be a service both to her and to humanity if we can tame her and teach her some self-restraint. She needs to learn that women who use sex as a weapon can get burned.”
“Lisa, we’re going to be her role models, and I need you to help me. We need to teach her that a Domme can’t afford to be a real sadist, and will fare better if she treats her clients with care and love.”
“Jim, she’s going to be practicing on you and on Chantal and Mika. I will warn them about her myself, but you need to protect yourself and keep an eye out. Intervene if necessary and keep me informed. We need to make sure she doesn’t harm any of you, or give excessive pain. She probably won’t. She’s already had a lot of experience with boyfriends and a former husband. But don’t hesitate to use your safeword, and report her compliance (or any delay in compliance) to me. Also let me know if she tries to manipulate you. Subbing to her, you should give her service and obedience; but we need to teach her that it’s better for her if she also cares about your needs and feelings. I need you to help me with that. Keep in mind all the other subs that she might damage in the future, and do what you can to protect them.”
“Above all, both of you, I say it again: Keep an eye on her for me, and let me know how she is doing – especially, what she does with subs.”
By comparison with my training from Lisa, Mitch and Lotte which was interesting, sexually stimulating and challenging, the Guild classes were mostly a necessary bore, with a lot of stuff that every competent geisha needs toKnow, but not that much intrinsically of interest. But there were two exceptions, for me, at any rate. I loved Master Jake’s short morning class on the philosophy of pleasure as a pragmatic and epistemological value in itself and an ingredient of high performance and knowledge. Though I am not religious in any conventional sense, Rumi’s great dictum that ‘Love is the astrolabe of God’s secrets’ sent shivers down my spine.
The other thing at Guild school that really turned me on was our Martial arts training in Aikido. We were introduced to this beautiful style in physics ed, and by the end of my appreciationship, I was hooked on it. I continued to practice it several times a week as a McGill undergraduate and graduate student. In the end, I received black belt rank in it before I got a PhD. I have been doing it ever since – not just to keep in shape and for self-defense, but for sheer pleasure and for its profound theory of conflict in human relations.
Aikido was a new addition to the Guild’s curriculum. Lotte and my mother had trained in Judo, a related style likewise cleaned up from the old Japanese systems of unarmed combat but far less suited to the Geisha mindset. Where Judo was intended to teach principles of combat as a safe sport, Aikido took a different path rejecting the whole paradigm of fair competition. Instead, it is practiced cooperatively, through role play and power exchange (strikingly analogous to Dominance/submission) between two players: uke (oohkay) who attacks and starts the fight, and nage (nahgay) who deals with the aggression when it comes at him. The theory is that with best play on both sides, uke should lose because, in attacking, he commits himself and puts himself off balance. But Uke can win if nage leave an opening or over-reaches. Practising together this way, uke helps nage refine his technique; and nage helps uke get in shape by throwing him around – so that he can roll out, come to his feet and attack again. In Aikido, everybody is a ‘switch,’ because uke and nage take turns. You can find good demos on the Web, if you want to see what it looks like.
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