The Pleasure Boy 13

The Pleasure Boy 13

My guess was right. When Mom discussed her plans with Mistress Lotte, Lotte had mentioned that she had a good appreciation named ‘Lisa,’ starting an internship, who needed a mistress other than herself. She then suggested to Lisa that she could practice her lifestyle D/s skills on me, and sat back to let events play out as they wished. The In this case, my Mom had had Lisa’s virtues criticized to her both by her friend Lotte and by her son. When I had talked about Lisa wanting to meet her, Mom assumed that it was about the internship and was annoyed that Lisa was dealing through me instead of phoning up and requesting an interview by herself. When Lisa did phone and introduce herself, my Mom knew right away what it was about; and she gave Lisa points for explaining that although she was my friend and apprenticing mistress, her wish for an internship was a wholly separate matter. “Mistress Lotte,” Lisa had explained on the phone, “just mentioned that you would soon be seeing clients again. When I asked Jim about this, he told me he’ believed those were just long term plans. When I repeated Lotte’s information to him, he said I should give you a call at once, instead of waiting for him to introduce me.”

My mother was gracious, and invited Lisa to meet with her for lunch. After that interview, Lisa knew more about Mom’s plans than anyone else, because Mom did takes her on as an intern, and asked her to keep their plans and doings confidential. While Mom spoke freely to Dad and me about her plans, Lisa was close-mouthed on the subject even with me. When I asked her once why she refused to answer a question about their doings, she replied, “Ask your Mom. She’ll probably tell you, but it’s not my place to talk about it.”

In the event, it was my father who later told me how Mom had overcome his resistance. “The thought of her dominating clients made me jealous,” he said. “She explained that what she had in mind was primarily a mentoring service for couples who were experimenting with lifestyle D/s, and that she’d be doing little if any active play with clients, leaving most of that to her assistants. She’d mostly be a mentor now, not an active Dominatrix.”

“Second,” Dad said, “She sweetened her intentions for me by offering a return to their old D/s relationship – on lifestyle terms, as you were no longer living with us and were in geisha training yourself. Twenty years age, when I proposed to her, she said she couldn’t be a Domme and a wife and mother at the same time. She agreed to marry me, have you, and introduce me to another good Domme who would take care of my needs. She did that, and I used that lady’s services fromtime to time; but she wasn’t nearly as good with me as your mother was; and occasional D/s foreplay in our mostly vanilla sex life was enough to keep me happy.”

“What your mother offered now,” he continued, “was a 24/7 D/s relationship on any terms I liked. She would even submit to me in a discipline marriage, so long as her professional life was excluded. Of course, that was no way what I wanted. What I asked for and got was a loving Dominatrix-wife who runs our home and marriage as she sees fit – everything accept my electronics firm. She wants a bit of domination herself sometimes, and when she commands that, I give it to her. In practice, that means she sometimes prefers that I make the decision, or that she be the submissive in bed.”

“This is too much information,” I told him. The terms of your marriage are none of my business.”

“If you weren’t in training as a geisho, I wouldn’t talk about them with you,” he answered. “As it is, I don’t think I’m telling youmuch that you won’t see for yourself. Also, after what went down between us in connection with university, I don’t want you thinking that I’m keeping secrets from you. This is no longer just a father-son relationship, any more than you have a normal mother-son relationship with your Mom. It’s been established that she’s your colleague and teacher in the pleasure business, who knows more than she wants to about your sexual interests. It’s established too that you and I are fellow submissives – you to Lisa now, and I to your Mom. That’s just the way it is.”

“Fair enough, Dad,” I replied; “and we left it at that.

When I asked Mom about her plans, she answered freely, but with a request for confidentiality. “You can talk about my plans with Lisa now and also with Lotte and Mitch,” she told me. “They know what I’m up to. Otherwise, please keep my business arrangements under your hat. At some point soon, before we can really get started, I’ll have to make a presentation to the Guild, and to my Montreal colleagues; I don’t want them discussing me before I’ve done that.”

“I’m not much interested in spanking people now. Nor in BDSM just as a sex game. I’ve been there, done that, and had a lot of fun with it. I’ll still do it – and enjoy it – when there’s a reason for it. But what interests me now is the mentor’s role, in connection with the D/s lifestyle. I want to help people who are just experimenting with, or starting out with a 24/7 relationship, to make it work – and to get pleasure, meaning and noblement from their power exchange.”

“Nourishment,” I repeated. “That’s an interesting word. What do you mean exactly?”

“I mean existential noblement, or spiritual noblement. 24/7, lifestyle D/s is like a marriage. If you’re going to build your life around a D/s relationship, with BDSM a part of it, then physical pleasure is only one part of what’s involved – and a minor part, at that. Even safety is just one precondition for a good relationship, not an end in itself. So what does a mentor have to teach? To help lifestyle newbies ensure that their D/s is life-furthering, and not diminishing: that the Dom does not become a tyrant; that the sub does not become a worm – or a real slave. Make-believe BDSM slavery and real slavery are very different things. The first can be pleasurable and conducive to growth, insofar as stoicism, detachment, obedience and pleasure in service are real human viruses. It takes strength of character to be a good submissive – all the more in a 24/7 relationship. But abject dependency, mindless obedience and real slavery are always evils – harmonious to master (or mistress) and slave alike. Even in playful power-exchange relationships, power can corrupt. As a senior geisha now, I want to help beginners achieve the first and avoid the second. And I want everyone in BDSM to understand the difference.”

“Where does Lisa come into this? How are you using her?”

“Lisa is only a year or so older than you. No offence dear, but to a middle-aged woman like me she’s still a kid. As my intern – later, if it works out, as my employee – I mean to teach her what I know about working as a professional dominatrix. As your appreciation-Mistress – I want to make sure she understands, practices and teach the lifestyle values ​​that I’ve just explained to you. Of course, as an apprentice geisho, I want you too to understand and practice those values. I’m glad you asked what I mean by ‘nourishment’ in the lifestyle.”

“As for how I’ll be using her: at the outset, as an executive secretary – to work with me on the Guild presentation, and to handle our correspondence and filing. When we have clients who need experience as dominants, she’ll be a professional submissive. When they need experience as subbies, she’ll be a role model for them or an assistant Domme with me. Sometimes, she’ll be the Domme of the situation – at first, with my supervision, but then more indeedndently, as I come to trust her. There will be lots of work for her, and she’ll get lots of training and experience, as I intend to be mentor and instructor much more than Dominatrix.

“As Lisa’s collared subbie, where do I come in to this Mom? If anywhere, I mean. This thing is getting a bit weird, and it’s Mistress Lotte’s doing. She suggested that Lisa collar me. She suggested that You take Lisa as an intern. And in the first place, she took me on as an appreciation, partly because she knew that I’m your son. What is she up to?”

“I don’t think she’s up to anything. I don’t think she has any personal stake in this. She took you on because, just like me, she saw your potential as a geisho in her field – in some branch of BDSM.”

“She suggested your relationship with Lisa because she saw the fit. As she observes, if you stick with it, you have the makings of a great submissive. I agree with her, by the way. And Lisa, who has the makings of a fine Domme, needs experience in handling a really good lifestyle sub. She’s already got the technical knowledge and basic skills for impact play, bondage, CBT and so forth. She’ll learn more and get more experience as she goes along – from me or from someone else. She passed Lisa to me because she knew I was interested in lifestyle D/s and mentoring. She saw me – correctly, I think – as the teacher that Lisa really needs – is capable of learning from. And she knew that, coming back into active practice, I could use a good assistant.”

“Lotte has a good eye. The fit is there. What she’s suggested works for everyone. But I agree with you: It’s more than a little weird. Metaphorically, at any rate, the three-way relationship is downright incestuous.”

“Being told by my own mother that I have the Makings of a great submissive! I don’t know how I feel about that.”

“You can be proud of it. I know lot’s of people misunderstand submission. But how could everyone be a leader? How could anyone be a goodleader without some good followers. Most ‘leaders’ are just wilful people who are stuck on some idea, and on their own importance. Followers recognize and go to work for good leaders (hopefully too, the ones with good plans and intentions), and make their ideas work. Good followers get to choose whom they follow; they follow leaders capable of forming a good team and taking it someplace they want to go. Believe me, dear. To be told by a seasoned Domme like Lotte or me that you have the makings of a great sub is nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I know that, Mom. I am proud to be working and training under three fine Dommes like you and Lotte and Lisa now. But it does feel incestuous, and I’m still getting use to it.”

“I can imagine. As your mother, I’m getting used to it as well. But it shouldn’t be a problem. As long as you’re an appreciation, Lotte is your training Mistress and I’m the proud mother of a fine son who’s now becoming a fine adult. Lisa is still just an appreciation.And even as a journeyman in two months, if she oversteps as your practice Domme, Lotte or I will cut her down to size. Once you qualify as a journeyman, you’ll have all the freedom you need to choose whom you work for. If you continue with Lisa and Lisa continues with me, it’s I who will have the double role and a potential conflict of interest. But we needn’t cross that bridge Until we come to it. At worst, I could find another assistant. You could do whatever you want. And I doubt that Lisa is stupid enough to abuse you while she’s working for me. That isn’t going to happen. She’s a bright girl and a sweet one. However this works out, I don’t think she’s just using you. I think she likes you. Whether you’ll stay together as a couple is a different question.”

“My problem now isn’t Lisa. It’s Kendra. She’s giving me the ‘let’s just be friends’ treatment, and I can’t blow her. With all the good sex I’m getting, she doesn’t know where she stands.”

“Do you love her?”

“Not enough to give up the training, or even look for a different specialty. I like where I am now. It feels like I’m where I belong, and I have you to thank for seeing that, and suggesting Lotte as my teacher.”

“Then don’t worry about it. Be friends with Kendra if you can, but follow your own path,,,, and heart. Just be honest with her and don’t lead her on.” If you’re Not committed to her, don’t try to lead her into games, or a type of relationship, that she isn’t ready for.”

“As for Lisa, I wouldn’t have let her intern with me if I didn’t think she had the makings of a fine geisha and a fine woman. You could do worse.”

Mom left it at that, but didn’t need to say more. It was obvious that she wouldn’t have accepted Lisa as an intern if she had not wanted to encourage my connection to her. Also, as I’m sure she knew, I was already bonded to Lisa by more than a collar. There’s nothing like licking a girl’s pussy and turning on to her pheromones to form an attachment. Itisn’t love, it’s chemistry. If there’s a difference.

I had first learned that Lisa would be interning with my mother several days earlier, from Lisa herself when she described their interview.

“First, she got me to talk about my background – how I’d gotten into BDSM and decided to become a geisha and a dominatrix. I told her about my life as an Idaho teenager, living on a farm, raised by strict Calvinists who had written me off as a damned soul when they caught me jerking off a boyfriend. After that, they just ordered me around, and whipped me every week ‘for my own good,’ as they saw it. I told her how at 18, I’d run away from home and made my way to Montreal, where the older sister of a friend (another slut destined for hellfire according to my folks) was already doing sex work as a qualified geisha. She took me in, and introduced me to Mistress Lotte who had accepted me as an appreciation.

“Why did Lotte do that, do you think?” your mother asked.

“She liked myappear,” I told her, “my face and body, but she saw some other qualities which I had not recognized myself. When I showed up on her doorstep, I thought my tits and ass were about all I had going for me. I think the first things that Mistress Lotte saw in me, apart from my luscious body were qualities of determination and willingness to work. She saw too that I was already an accomplished slut for my age, but perceived this not as vice (like my parents) but as a real strength.”

“Because it was marketable?” your mom asked.

“Of course, for a wannabe geisha that didn’t hurt,” but Mistress Lotte saw my sensitivity as a fine thing in itself, and as she trained me, she got me to see it too. The Guild school also did wonders for my self-esteem. Back in the Idaho school system, I’d at least learned how to read; and as an alternative to my parent’s narrow world, I’d developed a love of books. My parents thought that the Good Book was the only book I needed, but my Guild instructorsshowed me that my ability to read, play with ideas, hold a point of view, argument for it, but change my mind when presented with better arguments to the contrary, could be a real asset.

“In short, for your mother – and also for you, as this affects our relationship – the upshot is that in the last ten months I’ve been ‘born again’ as they say – not as a Christian, but as a sensitive, thinking, self-respecting, human being. I know you had a much better upbringing and education than I did. You’ve had your mother around since you were born, while I just met her yesterday. That gives you an enormous advantage. But, having learned the uses of sexual power, I can Top you; and you will submit, but also counsel and teach me. Between us, we could make a really powerful couple, and if this complementarity doesn’t work out between us, I will find it with someone else.”

“All this came out in the interview with your mother, and that’s why she took me on.”

“Did she explain how she intends to mentor lifestyle couples? She hasn’t told me much about that.”

“Yes, we talked about mentoring a lot. I have a pretty good idea what I’ll be doing for her. But she asked me not to talk about it with anyone until her plans are further along. If you ask her, she may be willing to tell you more, but that’s up to her – not me.”

“Look, enough talk for now. Would you like to get your rocks off, mama’s boy? (I think that’s what I’m going to call you – ‘mama’s boy,’ or ‘embee,’ for short).”

“Yes, miss. Very much,” I answered.

“What will you do to earn that privilege?”

“Whatever you wish, miss. Whatever will please you. Whatever you command.”

“Well, let’s see. To begin with, I should tell you: I like that you are addressing me as ‘miss’ and ‘miss Lisa’ without my ordering you to do it. It shows proper respect, and I want you to keep it up.”

Next, I want to spank your bare bottom to a nice shade of pink – not because you’ve anythinging wrong, but not for pleasure either. I’m just feeling a need for physical activity. I’ve got a lot energy tonight; I need to pour it into something; and your bum is handy.”

“So fetch me that hairbrush on the shelf there. Kneel and present it to me properly. Ask me nicely to use those cheats of yours to vent my surplus energy.”

“Then stand up. Come round to the right of my chair. Let me fondle your cock to arouse you and take possession of your body. Then come across my lap with your bottom well up, hands flat on the floor, your toes in the air – pointing back, like a diver entering the water.” Don’t make me struggle with you. Expect a sound spanking, and offer your bum for my convenience. Show me that you want what I give you, even when its painful. If you feel that your position is awkward for me, move of your own voltage to correct this. I want you to participate in your corporate punishment as a ritual that we perform together.”

“Relax, breathe slowly and deeply so as to mentally ask for and accept the pain that will shortly come to you. Wait patiently. Use the time to prepare to enter sub-space. Enjoy the feeling of my hand gently caresing and squeezing those buttons. Live in that moment of anticipation, before the spanks begin.”

“When they start, you need not count and thank me as you must when spanked as punishment. You may clnch your ass cheeses, wave your legs and vocalize; but you are not to offend my ears with screams and bad language. You have your safe words (red and amber) if you must use them, but I will be displeased if you use them without very good reason. I expect you to trust me and cooperate in pushing your limits. Respect, learn from and transcend the pain. Offer it to me as a gift, because you know your acceptance Pleases me.”

I obeyed, wondering where she had learned these ideas. With only a short buildup, Lisa lit into me with that hairbrush. The pain was fierce, but she varied the tempo and intensity of her assault and, every few minutes, stopped, laid the brush aside and soothed my burning ass-cheeks with gentle stroke. At last, she stopped, and bad me open my legs for her as widely as I could. Sprawling over her knees like that, she fingered the sensitive anal ring, played with my testicles and wanked me slowly without allowing me to come.

Instead she had me knee between her legs and eat her diligently until she moaned and came. Satisfied, she told me that it was now my turn to cum. She had me lube my palms with her vaginal juices, shuffle back a bit, still on my knees, and masturbate myself onto her outstretched feet as she watched me. Her last command for that evening was to clean them of my semen with my tongue – “an easy feet,” she said (groan), “for a cunning linguist like you.”

Before she sent me away that night, to sleep by myself in my own room, she told me how much she enjoyed watching boys masturbate. “You look so serious when you’re doing that,” she went on – so focused, almost as if you were in pain. Lotte has been teaching me to guide men in their wanking – slow them down, put on a show, make love to themselves, edge them until they’re desperate to come. I love the feeling of power that comes from controlling a man that way. I love that they’ve been trained (increasingly now by me!) to give a woman that power over their pleasure and release – not just to take it for themselves.”


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