The Pleasure Boy 09

The next few days passed uneventfully: learning and performing my household chores, reading introduction stuff in the textbook, learning to use my free time after dinner to attend to personal business, socialize or play with the other appreciations, or just relax alone. There was a sense of unreality, as I had not yet started school. My existence was confined to Mistress Lotte’s training house, seemingly detached from the outside world. I knew this was only a temporary situation, but could not wait for it to pass — to be assigned to classes, meet my teachers and classesmates, and begin the regular course of study.

I thought about my girlfriend Kendra with mixed feelings — not wanting to drop that relationship, but not sure how to keep it going. It occurred to me for the first time, that there might be a price for all that I was learning: that the geishi lived in a world of their own, doomed by their professional training and experience to some intrusion of their art into their dealings with ordinary people. Already, I knew, it would not be possible to make love to Kendra, or even hold hands with her, as innocently as we had before. Not after the games that I had played — and knew I wanted to continue to play — in just the first few days of this appreciation.

The next evening, when I asked Mitch if I could use the telephone he led me to a small room off the common locke area with two phones for public use. “Apologies,” he said to me. “I should have shown you this room on the first day, when I was giving you the tour. You don’t need to ask permission. Just use it any time you’re free. For video chats and conference calls, use the lap-top in your room. There should be a headset with it. But when you need to make quick calls to the outside world Without putting clothes on, these phones are available too.”

I thanked him and punched the digits of Kendra’s phone number. “Hi sweetie,” I said to her, when she picked up. “It’s Jim. Sorry I’ve been outof touch. I hope you’re not mad at me. My life has changed completely in the last two weeks, and I have a lot to tell you.”

“Actually, I know what you’re up to,” she answered. “Waiting for your call. I phoned you at home, a few days ago, and your mom told me what you’re doing. She urged me to cut you some slack but warned me that geisha training would change you in ways that I might or might not like. Beyond that, she refused to explain, saying it was not her place to interfere, and that I should deal with you directly. She was warm and sympathetic, but didn’t actually tell me much beyond the fact that you’ve started this training, to pay your own way through school.”

“What was she talking about? What is it that I’m not going to like?”

“It’s hard to explain,” I told her. “especially over the phone. I wish we’d had a chance to meet face-to-face before I told you about it.”

“The short answer is that geishi are professionals of pleasure — of giving and receiving and sharing pleasure, and helping others to do the same. I’ve just started; but already you’ll find me a whole lot smoother, a whole lot less clumsy, than I was before. You’ll get the benefit of my new skills; but in a way that I’ve just realized, it isn’t fair to you. Unless you’re a very quick learner, it will put you at some disadvantage — taking self-presentation lessons, and sex lessons, from me. It would have been better for our relationship if we’d fumbled along, as we were doing, and learned together. I’m more than willing to allow for this, and take things slowly.”

“Jim, I have to be honest with you,” she told me. I don’t know how I feel about what you’re doing. I want some time to think it over and get used to the idea. Meanwhile, let’s just be friends — put the sex part of our relationship on hold. Can you handle that?

“If that’s what you want, that’s the way it will have to be. I’m certainly not starved for sex here. And of course, you’re free as well. Not thatI don’t value the physical part with you, but our relationship means more than that.”

“I love you, and hope we can stay together — finish our growing up together. I’m doing a lot of sexy stuff with different partners as part of the training. But nothing I’m doing here is meant to replace a private life and private relationships. Including private sexual relationships. If I’ve learned anything so far, it’s that having sex and making love are two different things.”

“We’re just out of high school, both of us. Neither of us is ready for long term commitments. But I know I want to stay friends with you. I’d love to share what I’m learning with you, but there’s no way I can unless you want that also.”

“That’s just it, Jim. I don’t think I do. What you’re doing frightens me a little. For me, kissing, petting, love making is an expression of love. I was happy to give you my virginity — partly because I was curious, sure — but also because I was taught — I’ve heard my momsay — that that sex is something that girls and women do for the guys they care about. Guys need to get their rocks off and gals enjoy helping them do it . . . with hand jobs, blow jobs, or going all the way. I’m not naive, Jim. I’m not a prude. I know what boys want, what you wanted, and I was happy to give it.”

“But you don’t need that from me any more. The way it sounds, you’re getting plenty. Sex is a skill or an art form for you now — something they’re teaching you to be good at. I don’t think I’m ready for that yet. I’d like to see you soon, go out with you, watch a movie, whatever. But where you’re at now, I don’t think I could keep up with you. I don’t think I want to.”

“You were taught that women give sex to get love,” I answered. “I was taught that men give love to get sex.”

“But where I am now, it doesn’t work that way. Here, I’m forbidden to cum until my partner is satisfied and give permission. I may have to give her three or four orgasms before I getmy one. And this makes sense, because a woman can climax repeatedly while her man must rest and rebuild a stock of semen before he can climax again.”

“What they’re teaching me is that men get the most pleasure if they think first of pleasure their partners — taking most of our own pleasure from giving pleasure to the other instead of working selfishly for our own. I’d love a chance to show you, if you’ll let me. Why not give it a chance? If you’re taking your pills, you have nothing to lose.”

“It’s not that simple for me, Jim. I hear what you’re saying, and it does make sense — for the girls and women who embrace their inner slut. But ‘nice’ girls are not supposed to do that. We’re supposed to be chaste and ‘pure’ — to give sex for procreation and to keep our men happy, not take sexual pleasure for its own sake. It’s a question of identity.”

“I’m not the kind of girl who would benefit from what you’re offering. At least, I haven’t been, and don’t think I want to be. Let’s stay friends for now, and give me time to change — if I am going to. I’ll talk to my mom, and maybe to a counselor. Maybe I’ll come round to your way of thinking; maybe not. You’ll have to be patient with me, and see how it goes.”

“OK, Kendra. If that’s the way you want it. Let’s meet and talk when we can, go to a movie, or just be together. Problem is, I don’t yet know how we can arrange that. Every week, I’m supposed to get a day off; but I don’t know which day that will be. They’re sending me to a school, and I’m waiting to learn what my class schedule will be. When I know my schedule, I’ll know when I can get away from here, and we can arrange to meet. I care about us. I don’t want to break up.”

“OK Jim, I love you too, but let’s leave it like this for now. Call me when you know more, and we’ll decide where we go from here. I want to stay friends with you, but I don’t know if I can be your girlfriend now, on the path you’re taking. I don’t know if you reallyI wanted me to be, and you may not know either!”

“Bye for now,” she added, and she hung up.

I could see where she was coming from. My own sense of who I was — my ‘identity,’ as we say — was certainly changing, and in ways that sometimes scared me. And I had the support of my mother, and of a whole community of teachers and fellow travellers in what was happening to me. Just like Kendra, I had had to embrace my ‘inner slut’ — the part of me that will surrender to sexual feelings for their own sake, not (at least, not necessary) as expressions of love or anything else. And I was just at the beginning of this road, and could not know where it would take me. I too was being cautious, in my own way — except that I was surrounded by people whom I could trust to keep me safe.

I left the phone cubicle, and started back to my room. In the big common room, Lisa stopped me. To my surprise, she was not nude as I was — as the trainees here, are as usual. She was wearing power togs in black leather, and holding a riding crop under one shoulder. A dominatrix like Mistress Lotte, though still an appreciation like me.

“Come to my room,” she commanded.

“More initiative?” I asked her.

“Only if you want it,” she answered. “Apart from your training here, I’m inviting you to be my personal submissive. If you wish, you will get this extra training from me, and I will get to practice my Dominant skills on you. I just gave you an order. If you accept to be my sub, you say ‘Yes, Miss,’ and follow me. Otherwise, do as you wish.”

I thought quickly. “Yes miss. But” I answered. “I’m inclined to accept your offer, but I want to talk with you first. I like and respect you, and would be happy to enter this personal relationship with you. But I will not be a slave. That’s not what want . . . or what I am.”

“I will give you my submission, but there will be conditions. We need to talk about this first. If you agree, you say ‘OK Jim, come to my room andwe’ll talk.’ Otherwise, I will be your friend and your colleague here, but nothing more.”

To my surprise, she smiled at me. “So,” she said. “You’re a submissive with backbone. I like that. They’re the best kind.”

“Fine, then. Come to my room Jim, and we’ll have that talk. Then, if you wish it, I will put a collar on you that you will keep with you at all times, but only wear when you’re alone with me.”

“Yes, miss,” I answered her. This sounds very good. If we can agree on terms, I will be happy and proud to serve you and from you.”

Without a word, Lisa turned away from me and started walking towards her room. At a respectful distance, I walked behind her. Once in her room — furnished almost exactly like mine, but with pictures on its walls and a small row of hooks with D/s implements on them — she competed me to sit on the bed, while she sat at her desk. “OK. Jim,” she started. “Now we’re just friends and equals having a chat. Ask your questions, and tell me your conditions. I will answer; and I’ll start by promising never to lie you and insisting on the same honesty from you. If I catch you in a lie, that will be the end of this relationship. Understood?”

“Yes, miss,” I responded. “I will never lie to you, and will respect your right to privacy while offering you mine. As the sub, I must answer all questions truly, as best I can. I Understand that. As my Domme, you can decline to answer my questions, if you choose, but must be honest with me when you do answer. If you lie to me, I’m out.”

“Very good,” Lisa answered. “We’ve got some agreement already. What do you want to know?”

“First, I want to know why you’re making me this offer. Whose idea was this? Just yours, or did Mistress Lotte or one of your other teachers put you up to it?”

“Mistress Lotte saw that we liked each other, and suggested it. But it was a suggestion, not an order. I’m her senior appreciation now, interning with her as a professional Dominatrix. She knows that your inclinations are to be submissive, and maybe something of a pain slut. I’ve seen those tendencies myself. She thought that some close relationship between us might be good for both of us, but is leaving it up to us to work it out.”

“For my part, I’ll be graduating in a few weeks, and looking for work and further training with some more senior Dom. Since I hope to stay in this city, it’s quite possible that I’ll be able to work with you on occasion, and eventually maybe take you with me as a sidekick and assistant. Does that answer your question?”

“Yes, and thank you, miss. It’s the answer I was hoping for. I would have obeyed an order from Mistress Lotte, but prefer it as a suggestion from her to you and from you to me. I’ll be delighted to serve you while you are still here — as my training schedule permits, of course — all the more, if Mistress Lotte encourages it. For afterwards — when I’m a licensed journeyman — I can’t make any promises now. I’m planning to work my way through university in the best way I can.”

“That’s fine,” Lisa said. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. I ask for no commitment not consistent with your appreciationship, or beyond its terms. Mistress Lotte’s idea is that serving me will be part of your training.”

“Another question, Miss. I’m assuming that normal BDSM protocols will apply between us — Safe, Sane Consensual, safe-words, no permanent marks or injuries, etc. Is that correct?”

“Basically yes.” Lisa answered, “except that you will have to trust me, as you do Mistress Lotte — much further than is needed for casual D/s play. I will be working you and pushing your limits. You should use your safe words only when your hard Limits are being violent, or you feel you are at risk of injury, or you just can’t take it anymore. Otherwise, it’s better to stick it out if you can, and wait till after for a discussion of equals like we’re having now.

“Last question, then, Miss:Can you give me some idea of ​​where you intend to take me and how you intend to use me? As your submissive, what will you expect from me? As I’ve said already, though I love service and submission and do sometimes enjoy a little pain, I cannot be a mindless slave. I have purposes of my own, that will need to be accommodated somehow.”

“And as I’ve said, Jim, that is one thing I like about you — why I think you will be valuable to me while you are still Mistress Lotte’s appreciation, and maybe after that if it works out. I prefer a mindful, intelligent sub, with a will of his own in some areas, to one who has surrendered completely. As a pro-Domme in training, I need practice not just in giving sessions, but in managing an ongoing D/s relationship. As the professional Domme that I hope to become, a trained, trustworthy, assistant and professional sub will be invaluable — for demonstrations, for work with clients, and just for general aid and comfort. As a life-mate, if it goes thatfar.”

“What’s a life-mate? I’ve heard that term, but don’t know what it means.”

“Think of the connection between Mitch and Mistress Lotte. He’s her full-time submissive and ‘main squeeze,’ but also her assistant in running this place, and (by mutual agreement) in some other things she does. But he definitely has a mind of his own. Though he’s submissive to her, I’ve Even heard them argue sometimes. In a word, he’s her ‘life-mate,’ and she is his.”

“Life mating is a kind of D/s marriage, developed and promulgated by a famous Domme named Myrna Stiles. Her idea was that many people, especially busy, proud people, would like to have a submissive partner and assistant who provides both business (or institutional) and personal services — like a private, personal Secretary who gives sexual benefits on the side. At the same time, many junior persons with submissive tendencies would like to fill their lives and further their careers by attaching themselves and serving such a partner. Mistress Stiles built a successful corporation that specialized in putting such people together, and training them for one another — for that version of an ideal, 24/7, D/s relationship. She trained serious subs for full-time service and submission, and potentially dominant clients to handle, utilize and meet the needs of such submissive partners.”

“Sounds very interesting,” I answered, thinking that This sounded something like my parents’ marriage, though who was Dom was not entirely clear. At home, and with me, Mom was clearly the boss while Dad ran a successful business and paid the bills. He thought of himself as the head of that household, but all the decisions mom cared about came out the way she wanted them.

“So that’s what you have in mind for me?” I asked Lisa.

“That’s thinking too far ahead,” she replied. “Eventually I intend to have a partner like that; but I’m no way ready to choose one, and you’re no way ready to commit to such a relationshiphip. I mean to use you for practice as I learn my trade as a Domme. In the process, you will be getting experience as a 24/7 sub with a lot of outside commitments — to Guild School and to Mistress Lotte’s training.”

“Isn’t that a contraction in terms?” I asked — a 24/7 sub with his own commitments apart from service to his mistress?”

“Not if she graciously gives him leave to meet them,” Lisa answered. “Nor if that freedom has been written in to the basic contract between them. He then serves his mistress in doing whatever else he has to do; and she is entitled to supervise and punish if he neglects his outside duties, or does them poorly.”

“Very well, Miss Lisa,” I said rising from the bed and dropping to my knees before her. I will be proud and honoured to wear your collar on the terms discussed between us.”

“Excellent,” she said. “We’ll do the formalities tomorrow.”

She leaned over and kissed me on the lips. “Now serve me boy! Show me what you’ve learned about pleasure women, and help me go to sleep. Then you can snuggle up and sleep next to me. But you must not snore or disturb me. And you are forbidden to touch yourself or cum.”


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