The Pleasure Boy 05

Arriving at Mistress Charlotte’s house on the following day, I was admitted this time by Joe, who introduced himself, took my coat and led me into that same room where I had first been welcomed, lectured and spanked. Without a word, he pointed first to an empty basket along the wall, then to the rug before the throne-like armchair. Then he disappeared.

Just like the day before, I stripped and put my clothes away, then knelt to wait for Mistress Charlotte, adjusting my posture and breathing as I’d been instructed. I had beside me the envelope with the contract, still unsigned which I’d reviewed with mom that morning.

Just like the other day, Mistress she gave me a few minutes to relax and prepare my mind before entering the room and taking her seat.

“Are you ready to sign the contract?” she asked at length.

“Yes Mistress,”I answered her. “My mother confirmed what you said yesterday — that it’s the standard protocols contract she herself once signed.”

“Very good,” she said. Take that envelope with you, and come with me.” She led me back into the entrance hall, up a flight of stairs, along a corridor with several closed doors. At length, she unlocked one door and opened it, gesturing me to enter. “This will be your room,” she announced. “This is where you will live.”

I looked around and saw a very comfortable student room, a little larger and more elegant than I would have expected from dorm room at the university. In addition to bed, dresser and clothes closet, it had a desk with a telephone, a laptop computer, a shelf with one textbook an a few novels, and a reclining armchair with a reading lamp. There was a private washroom with a sink and toilet, but no shower. There was no TV set, but in other respects, it looked like a very nice hotel room. Mistress Charlotte saw the pleased smile on my face and said, “We want our students to be comfortable and happy. How could you authentically give pleasure to others, if you were deprived of it yourself?”

She added, “You will share the shower and jacuzzi down the hall with the other appreciations, washing or bathing together once a week, or alone as needed. There are also rooms for grooming and massage that you will use with the others as part of your training”

“Now come to the office and we’ll sign the contact. She took a cell phone from her pocket punched one button and said, “Joe and Lisa, to the office please.”

“We’ll need their signatures as witnesses,” she went on to me. “Then I’ll get my partner to help you move in. He can drive you to your home and help you pack the little that you will need here — basically, just personal clothes for your days off, and any personal items that you want or need with you. Can you do that today?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I answered. “But please let me phone my mother to tell her that we’re coming, and that I’m moving out.”

“She’ll be expecting it,” Mistress replied. “But sure — by all means call her. Youcan use the phone in the office.”

“Very good. Thank you, Mistress,” I said.

When we got to the office, Joe and Lisa were already waiting for us. Mistress Charlotte and I signed the contract, and they added their signatures. Then Mistress showed me a collar, just like the ones that they were wearing, and similar to the one my mother had had me wear while I watched her porn film. She had me kneel Before her, then walked around behind me and buckled it round my neck. Then she turned me around and kissed me on both cheeses. “There,” she said. “now you’re one of us.”

“Does this collar monitor my body’s responses?” I asked. With a glance at my slightly stiffened sex, Mistress laughed. “No,” she answered. “We all can see your body’s responses. It just reminds you, and tells those who know its meaning, that you’re a Guild appreciation.”

The next few hours were spent to get me moved in. While Mistress summoned her husband to drive me home and help me, I phoned my mom to tell her we were coming. “My boy is leaving home,” she said. I understand what she was saying, that this was as much a milestone in her life, as in mine.

Mitch came, greeted me and led me to an elevator which took us down to the garage where a big SUV awaited us. We climbed in; he asked me for my home address and set the car’s GPS when I gave it to him. Then he started the car and exited the garage. “I’m glad you’re joining us,” he said, trying to open a conversation as we drove. “I enjoyed working with you yesterday. I think you’ll do fine. How are you feeling?”

“Excited, sir. A little frightened,” I answered. “And my bum is a bit sore, a whole day later — though I know you didn’t spank me very hard.”

“It was hard enough, lad. I built up to it gradually but took you pretty far. It wasn’t meant to hurt you but to welcome you, give you a taste of what you’ll be taking from us, and let us see how you responded. For a first experience, you were zoning very nicely. That’sWhy I predict you’ll do well with us. I think you’ve found your place.”

“It was my mother’s doing, sir…”

He interrupted me. “When we’re alone, you don’t need to be so formal with me. You can drop the ‘sir’ and call me Mitch. With Mistress or the other appreciations or in public I will demand respect. I am, after all, one of your teachers. But I am submissive to Mistress Charlotte just as you are, even though I’m also privileged to be her husband. Apart from my teaching role, I hope we can be friends.”

Thank you, sir… Mitch. I’d like that very much. I know I have a lot to learn from you.”

“It will come, boy. It will come.”

“You were starting to say that being with us was your mother’s doing. How so?”

“She knew Mistress Charlotte,” I explained, “and she knew of you. She asked Mistress to consider me. She’s a geisha herself, and thought you might be good teachers for me.”

“Well, my guess is, she was right,” Mitch answered.”What’s her name? I may know her.”

“Her name today is ‘Hannah Woodruff.’” Same last name as mine. I don’t know what she calls herself professionally. Her birthday name is ‘Abrams.’ She might use that.”

“Hannah Abrams!” he exclaimed. “Mistress Hannah.” I don’t know her very well, but I know of her. We’ve met briefly a few times. So she’s your mother!”

“Yes, sir. But until now, I never knew she was a Mistress! I just call her ‘Mom.’”

He laughed. “Well that’s what she’s been to you. And probably just what she wants to be. You could start calling her ‘Mistress Mom,’ if you want to tease her. You can guess better than I can, how she’d respond.”

“She told me flatly that she means to leave my training to Mistress Charlotte. I don’t think she’d like ‘Mistress Mom’ at all. Also, it would never occur to me to tease her. If you know her, you’ll understand why. Even as a child, I know she was a formidable lady.”

We arrived at our house and Mitch parked the car. I used my key tolet us in, but Mom met us at the door. She hugged me and I introduced them — leading to a full discussion of where they knew each other from and whom they knew in common. At last, Mom cut it short. “You’re here to move Jim over to your place, and I can’t bear to watch. My boy is all grown up and leaving home! I’ll just get on with my work and leave you to it. It will go better without me.”

“Jim, I know you get one day a week off, so give me a call when you can, and I’ll have you over to dinner.” She grinned mischievously. “You can tell Dad about your new life.”

She shook hands with Mitch, said it was good to see him again, and bad him take good care of me.

“Ma’am,” Mitch said. “I already am. I think he’s found where he belongs, and will do well with us.”

Mom left us. I took Mitch to my room and started to lay out clothes and some other things I wanted on my bed while he went out to the car to get a few boxes. When he got back with them, we packed quickly andcarried them out to the sidewalk. We loaded the car. I ran in once more to say goodbye to my mother, and we drove off. Like her, I knew my childhood had just ended. I was happy about this; Mom was both happy and sad — a weird but understandable combination, I thought.

There’s not much more I need to say about the rest of that afternoon. For Mitch and me getting the boxes to my room was the work of an hour, driving time and all. We were home by four o’clock. Then he bad me relax, browse through the books on my shelf and what I’d find on my computer, take shower, and be down undressed for dinner at 7 PM. “Be prompt,” he said. “Lateness is punished here.”

I did as he said. The textbook and novels on my shelf would obviously be required reading for me. On the laptop, I found an introduction page with a directory to the geisho world — especially to the Guild with its regulations and its library. There I found:

• a Help Wanted Page of individuals, business firms and otherwiser organizations in search of geishi with specific qualifications;

• a database of Guild members, including the registered appreciations but not probationers like myself; (I looked for my mother and all the other Guild people I’d met so far, and found them, with little blurbs on what they did. About my mom it only said that she was a retired dominatrix, still available for lecturing and mentoring.

• a specialized ‘Yellow Pages’ with business facilities for the profession — including grooming services, dressy clothing stores and stores with pleasure toys, including sybians for women and large, stuffed pillows with vaginal sleeps for men.

There were also ads for hotels with orgy suites and dungeon rooms, or with private industries for skinny dipping, nudism, pony play and sex in the great outdoors. Activities which used to be underground or shamefully hidden away were now advertised openly and facilitated, performed and taught by professionals like us. Even as a novel, onmy first day, I was being shown and given access to the full range of what was commercially available by way of pleasure-related facilities and services.

When I went to shower, I found Lisa already taking one — asking me to scrub her back and then let her practice her skills by doing a full job on me. Of course, I agreed, and it was delightful. When I thanked her, she said it was nothing and that I would soon be doing the same for her. “We train on and evaluate each other,” she explained. “That’s why there are four of us at different stages of training.”

When I asked her why they kept us in the nude, Lisa explained that it was mostly just to help us get over being self-conscious about our bodies, but also to habituate us and get us learning to read the bodies of others. “For example,” she said, “I can tell that you’re slightly aroused now, and that it’s costing you some effort not to ogle me. As you’re a newbie, that’s expected and acceptable. I enjoy being attractive to you and don’t mind at all. Within a few days, we’ll get to play with each other, and I’m looking forward to it. In a few weeks, nudity and sex will just be business as usual for you, as its become for me now. It’s the profession we’re being trained for.”

At dinner, I met Gayle for the first time, and got an introduction to the social life of the group as a whole. Mistress sat at the head of the table, in casual attire. Mitch who usually wore clothes at home was nude now, except for an apron because he was server for this evening. Gayle had prepared the meal, but was now sitting at table with the rest of us. Tomorrow, I was told, it would be Joe’s turn to cook and my turn to wait table.

Mistress introduced me, and the appreciations welcomed me. She had us go around the table describing ourselves. The Other apprentices seemed glad of a new arrival, if only because someone else was now low man on the totem pole.

The four of us were all at different stages of this basic geisha training. What we had in common was an interest in BDSM, and an intention to work in that scene, and make it our area of ​​expertise. We had been placed together in this Training House, because BDSM was Mistress Lotte’s field. Under her and her partner’s supervision and guidance, we would play and practice with each other in the evenings while studying the basics of geisha work in larger classes during the day.

These classes were mostly held at the Guild School Building, downtown, within an easy commute of the various Training Houses (many just apartments), run by other trainers, around the city. My schedule would be arranged tomorrow between Mistress and the school. She would take me down there, register me, and get me enrolled. I would take all required classes, eventually pass the Guild exams and then receive my Certificate as a qualified geisho journeyman — entitling me to do remunerative geisha work under a master. Mistress Lotte’s place functioned as a sort of ‘home room,’ where students sharing a common interest could live and play together, and gain experience in their chosen field.

Lisa, the most senior of us, was already working with clients in Mistress Lotte’s dungeon. Gayle, Joe and I would do so in turn — though I, of course, was just starting out. After we graduated, we would continue as Mistress’ protégés — paying a supervision fee to her as we progressed towards mastery, working directly for her or for someone else. I understand that her efforts in training us represented a kind of investment which hopefully would bring her a good return. But I understand too that our relationship represented a real commitment on both sides. Our teacher’s report and income were linked to the quality and futures of her alumni. In turn, our reports and prospects partly depended on who our trainer had been.

Lisa, only a few months older than me, had been around the longest — for over six months already. She was a farm girl from the mid-westwho had run away from home. Her parents were straight-laced Calvinists who had long since written her off, believing — on her telling, since she’d been about 12 — that she was destined for hell-fire. With the help of an older friend who had been through Mistress Charlotte’s training a year ago and was already a licensed journeyman, she had gotten herself to New York City, and then applied and been accepted for training herself. Once she passed the Guild exam, she intended to work as a professional submissive and then decide on some long-term plan. Meanwhile, she was delighted to be away from her parents and their Nebraska pig farm on any terms whatever.

Joe and Gayle were the oldest of us — a BDSM couple in their late 20’s (he the Dominant/she submissive) who had been married for several years. They had been tellers in a bank, before quitting two months ago to take geisha training. They hoped to open their own dungeon in a smaller city as affiliates of some qualified Mistressor Master, and then win Master status for themselves eventually.

When my turn came, I talked about my background and plans, but avoided mentioning my geisha mother. I told the group that I intended to work my way through college as a geisho journeyman, and then (like Lisa) make long-term career plans. But, for her own reasons, Mistress outed me. “His mother is a very senior geisha,” she told them. “She introduced him to me, but did not ask me to accept him. I’m not doing either of them a favour. He won his place among you on his own merits.” Even with this disclaimer, I got a few suspicious looks. I knew I’d need to gain their acceptance on my own, and that this might now be more difficult.

After dinner, Mistress put me through an initiative rite to make me a full-fledged member of their House. I was required to perform for them. She led us into larger room with chairs and a small podium on which I had to stand, and then stimulate myself — caress, spank or pinch my own body — as sensitively as possible, while my audience gave instructions. My cock and balls were off limits. I was not to touch myself there, and they were not to tell me to.

As I later learned, they had a name for this practice: ‘full body self-pleasuring.’ It was a kind of geisha yoga; and its goal — though you were not supposed to struggle for it or even think about it — was to cum without touching your genitals. If you could bring yourself to climax with the mind alone, without even touching yourself, that was even better. No one was expected to reach this goal, and very few ever did. The thought was just planted there, as an unattainable ideal.

Doing that exercise for the first time, in front of an audience and without the explanation I was given later, I was far too self-conscious to be spontaneous or to enjoy what I was doing. My performance was wooden, and after five minutes, Mistress stopped it. Still, my audience applauded; whether teasing me or being gracious, I couldn’t tell. I felt my cheats burning, and was glad it was over.

The evening finished, we went off to our rooms. As I was leaving, Mistress took me aside to say, “Be a good boy, and don’t play with yourself tonight. I promise you’ll get plenty tomorrow. Along with sensitivity, you’re supposed to learn self-control. Try to enjoy feeling horny, and get a good night’s sleep.”

Of course, this was easier said than done. I understood in torque for half the night and then had a wet dream.


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