The Pleasure and Pain of Ex’s

The astonished look in his ex-wife Kristen’s eyes said it all. Extreme surprise, embarrassment and humiliation.

Yet she knew it was entirely her fault that she was in the situation she was in. One where it was physically impossible for her to shout ‘No!’ Or to hide her face in her hands. Or to get up and run away.

Meanwhile Terrance, her ex-husband, just looked on with a bemused grin.

Terrance and Kristen’s tempestuous five-year relationship had ended three years before. He paid her a modest diploma settlement as they’d been married less than a year before splitting up. Then he continued on with his successful business and soon began dating again.

Life wasn’t as easy for Kristen. She went to cosmetology school, and a year later opened a small salon. She was Successful enough to pay her bills and get a much wanted boob job that she didn’t need. But she didn’t like being a stylist or see a future in it.

So when a close male friend of a decade before, whohad moved to New Zealand, asked her to marry him, she accepted. This even though it had been 10 years since she’d seen him. She was that desperate for love and security.

It proved to be a mistake. The friend had developed some substance issues and was no longer the attractive young man she’d once known. So she was back in California less than a month later.

The problem Kristen faced upon her return was that she’d foolishly spent all of her settlement money, now had debts, and had no source of income. Even more desperate than before, she couch surfed with some girlfriends, who nonetheless made it clear that a week was going to be the limit.

Although looking a little tired and drawn from her unfortunate circumstances, Kristen was still young and very attractive. She had a swimmer’s taut body, tight ass and long legs. She added to her natural appeal by dressing provocatively, accentuating her thin frame and now augmented boobs with tight dresses.

Kristen was hit onconstantly, but was humiliated because she felt forced to agree to dinners and overnights with guys she normally would have rejected. Both she and her girlfriends began to think she was slipping down to the slutty side just to get by.

Kristen needed money, and she needed it fast.

Her ex Terrance had always been a bit of a kinky guy. An alpha male, since his late teens he’d thought it was fun to top women. Put a leash on them and make them crawl around, tie them up, spank them. But he was more fun-loving than cruel.

What made him different, and popular with sexually adventurous women, is that he also thought it was fun to sometimes let women do the same to him. He was a good-looking and buff guy, so they couldn’t believe it.

Bu rather than get kinky with the women he dated, Terrance preferred professionals. So he visited various houses of domination, most frequently one in San Francisco. He quickly became a popular client for his easy-going nature, willingness to switch, and unusual generation.

Terrance and Kristen had had the normal sexual feeling out process in their early days together. And when they married, she happily announced that she would be ‘a lady on the streets but a whore between the sheets’.

But what a ‘whore between the sheets’ means was subject to interpretation. For when Terrance tied her up, put clothespins on her nipples, or spanked her, it was clear that she accepted it rather than being turned on by it.

During their time together Terrance confessed to Kristen that he had visited kinky establishments in the past. While Kristen wasn’t too thrilled about it, and suspected he wouldn’t stop, she decided to not forbid it. He was such a good catch that she was willing to put up with a little outside kink on his part.

In fact, at his request she even visited the San Francisco establishment once. She stayed long enough to observe Sinthia, the young and dynamic dominatrix owner, do her thing on several grateful clients.

Kristen thought it was interesting, but more weird than stimulating. Just like it had been the few times she’d let her husband tie her up.

The thing Kristen remembered most from the visit to the house was that Mistress Sinthia, who couldn’t have been more welcomed, said that she, Kristen, would make a fabulous submissive or dominatrix. And that the money, always cash on the spot, was terrific. So that if Kristen ever needed money quick, or if anything ever came between she and her husband, she should call.

Well, something had come between Kristen and her husband, hadn’t it? And Kristen needed money quick.

Although four years had passed since Kristen’s visit to the establishment, Mistress Sinthia had no trouble remembering the beautiful Kristen when she called. Sinthia explained that she’d moved her establishment to the Napa Valley and gone upscale. But she still encouraged Kristen to apply for a position.

The two women hit it off during thein-person interview, and the Kristen was hired — on the usual conditions. The most trouble to her was that she, like all the other women who aspired to become doms, had to intern as a bottom for three months.

Kristen wasn’t happy about the requirement, but Mistress Sinthia justified it with an axiom of the kink world: “You can’t be a good top until you’ve been a bottom.”

Mistress Sinthia cared About the safety of her girls, so during her three-month internship as a sub, Kristen would always be paired with a vegetable dominatrix to oversee her submission, and sub only with the most trusted clients.

Given the quality of The Riding Academy clients, Kristen didn’t mind her work as a sub as much as she thought she would. At this point in her life she was kind of drifting, so there was a degree of order and security in being tied up and told what to do. And when she was whipped, it was never very hard, and felt oddly similar to what life was doing to her.

True, beinga submissive was a job when she worked with older and out-of-shape clients. But there were some handsome young clients, too. Guys that in other circumstances she would be eager to date.

Yes, they would tie her up, put clothespins on her nipples, lead her around on a leash, and whip her. But in many cases she found her submission to these strangers sexually stimulating. It was different than with her ex-husband.

As per the strict rules of the Academy, and most dominatrixes, there was never any penetrative sex.

As time passed Kristen more frequently found herself enjoying being a sub. There were even a couple of times when being properly dominated by a handsome young stud resulted in her having an orgasm. This was a shock to her, but bodies don’t lie.

And as Mistress Sinthia had promised, the money was excellent.

If Kristen sometimes liked her work, her clients loved dominating her. First, because she was gorgeous. Tall with naturally wild dark hair, she had a great figure and a perfectly executed boob job.

But Kristen’s popularity was based on more than just her great looks. Unlike some subs who accepted their submission in silence and with little emotion, Kristen responded vocally and physically. She was spent at the end of each session. As such, she quickly became the most popular sub at the Academy.

After three months of being trained as a sub, Sinthia began training Kristen as a dominatrix. An natural act with a dynamic personality, Kristen quickly became an expert in giving her clients exactly what they wanted.

Submissive males loved the way Kristen threateningly cultivated around in her tight leather outfits and siletto heels. But the clients favorite look was when she went topless and wore wet-look black legs with thigh high boots.

“Hurt me more,” they would beg as she practiced around in front of them, shaking her big boobs just inches from their eager mouths and marking their asses with her riding crop.

“You are the perfect bitch!” said one more than one adoring client.

“Confess to the world that you’re my bitch boi,” Kristen would order them.

“What do you mean?” they’d ask.

“Scream it out at the top of your lungs.”

The would shout it so loud that Sinthia and the other doms would come running for fear something was wrong.

Kristen was such a skilled dom that some of the other doms asked to sit in on her sessions in order to learn from her.

Kristen had one major shortcoming in her early days of doming. She was hesitant to administrator the degree of pain that some clients requested.

So in their double sessions, Mistress Sinthia went to great lengths to be unusually hard on the male submissives. She put the most painful alligator clips on their nipples, resorted to Extreme cock and ball torture, and whipped them seemingly without mercy.

This initially disturbed Kristen. But once the sessions were over, she observed the male subs effortively thanking Mistress Sinthia for the intensity of the pain she had inflicted on them.

Later Mistress Sinthia offered Kristen a tip that she never forgot.

“When a man asks you to punish him in a way or to the extent that you’re hesitant to do, visualize that client as a man who had done you wrong sometimes in the past. When you do, you’ll have no trouble meting out the punishment the customer Desires.

“Is there a particular man who has done you wrong?” Mistress Sinthia asked.

“My ex-husband Terrance,” Kristen immediately replied. “Maybe he and I weren’t right for each other, but his post dividend life has gone on just fine. He’s got a new girlfriend or two dying to take his cock, and a booming business. Meanwhile, my life has fallen apart. I’m so angry and jealous.”

“Perfect,” said Mistress Sinthia. When you’re hesitant to hit a client as hard as he asks, just think of your ex.

Following Mistress Sinthia’s advice, Kristen soon developed a reportas joyfully being capable of administrative punishment almost as severe as the Head Mistress. Kristen just visualized Terrance’s happy life when she she needed to turn up the heat on a client. At which point administratoring extra pain was effortless.

Over the first six months as a dominatrix Kristen developed a developed and general clientele. During the cool down period following each session, she would spend 10 or so minutes getting to know her clients better. Oddly enough, the men enjoyed opening up to her, sharing surprisingly intimate details about their lives and sometimes even showing her photos of their wives.

As a result of these post climax interactions, she soon began to consider these clients as close friends, too.

Kristen’s favorite client was a rugged but sweet gentleman of 65 named Britt, who because of his age had a hard time getting it up and keeping it up. So what amused him was to be stripped, receive a modern canistering reminiscent of his youth at boarding school, then be tied up and forced to watch Kristen punishment one of the Academy’s female subs.

After the Academy sub was dismissed at the conclusion of one particularly satisfying session, the randy Britt asked Kristen to let him lick her pussy. She decided. But reconsidered when he offered her a $1,000 tip.

Since he’d becomes a good friend and she needed the money, Kristen finally agreed. This was strictly against Academy rules, but Britt and Kristen decided there was no reason Mistress Sinthia had to know anything about it,

Once Kristen agreed to let Britt finish the session with an enthusiastic $1,000 pussy licking, he began to book her more frequently. Usually once every two weeks. Between Kristen’s normal fee and Britt’s $1,000 tips, he was soon paying for all her basic expenses. All the rest of the money she made, and it was in the thousands, was gravy.

As time went on Kristen and Britt became such good friends that after each session he would take her toone of the many fine restaurants in the area. The 65-year-old man and the stunning woman 40 years younger caused some snickering the first times they visited a given restaurant. But they were such a pleasant couple, and Britt was such a good tipper, that they were forever after welcomed with open arms.

One of the Kristen’s few character faults was that she could be overly sure of her opinions. So when Britt happened to mention that he thought almost every woman could be made to orgasm, she disagree.

“Don’t be a silly old man!” laughed Kristen. “Nobody can make me cum unless I want to cum.”

The old man continued to genially disagree, and it became a reoccurring light-hearted sparring topic for the two over drinks and dinner. At least in the short term.

Terrance had stopped visiting Mistress Sinthia’s establishment two years before she moved her operation up to the Napa Valley. There were two reasons.

First, Mistress Sinthia, Terrance’s all-time favorite dominatrix and occasional switch, suddenly decided to stop doing sessions for an indefinite amount of time. She would merely oversee her business.

Terrance wasn’t particularly happy with the other doms until he sessioned with Mistress Extra.

Tall, dark and confident to the point of being arrogant, Extra really hit it off with Terrance.

Things started to go really well with them when Extra agreed to a simple request from Terrance.

“When I arrive at the door of the house, I’m horny as can be,” Terrance explained. “I’ve frequently asked Mistress Sinthia if she could just open the door, point me to the session room, order me pull down my pants, and cane me hard three times. Only then would we take a time out to ask how each of us was doing, what kind of session I wanted, and so forth.

“But for whatever reason,” he continued, “Mistress Sinthia would never do it.”

“I can do it, no problem,” replied Extra, who thought it was a brilliant idea.

From thenon, when Extra greeted Terrance at the door, she would point to the session room, and in a firm voice give the following instructions: “Strip, bend over the table, and prepare for three particularly wicked strokes”.

Extra made it even better, because instead of following Terrance right into the session room, she waited outside a few minutes, letting his anticipation of his caning build.

And when it came to making marks on Terrance’s ass, Extra didn’t hold back. That tone was thus immediately set for the rest of the session. Both she and Terrance were primed.

Later the clever Extra added a painful new conclusion to each session.

As any male sub can attest, once he has orgasmed, his desire for further punishment plummets to almost zero. Realizing this, Extra decided that an additional three strong strokes on Terrance’s ass were also needed after he’d cum and the normal part of the session had ended.

The extra strokes were both to confirm Terrance’s submission to Extra, and serve as revenge for some of the unusually strong pain he’d given to her when she had bottomed for him.

The post session caning created an even stronger bond between them.

Yes, Terrance and Extra’s sessions were unusual in that they were half and half. Extra would be a sub for Terrance during the first half, and Terrance would sub for Extra the second half. They both loved switching, and both were very intense in both roles.

After about six months Terrance and Extra came to the realization that there was no point in Mistress Sinthia getting a cut of the session fee, as Extra could session at rental dungeon spaces and still make twice the money she would when working for Sinthia.

In addition, Extra had come to enjoy becoming a much greater sub than Mistress Sinthia allowed at her establishment. Although there was never any penetration, Extra allowed and enjoyed Terrance to dominate her more severely than Sinthia would have permitted.

Whe Extra was ordered to get on the floor and stick her ass up for a light whipping, she didn’t do it halfway. She emphasized how compliant she was by not just putting her ass up as high as possible, but by submissively curving her chest and face down to the floor, arms spread wide.

When instructed to lie back on a table for for a pussy whipping, Extra didn’t just open her legs, but spread them as far as possible. In addition, she formed her lips into a circle, as if begging for a dick to be shoved in. And when punished, she was very vocal about the pain she felt.

When Terrance ordered Extra to pick out six clothespins for her nipple torture, three for each nipple, she carefully chose the most severe ones. From experience she knew they would hurt her terribly, and when removed would cause almost unbearable pain. But because it was for Terrance’s pleasure, and she did the same for him, those were the ones she selected.

Terrance and Extra were so simpatico that neitherone had to say a word when it came time to switch. One or the other would give a look, and it was immediately understand. The transformation of roles was immediate and seamless.

Terrance and Extra’s most frequent rental play space was on the second story of a light industrial building in the Mission District of San Francisco. And they soon established a routine there.

Terrance would ring the buzzer out by the sidewalk while holding a bottle of red wine in a brown paper bag. Extra intentionally waited a couple of minutes to answer the bell. She and Terrance both knew that many locals were aware of what went on upstairs, so making him wait while outside exposed his kink to at least some strangers. Both of them delighted in his public humiliation.

Once inside and at the foot of the stairs, Terrance would drop to his knees. Extra would peer around the corner from the top of the rug-covered stairway, then motion with her finger to summon him up.

On all fours, Terrance would slowly make his way up the steps, keeping constant eye contact with his Mistress. It immediately confirmed her dominance and his submission.

Once at the top of the steps, Extra would hold out a wine glass. In silence, Terrance would pour it half full from his already opened bottle.

Extra would then put a pair of white panties to Terrance’s nose.

“I walked five miles in these Today,” she would tell him. “Don’t they smell delicious?”

Terrance would nod.

Then Extra would drop the fragment panties into the glass of red wine.

They would gaze into each other’s eyes as Terrance slowly drained the glass.

When he was done, Extra would take the panties out of the glass and shove them in his mouth.

“Suck them dry while you wait for me at the caning table,” she would say. “Go now.”

Terrance would do as ordered. He could scarcely control his emotions as he dropped his pants and shorts, exposing his bare ass for the severe punishment he was about to receive.

Terrance and Extra had a magnificent relationship until one day when, without warning, Extra got on the internet and announced that she was quitting the business. No goodbye, no nothing. It was a stronger blow to Terrance than she’d ever given him with a cane. Extra had been a fabulous dom, and at least as good a pain-loving sub.

It was only then that Terrance discovered, in the search for a new dom, that Mistress Sinthia had moved her business to the Napa Valley. She renamed it The Riding Academy because she actually took over an existing riding academic on the other side of the hill from the dom house.

It was Mistress Sinthia who answered when Terrance called to inquire about the Riding Academy’s so-called Special Services. The Mistress recognized his voice immediately.

“You need to be properly punished for not visiting me in more than three years,” said Mistress Sinthia. “You will be here tomorrow evening at 7:30 pm.”

It was an order, not a request. And she immediately hung up.

Since Mistress Sinthia had given up seeing clients two years before, Terrance was shocked that it was she who greeted him at the door.

She was decked out in super sexy skin-tight outfit that was half equestrian and half high class dominatrix. She wore her favorite bustier, one with vertical slots down the middle of each boob, allowing each nipple to peak out. She wore an elegant leather picker around her neck and long black opera gloves. She looked stunning and younger than ever. The country life was obviously agreeing with her.


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