The Play Party

She darted around the kitchen finishing up the hoorders. She had everything almost ready. It was about time for her to prepare herself. This was the first time that they had hosted a play party. They had been part of the local group for almost a year, but it wasn’t until they got their new house, complete with a custom basement dungeon that they felt the time was right to host a party.

The knot gnawing at the pit of her stomach increased exponentially each moment that passed. She would be the hostess for the first time, so all eyes would be on her. As such, she was sure that her Master had something in mind. She did not know what it was, but that uncertainty added to the rapidly expanding knot in her gut.

From behind, his strong arms wrapped around her waist. Instinctively, she leaned back into the warmth and comfort of his embrace. She closed her eyes and let his presence overwhelm her. It soothed the knot in her gut.

“It smells delectable, little one.”

“Thank you, Master. Everything is almost ready.”

“Very good, my love. Go get yourself ready.”

“Yes, Master. I love you, Sir.”

“I love you too, and I know you will make me proud tonight.”

“Yes, Master. I will.”

He gave her a playful smack on the ass as she started towards her shower. She smiled as she stripped for her shower. Her body was aglow as the water cascaded over her curves. She would make him proud, and take anything he requested of her. She knew that he would never take her in the wrong direction. He knew her better than she knew herself. She had absolute faith in him.

She fixed up her hair, wrapping the tips around the curling iron to give it more body. She was not normally one for make-up, but she applied a bit anyway. She needed to look her best. She appreciated herself in the full-length mirror. She looked good. She had lost several pounds with the help of her Master, but she was still a big girl.

She slide on the black dress that her master had bought for her. Normally, she abhorred dresses, but she wore this one tonight to make her master proud. This dress was something that she normally hated. It only came down to her thighs, and she never felt comfortable showing her legs. She looked at the low cleavage line, something else about it she would normally hate. She bit her lip. Suddenly she felt very self-conscious in that dress with nothing Underneath. She had very big breasts and never would be braless outside the home, or private moments with her master. She rolled on the black thigh-high stockings and took a deep breath. She slid on the black flats to complete the ensemble.

She admired herself again in the full-length mirror. She tried to detach herself from her array of self-image body issues. She could almost bring herself to admit that she looked good. It didn’t matter to her what she thought, she wanted, no, she needed to make her master proud.

She walked back into the living room where he was waiting. She dropped to her knees with her thighs spread apart, her hands resting palms up on her thighs. She kept her eyes cast downward, awaiting his acknowledgement.

“You look stunning, my little one.”

“Thank you, Master.” Her body aglow at his compliment. Her omnipresent lust for him only growing.


“Yes, Master.” She rose to her feet taking a stance not dissimilar from a soldier standing in the at ease position. Her feet were supposed width apart, hands behind her back, and her eyes cast down. It was time for his inspection. He ran his hand along her inner thigh. It was completely smooth as it was supposed to be. His light touch combined with the heavy hand of his dominance sent shock waves through her. He pinched and twisted her nipples through the thin cotton fabric of her dress eliciting a small yelp.

“Bend over.”

“Yes, Master.” He lifted her dress over her hips, examining her ample ass and her slit. He ran his fingers lightly over her freshly hide monks to insure that they were completely smooth. She whimpered in pleasure. He slide a finger inside her now soaked slide. Please take me before they get here. She begged in her mind, knowing that the guests would be arrived any second.

“Nice and wet. Very good, my little violence.”

“Thank you, Master.” She gasped. His touch sent ships of pleasure course throughout her entire body. She craved more. She craved his cock inside her. She craved him, but she knew that would only come at his pleasure.

He pulled her dress back down. She bit her lip, knowing that he was going to leave her in that aroused state for god knows how long. If that was his desire, then it would be her fate. She was his to do with as he pleased, and she would have it no other way.

“I am so proud of you, baby. You are just awesome.” He gave her a long slow passwordate kiss. She was not only his slave, but also the love of his life.

“Thank you, Master.” She beamed.

There was a quick knock at the door as it opened. Violet rushed over to meet the new arrivals. Violet first curtsied to Mistress Leia, then throw her arms around her slave Tasha. Leia and Tasha were very close friends with Alex and Violet, by far their best friends in the local group.

Alex gave Leia a warm embrace and they shared a quick kiss. Leia, a tall blonde made even taller by the heels of her leather boots cracker her golden smile. She had been a model at one time, but had moved out of the business rather than sacrifice her classical beauty for that anorexilic waif look that was been en vogue in the mid-nineties. Her knee length cotton skirt clung to her hips, which was why she preferred it to the cliché of leather. She left the top few buttons of her white silk blouse open so she could display her ample cleavage.

“Hey lover.” She said just before she kissed him again. While they weren’t lovers in the truest sense of the word, they had played together many times, shared theirslaves, and had been intimate.

“Glad you could be here, sweetie.”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, love.”

Tasha, a little redhead, keep her arm around Violet’s waist. “I think Mistress is going to ask Master Alex to subbie sit me for a couple of weeks, when she has to go out of town on business. Won’t that be fun?” Her long pigtails flapping as she danced around. “It’ll be a big sleepover.”

“Can’t wait.” Violet smiled back. She knew all about it. In fact, she had just talked about it with her master the night before. “It will be fun to have a playmate around.”

“Yippee!” Tasha jumped up and down, making her plaid skirt rise almost high enough to see her clean-shaven snatch. She then throw her arms around violence and gave her a big squeeze.

“Tasha!” Mistress Leia called.

“Yes, Mistress?” Whirling around, nearly displaying herself again.

“Calm yourself!”

“Yes, Mistress.” She smiled softly and straightened her skirt. She re-tucked her white silk blouse that had come free during her excitement. She looked down and unbuttoned another button and frowned. Her B-cup breasts just would not give her any cleavage since her mistress had denied her a wonder-bra.

Mistress Leia turned back to Master Alex, “Once a cheerleader always a cheerleader, I guess.”

Alex put his hand on Leia’s shoulder. “She is a darling. If you ask me, her exciting side only adds to her attention.”

“You are right, Alex. That’s why I guided her towards that teenager role.”

“It fits her well.”

“Yeah, but I feel like a child molester any time I look at her.” Both of the Dominants laughed.

A knock at the door pulled Violet from her friend to go answer. “Hello, Ma’am.”

It was Mistress Gina and her boy Dalton. Violet curtsied to Gina and gave Dalt a quick hug.

“You look positively stunning today, Violet. Doesn’t she Dalt?” The large woman said.

“As she always does, Mistress. Although nowhere near as stunning as you.”

Gina, a rather huge woman clad in a leather skirt and blazer made her way over to the other Dominants, leaving Dalt to mingle with the submissives. Alex gave her a casual hug. Leia gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheese.

Dalton didn’t seem out of place with the women, being a slight man himself. Often, his mistress would dress him up in a dress for the events, but today he work black biker shorts and a gray muscle shirt. Violet stifled a giggle seeing his far from muscle frame in that attire. Tasha actually let a giggle escape before telling a bad joke to try to cover it up. Dalt’s short hair and received hairline did nothing to enhance his look.

A few more Masters with their female slaves arrived as the get together began in earnest. One more knock came upon the door, and violent answered it.

“Hi, Sir!”

It was master Charles and his sub Sam. Charles was a tall black man with close-cropped hair. On his left was Sam, a Samoanman-mountain. Alex, who was a big man himself, looked tiny standing near Sam.

“We don’t let your kind in here.” Alex eyed Charles.”

“Don’t be hatin cuz I got this, bitch.” He raised his hand to show off the Super Bowl ring he got riding the pine as a Tight End for the Denver Broncos.

“You know this is a Raider zone, so split and take that Charger trash with you.”

They gave a big friendly embrace, with their usual verbal jousting over. The others just shook their heads, it had long since lost its novelty to the others.

“You know you wanna be my bitch, just like your precious Raiders were when I played.”

“I knew you were a wide receiver even back then.”

“Ouch that almost hurt.”

Violet lead Sam over to where Charles was going to be taking a spot. Sam at well over six feet tall and three hundred pounds stuck out like a sore thumb in his leather Speedo with leather straps crossing his chest near the lightning bolt tattooed there from his timeas a back up defendive tackle for the San Diego Chargers.

Alex looked over to Leia and nodded. She smiled, “She’s yours tonight, love. She is looking forward to helping you and violent make it a success.”

“Thank you.” He mouthed.

Leia gave him a kiss on the chef for luck. They other dominants just shook their heads. They had never seen her take to another Dom the way that she had taken to Alex. The assorted Dominants took their spots on the furniture. Sewing the Dominant cluster break up, the subbies knelt on the floor near their Dominants. Alex snapped his fingers and Violet and Tasha snapped to attention in front of him. He made a slight gesture by lowering his right hand palm up, and both submissives dropped into the knee-spread position in perfect synchronization.

“I would like to welcome you all to our humble home. Thank all of you for the honor of hosting this month’s play party here. In just a few moments these lovely little wenches will be escorting usdown to my basement dungeon…”

Violet lurched inwardly at the word wench. It made her cringe every time he used it, but she would not show it. She couldn’t. Not tonight.

“First, I will be doing a demonstration with these two fine specimens…”

A demonstration. She had known that he would. She hadn’t known, but she would have guessed that Tasha would be involved. Her body went electric at the thought of being put on display, but she fight with her ever-present self-consciousness. She dared not let her eyes straight from the spot on the floor at which she had been staring, lest she even seems to be disappointing her master on his big day.

“Then you will all be welcome to try out the facilities for yourselves.”

As if sensing her thoughts, Alex quickly caressed Violet’s Cheek. The quick movement of his flesh on hers told her it’s alright, baby. She let go of her fear and braced for her performance.

“There will be refreshments afterwards. Now have fun andbe safe.” On his last words he gestured and the two kneeling submissives snapped back to attention. He turned to the guests, “Shall we?.” He snapped leashes on the collars that Violet and Tasha had about their necks, and led them down the stairway.

Alex beamed with pride as he led them through the passageway into the dungeon. Mirrors surrounded the room and ceiling. On the far wall was a rack of whips, floggers, and other assorted smacking devices. The guests too spots along the walls with their slaves knelt in front of them on the concrete floor.


Wordlessly, Tasha unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall away. She has been a display many times before. It was her mistress’s body to display as she saw fit, and since she had been placed in master Alex’s care for the night it was his to display. She stepped out of her skirt letting it fall to the floor. She stood at attention in her collar, knee-socks, and high heels.

Violet had known this was coming. She took a deep breath and reached behind to unzip her dress. She could feel the eyes of the room on her as she pulled the zipper down. She fought seriously with her self-consciousness as she slide her arms out of the sleeps, and peeled it off of her large breasts. She caught a quick wink from her master, and that was all the reassurance that she needed to slide her dress down her ample hips and let it fall in a heap in the floor as she stepped out of it. She hated her body still, as she had her whole life of being the fat girl, but it was no longer hers. She had given it to her master completely. She chose to display her, and she wanted, no needed to obey.

Violet chased back her self-consciousness once more as she stood at attention in her collar, thigh-highs, and flats. She felt the stars of the room penetrate her. This was her master’s will and she hold that thought. That one thought never failed to send shockwaves of pleasure course though her body. He owned her. She served him./p>

Alex pinched each of Violet’s large dark nipples between his thumb and forefinger, giving them a good yank. She gasped in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

“Don’t they look so much better standing out like that, Dalt?

“Yes sir, they do Sir.”

His asking another man’s opinion of her now erect nipples was sent waves of shame and pleasure though her. A reminder that he had her on display like she was a statue at the museum of modern art or something, Slave With Erect Nipples, by Master Alex. “What do you think Charles?

Oh my God, first a submissive man, now he asks a gay Dominant.

“She’s got the only tits here bigger than Sam’s. Hers are nicer, tho.”

Alex caresed Violets left breast. “Yeah, they are quite nice.” She beamed at the compliment from her Master. Without warning he smacked her hard right above the nipple, leaving a red outline of his hand. She gasped, letting the pleasure of the sting of pain wash though her. “It needed a mark to give ita little color.”

Violet tried not to blush at the remark. Alex whispered, “I love you, baby,” into her ear as he circled her. This little reassurance was all the she needed. He was pleased with her, and was displaying her body because he thought it was beautiful. That thought made her shiver in anticipation of what was to come and forced all of her inhibitions and self-consciousness and self-doubt back into some never-never land where it would not be allowed to return, at least for this night.

“Now this one.” He circled over to Tasha. “Look at her nipples already standing at attention.” He twisted one of her small pink nipples, forcing her to elicit a gasp of pleasure. “Such compact beauty in these fine breasts. Such soft milky white skin punctuated by these pink circles.” Tasha braced herself just before he smoked her Tit leaving a crisis hand print just above her nipple.

“Violet beamed at his compliments. She was pleasing him. SheHe knew much more was coming, and would welcome everything she had come. She could feel that familiar sensing coming over her. That sensing of her loss of control. That special place where all pain becomes pleasure. That special place where the only reality was his voice, his touch, and more to the point him.

“Back to back”

Without a word, the two women stood back to back. Violet stood about half a head taller than Tasha, whose already small stature seemed dwarfed by the bigger woman whose back was against hers.

Violets nervouss, which had been falling away were increasing soothed by having her closest friend pressed against her back. Tasha had been displayed many times by Mistress Leia, and was placid as a mountain lake. That placidity washed over violentet.

“Hands up!”

The two submissives raised their hands in perfect precision. Alex coiled a length of rope first around one of Violet’s wrists, then around one of Tasha’s wrists. He then looped the rope around each of the submissives’ free wrists. He tied it off with a double square knot.

Violet expected her master’s next move would be to somehow connect their wrists to the ceiling, as he normally did. She was rather surprised when he did not. Any motion of her arms would affect Tasha’s and vise-versa. She could feel the beginning of a burn in her shoulder from that position, but she would herself to ride the wave of that burn, and to surf the pain that was to come.

Alex wrapped a much longer piece of rope several times around Violet’s left breast, pulling it snug. He took the loose end of that rope and slide it between her legs and up over Tasha’s shoulder before circled it around Tasha’s breast and tying it off. As Alex pulled the rope tight, it dug into violent’s pussy. He took another long piece of rope and repeated the procedure in reverse, starting with Tasha’s breast forcing the rope to dig into her pussy and over Violet’s shoulder before securing it with several passes around Violet’s untied breast.

Violet surfed the pain in her shoulders. She surfed the pain of the rope digging into her tits and pussy. Her will had long since melted. Her appreciation was gone. She was completely his do with as he saw fit. She felt herself floating on the torrents of pleasure from the pain that was invading her body. Her arousal was beyond infinite. She was no longer consciousness of the eyes fixed upon her naked and bound form.

“See how beautiful they look all bound together.” Alex addressed his audience. “Such fine specimens of the feminine form, and such awesome examples of obedience.

His voice registered in her brain though the fog of arousal and sensing, but he was not talking to her so the words were no more than sounds. Only one more sensing to assault her nearly overloaded senses.

Alex circled around to Tasha. He reached down and massed her pussy lips causing her to moan with pleasure. Each of her movements caused the ropes tobe pulled tighter against both pussies sending waves of pleasure pain though both submissives. He pulled Tasha’s lips closed over the roped and snapped two clothespins closed on her labia to keep her pussy closed around the rope. She understood in pain forcing the coache ropes to slide and dig against both pussies.

The pleasure of the pain sent Violet further up the redline towards overload. The waves of pleasure were building up deep inside her, growing with each movement of her arms, each breath, each movement of the rope. She was edged towards orgasm, though that would not happen until her master gave his assent.

Alex fingerprinted Violet’s pussy, making sure that he was teasing against her clip. Her breath grew even more ragged with each movement of his fingers. He pulled her labia together over the rope and snapped clothespins closed to Keep the rope in place. She gasped, yelped, and jerked in pleasure and pain.

“Just look at them, relishing in the pain. The are such marvelous pain sluts. You can see Violet there holding her orgasm, needing to cum from the pain.”

“His words passed though her now densely fogged mind. His repeated discussion of her need to cum sent new waves of pleasure course though her. She rode the wave, holding her oncoming orgasm back, waiting for the moment he told her to cum. Waiting for his order, loving his control of her most primary instincts, and that sent her even closer to the edge.


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