Summary of Pixie Story No. 3:
On a cold November Saturday Pixie reveals to her best friend Mandy, all the goings on after hours at the offices of Regent Graphics. Mandy is deeply concerned about Pixie and tries to convince her that what she keeps referring to as ‘a harmless game’ is anything but. Pixie’s tells her of the night before and the curious gift Suzie had bought for her: a dog collar and lead. Suzie tortures Neil with her heels and invents a new game for Pixie: Mistress and Puppy. Suzie fights with her emotions and the constant pull of attention and aversion to Pixie continues. She makes her strip naked and puts the dog collar on her and humiliatingly denies her speech and only allows her to walk on all fours. But things take an unexpected turn when she makes Pixie blow Neil and finds herself overwhelmed. In a fit of crazy abandon she takes Pixie’s place, which culminates in Neil fucking Suzie over his desk. Pixie, feeling rejected quietly retreats from thescene and gets dressed in reception. In a rare moment of contemplation Pixie questions herself but ultimately, decides that it’s still just a harmless game. Mandy can’t tolerate hearing anymore and abandons Pixie at the bar. She stops momentarily to tell her that “Even Barbie has to grow up sometimes.” Then walks out into the rain.
The Story Continues…
Pixie’s weekend had been wretched. She’d worked the Saturday shift till 1pm then dashed home and got changed and met her best friend Mandy for drinks down by The Embankment. Their night out had ended prematurely when Mandy had, seemingly in disgust, walked off to the Underground Station, only stopping briefly to tell her that ‘Barbie has to grow up’. There had been nothing cryptic in that and she’d understand what she said even if she didn’t understand what it means. Then, spying her alone, two sweaty drink office ‘Charlie’s’ had tried to chat her up by telling her she looked like a stripper A delayed journey home on a crowded train smelling of greasy food had followed and then on arrival at her flat three episodes of Girls on Blu-Ray (in her pyjamas) before a fractured sleep and a 3am crying session. Her Sunday had been uneventful except for a few missed calls, on her part, as she tried to ring Mandy and apologise.
Pixie was at reception, to Her mind a model of professionalism, greeting everyone with a smile and answering the phone promptly and with just the right balance of cordiality and distance. But behind her perfect porcelain face doubt and sadness ghosted.
Suzie had barely registered her greeting but when Neil followed closely behind he ignored her completely, two steaming cups of tea from Starbucks in his hand. He entered his office and Suzie strode in after him defiantly.
Lonelines found Pixie and even in a brief respite as she made herself a quick chai-tea in the kitchen after lunch Paul the office bore had given her a wide berth.
Telephone calls and emails, parcels signed for and collected. Monday met Thursday like identical twins.
Come Friday Pixie was tingling with anticipation. All week she had felt that everyone had been avoiding her. Suzie didn’t talk to her, no hushed gossip in her ear, no polite nods, no nothing. Neil never made eye contact with her and made a habit of checking his phone as the lift doors opened, only completing his texts as he unlocked his office door. Even Pixie had noticed the one obvious change this week had brought: The closeness of Neil and Suzie. They followed on each other’s heels at lunch, Suzie had even been late back from lunch once (a starting phenomenon without precedent) and Neil had been even later. Without Suzie to run the gossip each employee of Regent Graphics had his or her own opinion about what was going on. For Pixie it simply added to the confusion.
She watched the clock and wandered what Friday, after hours, this time would bring. So separate from everything and alone, she actually looked forward to it. Even if Suzie was mean to her again, even if Suzie demanded she do something she would normally avoid she would do it. She just wanted some warmth of human kindness, some contact, someone to look at her with something other than disdain, contempt, disinterest or mockery.
If Pixie felt a coldness for Suzie it was the opposite. She felt full of proud fire, as if her every step made the ground sizzle like a stoked coal. Her feelings towards Pixie had resolved themselves, like smoke rings they had risen and dissipated in the air. The disdain and revulsion she felt for Pixie was now clear and firmly formed. That sneaky, confusing ‘thread of perversity’ (as she called it) that had snaked through her mind, destabilising long settled aspects of herself was truly vanquished. All she had needed was to be fucked, but not by just anyone, it had to be violent and nasty and raw. Neil at that point had been uncertain whether he wanted to fuck her brains out or beat them out. It had been a purifying experience for them both, Suzie felt more confident that she had in years. The quiet voices now silenced, her sexuality on show with every step. A vicious snapping black panther in heels, that’s what Neil called her and she agreed, the description fitted her perfectly.
Neil felt like he had escaped his fate. How could Suzie blackmail him now when she was so clearly besotted with him? In the space of a short week she had gone from enemy number one to something akin to a mistress. They had fucked twice since Friday, once in the office on Tuesday night and had gone to a hotel at lunch. Suzie had been so rampant and aroused that she tore strips off him. She dug her nails deep into his back and left trace marks of blood on the bed sheet. He had to worry for plastics before returning to the office. His shirt had to be distributed of on the way home, sticky and spotted with dark brown smears. Lucky he always had a spare shirt to hand. He felt all the stress die within him, each time he fucked her the world seemed sunnier, the bird song sweeter, food had taste again and he could sleep. His world had not returned to normal but it had become tolerable and even pleasant. Suzie was more than any office fuck or suck had even been, it had some fucked up meaning. Not that he’d worked it out Just yet. He had almost come to like her as much as he admired her. He looked through the blinds at Pixie. Her back was facing him and she was reading a fashion magazine, the phone rang and she gave a little started jump. ‘God, what was I thinking?’ He thought to himself. He looked at Suzie, her face fixed with a cold determination, completely immersed in her work. That stern face, those fixed eyes, those thrusting fingers. His cock unfurled.
Friday, 5pm. The usual parade of flesh and scarves passed by and as usual Neil made his customary small-talk goodbyes to his staff.There was a little more stiffness in them today, the nods of acknowledgement more abrupt, the eyes cooler. Even Paul seemed different, where was his usual grey pleasure?
Suzie as was her custom didn’t acknowledge the time like the others. She saw it as a sign of sheer unprofessionalism to be so eager to leave the minute you were able to. If something had to be done she left when it was done, not before. Though so efficient was she that it was never more than a few minutes past five when she finally logged out of her computer.
Pixie came out of the loo. She’d touched up her make up and let her hair down. She smiled as she passed Suzie and returned to reception to wait to be summoned.
Neil came out of his office and as he did Suzie finished what she was doing, leaned back and exhausted. Neil smiled and she got up, slipped her jacket off and onto her chair and entered his office.
Pixie waited but no one called. After five minutes she nervously got up and put her head round the door.
Suzie was sat on the arm of Neil’s chair, wanking him off as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Neil was luxury in his seat with the sparkling pleasure of Suzie’s cold fingers pulling at the hardening flesh of his cock. Each little pressure of her fingertips making his cock wet with expectation.
“Oh you.” said Suzie glancing up, not missing a beat. ‘Wait outside till I call you in. It may be a while but do as you’re told and don’t move an inch.”
“Let her go home, I don’t want her here.” Neil’s said lazily.
“Well I want her here, so she’s staying.”
“You’re the boss…” he slipped further into his chair as Suzie speeded up slightly.
“Wait at your desk. Carry on reading whatever celebration trash you were pouring over earlier.”
“It’s Vogue.” Said Pixie, a tiny spark of sarcasm on her tongue.
“Don’t care. Out, out, till I call you, and close the door.”
“Ooh, that’s it.” Neil’s voice cooed as Suzie’s steely glare followed Pixie out of sight while her hand beat him with increasing ferocity.
Pixie waited at her desk for a full hour. She’d gotten through the rest of Vogue by twenty to and was now just staring unblinkingly through the advertisements.
In that hour all manner of noises had been forthcoming from Neil’s office. She had been started once or twice by Suzie’s high-pitched grosses and loud snarling grunts. It sounded like a wrestling match at times, with the sound of impacted furniture, things were knocked to the floor, bodies slamming onto the floor, desk, chair and every surface. The very walls had seemed to shake at one point.
Pixie couldn’t remember having felt so miserable. This was even worse than when Mandy had left her at the bar. She knew she was upset and it would take a little while but They loved each other and though it hurt to think she had upset her she knew it wouldn’t last. Well she hoped it wouldn’t last. But this was different, she was being rejected, she had been replaced. What had started, as a game for three had become a game for two; Pixie was out, three’s a crowd.
‘You may come in now.’
Suzie stood naked in the doorway of Neil’s office. Pixie was shocked. She stood there panting her hair shiny with sweat, her nipples sore, the black triangle of her pubic hair was sticky with Neil’s cum and her arms, legs and stromach showed bite and scratch marks. Although this Suzie emanated a power, which Pixie could only obey.
The office was a near wreck. Neil she saw was trying to put things back in their place, one of the chairs was upturned and there were dark patches on the floor, was they sweat, blood, cum? His clothes lay in twists in one corner, Suzie’s in another.
“Take a seat.” Suzie righted the chair and patted it. Pixie tenatively sat down.
She looked at Neil he looked like he too had been in the wars. His hair was all tugged on one side and long scratches ran down his stomach. It also looked likesomeone had taken a big bite on one of his arse cheeses. A small fist of yellow and lilac was mixing under his skin.
“Don’t ask my why your still here, I don’t have a clue. I’d have sent you home ages ago but…” “Don’t forget Neil, it’s Friday, it’s after five and I am the boss.” Suzie draped herself onto Neil’s lap. He disappeared from view and in his place stared Suzie’s shining breasts and those swollen nipples, the same red as raw steak.
“Now Pixie I’m sorry that you had to wait so long, but it takes quite some time for me to be fucked to a standard that I find satisfied. I am a demanding woman but that is my prerogative. Now, onto part two for the evening. A new game, just for you Pixie. It’s a game I’m sure you’ll love. For once you can keep your clothes on, won’t that be nice?”
“Oh it was no trouble, I had stuff to read so time just flew by.” Pixie laughed and tried to act casual. Suzie was being nice to her again. It didn’t matter that she and Neil were sat tHere naked, what mattered was that she still had a place in the game. What had happened between Neil and Suzie was weird, they seemed so friendly now and Neil seemed utterly disinterested in her. But she felt certain that if she had the opportunity to really let herself go really allow herself to be utterly dedicated and unquestioning she could keep their interest. Maybe she had better keep this a secret from now on Though. Maybe it was better Mandy didn’t know. Was this all becoming too much to ask of her? No, no, but why? Because she wanted to be looked at with some modicum of affection.
“This game is a simple one” It requires three things, you to bend over Neil’s desk, Neil to position himself under you…”
“Hold on”
“Shush, I’m the boss remember? Trust me you’ll like this game and what follows.” She turned. Neil fell quiet.
“Oh I said you wouldn’t have to be naked, you don’t but let’s lose the panties ok?”
Pixie felt a little chill run through her. This was a strange request, why would she need to take her knickers off? She let the thought hang there but didn’t delve any deeper. She reached under her skirt and slipped them down and stepped out of them. Black silk with a fringe of cream, they were from Agent Provocateur and she’d wound them especially. Suzie picked them up and handled them as deliciously as if they had been butterfly wings. She felt the soft heat of Pixie’s body in them, and just a tiny scent of warm milk and honey. She pushed them gently into the pocket of Pixie’s dress.
Pixie nervously leaned over the desk, trying to quietly her questioning mind whilst Neil slumpt from his chair like a sulky teenager and Suzie guided him down under the desk so that he faced Pixie’s legs.
“Now the game is called Sugar and Sting. It’s a simple game of questions and answers. I will ask you a simple question. If your answer is one I deem right then something nice will happens to you. If I think your answer to be wrong you getsomething not so nice. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” Her voice broke a little, she didn’t know why.
“Good. Oh, now I did say we needed three things to play this game didn’t I? You’re over the desk, Neil’s between your legs and ah… there it is!”
Suzie reached over to where Neil’s clothes had been kicked into a pile and slide his shiny black belt from the loops of His trousers. It emerged like a venomous snake and Suzie coiled it round her muscled arm.
“Something to put the sting in Sugar and Sting.”
Pixie saw the belt and through she felt frozen in position she couldn’t help whimper, “Please don’t hurt me.”
“Hurt you, why ever should I do that? You must remember the rules of the game. If all your answers are right then nothing but pleasureantness will happen to you. It’s all up to that pretty little head of yours isn’t it? If I have to do a bad thing to you that’s not my fault is it? I don’t put the words into your head, I can’t control what you say can I?”
“No, but please.” A tear crawled out of each of her eyes and she felt her heart flutter. This was not what she had expected. She thought she’d maybe play another role playing game and that she would be able to try and get Neil to want her again, but this? What was happening she kept asking herself, what am I doing?
“Do you like working here at Regent Graphic with us?” Suzie’s tone was formal.
Pixie was afraid to speak, but after a couple of seconds of hesitation she nodded slightly.
“Speak up.”
“Yes.” The word clung to a whisper.
“Good. Right answer, I think you deserve something nice.”
She croouched down and pulled Neil forward, he reluctantly acquired.
“Lick her shaken pussy and don’t stop till I tell you to.” She hissed the words at Neil who in that moment realized that if he had thought he had broken the power structure of Suzie’s games he had been wrong. He was the manager for fuck sake and yet here he was completely naked, underHis desk being ordered to lick the pussy of a girl who he didn’t feel attracted to anymore.
He did as he was told. He leaned in and pressed his nose against her skin. Strange how despite their intimacy he’d never noticed how fresh her skin smelt. There was not a single hair to be found on Pixie’s pussy and the image flashed into his mind of a naked doll, where its pussy should be a simple smooth slope of plastic. He pressed his lips to Pixie’s pussy. It was cold and both of them quivered when he pressed his tongue against her. She was dry as a crisp autumn leaf and Neil felt no great desire to put much effort in; even so Pixie was melting a little, she was warming up. Neil pressed his tongue in a little further and instinctively gave her clip a little flick. Pixie’s stomach contracted and Neil felt her body weaken and Pull away slightly from him. Her pussy tasted like ice-cold water, and Neil thought of how much he’d prefer his lips and tongue to be exploring between Suzie’slegs; her glossy public hairs ticking his nose and the strong heat of her pussy against his skin.
‘That’ll do.”
Pixie’s body gave an involuntary shudder as Neil’s tongue withdraw. That felt so good she thought quite forgetting the two tears she had released a moment before.
“Next question…”
Suzie had not given much thought to this game and for some reason Neil licking Pixie’s pussy angered her slightly. Why?
“Do you like spending time with us after hours of a Friday?”
“Right answer. Neil?”
He fell forward between her legs again and Pixie had to grip the table to stop her self from falling.
“We’ll speed things up a bit. Neil will keep licking and sucking and fingering, if he so desires, your pussy till you get an answer wrong.” A twisted smile crossed her lips as she locked at Pixie’s blonde head resting on the table. What a brainless automation she is, just look at her? She laughed inwardly.
“Do you like Neil and I?”
“Yes, yes, I… ooh, I admire you both really I do.” Neil was really turning her on, even though he was keeping a simple one-speed rhythm going. She could feel the little jumps in her stomach and the small itches spreading over her body.
“Is it because you admire us that you obey us? Neil in office hours, me outside of office hours.”
She was trying to project (via some mystical force) her thoughts through the desk and into Neil’s brain ‘faster, faster!’
“Do you think you’re pretty?”
“Yes.” Pixie snapped without thinking.
“Oh…” Suzie’s tone dropped and Neil paused.
“Really. You think you’re pretty, what do you think Neil?” Suzie looked down at him. He was still his lips just a centimetre and a half from her now glistening pussy. He eyed her wardly and said nothing.
“I suppose you are in an obvious, superficial way. A fake beauty I suppose we could call you?”
“Yes” She wasn’t really listening to what Suzie was saying, she had forgotten all about the belt, she just wanted Neil to lick her clip and start gently messaging the very edges of her pussy with his fingers tips. But he remained motionless, though she could feel his breath gently pushing air against her wet skin making it tingle.
“Tell me, do you consider yourself a whore?”
“Wrong answer.” With a snap of air, Suzie brought the belt cracking across Pixie’s ass. A silence hung over Pixie, as in shock she felt momentarily numb all over. Then the burning pain ran rampant through her brain and took her breath with it, her knees felt like they we’re giving way.
Pixie cried out in pain, and Suzie kicked Neil to continue. Neil was energised by Suzie’s act of violence and he let himself go a little. Neil’s probing licks, the gentle press of his teeth and now finally… his cool touch smoothed out the waves of pain running through Pixie’s body. She feel herself relax and the wince of pain had become something equally difficult to handle but altogether more familiar.
“You made me do it, I had to do it. You gave the wrong answer. The correct answer to the question: Do you consider yourself a whore is ‘yes’ Isn’t it?” Suzie walked to the other side of the desk and looked at her face as Pixie tried to look up at her. Her face was crushed into the desk, she was smoking and her hair had fallen over her face and stuck in places. Her face was flushed pink and she had to keep her mouth open to regulate her breathing. She looks like she’s enjoying this, thought Suzie.
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