The Pixie Stories 03

Summary of Pixie Story No. 2:

A week to the day after Suzie walked in on Pixie just a moment after she’d blown Neil, the manager for a day off, embedded Suzie makes her move. She arranges a meeting after work and reveals to Pixie and Neil her intention to blackmail them both. In return for her silence, every Friday after work Suzie plans to dominate and humiliate them. Suzie is obsessed over what she witnessed and painstakingly makes them recreate the moment. She humiliates Neil for not respecting her and Pixie for allowing herself to be manipulated by Neil. The control Suzie has started to affect her in ways she didn’t expect and she struggles to control her feelings of attention and disdain for Pixie. She takes some compromising photographs to ensure her power over them. Suzie then leaves to gather Her thoughts about what has happened and what she plans to do next. Pixie throughout has been unsure what it all means but ultimately assumes it to be a game, a game ofMaster & Servant. With Suzie gone Neil assumes control. He takes a seat and makes Pixie kneel before him.

The Story Continues…


“Do you honestly have any idea what you’re getting yourself into Pix?”

Mandy took a big sip of chardonnay as she tried to make sense of all Pixie had told her about the last three weeks of her life.

Mandy was Pixie’s best friend and Pixie was an open book to her, no subject was off limits nor would any detail be skipped or altered. She told her without hesitation or embarrassment of the reason why she agreed to blow Neil, her manager. It was for the Saturday morning off so that she and Mandy could have the big night on the town they’d planned for that Friday.

She told of how Neil had explained it all to her, how it was a fair and perfectly reasonable trade. She told of how Suzie had walked in on them and left it a week before she’d said anything. How Suzie had made a game of it, a game of Master & Servant. How Suzie was angry with Neil and just wanted to have a little fun with him. She wanted to get even because he had gotten her to cover reception a few times which she was right to feel was beneath her. She had just got mixed up in Suzie and Neil’s quarrel but she didn’t mind it all that much and anyway she liked blowing Neil, she thought him a nice guy. It was harmless she said, he was separated from his wife, she was single, it made him really happy and she enjoyed herself, so where was the problem? Suzie had also asked her, to give him head and had watched them both intensely while she did it. She admitted that was weird but again, what harm did it do? It didn’t feel sordid or anything with her watching, she was so focused on doing her best that she Almost forgot Suzie was even there.

She liked the game Master & Servant having read about it in books but she hadn’t played it before. She hadn’t known the rules at first, which made her confused, like when Suzie kissed her neck and fondled her breast. But that only happened because Pixie had failed to say what was out of bounds before the game had begun. She trusted Suzie completely and was sure it was just a bit of fun and nothing to worry about. She realized she was indulging their whims but she didn’t feel exploited or anything because she was, after all, playing the part of a service and being ordered about was what a service was meant to do, right? She didn’t do anything she didn’t want to and if she did object to something it was usually over a misunderstanding on her part and once Suzie explained it (she was so good at that) in simple language it was always fine. Ultimately it was just a little fun in the office after hours. Nothing to worry about, ‘an experience’ was what she called it.

The more Pixie talked the more concerned Mandy got. Mandy had known Pixie for years. She had been Mandy’s younger sister Melanie’s best friend at school, but they had always got on. When Pixie was about seventeen their friend had truly solidified. Melanie wasn’t the going-out type (it was as if she’d never got over the ‘grumpy-teenager’ phase), whilst Mandy was the wild one of the family and she found herself with increasing frequency out with Pixie drinking and dancing till the trains started running again. Mandy was four years older than Pixie and felt Very protected of her. She wondered how a girl who she knew to be so experienced in some ways could be so naive in others.

“I think this Suzie sounds like a Psycho lesbian bitch if you ask me.” This was Mandy’s succinct conclusion after Pixie had filled her in on all that had happened. “She and that prick Neil, Pix they’re using you, can’t you see that? You’ve got to get out of this seriously before it gets you into more trouble.” Mandy reached into her bag for her cigarettes. “Come outside with me while I have a smoke. I bloody need it after hearing what you’ve been up to!”

They stood under the awning of Gordon’s Wine Bar down by The Thames. A recent shower had stained the pavement and the dark November sky promised more of the same. Pixie didn’t smoke but huddled next to Mandy for body heat not minding the long ribbon of smoke that trailed from the tip of Mandy’s cigarette and hung just before Pixie’s face, like a veil.

“Mand, I don’t think I’ve explained it well” said Pixie jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.. She moved her hand through the smoke and watched it melt away into the air.

“You’ve explained it perfectly. You’re being exploited and treated like a fucking doll by two manipulating pervert arseholes.”

“Oh Mand!” Pixie laughed, “It’s really not like that. I mean I don’t pretend to understand all the ins and outs of it but then I’ve never been one for understanding all the details.”

“True, I’m your friend and I love you but honestly, you’ve never been the sharpest tool in the box.”

“I just like to take my time and think about things is all, I’m not slow or thick or anything, really.”

“Pix, you don’t realize a guy fancies you unless he’s got his dick out and is asking you to wank him off!”

“That’s not true!”

“It fucking is, I’ve seen it a million times. All I’m saying is just that I don’t understand how things have got to this point, where you’re a fucking sex slave for some lesbian nymphomaniac!”

“What’s a nymphomaniac?” Pixie scrunched up her nose.

“Might as well be a German car as far as you know, right? The new BMW Nympho!”

Some boozed up office types down the other end of the smoking area sniggered at Mandy’s last remark. She glared at them and their red faces fell as they turned away.

“And for the record Mand, I’m the service, not a sex-slave. You make it sound like a bad thing.”

“It is a bad thing. Get that into your stupid head. I just wonder why of all people this had to happen to you. I find myself wondering, did you do something tobring this upon yourself?” Mandy said condescendingly.

Pixie said nothing. Mandy looked at her, she seemed suddenly to have diminished in size. She looked so helpless and small. Her hair in a messy blonde bob, that thick knit canary yellow sweeter, those tight jeans and the bright blue raincoat with the big cream buttons that made it look as if it were for a child. A wave of guilt rose in her heart, she felt guilty and cruel for being so harsh with her. She drew her in and gave her a big hug. As Mandy pulled away she pointed at Pixie and said half-teasing “I’ve got it. It’s those fucking tits, I told you not to get them. See what happens when you don’t listen to me?”

Pixie laughed and looked at her coquettishly. “You love them really.” She said sticking out her tongue. Mandy Did the same mockingly and pulled a face. Pixie always had a way of making her do silly things like that.

A friendly silence fell between them as Mandy’s cigarette ended and she pushed it throughthe slit on the square bin on the wall. Pixie wondered whether to tell her more or if it would only end up upsetting her and make her angry again.

She hesitated for a moment then asked shyly, “Do you want me to tell you what happened at the office last night, or would you rather not know?”

“What, there’s more! Geez Pix I think I’ll need another glass of wine and ten more cigarettes Before I can stand to hear another fucking word.” She fished among the contents of her bag and brought out a well-used red leather snap pursuit. Mandy extracted a crumpled note. “Here, go buy us two of the biggest glasses of white wine twenty quid can muster, all right? While you’re gone I’ll try and compose myself before I loose my rag and decide to track down those scumbags Neil and Suzie and kick their fucking heads in.” A flame flashed into life as Mandy lit her second cigarette.

“Only if you’re sure, I don’t want to spoil our evening.”

“It’s not spoiling my evening silly, it’s just you know me. I get annoyed at bullshit.”

“It’s not bullshit Mand, it’s my life.”

“I know, I know, sorry. Look, go get the drinks it’ll be fine, I’d rather know than not. I’m keep my temperature and tongue in check I promise.”


Pixie smiled, folded the note in her hand and went to step back into the warmth and noise of the bar. She was full of love and admission for Mandy at that moment. Mandy always wanted to protect her and make sure she was ok. No girl could wish for a better friend. As Pixie turned to go inside Mandy turned and watched her step daintily into the bar. Mandy’s cigarette was held firm in the centre of her lips the burning tip seemed to point accusingly after Pixie as she retired from view. If Pixie had turned around a second or two before she would have seen her face. She would have seen Mandy in a way she’d never seen her before. Her face, marked deeply with agitation, guilt, concern, agitation and fear. What if anything could she do? Was Pixie at risk or was it truly as harmless as she said it was? Did Pixie in fact enjoy being a part of this sordid mess? Did she actually know this girl at all?

Just at that moment a shower began to drum on the awning above.

“I brought you a present.” Said Suzie as she entered Neil’s office a carrier bag in hand.

It was Friday, it was 5.15pm and Pixie, Neil and Suzie were the only people in the fifth floor offices of Regent Graphics. This was the second week of Suzie’s blackmail.

“Oh thanks ever so much Suzie.” Chirped Pixie as Suzie dropped the bag onto her lap. Pixie went to look inside. “Tut-tut, did I say you could open it?” Pixie’s face fell. “No, I just assumed…”

“Rule number one Pixie, when I’m in charge, assume nothing, if I want you to do something I will tell you. If I had dropped the bag on your lap and said: there, open the bag and look inside. Then you would know that it was ok for you to open the bag. That I dropped it where I did is of noconcern of yours. Leave it alone.”

Pixie crossed her hands and let the bag lay across her check mini skirt.

“Fuck sake.” Said Neil under his breath on the other side of the desk. He looked haggard, like he hadn’t slept in days.

“Did I say you could speak?” Suzie was in her element playing the Schoolmistress to perfection. A persona she retired.

Neil stared defiantly up at her, his cheeses grey and his eyes red lined, but he made sure she knew he hated every fibre, blood vessel and atom in her whole damn body. He kept quiet.

“Neil I needn’t remind you of the deal we made.”

“We made no deal” he quickly replied.

“Tut-tut, bad boy. You have to be quiet now ok. We must have rules to have order. And of course we made I deal, well I made a deal for us, wasn’t that nice of me? Here I’ll help remind you of it.”

She reached into her bag and took out a small carefully folded photograph. She turned and sat on his desk and swung her long legs round,She rested her heels, one on each of Neil’s legs. Suzie started to unfold the photograph before him and in her black suit she looked every inch the boss in this room compared to Neil’s shabby appearance.

“This is my personal copy. I have others of course. It’s from last week. Do you recognize that little pink dick?” She dug her heels into the meat of his legs.

Neil locked eye contact with her and bit into his lower lip. His cheeks flushed, he would not give her the satisfaction of thinking she could hurt him. He could take it.

“You see the flabby stomach, the pale hairy chest and the ugly…” she dug her heels in and twisted them. Neil barred his teeth and kept quiet. “Face atop of that wreck of a body, recognize it?” She relented and swung around.

Whilst Suzie had been digging her heels deep into Neil her back had obscured Pixie’s view. She sat that dumbly with the plastic bag in her lap and looked up as Suzie now faced her. She heard her showing him a photographh and teasing him. “Now Pixie do you see this picture?” She nodded. “You’re may speak.”

“Oh yes.”

“Do you recognize the people in this photograph?”

“Of course, it’s…”

“I didn’t ask you to name who was in the photograph I asked merely if you knew who they were.” Suzie’s tone as taut as wire.

“Oh.” Pixie was confused she didn’t Know what answer Suzie wanted.

“It’s a simple question it really is, surely even you can meet such a simple request. Do you know who the people are.”

“Um… yes?” She said tenatively.

“Good. We’re getting somewhere.” Neil groaned behind her, rubbing the singing flesh of his legs.

“I hope you didn’t speak Neil without my permission?” Suzie half turned, her tone sharp. He stopped rubbing his legs, leaned back and tried to morph his face into the very image of contempt. Suzie smiled at him flirtatiously and turned back. Pixie was staring with delight at Suzie’s photograph.

“You like this photograph don’tyou?”

“Oh, it’s a bit rude but yes. I like how my hair looks… and Neil of course.”

“Yes, I like it too, that’s one of the reasons I keep it with me. Tell me who, yes Pixie who, is that slut there, the blonde one on her knees with the little dick on the tip of her tongue?”

Slut? Oh, the game must have started. The word gave Pixie a weird thrill that she couldn’t explain. Rather than question it she let the word heat her up a little then let it fade into her subconscious.

“Slut? Suzie, that’s me!”

“Yes, that’s what I said slut, i.e. you.” She folded the photograph and put it back in her pocket. She slipped off the desk.

“That photograph is the one I’ll send to Mr. Grifford, the man who was so impressed by you on reception Pixie. The man in the brown suit and glasses, remember? I’ll send him a copy of this photograph if either of you attempt to break our deal. Is that understand?”

“Yes Miss” said Pixie automatically, forgetting herself for a moment.

“Good girl” said Suzie and leaned over and ran her hand down the side of her face. She brought her other hand to the other side of Pixie’s face and looked into her beautiful big blue eyes. Pixie looked back and smiled not understanding whatever Suzie was trying to communicate to her. Suzie. Snapped out of it and patted her on the head like an obedient child. Pixie bit her bottom lip and smiled shyly, Feeling like she was a schoolgirl again.

“You may open the bag, look inside and claim your present.” Pixie was delighted; she hoped slightly in her chair.

Suzie sat back on the desk and turned to face Neil once more. She placed her heels again, onto his tender thighs for a moment and then brought her left shoe gently down on Neil’s crotch. She leaned in, executed little pressure and whispered: “And of course you’re wife will receive a framed poster sized copy by first class post, naturally. If you should choose to object to our little arrangement.” She pressed her heel slightly harder into his crotch, Neil gasped and shook with a white fury. “I hope we understand each other.” She released him and slipped slowly from the desk to her feet. He buried his hands in his crotch. “Good boy” she patted him on the head.

“So how do you like your present Pixie?” The carrier bag was at her feet and in her hands Pixie questioningly handled a dog collar of a soft red material attached by a silver clasp to a lead of red cord.

“You haven’t bought me a puppy have you?” asked Pixie falsely.

“No, not you, me. I’ve got myself a puppy.”

“Oh really, how lovely! Congratulations where is it, did you bring it to the office?”

“Yes, it’s in this very office in fact.” Said Suzie her eyes sparkling. Neil looked on from across the desk, he knew where this was going and so did his cock. Injury or no injury it was returning to life.

“I don’t see it, are you sure?”

“Yes.” She could barely say the words her body was burning with a delicious heat. “It’s in this office. In fact it’s right here in front of me.”

Pixie looked around and under her chair but saw no puppy. Her mind drew a blank she looked up at Suzie a picture of confusion.

Suzie stood there trembling. Her pussy was so wet now the tingling was spreading down her legs and reaching for her stomach. Suzie’s nipples were as hard and sharp as broken glass. She spoke just above a whisper:

“You’re my puppy Pixie. You.”

At these words Neil felt his rock hard cock spill a little of itself against his boxes. Maybe he could take this, he thought. Maybe these Fridays were no bad thing after all. Pixie thoughts fled from her grap, what a funny thing to happen she thought. As Suzie leaned over and clipped the collar around Pixie’s neck. She carefully checked that no strands of hair were caught under it and satisfied, stood back to take in the sight of Pixie looking dumbfounded with a dog collar on attached to a lead clasped in her damp hand.

“I’m your puppy?”

“Yes, you are.”

“Is this a new game? I thought we were playing Master and Servant?”

Confusion flickered across Suzie’s face, she looked back at Neil but he was too distracted looking at Pixie, he seemed to be enjoying the sight as much as she was. Suzie’s thoughts snapped back. She looked at Pixie and assumed her Schoolmistress pose.

“Yes, it’s a new game girl. It’s called Mistress and Puppy. The rules are simple even from a girl of your limited brain function to understand. The rules are these: I am the mistress and you are the puppy. I bought you from the pet shop where you were born. As your mistress you do everything I ask of you. A puppy may have spirit but it has no will of its own. Do you Follow Puppy?”

Pixie felt a little thrill at Suzie’s words. What a strange game but ok, it might be fun. Maybe later she would be the mistress and Suzie the puppy. What tricks would she teach Suzie? She thought. And then instantly long forgettenmemories came flooding back, about a puppy her neighbor had had when she was a child. A scruffy little Jack Russell called Jackson. How sad he always looked whenever it rained.

“Puppy, puppy!” Suzie snapped her fingers in Pixie’s day dreaming face. “I gave you an order?”

“Did you? Oh sorry, you see I was thinking about how, when I was a girl, my neighbor…”

“Silence!” commanded Suzie. “Did you or did you not hear my order?”

“Er… no.” Pixie was feeling confused again. Was Suzie being mean to her or was this the game?

“I said… puppies don’t wear clothes do they?”

Pixie looked at her a little shocked.

“Don’t play innocent with me puppy.” She yanked violently on the lead. Neil stood up in alarm as Pixie caught her breath and fell to the floor.

Neil was about to say something but Suzie stared at him with such malevolence it’s stopped him in his tracks. She also noticed the projecting bulge in his trousers Pixie gave a little cought and curled up her hands round her knees.

“You have to pay attention puppy otherwise you’ll never learn.”

Pixie’s neck ached as did her knees from the fall. Her mind was spinning and she couldn’t stop it, everything was confusing. All she knew was that Suzie had done something cruel to her. She didn’t like this game one bit.


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