The Pink Thong Adventures Ch. 04

Presenting Himself

I’ve been thinking about our session today for a little while. You’ve been enjoying the anal training which we’ve been doing more recently and you’ve become so accustomed to wearing a variety of knickers that I don’t even have to cajole you into them anymore. I think it’s time to push you a little further, see if I can drive that excitement even higher. I haven’t told you about my plan, I know your limits and you have your safeword – we’re all set.

As you arrive at my door and I let you in, I no longer need to instruct you. I return to my seat and observe. I like to take this time to judge your mood – how centered and excited you’re feeling. You remove your shoes, socks and shirt and come and sit at my feet, resting your head on my thigh. I saw the panties poking above the waistband of your jeans as you removed your shirt. The panties you choose for a session also tell me about your mood. You don’t need much time to transition today, so I am only going to leave you long enough for your brain to start imagining what is going to happen next.

Something in the way you’re sitting at my feet catches my attention. I start to probe and see if I’m right. Have you been thinking about our session this morning? What preparations did you take? Why did you choose that to today? That one gets some blush tinge your cheats. You explain that you had a shower to make sure you were all clean and tidy for our session and then straight away choose this to slip on. You wore just it alone around the house whilst you were getting your morning chores done thinking about how someone could arrive at the door any minute. I enquire if you made yourself horny enough to need to play? Your blush deepens. You admit that you got horny and played, but that you didn’t cum. You saved your cum for our session. However, you took advantage of your horniness to add in a plug to surprise me.

You nuzzle my thigh now as you await my response. We don’t have any rules against you playing, or even cumming, without my permission, but you went further and came with a plug already in place. With your face hidden, but your blush evidence, I notice you surprisingly trying to readjust your trousers. You’re enjoying the idea of ​​showing yourself off for me. Of preparing yourself to be displayed. How convenient. I turn your head to meet your eyes. You’re not getting off that easy. Why did you come with a plug and this to on? You naturally glance away as you start to reply, but you notice and correct it as you explain that you wanted to please me and you thought I would enjoy looking at the sparkly plug as you removed your underwear for me. Let’s take a look and see then.

I instruct you to remove your jeans, walk over to the bed and place your hands on the covers bending at the waist with your legs spread. You don’t draw it out, but you stand in front of me and make sure I have a good view as you slip your jeans down over your hips. NowI get a better view of the thong you’ve chosen. It’s satin with a striped pattern of dust pink and grey and black lace at the edges. It’s more ornate than you’d usually choose. Interesting. You then turn as you bend to pick up your jeans and fold them, giving me a lovely view of your ass. I can just see the plug peeking around the string bisecting you – a jewelled one and you were right, it does catch my attention as you place your hands on the bed and wait.

I move closer and take up position behind you, letting the silence get heavy as I stare. I run my crop from your ankle, up your inside leg until I reach your thighs. I use it to slap your thighs a little further apart before I drag it along your barely-covered balls. I hear you gasp and see your ass muscles tighten as you recognize how exposed your delicate parts are. I smile resisting the urge to add some shades of red to your ass, as much fun as that would be, I have some other plans for this ass today.

I instruct you to pull the string of the thong to the side, holding it out of the way, whilst maintaining your position. I enjoy making you expose yourself instead of removing the thong. It feels much more degrading for you to be constantly presenting yourself to me and knowing it’s you that is enabling my view – something that you are presenting to me. I indulge myself a little stroking the chef of your ass, squeezing and dragging my fingers over it – getting you accustomed to my touch as I zero in on my target: the plug.

Grabbing hold of the plug, I pull on it slightly. Your reaction is somewhere between a gasp and a moan. I keep tugging on it, pulling the widest part so it almost escapes and then letting your ass swallow it up again. Now you’re most definitely enjoying it, your back is arching and anytime I slow, your ass begins to wiggle to catch my attention once more. Each time you do that I spank you, so your ass is beginning to turn a little red after all – perhaps you’re too needy for me to enact my plan today!

You’ve been bent over for a while, so I let you release your thong and turn over onto your back. Your heels are to your ass and knees spread wide as your cock strains against the satisfaction. Someone’s enjoying his ass being toyed with. I run my fingertip up and down your scaling cock, from your balls to tip. Slowly. Deliberately.

“Look at this cock, Straining against these panties,” I say, drawing your attention to it. “Look and see how pretty your cock looks presented like this! Should we take some photos?” Your cock jumps obviously at that. Got you. I suggest that we can save them for when I want to show off just how lovely you look in satin.

You’re sitting up so you can see your cock now as my fingerprint drags over it. I can see the humiliation warning with the arousal all over you. You want to deny how much you enjoy this. You don’t want there to be evidence, knowing full well that when you’ve calmed down you’ll not believe you let me do this. But without a doubt, you want it and you will admit that to me. So tell me what has you so worked up? Was it exposing your asshole to me? Feeling your dribbly cock straining in these knickers? Knowing I’m going to record you and keep copies of just how desperate you are right now? Or was it my playing with your ass? I stare at you. You stare at your cock. I’m waiting. I remove my hand. You groan. I wait more.

Finally, you meet my gaze.

“It’s all of it, ok!” you growl as I smile. I’m not letting you get away with just that. That’s an obvious answer, not a revealing answer. You’re going to tell me, in detail, all of those dirty thoughts in your head and as a treatment for being so brave, I’m going to prepare the spiral dildo for your ass.

You start by telling me about the panties, how every time they catch your eye and you remember you’re wearing them your heart race increases and you look around to see if anyone else can tell. Seeing your own cock trying to escape them seems wrong to you, but when you’re forced to see, you just imagine someone unwrapping your cock for the first time and finding knickers instead of boxes. How unexpected it would be for them. You’re a respectable man after all! Meanwhile, I have retrieved the dildo and the lube whilst listening to you speak and enjoying your blush. You’ve taken this dildo before, but you’ve not been experimenting with anal play for long so it still fills you with a nervous anticipation.

Whilst you tell me the next part, I instruct you to stroke your cock. Hand inside your panties. I want to watch you pleasure yourself as I hear just how much you’ve taken to anal play recently. I know you’re excited to try more. I give you a few seconds to relax into your play. Watching your hand tug Expertly as you add to your arousal, I make sure you notice my squirting the lube on the tip of the dildo and watching it drip from the head and down the shake. Your pupils dilate and I push you to tell me about your reaction to my playing with the plug.

You start by telling me how anal play isn’t really your thing. I raise an eyebrow. You blush and start again. You didn’t think anal play was for you, but you wanted to show off for me. All the way to my place, knowing the plug was firmly in your ass, you couldn’t relax. You wanted to complain that it was uncomfortable, but it wasn’t that, if anything, you keep wriggling to try and feel more of it. The reminder that it was still there. Then I tugged on the plug and the sensings overwhelmed you. The stretch. Your ass trying to cling on to it. Then my letting go and your ass swallowing it up again. It took your breath away and you wanted more. As you’re remembering these feelings, your hand gripping your cock tightens and speeds up. You’re no longer lazily struggling, you’re working yourself properly. This will be fun. I’m not even sure you’re aware that you’ve uploaded the ante. You’re working your way towards an orgasm you’re not going to be allowered.

I watch you carefully, spreading the lube along the length of the dildo as your tights start to tighten and your hips start to lift. You meet my eyes and ask for permission. I deny it. You want to just get this one out of the way – you’ve been so worked up all morning, you’re worried you won’t be able to control yourself otherwise. I don’t care. You will control yourself, or you will go home unfulfilled. Your choice. You keep stroking, unable to convince yourself to stop, so I force both of your hands behind your head. The disappointment is clear in your face and your cock is straining for the last bit of attention it needs. But no.

I start to pull on the plug in your ass. Teasing you a few times, turning it, pulling it around and you groan in frustration. This little anal stimulation isn’t enough to get the release you were so close to just a minutes ago. Then I remove the plug. Your anal training is progressing well – this isn’t the smallest plug you own. Now for yOur spiral treatment. I press the dildo against you and the plug had done its job of loosening you up. The head slips in and I give you a second as I pet your cock. Now to begin the twist. The design of this toy is perfect. The spiral shapes means you feel every ridge and as I spin it, I’m also pushing it a little deeper each time. The perfect combination of sensing and stretch.

By the time I have the dildo halfway in, your body is shuddering and tense, your cock is creating a sizable pool of precum on your belly and you’re working to control your breathing. However, as soon as you notice I’ve stopped, the begging starts. Please don’t stop. You want more. You can take it. You want to feel completely filled. I smile. Your desire is delicious. Your greediness makes me want to tease you more. Are you sure you can take it? Let’s see.

I tell you to move your hands to cover your eyes. You don’t get to see this. You do as I ask and I grind the dildo into you a little more, before enacting my plan. This time as I’m twisting the dildo inside of you, I run my tongue along the length of your cock. That gets your attention. Suddenly, there’s an endless stream of appreciated noises and phrases as I continue running my tongue up and down, swirling it around the head and then sucking the whole thing back into my mouth. All the time, I’m pushing the dildo deeper into your ass. Now you’re once again asking to cum, but this is much more of a beg. Over and over again, you ask for permission, which I don’t give as your ass clenches around the dildo and your hips try to push further into my mouth. I don’t relent, however, I do slow my oral ministers a little.

With a small pop, I pull my mouth away from your cock. You’re shaking now and taking huge deep breaths, but you’ve managed not to cum. I tell you that you can now remove your hands from your eyes and when your eyes meet mine I can see they have a slightly glassy look to them. You’ve even lost the energy tobeg for more. I smile at you and make you aware that you’ve managed to take the whole dildo inside of you. You groan at that and I can see your ass tensioning around it, feeling so very full right now.

I tell you what a good boy you’ve been, holding out so long without cumming and taking the whole dildo in your ass. I am going to let you cum, but first I need to feel just how grateful you are for my attention. You’ve got me dripping wet from your delicious strip, the moaning and thrusting in desperation and how much you impressed me by not cumming. It’s not going to be as simple as me riding your face, however, which I will of course do. Whilst I am covering your face in my juices and your tongue is working my clip, you have another thing to think about. You must keep the dildo from escaping your ass and your little thong string is not going to be much use.

I position myself over you, so I can watch your cock and tell you to stick out your tongue. I start by dragging my pussyall the way across it. I love getting you to start so passively. You are just a tongue which I am making use of for my own pleasure. You give me that control and I take it. My whole pussy is throbbing from all of the excitement. Once you set that tongue to work, it won’t take you long. Maybe I’ll get you to make me cum twice. The initial taste gets us settled and then I give you free access. I Even feel general today and let you use your hands as well. You dig in and we spend the next while with me ensuring your entire face is drenched in my juices and you ensuring your tongue is in all the right places. You’re just slowing after my first orgasm when my phone rings. Perfect timing.

As I take the call, I instruct you to keep up your licking deliciously as my pussy is sensitive from my orgasm. Fully aware that you’re listening, I choose my words carefully. No, I’m not busy! I don’t have anything important scheduled today. I’ve just been helping a friend with some training. Yeah, kinda like when you train pets – rewards when they’re good, helping them control those natural urges that just aren’t inappropriate in public. I run my hand up and down your cock as I continue talking on the phone. I’m sure my conversation about our session so far is sending much of the blood from your cock to your cheeses. I’m really just ensuring I distributed it evenly.

I end the call and climb off, continuing to stroke your cock and waiting to see if you’ll ask about the phone call. I’ve never taken a phone call during your visit before. You catch my eye, but don’t look like you’re going to ask, so I explain: a friend of mine is popping over for a quick cup of tea as she drops something off. You offer to leave. Not at all! You’ve not caught on yet. I want to show you off.

I instruct you to get dressed – move your thong back in place, pull your jeans back on, but leave your shirt and socks off as usual. You’ll be sitting on the floor opposite me. However, I haven’t finishedplaying with your cock yet. We haven’t let you cum. I’ve been struggling you since my phone call and your erection is impressive. It’d be a shadow to waste it. I get a couple of cock rings and stretch one under your balls and one at your base. Now you should still be nice and hard when my friend is gone. Just as I’m going to make myself presentable I look back at you – explaining that you’re not to remove the dildo either. You’ll be greeting my friend topless, with a hard cock and a filled ass and as that realisation hits you, I leave you to follow my instructions.


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