The Pincushion

“This is so good, Cope” said Nora Price to F.X. Copeland, the Craftsman of the PainCafe’s Dungeonopolis Gift Shop.

“I’ve heard such good things about the FunSack from my friends Celestine and Francie.”

“It’s such a success here in town.”

Cope grinned as he dropped the small envelope of critics and red ants into the wire Trouble FunSack.

“Yeah. Their husbands really reacted, I tell ya, to the FunSackTM.

Especially Miss McKenzie, Mr. Mac, he had to be put in a straitjacket to take his first FunSack pouching.”

Cope smiled.

“An, not only here in Buttermilk Falls, but across the river, in Steerforth, they’re sellin’ the Funsack too.”

Nora smiled warmly.

“Yes, Francie told me that!

And it was so great that you had a straitjacket in your van, Cope.

I know Benny can stand still without a straitjacket, no matter what the FunSack offers him, can’t you honey?”

Nora asked this warningly, and Benny, her loving husband nodded reluctantly.

Nora had just had her little black baby with her lover, Maynard, but then he’d got freaked out about the BDSM thing.

Yes and took little six week old Lystrada and run off to his Baptist mother’s in Valstoda, Georgia.

Benny was so glad to have Nora’s undivided attention again that he was being very good about the FunSack thing…

But it wasn’t a pleasant experience!

Benny was really beginning to wonder, though whether Nora had a resentment against him.

She had told him that her friend Celestine had put a glass rod into her husband’s urethra.

Yes, pushed the rod all the way into his penis, and then hit the poor guy’s dick with a hammer…

And that seemed a little over the top!

Benny felt terribly sorry for Celestine’s husband, the former Father Commerce O’Casey.

Commerce had met Celestine while picking an abortion clinic.

Even before he’d entered the priesthood, Commerce had been very Catholic, and quite conservative.

He’d owned three T-shirts, one that said “Feminists are Bigots” another “Homosexual Behavior is Wrong” and the third just had horrible photo of an aborted fetus.

Celestine was going into the Buttermilk Falls Women’s Health Center when Father Commerce accosted her, and he convinced Celestine to have her baby instead…

Sure, and the more time he spent with her, the more in love with her Commerce became…

Until finally he left the priesthood to marry Celestine, an enchanting redhead.

The first thing that Commerce had discovered was, that Celestine was still living with the father of her baby, a peculiar fellow known as “Trust Fund Traddles”.

Traddles was obviously a sexual submissive, as Celestine lived in Traddles’s house…

Ah, but only allowed Traddles to use one small room in his own place.

Traddles was kept naked in that room, only being allowed to leave to use the facilities.

But, as Celestine explained to Commerce, since he’d left the priesthood…

Commerce should be happy that Traddles would be supporting the two of them on his means as a remittance man.

But then Celestine also explained as the senior slave in the house, Traddles would be supervising Commerce.

The first thing that happened had been that Traddles began using a cane on Commerce’s bare buttons.

Yes and forcing him to clean and cook and look after the yard.

Yes and also that Commerce would have to sexually satisfy Traddles, as frankly, Celestine was done with him!

“Bitch, you’re going to suck my cock and balls while I watch my soap operas.”

Traddles told this to Commerce the first evening.

“I watch ‘All My Children’, ‘As the World Turns’ and several others, and I want you to amuse my groin as much as possible.”

Learning to suck cock had been difficult for Commerce, as he had very firm opinions about homosexuality.

But Traddles, already quite disappointed at Celestine’s closing her legs, began making Commerce fallate him every day.

Sometimes after several hours of watching soap operas, Traddles would quiz Commerce on the shows.

But of course Commerce’s mouth had been full with Traddles’s wee-wee.

He hadn’t focused on what Jessica was doing to Jake on “General Hospital”.

At some point, Traddles also began typing poor Commerce down and corn holing Commerce’s tight little asshole.

Right, and often making Commerce wear makeup and a blonde bouffant wig, and answering to the name “Cynthia”.

When Celestine was home, Traddles was forced to stay in his room.

Celestine got sick of seeing Traddles around, although of course she couldn’t evict him from his own home.

He was signing his checks from Dad over to Celestine and Commerce, and thus he was quite useful.

But Celestine was pretty hard on Traddles.

Sometimes would invite the other dominant girls in the neighborhood over to play poker.

Oh andThey’d make Tradles and the unfortunate Commerce wait on them hand and foot, dressed in drag.

So when Celestine was out of the house, Tradles took his resentments out on Commerce, and made Commerce the bitch boy’s bitch boy…

No, it was not a pleasant experience for the former priest.

Commerce had gone through seventeen years of seminary studies to become a Jesuit priest.

And Now he’d had to re-subjugate himself to Traddles, who really enjoyed making poor Commerce bounce!

Celestine knew that Traddles was making life difficult for Commerce, but her feeling was, it wasn’t her fault.

Commerce had told Celestine that he wanted to live the life that she lived.

Oh and she’d skipped the damn abortion, and now he could do some suffering as well.

After Commerce became more adept at serving Traddles, Celestine had dressed Commerce up further.

Ah, in shiny satin dresses and heavy makeup, and began taking him to singles bars and encourageng him to blow men in her car.

Sometimes they would double-date.

When Celestine didn’t feel like putting out for her boyfriend of the evening…

Celestine would have Commerce, called “Consuela” blow both men and thank them for the privilege.

In time, Traddles saw a way to make up for the fact that Celestine had basically appropriated his allowance.

Yes, and made “Consuela” fallate various neighbor men for twenty bucks each .

And in fact began putting the phone number on walls…

When Celestine found out about this, she became enraged.

Oh and they moved out of Traddles’s house, and got a house of their own.

Commerce went to work teaching theory at Buttermilk State University.

Commerce was so happy that he was done with Trust Fund Traddles…

But of course he still had Celestine to reckon with!

Commerce really wanted Celestine badly.

She was beautiful, and had high full breasts and a semiconductor manner.

Sometimes, to amuse herself she would tie Commerce down on the floor and rub her pink toes up and down his hard cock.

Making him beg for the privilege of further attentions.

But other times, Celestine would put on combat boots and kick and stomp Commerce’s balls and cock.

After all, she was Queen here, and wasn’t going to take any shit from a former theologian.

“I didn’t want to get involved with all this shit, Commerce” Celestine would lesson.

“You want me to be a good Madonna, well, you’re going to have to pay for it, see?”

After Celestine had her baby, she had told Commerce that she didn’t want to have another.

Since his Catholic beliefs were all about sex for reproduction only, the best thing she could do was discourage his carnal interests in her.

This was difficult, since the shaped Celestine had immediately gotten her figure back after giving birth to little Esmeralda.

And liked wandering around the house in sexy lingerie.

And liked wandering around the house in sexy lingerie.

It also troubled Commerce that his wife had not stopped dating, and that she was using Norplant, a contrastive that one injected in their arm.

But, as Celestine explained to Commerce, she was not a Catholic, and had her own ideas about birth control.

He could stay home and babysit when she dated, and then clean her up with his tongue when she came home.

Commerce began performing oral sex on Celestine regularly.

The Bible and the Baltimore Catechism both prohibited the spilling of semen.

But the Sins of Onan had little to do with Celestine’s orgasms, so she could cum as often as she liked!

Commerce and Benny had become friends, as their wives were close.

Commerce had told Benny about how Celestine had helped to discourage his interest by tying him up in his workshop.

Sure, squeezing Commerce’s balls in his carpenter’s vice…

And then whipping his hard cock with a piece of fiberglass!

But Celestine had caught Commerce trying to enter her while she was sleeping, and so then she’d gone to the PainCafe’s Dungeonpolis Gift Shop.

There she’d purchased a chatity device for Commerce.

Which had helped a little bit, but of course he still had had continuous impure thoughts.

Celestine, ever concerned for the quality of Commerce’s immortal soul, had tied her ex-priest husband to the bed and put needs and pins into his cock and balls.

Oh and then whacked the pincushioned groin with a riding crop until Commerce had burst into tears!

But, as Celestine had pointed out to Commerce, his mind was off her full perky breasts that had made him want to masturbate so many times…

And masturbation was illegal!

Celestine had made love to Commerce only once, for seventy-two hours after their wedding.

Then she’d shut him off, telling him that he had to stay pure to impress the saints and all that sort of thing.

Yes, and of course Commerce could never get his mind off Celestine’s beautiful body!

It probably didn’t help that Commerce regularly was giving her full body massages, manicures, pedicures and lots of oral attention.

Celestine would occasionally lock Commerce’s hands over his head and inspect his “bad” penis.

She would rub and stroke it with her soft hands and long French nails.

But when he got too excited and the precum started coming out.

But Celestine would begin to worry that the seed was going to escape.

So this would send poor Commerce to Purgatory when he died.

Yes and then she would begin once again, shoving pins and needs into Commerce’s penis and balls, which did a good job of wilting him…

Celestine was also a two pack a day Lucky Strike smoker.

Celestine enjoyed putting her cigarettes out on Commerce’s cock and balls when he was tied up.

She told him that this would drive the infernal thoughts from his mind, and Commerce had admitted to Benny that this was true…

He got very focused on the pain…and he could just “Offer it Up” to the Great Beyond.

And then of course Francie told Celestine about her luck using the FunSack on her husband Leslie.

And Celestine had decided that this was just what Commerce needed for the future of his pure thoughts!

“I hate it, but I know it’s the right thing for my purity test, right Benny?”

Benny, whose parents had been Reform Jews, was a bit skeptical.

On the other hand, he was a bit aroused by the idea of ​​cock and ball torture…

But then of course darling Nora decided to take a look at the FunSack too!

Benny brought the problem of the FunSack, which Nora had hinted about, to his ChasteBois group.

This was a support meeting for submissive men held in one of the ballrooms at the PainCafe.

“I just don’t know if I can take that level of chatity torture” Benny had told them.

“She is bringing that little redneck fucker F.X.Copeland over to fit me for the FunSack.

I think it’s going to be absolute torture.”

Blume, a reward plumber sitting to Benny’s right grinned feebly.

“I told my wife that it was too expensive, and she responded by selling my Buttermilk State football season tickets.

She bought the FunSack, locked my junk in it with a rabbit hamster and some granola, and I passed quite a painful hour and a half.

I won’t complain again.”

Baylor, who was Benny’s Chastebois “sponsor” laughed.

“Esther loves the FunSack, but she only puts it on when I start slacking off on chores.

She is thinking of building an ant farm in the FunSack…

Leaving it on for about ten days.

She could get away with it, because I do work from home!”

Fitzie, who was one of the oldest members of the group assured Benny that all he had to do was keep his mind off the torture.

“When Colleen locked me in the FunSack with a bunch of critics.

I just thought about the last time we went to Belfast.

Yes and it did take my mind off of the intensity, miserable biting and chomping they were doing’ on me wee shake.”

Haven, a balding fellow across from Benny scratched his chin.

“My adult daughters prefer doing things on the cheap…

So they still just wrap my balls in a Zip-Lock bag for half an hour with a couple of wasps.

But the fact that the wasps die so fast really is a bummer for them.

I am afraid they’re going to buy a FunSack, too!”

Spalding, 20 years old and one of the younger members of the ChasteBois shoot his head.

“My Mom wants me to wear a FunSack and shoot hoops while wearing it

Because I have been neglecting my school work.

She is sure that I won’t get into a good graduate school because I’m so into playing basketball.”

Spalding paused.

“But I got her to not do it yet.

She and my sister Maisie did shove a long vibrating dildo up my ass when I played in my last game at the Boy’s Club, though.”

Cleary, one of the Coordinators of the ChasteBois looked skeptically at Benny.

“Are you sure you want to be a submissive?

It sounds to me like every time your wife, who I think is a knockout, thinks of something creative to do to you, you just object…

What’s that about?”

Ambrose, who was a close buddy of Benny’s agreed.

“Thelma, my darling wife told me that your wife met you through a PainCafe event.

Yes, and you told her that you really wanted to be a submissive. And you’ve told ME that, too.

And yet, you keep complaining about the quality of Nora’s dominance.

That’s incredibly sad.”

Benny was terribly depressed.

And after the meeting, he and Spalding played Horse at the basketball courts.

Spal of course moving rather gingerly since he had that thing up his butt.

“Seriously, Mr. Fisher.” Spalding said, as he dribbled the ball.

“It sounds to me like maybe you’re not ready to be a submissive.

I remember how much you complained when Mrs. Fisher was having the baby with Maynard.

I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but I don’t think you really are a submissive, are you?”

Benny shrugged as Spalding passed him the ball.

What the fuck?

Seriously, it seemed like Benny’s fansies were much easier to take than the reality that he had hard core submission to do…

And he was terrified of having his dick used as a pincushion.

Being locked in the FunSack with fighting red ants, and all the other stuff Nora’s fertile imagination could come up with.

“But the benefits of being a sub are great.” Spalding said, as he tossed the ball behind his back into the basket.

“While a lot of my college friends were wasting their time getting high and getting in fights at punk rock clubs.

I was studying my butt off to keep Mom happy.

I went out at night sometimes, and went on dates, but because I’m locked up, I didn’t let sex get in the way.

And when Mom and Maisie and my other sister, Fawn gives me thrashings for neglecting school or chores.

It really makes me work harder. And I went to college on a National Merit Scholarship…

And I’m not that bright!”

And of course Benny understand.

He certainly was working harder and doing better since Nora’s enslavement of him.

But he didn’t know sometimes if he could keep up with her incessant demands.

What was it all about, anyway?

Nora was a tough girl to be married to sometimes!

Nora really made Benny wonder whether his commitment to a BDSM relationship was the way to go.

The other night she’d tied piano wire around his cock and balls.

And strung him up on the ceiling of his garage.

“Not as much fun as your fansies, hey Benny?” she’d asked, smiling at his cute disappoint.

When she let him down, she exposed Benny to another horrifying experience—

Nora filled a condom with thirty Japanese beetles that she’d found in Benny’s rose bushes.

And, after she’d tied Benny down, rolled the rubber, filled with the biting, empiric creations onto his cock.

Benny had screamed and cried as the nasty little things feasted on his thick organ, crawling in and out of his urethra slit, and biting every inch of his unfortunate penis.

Then a few weeks later, Nora put a freezer bag filled with hornets over his penis as well.

But she expressed frustration because, of course, the hornets ran out of air after a few minutes of turning poor Benny’s penis into a swollen nightmare…

Yes and they died.

This was possible why she’d contacted this asshole Copeland about the FunBag.

According to Nora’s friends, they’d been able to put all sorts of little bugs in the net covered FunBag, and the bugs could survive for hours.

“But why, Nora?” Benny had asked the night before, when she was discussing the prospective visit.

At the time, Benny was tied to a chair and Nora was rubbing his penis with Lubriderm.

Nora was teasing him about her announcement at his noticing the hot little high school girls hanging out at Buttermilk Falls Mall.

“Honey, I just want you to be more sensitive to my needs”

Nora said, as she ran a semiconductor thumb up and down the underside of Benny’s long denied cock.

It was so nice that she wasn’t thrashing him, but of course her anger was still there.

“You keep staring at these girls, when we’re in the car you almost have traffic accidents with your ogling.

Gaping at the cute bicycles, and the Lycra covered girls who Rollerblade down the street…

And I need to remind you that I am your primary focus.”

This was a hot, Benny thought resentfully.

Earlier that week, Nora had brought home a drunken waiter from the Rusty Nail and she’d made Benny lick his balls and rim his asshole while she sucked the guy’s dick.

But of course Nora pointed out that she was a bit freer in her interests than Benny was allowed to be.

Now, Cope brought the bag to Benny’s cock and balls and looked questioningly at him.

Cope wouldn’t do anything without the husband’s permission, and Benny gave Cope a long look, and finally nodded his head.

Cope locked the FunSack on, and immediately, Benny began feeling the biting and ripping of his sensitive penis and testicles.

He had been chaste this time 98 days, and so he was erect from the humiliation.

But the erection seemed to phase out as the fire ants and critics feasted on his hammy shaft.

But then, as he looked at Nora, who was smiling.

And Cope, who was nodding to himself at a job well done.

Now Benny began getting more and more excited.

Sure, his cock and balls were in cute pain right now, but what a good slave boy he was being!

“While you’re here, Cope, would you like a little oral satisfaction?” Nora asked, smiling.

“Benny really wants to show you that he’s thankful for your efforts, don’t you Benny?”

Cope smiled.

“Well, I try to be faithful to Miz Copeland, but eatin’ ain’t cheatin.

If Mister Fisher wants to lick my lollipop I guess it’ll be all right.”

Nora opened her blouse and waved her boobs at Cope.

F.X. Copeland shuffled over and began sucking on them.

Tears stung in Benny’s eyes when he realized that she never let him kiss her beautiful hard nipples.

But, as Cope dropped his green coverall to his knees.

Benny, whose groin was on fire, remembered he had a job to do.

Benny dropped to his knees, biting his lip as one of the fire ants took a large chunk out of his sensitive frenulum.


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