The Pinchy Pain Exchange Game

Copyright 1999 Del Edwards (a nom de plume)

Brandy was on her car phone. Her voice had a bit of a hollow sound when she said, “Can I get a cup of coffee and a game?”

“Sure thing,” Grayson responded. “When?” he asked

“‘Bout fifteen minutes,” she replied.

“Okay, you remember all the rules?” he asked.

“Sorta,” she said. “Tell me again.”

“No bra, no touching except to attach or detach, no refusal, no self detaching and no moaning unless it really hurts,” he told her.

“Be there soon,” she said with a sparkle of excitement in her voice.

The coffee was ready and Grayson had placed a bowl of small plastic spring-type clothespins on the patio table by the time she arrived. He was barefoot and wore only a thin cotton robe when he opened the door for her. Inside she dropped her purse on the table and began to unbutton the front of her dress. It was a two-piece affairs in pearl with four large clothes-covered buttons down the front and then four more smaller, closely spaced buttons that held the clothes more snugly to her waist. Then it flared again at her hips in a tunic-like fashion. The skirt was of the same material and was cut quite full allowing it to swing when she moved. The four clothes-covered buttons dangled on one side of the slider of bare skin from her throat nearly to her waist. She pulled at the gap with both hands exposing the bare skin between her breasts.

Each with a mug of coffee they walked to the patio. Brandy placed her mug on the table and saw Grayson place his mug less than foot from hers. She turned to face him. He was standing very close to her as he reached for the bowl on the table and picked out two clothespins of the same color. He held one in his left hand and positioned the other between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand. Then he used his left hand to pull her dress open and quickly clamped the clothespin to her right nipple.

The pain took her by surprise. “Ow!,” she squealed She had involuntarily recoiled a half a step. He moved in close with the second clip in his left hand and pulled open the left side of her dress. Her mouth was open slightly but she was not breathing. She held her breath as long as she could. He stood almost motionless with the clip pressed open just a few inches from her bare left nipple. Finally she exhausted auditively. She was breathing rapidly. He waited until her breathing slowed, then looked into her eyes and saw the sparkle of anticipation surrounded with a squint of fear and pain. He dropped his eyes to her breast and snapped the pink clothespin onto her nipple. “Ahh!,” she squalled.

“That’s it until you finish your coffee,” he announced.

“Well, I’m taking my whole turn right now,” she said as she counted eight clothespins into her cupped hand. “Open,” she commanded as she pointed to the half knot of the sash of his robe. Grayson pulled on the short end of the sash and the robe fell open. She moved in very close to him and sank slowly into a squatting position. Then she dumped the clothespins into a little pile between his feet. One after another she gathered a fold of skin of his scrotum with one hand and clamped a clip to it with the other. Then she rose slowly, teatering a bit in her high heels. She was so close he could feel her breath against his face when she asked, “How does that grab you?”

“Uhhh, smarts some,” he admitted. He sat gingerly in a chair across the corner of the table from her. They both sipped their coffee in silence. His robe was open and she glanced at his crotch festooned with multicolored pain makers. She adjusted herself in her chair several times pulling up her skirt to tease him with more and more thigh showing with each move. Twice her unbuttoned dress gaped open briefly and he glimpsed the pinkness of the clips stinging her nipples. Their foreign form was easily apparent under the pearl gray clothes.

“Actually less pain now than at first,” she commented.

He nodded and said, “Most intensity when they first go on and when they first come off.”

“Yer nuts numb?” she giggled.

“Sorta,” he replied as she gently set her empty mug on the glass-top table. He was enjoying the leg show she was putting on for him. He could look right through the glass at her nylon-encased thighs. He had told her once that was the reason he picked the clear glass instead of the simpled, frosted glass model.

Grayson stood slowly and counted five clothespins into his hand. Then he moved behind her and told her to tilt her head back until she could look into his eyes. She eased her back against the chair back and began to tilt her head. The clips stung her nipples anew as the dress tightened across her body. He urged her to lean back and tilt her head even more. She did so. The pain in Her nipples increased. He squeezed one clip open and slowly moved one of the jaws up into her right nostril. He let it close slowly and repeated the procedure with her left nostril. The burning sensing in her nose was somewhat different than the pure form of pain she felt in her nipples. “You sure know how to hurt a girl,” she quipped. Grayson said nothing as he installed a set of white clothespins to each side of her upper lip, sort of like tusks. This too was a different kind of pain, she observed to herself. This was pressure pain. “You are literally the sensuous pain devil,” she told him . “Three different locations and three different kinds of pain. Do you have more?”

“Just one more for today, stick out your tongue,” he told her. The intense pain near the end of her tongue was a mixture of all three, singing. burning and pressure. She heard herself making a strange sound and wondered how such an animalistic, glutterous noise could come from her. “Let’s go inside,” he suggested. He spoiled the view of her well-formed thighs as he pulled on her wrists to get her standing. She was half blind from the pain. He got behind her and put his hands on the points of her shoulders so he could push and guide her forward into the house. Grayson was impressed by her presence of mind when she passed the table where her purse was sitting. She grabbed at it and carried it with her as he steered her to the bedroom.

He heard the plastic clothespins clamped to his scrotum clacking as he walked her down the hall to the bedroom. She suddenly spun around to face him. One of his hands caught in the open front of her dress and pulled it tight against the pink clothespin clamped to her nipple. “Ahhh! You’re quacking,” she laughed through the pain. “I can’t say quacking, ’cause yew got a goddawm cwoespin cwamped on my twung. No bwo job for you.”

He spun her around and continued the march to the bedroom. When they arrived at the foot of the bed she unbuttoned the small buttons at the wait of her dress top. Using both hands she peeled it off her shoulders and shrugged her way out of it, letting it fall to the floor.

Brandy displayed the full splendor of her perfect breasts to him. “If you take da cwamp off my twung, I’wu gives yew a bwo jobafter I cwamp da head of you dick shut so yew don’na come in ma mowth,” she offered.

“I don’t want to come in your mouth, I want to come down your throat ’cause you’ve swallowed me,” he told her.

“I not in dat much pain yet,” she replied.

“I guess we’re back to the original plan of mutual masturbation,” he said.

‘I’wu makes you a deaw. Take the cwip off my tung and I remove thwee of urs.”

Brandy moaned when he squeezed the clip loose from her tongue. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” he muttered to himself as he gently removed the clips from her nostrils and lip. He felt the stings when she removed three clips from him.

“Thanks a lot,” Brandy told him as she moved to get her vibrator from her purse. He had already gotten on the bed and started to masturbate when she sat on the edge of the bed and hiked one leg up so her vibrator could easily find its target. With one hand she held her skirt out of the way as she thumbed the switch and touched the buzzing pleasure wand to her crotch. He remembered her comment about how easily the vibrating rubber ball slip back and forth over the taught pantyhose. Her head lolled from side to side and he could see the tension building in her body. She stopped moving the vibrator, letting it hammer her sweetspot until she went over the edge into orgasm. Her eyes grew huge. He saw her nipples swell but they remained the captives of the pink clips. He was even more excited now, having to slow and even stop stroking himself to keep from coming.

She stood spreadlegged still wearing her skirt, pantyhose and gray high heels. With one hand she pulled her skirt up and to the left while her right hand held the vibrator. She conducted herself to a second orgasm in just a couple of minutes. Again Grayson nearly came because of the added excitement of watching her. He was maintaining himselfhigh on the pleasure plateau, groaning and growing the intensity he was experiencing.

Brandy sat on the edge of the bed to finish removing her pantyhose. He was surprised but pleased when she put her gray high heels back on. She remained seated, started the vibrator again and pushed it up under her skirt. Their eyes met for a very long moment and they she switched her gaze to his hard, oil-slick cock as he titillated just the Under side of the head. She knew he was close; the head was fully swollen and the eye was open. His growls of pleasure came with his every breath. The clothespins she had clamped to him all stood straight out from the pumpered skin of his scrotum and his testicles had ascended into his body. The excitement rose in her and the electric ecstasy of a third orgasm rolled through her as she swept the slippery vibrating rubber ball between her clip and vulva. Again he watched her nipples swell, fighting to throw off their pinchy pink captors. Again they were unsuccessful.

A couple of minutes later she began removing the clamps from him. She placed them in a tight little pile to the right of his violently swinging right elbow. There was a sharp sting of pain each time she took a clothespin off him. When she had finished she moved off the bed and stood facing him with her knees touching the edge of the bed near the pile of clips at his right elbow.

When he looked up at her she was attaching a blue spring-type clothingspin to her tongue. She pulled the hem of her skirt up until it was above the beginning of her pubis. “Cwamp four cwips to each wip, pwease,” she said. She squealed several times as he did what she had asked. When he resumed his position on the bed she let her skirt drop back into place, leaned forward supporting herself with her hands on the bed, stuck out her tongue and said, “Enough pain now, wemove dis and I wu suck yew off.” He did. She did.

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