The Piercer's Assistant Pt. 02

“Yes,” the girl cried, “I’ve learned my lesson!”

The Piercer considered her, and then nodded. “Yes, I believe you have.” She said. Then added, lower, as an after thought to herself “at least for now.”

The Piercer paused then. She had understood the girls ability to ‘brat’ and so she had reacted in a way that she had not anticipated. The Piercer had planned for a good while all of the piercings in the girl’s navel, in combination with the first needle stuck into her navel. She had not planned the additional needs. She had let the girl provoke her and to get under her skin.

The Piercer saw the irony, as she currently had several needs embedded into the girl’s skin, stuck into the navel. She did like that idea, regardless of if it had been planned. She also liked the look of that navel. She committed it to memory, her prized pincushion.

She still needed to rectify the situation.

“We are going to go off script,” the Piercer said, curtly.

The girll was nervous, because she did not know what the Piercer could mean by this.

“Take off those shorts, and your panties, if you have any on,” the Piercer said. It was generous to call them shorts. They cut up so high in the back that almost all of the girls ass was on display always. It was an amazing ass that the Piercer had fantasized about flogging. In fact, one evening after a bit too much wine, touching herself, and thinking about that always on display ass, the Piercer had ordered an engraved riding crop. It was specifically for the purpose of giving that ass what it was going for.

Anyways, back to the story.

The girl did not hesitate. She felt she knew better at this point than to do so. She reached down and gingerly shimmied out of her shorts. She tried to do so without moving her midsection. It didn’t entirely work, and she ended up joseling her navel with the protruding needs. It hurt, very much.

Once she was out of her shorts, she grabbed them and the box that had been between her knees and held them out to the Piercer. The Piercer took the items.

While doing so, the Piercer inwardly noted that, as she had suspected, the girl was wearing no panties. She thought back to the bamboo flogging cane that she had also purchased. When she made this purchase, she specifically had the girls pussy in mind.

Anyways, again, back to the story.

The Piercer then reached up and removed the clamps from the girls nipples. She did not want to leave them on so long that they caused permanent damage. She placed the clamps to the side.

The girl was momentarily sad, as she had started this venture with her nipples in mind. But then, after the clamps were removed, feeling floating back to her nipples. The girl was in intense pain for about a minute, then the pain subsided.

The Piercer let her go through all of this before continuing.

The Piercer looked down between the girl’s legs and for the first time, considered her clely. The Piercer was taken off guard.

She saw that there was a piece of jewelry already there. It was a large hoop that spanned two piercings between each side of the girls labia.

Her labia was pierced through on both sides, close to her clip. The girl had put one large hoop through each of those holes, securing her pussy at the very top. This closed the top, close to her clip.

The Piercer was completely taken aback. Up until then, she had thought that the only piercings that the girl had were those in her ears and tongue.

But apparently, the Piercer had been wrong.

The Piercer reached forward and touched that hoop that the girl had put in place in her pussy. While doing so, the Piercer looked up and met the girl’s eyes.

“You never told me About this,” the Piercer said.

“You never asked,” the girl breathed. She was taking deep breaths to steady herself.

The piercer fondled that loop a little more. She gingerly inserted her finger underthe hoop, between the girls labias. She did not touch the clip, as she had other ideas and plans for it.

“Are you prepared to continue?” The Piercer asked, without removing her finger. She then continued “Or do you have questions on what may come next?”

She wondered, inwardly, what the girls response would be. The Piercer was afraid herself of what the answer might be.

She wanted, with the entirety of her being, to continue. But she also felt that she may have pressed the girl too far.

The girl blinked at her a few times, and then said “of course I want to continue. So far, you have obliterated the desires that I wanted you to fulfill. And it is so much better than I could have ever hoped for.”

The Piercer was jubilant and impressed.

“Wonderful,” she said. ” I would like to secure your hands now as I do not want you to be tempted to interrupt me as I continue. You are still welcome to tell me to stop at any time.” She paused, then continued “I do notI want to risk infection by you reaching down and trying to physically stop me as I continue.”

The girl compiled, and allowed her hands to be bound at her sides to the chair.

Once this was complete, the Piercer went back to utilizing the items on her prepared cart. She sanitized the girl’s upper pussy, including the pre-existing hoop. She was very through.

Then, with gloved fingers, she exposed the girls clip. She rested it, exposed, above the hoop.

She then took a piercing clamp and secured it on the clip. It was tight enough to be effective, but not so tight as to cut off all feeling.

The Piercer then took a piercing needle, and pushed it through the center of the clamped clip. It was the normal size need for a clip piercing.

The girl was relieved. After the treatment to her navel, she had expected worse for her clip.

She should have waited to have those thoughts.

Instead of threading jewellery through the clip and replacing the piercing needle, the Piercer left the need jutting through the girls clip.

She then took two smaller gauge piercing needs and pierced them through the clamped clip. One above and one below the already placed needle. Being an expert piercer, she was able to do them at the same time.

The girl was shocked, and a bit in shock. Because of this, the pain was a little delayed.

The Piercer took full advantage of this, swiftly removing the clamp from the girls clip.

The Piercer then waited, and watched as the blood and feeling completely returned to the girls abused clip.

The pain hit like nothing the girl had endured so far. It was intense and exciting. She struggled against her restrained wrists.

But it was also intoxicating. It had turned her on. She was aroused. She was so wet under her pussy hoop.

The Piercer hardly gave her enough time to reach that conclusion in her mind.

As soon as a tiny fraction of the pain had subsided, the Piercer was misting her with the alcohol and then replacing the needs in her clip with barbels. They were expertly threaded through, but they still hurt so much. The girl finally understands why jewelry was placed on clients before the piercing clamps were removed.


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