She closed the client. She convinced them that double nipple piercings were exactly what they wanted. When the piercer came out and asked her how she did it, she responded with “I was able to convince them of that because that is what I want.” “I want my nipples pierced multiple times.”
She then paused to see the reaction.
The Piercer looked at her, and her eyes flicked down to the skin right, Nearly see through-shirt barely covering the girls breasts and clearly exposing her nipples.
Seeing this, the girl continued. “I want them pierced, by you, multiple times, in the same session. I want my nipples to have rings in them so they can have weights hung on them. I want to be able to be tortured by them and be kept in line with that torture.”
She then made direct eye contact with the piercer.
“You know I’m not easy to keep in line.”
She paused.
“But, wouldn’t it be easier if you had a sure way to?”
She then stopped, and bought herself with tidying something on her workstation.
The Piercer was silent. And still. For so long that the girl lost hope and was thinking of grabbing her bag and leaving.
Then the piercer spoke.
“Nipple piercings, nipple play, is that what you want?”
She then stopped, and waited for a reply.
The girl huffed indignantly.
“I talk about nipple torture with weights and you call that play!?”
She stopped, waiting for a response.
“Yes, I call that play. You describe it as torture betrays how neive you are.”
“I asked you, is nipple piercings, nipple play, all you want?”
The girl paused. It wasn’t all she wanted. But if she admitted that, she would give up whatever power she thought she had.
Finally, she decided.
“No, that’s not all I want.”
The Piercer looked at her. Then slowly walked over to her, maintaining eye contact. When she reached her, the Piercer then looked at her nipples. They really were begging to be pierced and abused. They had been since the girls first day at the job. That ridiculous excuse for a crop top.
Without looking away from the perfect nipples, the Piercer said “so, what do you want?”
The girl breathed “anything you’ll do, or give me.”
Finally, the piercer smiled.
“Good, now take off that excuse for a shirt.”
After doing so, the girl Followed her to the backroom. Everything was locked up at the front, so the piercer knew they wouldn’t be interrupted.
“Sit down in the chair,” the P instructed.
The girl did as she was told.
“As you know, one of my favourite areas is the belly button.” The P said.
“I know you want me to focus on your nipples, but this isn’t really about what you want. This is about what I want. And what I want, is for that navel, that has been on display and in my face since the moment I hired you, to get the attention it’s been asking for. And that it deserves.”
She said all this while loading up a cart, rolling it over to the chair and then pulling on gloves.
She then said, “just remember, you asked for this. And you can tap out and walk away any time.”
Then she got to work. She sanitized that perfect navel. She didn’t need to pause to think about what she was going to do. She had been fantasizing about what she would do, if given the chance, until it nearly drove her crazy.
She took her piercing clamps and pinched the top of the navel, perfectly centered. She then took a needle, a bigger gauge than usual, and pushed it though the skin. She didn’t put it through the center of what she had clamped. Instead, through the top, nearly touching the clamp.
With the clamp and the swiftness, the girl hardly felt the piercing. Exactly as the piercer wanted. She then took another need off the same size, and pushed it through the same skin, this time nearly grazing the bottom of the clamp. Finally, she took another need, and pierced it through the center of the clamped skin. Directly between the other two. She then quickly threaded barbells through all three and secured them. Then she removed the clamp, spraying antibacterial mist over the area as she did.
The girl had barely felt anything after the pain of the clamp being placed had sunk in.
One it was removed, blood once again flowed to the thrice pierced upper navel.
All at the same time, the pain of the three new piercings hit her.
She squirmed on the chair and whimpered a little, squeezing her eyes shut. When she opened them, she found the Piercer’s eyes boring into her. It was an unspoken challenge and question. She could bow out now and take her aching upper navel home. Or, she could stay. Her navel screamed at her to leave. But the wetness in her pussy and her stubbornness told her to stay.
Finally, she sat up a little in the chair and squared her shoulders.
She licked her lips and asked, “do you have a hand mirror close? I bet this new hardware is stunning, and I’d love a closer look!”
She said this while intentionally shimmingly a little, both to shake her boobs tantalisingly and move her belly. She was hoping to show that the pain of the piercings was not affecting her now, while also drawing attention to her breasts. She was hoping for a change in focus.
The Piercer seemed to appreciate both efforts, giving her a smile and a good, long look at both breasts.
She then turned, and walked to a cabinet. She retrieved something from it and walked back.
While looking at the girls breasts, she said, “you did very well. I’m nearly impressed. And I’d very much like to continue. I know you want some attention on those nipples that you’ve had in face for months. So, I’m going to give them some.”
She then took the clamps she had been shielding in her hand and secured them to the girls nipples. She wasn’t gentle. Once they were secured, the girl realized that the clamps had little teeth on them, that bit even further into her nipples than the strong clamps did. They hurt. She whimpered again, but this time because she was even more wet than before. The Piercer then took a small box and placed it between the girls knees in the chair. To box forced her legs apart.
The Piercer chuckled, saying “I don’t want you getting any friction. I know you’re wet, and I want you to be much wetter before I’m done here.”
She then asked “are you ready to continue?” She paused for a split second, and then continued herself “kidding, I’m ready to continue, which means we will. This is going very well.”
She didn’t want to give the girl too much positive reformation. After all, she had plans. And she knew that the girl hadn’t tapped out and left. So she was consenting to what had happened so far, and to continue.
The Piercer again sanitized the navel, focusing on the inside, sides and bottom. She then clamped that lower navel.
The girl was expectedg the same treatment as before; three two large needs thrust through. Then remove the clamp and let the pain sink in.
She was wrong.
The Piercer took another, smaller, piercing clamp and secured it on the right side of the navel. Then another of the same size and did the same with the left side of the navel. The girl now had three, strong, metal clamps secured to her navel.
The Piercer then took a needle, two gauges smaller than the other three, and pierced it through the first clamp at the bottom of the navel. It was not through the center, but slightly lower. She then took another need off the same size and pierced it though the same clamp, a bit higher.
Then she took two of the same size needle and pierced them through the other two clamps, one on each side of the navel. Then she took barbels and threaded them quickly through all four new piercings.
The girl expected her to remove the clamps, and was bracing for the pain.
Instead, the Piercertook a new thin gauge needle, the type for injections with the plastic bevel at the top. This need she hovered over the navel itself, conveniently spread open with the three clamps still in place.
After hovering for a moment, she smiled slightly, and then pushed the needle directly into the girls navel. She didn’t feel pain when it entered, but she did feel the needle pushing its way into her body.
Finally, the Piercer stopped pushed. The need felt like it was touching her spine. Still no pain, but she knew it was coming.
Then the Piercer swiftly removed the clamps from her navel.
Again, blood flowed to the navel, now with seven piercings on the outer portion and a need protruding from the center.
All at the same time, the pain of the new piercings hit her, even worse than before.
She squirmed on the chair whimpered and gasped. She squeezing her eyes shut, for a long time. All the while feeling the intense pain in her navel. Then slowly, she remembered her still clamped nipples. She couldn’t even feel the pain from them anyway. She decided to reach up, and tweak them a little. She still had her eyes closed, but she still winced happily when she felt the pain return to her nipples. Then, she came up with a split second plan. When she opened her eyes, she looked down at her navel. She forced something like a smile, and said “I know I asked before, but do you have a hand mirror? I would love to see my new belly jewelry. I’m sure it’s stunning. And I would also like to have a closer look at the neede stuck into my body.”
While saying this, she had observed that the Piercer looked somewhat impressed. However, when she got to the end, the Piercer seemed to shift into something close to announcement.
She fired back at the girl with “don’t say, “into my body.” It sounds like that needle could be anywhere. Say “into my navel.” Treat it with respect.”
When she ended, she looked at the girl expectedly.
The girlAlmost rolled her eyes, but caught herself. She responded “ok, I’d like to have a closer look at the needle stuck directly into my navel.”
The Piercer looked at her.
The Piercer looked at her.
Then she stepped to the cart and took another misting bottle, and sprayed it liberally over the girls navel. It stung like the dickens, as it was pure alcohol.
Then the Piercer took another bevel topped needle and drive it into the girls navel, alongside the other. She then took another, bigger gauge need of the same kind, and did it again. She did this two more times, each one bigger than the last. Until there were five needs, and her navel resembled a pincushion. She did this so quickly the girl barely had time to feel them going in. Once they were in though, she felt them all right. The Piercer paused and said “have you learned the lessen to be careful with your words?”
She then flicked the needses, hard, causing the girl to convulse on the chair.
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