The Picnic Ch. 01

As instructed he had packed a decent supply of finger food and nibbles. He had taken great care in his choices and only hoped that she would approve. The wine, which she had chosen, was known to him and he knew it was a good choice, despite the fact that they would both be driving and she would only drink one glass from the bottle. His nerves fluttered as he approached his destination yet a familiar feeling reassured him of his day ahead.

He arrived at her selected location, a verdant spot in the countryside, rural and secluded. Three other cars dotted the car park and he knew she had not arrived yet. Busying himself, he removed the picnic basket and blanket from the boot of his car and waited patiently, leaning casually against the vehicle, waiting for her.

The warm late spring sunshine beat down upon his face as he retired this day away from the usual humdrum of his working week in a busy office. Her request to meet him here for a lazy afternoon had been a wonderful idea and brilliantly timed — the weather was superb. He enjoyed spending such leisurely time in her company and hoped she would be in a good mood.

Resting the basket upon the boot of his car he opened the lid to check that the contents had travelled with minimal disruption and that he had not forgotten anything. Cutlery, plates, glasses, condiments, napkins and salad had all survived the journey. He smiled at his efforts and hoped she would appreciate them too.

Tyres crunched on the gravel behind him but did not turn to see her approach. Hearing the music loudly escaping from her window as she drew nearer he knew it was her. Suddenly the butterflies in his stomach began to churn more wildly and he felt a sense of trepidation and excitement that he was soon to be in her company again. The vehicle pulled up along side his and he heard the hand brake applied.

His legs started to shake a little and he feel the claminess in the palms of his hands. She always had this influence on him and, as much as he hoped one day that he might not to be quite so affected in this way, he secretly quite enjoyed it.

Striding around quickly to her door he blinked at the sun’s rays reflected from the glass. She was sat, calmly waiting for him to open her door. As soon as his hand touched the handle the door swung open, forcibly, and missed his crotch by millionimetres.

“You took Your time!” She snapped at him.

He falsed on the spot, not knowing what to say. He sensed an air of menace about her and immediately felt an air of foreboding. Before he could respond she was up and out of the car, brushing past him and gesturing at the back seat to a dark coloured hold-all. Her perfume wafted past him and filled the air. Momentarily, he witnessed, breathing her in.

“Bring that bag with you!”

Snapped back to reality by her words, he reached for the bag and quickly moved to collect the basket and blanket. She was already some strides ahead of him and making her way down a grassy bank towards a small compse of trees a few hundred yards away. He noticed a walker out with their dog in the distance and wondered how many others might be in the immediate location. He hoped they would not be disturbed.

He watched her walking ahead of him. As usual she was dressed casually; denim jeans stretched across her broad hips, a fairly loose cotton shirt complimented her colouring and struggle walking boots adorned her feet. Her hair was ruffled but shone a rich, dark brown under the bright sunlight. She looked comfortable and he felt an odd sense of pleasure in response to her appearance. As always, she wore her usual sunglasses and he wondered if he might be tormented by his own reflection throughout the afternoon — a milder torque than the power of her gaze, of that he was certain.

She finally came to a halt and seemed to have found a spot that she liked.

“Here will do!” She instructed as she pointed down to the ground.

She stood then, turning her back on him, and lit a cigarette. Carefully he laid out the blanket upon the short grass and placed the picnic basket to one side, her hold-all to the other. He then knelt down on the grass, adjusting his knees quickly as one found a pebble which jarred against his position. Then, he knew, he must wait patiently until she was ready. He estimated that she had made him wait a full five minutes before she finally turned to him.

“How wonderful to see you in your rightful place again, boy!” She purred, stepping towards him.

He remained kneeing, his face pointing downwards in the way she had taught him, his hands resting loosely on his thighs. He sensed her closing in on him and felt small and vulnerable as she towered above him. Abruptly she presented one of her dusty walking boots in his direction.

“Remove my boots and socks, I want to air my feet!” She stated.

Carefully he untied each of the laces and pulled the boots away from her feet. Theyfelt warm in his hands. Then, gently, he peeled away each sock and shook them out before vigilantly storing each one in the correct boot for later. She wriggled her toes in front of him, apparently pleased that her feet were now free in the spring air. He noticed that her toe nails were, rather uncharacteristically, unpainted. They looked nude without their usual splash of colour.

With his head still posted forwards he then felt her fingers in his hair. She grasped firmly, which made him wince, her hand adding pressure to his neck.

“Mmm… good lad!” She cooed.

Finally, adjusting her position, she took her seat upon the blanket and he felt her eyes, from behind the sunglasses, scouring over him. He enjoyed her purposeful examinations and hoped she would approve of the outfit he had chosen.

“You look well,” she commented, “now, did you remember the wine?”

Remaining on his knees he reached into the basket and quickly uncorked the wine, pouring a little into her glass for her to taste. She sipped it briefly and nodded that it was acceptable thrusting the glass back in his general direction for him to fill.

His hands were trembling now and he focused hard so as not to spill the wine. All thoughts in his mind were focusing on her, pleasing her and above all else, not causing any negative response from her at all. He was suddenly aware that he had not yet spoken and wondered if he should break his silence. He decided to remain quiet and to await her further instructions.

“Now, my lovely boy,” she continued, having taken only one other sip from her glass, “open my big bag and remove the contents.”

He felt pensive as he unzipped the hold-all and had no idea what he might find inside. His mind whirred with anticipation as he removed the first item which was contained within a sizeable velvet pouch.

“Ah, yes!” She smiled. “That’s a good first choice… open it!”

He carefully pulled open the drawstring and reachd inside to discover a contraction — the kind of which he had seen before and now recognized. Immediately, his cock responded, his breath jarred in his throat and his mouth grew dry.

“Yes… isn’t it pretty!” She purred. “Let’s see if it fits.”

Instantly, he looked up at her but she refused to look at him, her glasses masking her watchful eyes. Instead she just flicked her wrist in his general direction in a motion telling him to get on with it.

The heavy metal device sat on the blanket in front of him as he nervously looked around to see if anyone might be nearby.

“Oh, don’t be shy now, there’s only me watching!” She laughed at his disappoint.

Hesitantly he undid the button and zip of his trousers and suddenly realized why she had demanded that he dress without his usual boxer shorts. She had planned ahead, as always. His cock, now growing firmer in the presence of his owner and her choice of items, flexed momentarily in the open air. He fumbled for a few minutes, feeling her gaze upon him, as he attempted to fit the item as required. Trapping at least three straight hairs in the process made him suck in air through his teeth. Eventually, the heavy cold steel locked into place around his genitals and he removed his hands to meet with her approval.

“Wonderful!” She exclaimed as she lifted the pouch and shook the remaining contents out onto the blanket.

“Make sure you attach the rest!” She instructed.

He carefully moved his cock and balls and attached the thin metal chain to each anchor point. The large heavy figure of eight device now sat snugly around his cock and balls and he could feel the constriction already. Somehow his penis was positioned so that it remained free, yet held tightly at the base by the device. His balls were encircled by a tight ring of steel. The long thin chain ran between two points on each end of the device and out onto the blanket. She took hold of the loop at the end of the chain and gave it aSudden yank. He yelped under his breath as his groin surged forwards under her control and she let out a laugh of approval.

“Now, do up those flies!” She commanded and watched him fumble with his zipper.


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