Kurt’s invitation to the picnic was intriguing.
“Nell, there’s going to be a picnic at my buddy’s house. But it’s not your usual picnic. This one’s going to be rather kinky,” he said with that grin that makes my heart flutter.
“How do you mean – kinky?” I inquired. I’m sure my browser arched, as if I didn’t trust him, but I was only playing with him. He and I’d done some very kinky things in the past, and he’d never hurt or disappointed me.
“If we go, there will be eight of us present,” he explained. “We’ll all play some sort of a game, and the loser has to enter everyone else.”
“Entertain? You mean…” my voice trailed away.
“Yep. Entertain them – sexually,” he stated quite clearly. One thing I could depend on was Kurt speaking plainly about such things.
“And we’d be outdoors – in public?” I asked, unbelieving.
“Outdoors, yes. But not truly in public. My buddy’s place has a very secluded back yard. No prying neighbors, or anything,” he assured me.
“And I’d have a 12 and a half percent chance of losing,” I stated, quickly doing the math.
“If that’s one eighth, yeah,” he responded. Kurt is not as strong in math as I am.
“Wait a minute. How many girls will be there?” I asked, consciousness of a possible loophole.
“Four guys, four girls,” Kurt replied with certainty. “He only allows couples, and no one can have any hangups about having fun with everyone there.”
It only took me about a minute to decide. “OK, count us both in. I’m game,” I said, grinning. The idea actually made my pussy tingle with anticipation. Whether a guy lost, or a girl did, I planned to have some fun.
Kurt kissed me long and hard, for being a good sport. “I can’t wait!” he said, enthusiastically. We had fantastic sex all that afternoon.
The morning of the picnic finally arrived. The day was a bit overcast, but warm enough. We decided that we should dress very casually. I wo sandals, a tight pastel blue T-shirt, and yellow shorts. That was all. Having no underwear made me feel quite naughty. Kurt had on a faded T-shirt of a local sports team, torn cut-off jeans, and an old pair of tennis shoes. He had to wear briefs under his jeans, or he’d risk having some or all of his equipment dangling out.
When we arrived at his buddy’s house, I was pleased to see that the other people were dressed just as casually as we were. In a very secluded backyard, blankets were spread on the soft grass here and there. There were coolers with beer and soft drinks, and two picnic tables covered with expensive looking table clothes. One table was covered with snacks, fruits, and various salads and fixings and condiments for the burgers and hot dogs grilling nearby. The other table was half covered with ready made sandwiches.
I was introduced to everyone present, and took a special liking to our host, George. He radiated warmth, charm, and humor. I judged him to be a very good-natured person. He called us together to explain the game we were going to play. Holding up a deck of cards, he said, “We will each cut the cards. There will be a fresh shuffle after each cut. Whoever draws the lowest card loses. The suit of the card does not count, only its value. If two or more people are tied for lowest card, those people will cut the deck again until we have a loser.”
Everyone agreed that the rules of the game were clear-cut, so George handed the deck to Julie, his partner, for her to shuffle it. After she had done so, he was the first to cut the deck, revealing the King of spades. He breathed a sight of relief, stating, “It’ll take four of you to draw aces, and the remaining three to draw kings to even force me into a tie. The odds of that are minuscule, thank goodness.” He shuffle the cards and pointed at Julie.
She cut the deck, and held up the Jack of hearts. She didn’t look terribly worried at drawing this card. George smiled broadly, because he was now off the hook. He shuffled the cards and pointed at Martin. Martin drew the nine of spades, and looked a bit concerned. Julie exclaimed, “Yayyy! I’m safe!”
After George shuffled again, he indicated that Paget should cut the deck next. She did, and showed us all the 10 of clubs. She grinned at Martin, whose concern deepened.
Another shuffle, and Dave produced the nine of diamonds. George called out, “Uh oh, Dave. You are now tied with Martin, and have a 50% chance of losing.”
Rosanne took her turn after the next shuffle, and gulped loudly when she lifted up the six of clubs. Dave and Martin obviously relaxed at seeing her low card.
George shuffled and pointed to Kurt. His hands shook a little bit as he grasped the stack of cards near their center. He lifted his hand and revealed the six of diamonds. I laughed with glee, chuckling, “You’re tied with Roseann, Kurt!” The 50% chance of losing now shifted to a tie between Roseann and Kurt.
After shuffling the deck, George set it in front ofme. Confidently, I grasped the cards and lifted. In my hand I held the five of spades! I couldn’t believe it! I only had to beat a six! My heart skipped a beat or two, but I could not deny the evidence before my eyes. Everyone else was laughing and applauding, giving me mock congratulations.
I turned to face George. “I guess I lost fair and square, George. What do I have to do?” I asked, my voice squeaking a little.
“To start, you can take off all your clothes, Nell,” he told me, his eyes twinkling with merriment. Or was it lust?
“Sorry, I don’t have too many on, so I can’t give you all a decent strip tease,” I apologized. I kicked off my sandals, peeled off my T-shirt, and pushed my shorts to my knees. Letting them fall, I stepped out of them.
“Go ahead. Let everyone get a good look at you,” George ordered.
I supposed this was a normal part of the penalty for losing the game, so I put my hands behind my head, and did a slow turn, blushing at the commentsmade as everyone except Kurt saw my body for the first time.
When I’d finished, George said, “Great. Come over here to the picnic table.” He led me to the empty end of the half covered table. I was aware of six pairs of eyes staring at my ass as I walked, so I may have emphasized my swing a little bit. When we arrived at the table, George told me, “Climb on and lay yourself down on your back.” He assisted me in doing so, along with Kurt. They placed me parallel to the length of the table. George reached under the table, and casually pulled out some ropes.
“What are you doing?” I said, tensing up slightly.
“We’re going to tie you up,” he replied, his tone implying it was an obvious thing to do.
I swallowed nervously. But looking over at Kurt, I saw he was standing right there, watching with a smile on his face, so I feel safe, although my heart was beating fast. I said to him, “You told me this would be a kinky picnic. I never imagined this,” voicing what was uppermost in my mind.
“Please don’t worry,” George said, leaning over and kissing my breast. “If I make anything too tight, just let me know.”
I was momentarily distracted by the tingling at my title as he straightened out the rope. But, never having been tied up before, I watched his movements carefully. First, he grasped the rope by its center so that he had a double strand as he worked.
“Please lift your knee, and move your foot as close to your butt as possible,” George instructed me, politely.
As I did so, he passed the ends of the rope through its center, and dropped the resulting loop down past my knee, lowering it as much as possible – about to my upper thigh and ankle. He wrapped the double strand around the same level once again, and then passed the end Through a gap between those strands between my ankle and butt, from outside to inside. I had to twist my head a bit to watch him take those ends down and back out through the same gap, which cinched the mainloop parts together. Passing the ends from outside to inside, under, and back out again, he tied them off.
“Try moving your leg, please,” he requested.
I managed to wiggle my knee out to the side, and in towards my center, but I couldn’t move my ankle away from my butt at all. “That’s the only way I can move,” I told him.
“Fine,” he responded with a grin. He proceeded to tie my other leg in the same manner with a second rope. Since, I knew what he was doing, I took this opportunity to look around. Noticing how intently the six other people were watching George do this to me made me blush. But I also felt a frisson of excitement course through me, because I know I have a strong streak of exhibitionism.
When he finished tying my other leg, George said, “By the way, if at Any time you want us to stop or to release you, just say the word ‘red’ and everything stops immediately. Do you understand?” The idea that I might be subjected to something that would make me want to tell them to stop gave me a tiny scar, but I did understand, so I nodded. George gave me a happy smile, and said, “Please give me your hand, sweetie.”
How could I resist such a charming man? Did I mention that I found George to be very yummy indeed? Well, I did. I extended my hand, and watched him take another doubled over rope and tie a very complicated knot involving my index, middle, and ring fingers.
“Is that knot too tight?” he asked, attentively.
I wiggled my fingers, checking. “No, my fingers feel fine, George,” I answered. “Thanks for asking,” I added with a smile. I was falling under a sort of spell, as his hands touched me gently, moving my wrist up towards my shoulder.
Taking the double strand from the outside of my arm, he passed it under my armpit. His hand brushed the side of my title. It felt like an erotic electric shock when he touched me there. I was really enjoying this. Passing the strands around my wrist, he passed them under the first loop and down the outside of my upper arm. The strands were then carried around back to the inside of my forearm just above my elbow, but this time, to my disappointment, his hands missed my breast. I watched carefully as the strands came back to the outside, looped again through the outside of the bottom loop, and were tied off.
If I’m not describing this process well enough, you can ask George, or any of the Other six people how it was done, because they all looked like they were memorizing the process. The result was that my arm was snugly folded, with my wrist near my shoulder.
“Can you move your arm now?” George asked.
I moved my elbow away from and towards my body, and wiggled my fingers in their complicated knot, demonstrating the extent of my ability to do so. “Satisfied?” I asked him.
His answering grin sent a flash of heat through my pussy. “Not completely,” he laughed. “But I soon will be. And so will all these other people,” he said, gesturing at the onlooking crowd. My combination of excitement mixed with a trace of embarrassment sent a hot flush that spread from my face down my neck to my upper chest. I remembered Kurt saying the loser had to enter everyone sexually.
George tied my other arm in the same manner, checking once again that the ropes were not too tight, but still did their job of restraining my arm. The image of a turkey being trusted up flashed into my mind. And that made me think of how the turkey gets stuffed. And that made me think of the possible ways I was about to get ‘stuffed’ by these people. I giggled softly, with my heart throbbing so hard I’d swear everyone standing around must’ve heard it. Its pounding inside my chest certainly made my tits bounce, subtly.
“Give me a hand, will you, Kurt?” George requested. “Let’s move her closer to the edge.” I certainly was in no position to assist them, tied like this. The two of them carefully lifted me down toward the short end of the table, so my butthung slightly over its edge. The table clothes under me cushioned my bare skin nicely.
Once they had me where they wanted, George took two spare ropes and tied them each in a loose loop that encircled my knees. I did an awkward sort of sit up as he and Kurt used them to pull my knees apart from one another, securing them out of my sight under the table. I did the sit up because I was surprised at how wide they were opening my tights! Looking down past my mound I could see not only the entire slit between my labia – I could even see my pink, tiny pumped anal ring. Everything was on display. I might be an exhibitionist, but this was a new experience for me.
I could not sit up for long, though, because George eased me back down flat on my back. Someone placed a small cushion behind my head as Kurt and George used a final pair of ropes to pull my elbows out to each side, almost flat with my torso, and secured the ropes again beneath the table.
Testing, I was barely able to wiggle my legs or my arms. I was naked and very vulnerable. My tits jutted forward, unprotected, from my chest. And I’ve already pointed out how accessible my cunt and ass were like this. Just how I was going to sexually entertain the other attendees was becoming patently obvious. I was glad the sun was not glaring overhead, since I was mostly face up.
Somehow, being on a picnic table with food on the other end of it made me feel like I was to be part of their lunch, too. That thought was extra exciting, because I love it when Kurt dinners on my cunt, eating it like he can’t get enough.
Of course, I had no guarantee that anyone would perform cunnilingus on me. I was to be their entertainment, allowing them to do as they pleased. There was really no assurance that I would even be given an orgasm. I was freely giving myself to them as their plaything for this picnic. Only time would show me what that entailed.
I didn’t have long to wait. George stepped between my legs and smiled down at me. “Since I drew the highest card, I get to go first,” he informed me. I watched to see if he would undress or anything, but he just stood there for a minute or more, gazing at this tableau that he had created. His hands stroked the parts of my inner thighs still exposed between the rope loops as he looked at me. My eyes might have been pleading with this dishy-looking man to fuck me, but I remained silent, letting my anticipation build.
Smoothly, his hands moved from my inner thighs to cup the outer curves of my butt cheats as he lowered his face to my cunt. I tilted my chin against my chest and saw his tongue come out from between his lips moments before I felt it glide against my smooth labia, parting my intimate region with just his tongue. The woman gasped quietly, probably imagined his tongue doing this to them. The men seemed to have a need to adjust their cocks, still trapped in their clothes.
George licked me with gusto. His fingers deliciouslyopened me, giving his tongue more access. I couldn’t help in any manner. I couldn’t open my thighs more; I couldn’t close them any; I couldn’t tilt or raise my hips to offer myself more fully to his ravishment. Never had I felt so unable to control anything like this. It was… It was… delicious!
With my complete loss of control, all I could do was accept. Accept the sensings that George was causing to build in my core. He was in charge. For this period of time, I was his.
It was true that I couldn’t move while his tongue divided and teased my pussy. I couldn’t move when his lips sealed my vagina opening to suck some of the now copious fluids seeing from my cunt. I couldn’t even move when his tongue traced lazy circles around and around my now thrumming clip. Or when his lips sheathed my clip in gentle suction while his tongue tip flicked its sensitive head. But I could vocalize. And vocalize I did, moaning, groaning, crying out things like, “Yes! Right there!”, or “You’re driving me crazy!”, or “OMG! Please don’t stop!” I had my eyes closed much of the time, and I forgot six other people were watching me quiver inside the creaking ropes that held me fast.
An eternity later, and all too soon, George triggered my orgasm. I shrieked inarticulately as I came, straining against those ropes. The tension in my muscles as I fought against the ropes heightened my climax, and may have prolonged it. Eyes closed, I trembled as the shock waves rolled through me. I’m not sure how long I remained like that, but it was enough time for George to strip his clothes off. I became aware of this when his fully erect cock slide easily through my vagina opening and slipped its full length into my love tunnel without meeting much resistance.
“Looks like that cum got you all lubed up, Nell,” he chuckled. “No need for me to hold back, I think. Normally when fucking, I take my time, making sure my partner cums before I do. But you just came, you little vixen, andMany more people are waiting their turn.” With that statement, he started fucking me hard and fast, holding onto my thighs for leverage. His balls slapped exclusively at my lower labia and anus. I watched his gorgeous face gradually transform from a look of lust to that amazing connection it takes on as the guy cums. Sure enough, when it reached that stage he pushed himself deep inside me, and stopped thrusting, both of us aware of the pumping pulses his cock produced as he spewed into me.
Leaning down to kiss each of my breasts, with his cock still plugging my opening, he murmured, “Thank you. I may want some more later, if that’s OK with you?”
“Definitely OK with me,” I responded with a wink. Indeed, I wanted more of him, if possible.
Julie had the next highest score in the card game, so she stepped into place as George pulled his cock out of me with a squelching sound. People chuckled when they heard that sound, but that changed to laughter as my cunt emitted anembarrassing ‘pussy fart’ due to air shoved inside it by George’s furious fucking.
Looking at my crotch, Julie commented, “Your whole opening is rimmed with his semen, and there’s a big glob about to detach itself and fall on the ground.” I lifted my head to try to see, but that increased the pressure in my tummy which apparently forced even more out. Several people laughed as Julie caught the glob and smelled it back over my opening.
She turned her hand in a peculiar way and then held it up for all to see. She was holding her four finger tips and her thumb tip together in a cluster, forming her hand into sort of a wedge shape. Everything glistened with George’s semen. “This ought to fit nicely,” she said, gleefully.
Catching on, I swallowed hard, and called out, “You can’t mean… You wouldn’t!”
Julie placed the wedge of her hand with her fingertips pressing against my vaginal entrance. “Are you saying ‘red’ honey?” she asked with an arched browser.
I was nervous, but my curiosity and my excitement won out. “N… No, I’m not,” I stammered. “But I’ve never been fisted, Julie.”
“There’s always a first time, Nell,” Julie stated as she started pressing inward, her fingers easily sliding into my gooey tunnel. I groaned as my opening stretched wider and wider as her knuckles approached it. I raised my head, watching what she was doing. Weirdly fascinated by seeing her hand slowly disappearing, I noticed how it displaced even more semen from my vagina. Julie used her other hand to collect these slimy globs and smeared them on the back of her hand up to her wrist.
When her knuckles finally reached the opening, she started some sort of finger movements within me which caused her knuckles to shift slightly in and out as she pressed forward. Her happy Sigh was drowned out by my loud groaning gasp as her first knuckle worked its way inside me. Once that had been accomplished, it seemed fairly easy for her to move the rest of them insideto join it.
I stared down the length of my body with wonder and disbelief at seeing only her wrist now at the entrance to my cunt. “OMG! You did it!” I cried out. The rest of the people clustered around for a closer look. Maybe this was the first time that they’d ever seen this done for real. Judging by their comments, it was a first for at least most of them.
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