All characters participating in sexual activity in the stories are 18 or over. Please don’t be afraid to let me know what you think of my stories, but don’t do it anonymous please. This story is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.
To help you keep track of the different characters in the series, a list can be found on my author’s page in order of their appearance in the stories.
Chapter 64: Dawn returns to the club
The week that followed my games with Elisa was pretty hectic. I had 2 weddings I needed to take photos at, and as you can imagine, the parents of the couples wanted to see the photos like the day after the wedding. The couples themselves had gone to exotic places for their honeymoon, and dealing with parents is usually a nightmare, it always ends up with a fight between the parents of the bride and those of the groom. The bride’s side usually wants the luxury version of the photos, plus a number of blowups to hang on the wall, while the parents of the groom, who have usually already cought up a lot of dosh for the wedding, want to keep the cost down. So again, never a dull moment during that week; fortunately before I knew what was happening to me, it was Friday morning.
At 8 am the phone rang, I was barely out of bed trying to prepare a simple breakfast of tea, toast, and jam, not really in the mood to deal again with another difficult parent.
“Oh no, not again one of these parents,” I prayed when I picked up, venturing a simple “Hello,” but I was pleasantly surprised by a familiar and friendly voice and not the nagging voice of one of the feared parents, I’d been dealing with the whole week.
“Hi, Lew,” the voice said.
“Dawn, darling, it’s been a while since I heard from you. To what do I owe the pleasure of your call…hang on, it’s Friday isn’t it, and you want to know if I’m coming to the stables tonight.”
“Good of you to remember that you promised to join us regularly.”
“Yeah I’m sorry, but I’ve been so busy lately that I completely forget.”
“I hope you didn’t forget about your games with Joy?”
“Euh, Joy?” I replied trying to sound all innocent.
“Well she hasn’t forgotten about you, she keeps telling us that was the best night of her life, although in a way she was bitterly disappointed too.”
“Oh God, it dawned on her that I’m just an old geezer who’s taken advantage of her.”
“No, absolutely not, the thing she was disappointed in was that you told her it was only a one-time deal.”
“Yes indeed, that’s what I told her, and I mean it, I can’t keep helping out every lonely woman in this village.”
“Don’t you tell me you’re not flattered that all these women adore you?”
“Can’t says I’m not, but Ihave to take care of my health as well and try to keep myself going for a few years yet.”
“You don’t believe the myth that a man only has so much sperm, and when he’s used it all up its finished do you?”
‘No of course not, that is, pardon the expression, an old wives’ tale.”
“Cumming often is even good for your famous male organ, your prostate.”
“Maybe, but OK, I hope you’re not calling me on behalf of Joy to change my mind and do her again?”
“No, I’m not calling on behalf of Joy, although I’m sure she wouldn’t mind me asking you to revise your decision; I’m calling about tonight, will you join us at the stables for another round of carrousel riding?”
“What time?”
“Eight, is that possible for you?”
“Eight is fine, but on one condition, you make sure I get the same horse.”
“That won’t be a problem, the girls will be thrilled if you participate again and whoever normally rides on that horse will be all too happy to let you ride her.”
“I hope you mean the horse and not the rider.”
“Oh my God, even though you don’t want to help poor little Joy out another time, you do have a one-track mind, Lew.”
“Absolutely not, I just wanted to make sure there will be no misunderstanding about who I’ll be riding when I participate.”
“Not where Joy is concerned, me on the other hand, you never told me we only had a one-time deal, now did you?”
“Do I understand that you have plans?”
“I might have, some role-playing plans maybe, or another visit to the club?”
“That could be arranged, but not after the horse riding, I will be far too tired.”
She sounded disappointed, but my mind was working at 100 miles per hour, if I take her Saturday, that’s one of the two nights her parents play at the club and that would be the perfect opportunity to get them to confront each other.
“Are you sure Lew, you can’t take me after riding?”
“I’m afraid, yes, but I can offer Saturday, unless, ofcourse, you have something else on that evening?”
I heard her hesitate, I knew that on Saturdays she always went dancing with her friends at one or other discco, so she had to give that up if she wanted a kinky adventure at the club. She couldn’t go on her own as she was not a member, but she knew I was a member and as such I could bring a guest.
“OK Saturday it is, but I expect you to take me to dinner as well then.”
“More demands, why in heaven’s name would I take you to dinner as well?”
“I know you like to take me, Lew, even if it only to stroke your ego.”
‘Now young lady, that’s no way to speak to an elderly gentleman,” I said sternly but continued with a chuckle, “but it’s not a bad idea, one thing though I’m not taking you to the Deer Hunter; it will have to be Mario’s.”
While I heard her clap her hands, she replied, “Oh lovely I like Italian food far more than that posh stuff they serve at the Deer Hunter.”
“OK, I’ll see you tonight thenat the stables a bit before 8, I’ll make reservations at Mario’s for tomorrow night at 7:30 and inform Tanja I’ll be bringing a guest arrival around 9:30.”
“Great Lew I’m all excited to go back to the club.”
“Good, make sure you wear a sexy, easy-to-remove dress, and you will come commando, I may want to play with you already in the restaurant.”
“If you could feel my pussy right now, you would be surprised how wet it already is.”
“Well keep it warm for some BDSM play and who knows, maybe you’ll have a bit of a surprise yourself tomorrow night, see you at the stables tonight,” after which I hung up the phone, knowing that I made her curious with my remark. I hope she won’t freak out when she will see her parents at the club. According to Jack, They had a serious reputation and were well-known by all the regular guests there.
Lucky for me none of the newlyweds’ parents showed up, allowing me to do some of the work they wanted me to do instead of keeping meoff it with their demands and endless discussions with each other. I finished close to 7 o’clock, leaving just enough time to take a shower, put my riding gear on, and drive to the stables. My favorite horse was awaiting me. I took out my brushes and stuff to make her look good, and at 5 to 8, I led her to the paddock. I had learned from one of the girls that as the weather was milk, we would be riding there instead of inside. That proved to be much more fun than riding in the smaller-sized, covered area.
We could make our circles much bigger and add figures we couldn’t complete inside. OK, there was no music to ride by, but who cared? We had great fun. Maybe Joy not so much, I don’t know how she did it but she kept on riding always close to me. Was she in coins with Marianne who was directing the ride, I could only guess. I was polite to her but tried to keep my distance, not acting upon the overt come-on from her side. Maybe in the future, her being ginger, which I had a problem resistance, I might consider another roll in the hay with her but definitely not today. I needed to be sharp for my visit to the club with Dawn tomorrow.
And although she knew, I hoped she wouldn’t be too shocked when she found her parents there. And that was going to happen. I had asked Tanja if she was sure George and Janet would be there and she had confirmed they hadn’t missed a single Saturday since They joined the club.
After the ride, we had a drink in the bar, and again Joy managed to sit by my side. She even put a hand on my thigh under the table and began singing up towards my cock. Of course, that treacherous organ began to rise, but I stopped her before she managed to touch it and very gently removed her hand from my leg. She finally understood I was not going to jump her bones that evening and seemed to accept it. She was the first to leave, leaving me with the rest of the girls to chat and discuss our progress towards a potential show we could put on duringthe stable’s open house day in the summer. Marianne was very eager to put us on show and thus promote her business.
Around 10:30 everybody was going home, but not until they’d got me to promise I would come again the next Friday, which I gladly did. It was great fun to be riding again regularly, especially with a bunch of gorgeous women with bouncing boobs during the trot.
The shop was quiet Saturday morning, even giving me some time to help Jada with some of the things she needed to do for school. We got chatting about her teacher Sunshine and how she was doing. Jada tried to find out exactly what my relationship with her was, but I kept avoiding going that way, steering the conversation in a different direction. No need for her to figure out what I did or didn’t do with Danielle and her sister. I asked her about her culinary prowess.
“Why do you want to know about that Lew?” She asked.
“Well, darling your sister prepared me and also Beth on the second part ofHer slave session some delicious Brazilian dishes, and when I asked her if she would do that for me again in the future, she told me you know all the recipes as well, so do you?”
“I think I know most of her recipes yes, why do you want to know?”
“Both Beth and I thoroughly enjoyed the food she prepared and we would like to taste some of it again and even some other new dishes Elisa told us about.”
“And you would like me to prepare them for you?”
“If you wouldn’t mind, yes please.”
“Well Master Lew, all you need to do then is order me to prepare them for you, after all, I’m your sub who you can command to do anything for you, even prepare food.”
“I never thought about it that way, it doesn’t always have to be about sex, pain, and submission doesn’t it, why didn’t I think of that?”
“Could I say, it’s your one-track mind…Master?”
“Are you looking to get spanked?”
“Oh, no Master; but a good flogging would be appreciated.”
“MaybeI should just do that in preparation for my evening in the club.”
“Who are you taking to the club tonight?”
“Just another one of you hussies who wants to be spanked or flogged.”
“Ooh, can I watch?”
“Why? are you going to the club tonight as well?”
“Yes, Master, Master Jack, you know my sister’s Master, promised to tie me and my sis up together in a very special way.”
“Why didn’t you tell me this before?”
“Sorry Master I forgot, I thought my sister had told you when she was your 24-hour slave last weekend.”
“Well she didn’t and at what time is this Shibari demonstration taking place?”
“Right after the show George and Janet are putting on tonight.”
“George and Janet are putting on a show tonight?”
“Yes, there is fierce competition between George and Jack in the club, they really want to outdo each other and that’s why Jack came up with the idea of tying us together, something George will have a problem doing since Janet doesn’t have a sister.”
“No, but she has a daughter.”
“I never saw the daughter at the club.”
“Yes you did, but you didn’t know she was her daughter, and maybe you’ll see her tonight again.”
“How do you know Master?”
“If you must know, because she’s the hussy I’m taking to the club tonight.”
“Will she be watching her parents’ show as well then?”
“Yes, and that will be her big surprise.”
“Big surprise? How will it be a surprise for her?”
“She doesn’t know her parents visit the club regularly and have even built up a serious reputation there, and they don’t know Dawn has been to the club a few times as well, enjoying it very much. That’s the reason why I want to take her tonight, to confront them with each other.”
“So that in the future they can come together?”
“That I don’t know, tonight will tell me if what I told them during their photoshoot had an effect on how they communicate about sex with their daughter. That photoshoot sure has had a significant effect on their sex life from what I heard and hear.”
“Wow, it looks like tonight is going to be an evening to remember.”
“It sure will be and you and your sister will be in the spotlight, I’d better make sure to take extra batteries and memory cards with me when I go.”
After what Jada told me I was sure that tonight was going to be explosive, First, the confrontation between Dawn and her parents, followed by the competition between George and Jack involving my dedicated job student and sub Jada and her sexy older sister.
At 5 pm I told Jada I was closing the shop early tonight, so she could prepare for her evening in the club and I could do the same for my evening with Dawn. But first things first, as it was going to be a rough night, I needed a nice one-and-a-half-hour nap. I set the alarm so I had plenty of time to get ready.
At 7, hey it takes a lot of time to shake all over, I was indeed ready. I jumped in my car and drove over to where Dawn lived. Well not exactly, she wanted me to pick her up on the corner of the street where she lives with her parents. She didn’t want them to know she was dating, although sporadically, a 60-year-old photographer. Oh, boy is she gonna get a surprise tonight, just like her parents.
We arrived at Mario’s at the agreed time. He led us to a secluded table in the corner of his cozy restaurant.
“Good evening sir, madam, welcome back, he said while handing us a menu.”
I’m surprised by his welcome: I’ve only been here once with Dawn, the man must have a very good memory.
“Why don’t you surprise us Mario with a light meal?”
“A light meal? Hefty plans for the rest of the evening sir?” He asks with a wink, giving Dawn the eye.
“Not really Mario, and you wouldn’t believe it if I told you.”
“Oh, I’m sorry sir, I just thought with such a beautiful lady accompanying you.”
“Oh we’ll just go clubbing after dinner, maybe dance a bit,I’m not sure yet.”
Dawn looks at me and I can read in her eyes “You sly fox.”
Looking back at her I say, “No need to tell him everything dear, I just don’t want you to have an overloaded stomach when we go clubbing,” making air quotes.
“Yes that might be a risk, I could end up suspended upside down or in any other weird position while we’re clubbing” she whispered between her lips.
“You see we do understand each other, now let’s enjoy what Mario serves us, I’m sure he’ll make it noble but also light, care for some wine, my dear?”
“Don’t mind if I do darling,” she replies.
“Oh Mario and a bottle of your best Chianti please, we have something to celebrate.”
“What do we have to celebrate?” Dawn wants to know, referring to my last remark.
“That my dear is a surprise, and if I tell you now it won’t be a surprise anymore now will it?”
“Does it have to do with our visit to the club?”
“Mum’s the word, just be patient, all I can say is that it will be earth-shattering.”
“Now you’ve really got me curious, earth-shattering for you or for me?”
I keep my lips sealed, making a zipper move over them.
“Oh Lew, now you’ve got me all bothered, I won’t be able to eat.”
“That will help to keep you from getting an overloaded stomach dear.”
“Have your Parents never taught you to be patient?”
“Oh they taught me lots of things, but that wasn’t one of them. Can’t you at least give me a hint?”
“Oh, when you finally see it you’ll figure out I’ve been giving you plenty of hints.”
Now that shut her up for the time. I could almost hear the cogs in her brain working overtime going over what I had said the past half hour. This resulted in more and more question marks in her eyes. To make her relax I put a hand on her knee wondering if she had followed my instruction to come commando. Sliding upward she gave a small shiver. When I reached the top of her leg,Just where it met her body, I could feel that she had indeed come commando. Her pussy already felt a bit moist, moist enough for me to easily slide a finger up and down her cunt lips. After a couple of passes, it turned from moist to wet, allowing me to slip first one finger, quickly followed by a second into her hot vagina. She closed her eyes and gave a small moan, pressing her thighs together, trying to get more pressure on her clip.
When I saw Mario walk towards us with two plates I pulled my fingers out, resulting in Dawn opening her eyes and giving me a nod while mouthing, “Go on, I’m almost there.” I motioned with my eyes that someone was coming our way and said.
“Relax, dear, just enjoy the food, you will get that other thing real soon,” as Mario put a nice plate of Caponata in front of us, explaining it is a traditional Sicilian vegetable dish with, as its main ingredients, eggplant but also containing lots of other vegetables. It’s usually served as an appetizer,he explained further but as I asked for something light, it was prepared as a main dish. I thanked him.
The Chianti he served came from a vineyard owned by one of his cousins and is outstanding, especially at the price he charged. I drink carefully, as I am driving so most of the bottle ends up in Dawn’s stomach, giving her a nice buzz. She would need it when she found out about her parent’s “hobby” later that night.
As usual, I couldn’t resist having dessert, and Dawn was easily convinced we deserved one, so we both had a nice zabaglione, which was prepared right at our table. I whispered to Mario to prepare mine without the usual alcohol but to put it in Dawn’s. That made him raise his eyesbrows in an understanding gesture which was accompanied by tapping the side of his nose with his index finger.
We finished our meal by 9 and said our goodbyes to Mario, thanking him again for his excellent service. Walking out, he gave me a wink and a thumbs up. I took Dawn to my home first, where I made her remove all her clothes, well just the dress of course as she wasn’t wearing any underwear, but let her keep her shoes on. I put her in a full-head leather hood with just holes for her eyes, nose, and mouth. As I had no idea exactly when her parents would arrive, I wanted her unrecognizable when we entered the club.
Once she was ready I took her downstairs, through the studio, and on down the stairs through my private entrance to the club. That way I could spot if her parents had already arrived or not. Before entering however I also closed the zipper over her mouth and cuffed her hands behind her back and attached a lean to the ring at the bottom of the hood. This way I could lead her exactly where I wanted and she couldn’t cry out on seeing her parents.
When I entered, I scanned the room to see if they were already there, but there was no sign of them yet. That was a bit of a relief as I first wanted Dawn to have some fun. Maybe it would be better if George and Janet discovered their daughter was at the club first, rather than the other way around. It made me wonder if they would stay and come clean. I had always heard that your offspring were completely uninterested in your sex life, just the same as parents are not interested to know about their kids, except maybe overprotective fathers about what their daughters are up to.
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