The Photo shop by Candyman666©
All characters participating in sexual activity in the stories are 18 or over. Please don’t be afraid to let me know what you think of my stories. This story is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.
To help you keep track of the different characters in the series, a list can be found on my author’s page in order of their appearance in the stories.
Chapter 59: An Oriental Experience.
Pointing to the Japanese girl strapped into the gyno chair, Leo said, “I would like you to meet my sub, Narumi, Lew.”
“Nice to meet you Narumi,” I responded. She immediately looked at her Master for how she should react.
“You can respond Narumi, this is Lew the house photographer and he would like toTake some pictures of you. Lew will lend his sub to me and command her to allow me to pleasure her orally. I still have to get to know her, but she’s got the most beautiful vulva I’ve ever seen.”
The girl looked at me and shyly said, “Nice to meet you, Master Lew.”
“Does your name have a special meaning Narumi?” I asked, trying to set her at ease.
“Yes, Master Lew it means, Seed of Beauty.”
“Your parents couldn’t have given you a better name, except maybe, now that you’re all grown up I would say that the seed has blossomed, so ‘Flower of Beauty’ might be more appropriate now.”
“Thank you, Master Lew, for the compliment. If you desire to photograph me it will be an honor for me to pose for the house photographer.”
“And I guess you have no problem with your Master pleasure my sub orally.”
“No Master Lew, I’ll do anything for my Master, if he desires to pleasure your sub orally I can only hope that he will derive pleasure from it as well as you hopefully will photographing me.”
“You are very beautiful and I love taking pictures of beautiful naked women, so it will definitely pleasure me dear. I have one small request though, would you mind taking a nice hot shower so that all the wax is removed from your lovely body? I prefer a woman’s body as natural as possible and the shower will not only remove the wax, but it will leave Your body with far fewer rope markings as well, which is exactly the way I like it.”
Turning to Leo, I asked him to untie his sub, so she could go to the bathroom for the shower and maybe get dressed. He suggested I remove the wax with a flogger, but I declared the offer as this might leave some other unwanted marks on her beautiful body. I also explained to him why I preferred my models to be dressed when I start a photo session with them.
“When you have finished untying her Leo and she’s had the shower and is dressed I’ll take her upstairs to the studio and I’ll have asked my sub, whomose name, by the way, is Dawn, if she would be willing to be pleasured orally by you. By that time, I’ll also have finished disciplining her for her earlier misconduct.”
Leo immediately began to untie Narumi while I made my way back to Dawn who’d been slowly swinging around still tied up completely. As she was still blindfolded and hadn’t seen me coming back to her I whispered in her ear but Still, she was started.
“There are a few things we need to discuss sub.” Dawn nodded without uttering a word, she hadn’t forgotten her mistake from earlier.
“One, I need to punish you for your talking earlier – you can probably guess what the punishment will be, can’t you? And two, I have a request from a young man who immediately fell in love with your grogeous pussy.” Dawn nodded again.
“Concerning the request from the young man, whose name, by the way, is Master Leo, he wants to pleasure you orally. Normally you would not be allowed to cum unless I agree to it, but in this particular case, I would leave that decision up to the person who is pleasure you. He will decide if and when you’re allowed to cum. In return, he will allow me to photograph his sub, a beautiful Japanese girl of 19. Now do not let this influence you in any way, if he wants to lick you, it’s entirely my decision.
If you want to risk more punishment and say no, I will not be mad at you, but your body will bear the consequences. Between you and me, if you say no I’ll find another way to photograph this grogeous Japanese girl, believe me. It’s also entirely your decision if you wish to keep the blindfold on or not, in other words, if you want to see who is pleasure you and of course, be seen. There is no reason why you shouldn’t have the blindfold removed, he’s a very good-looking young chap: I put him in his mid-twenties. You will remain tied up while he performs cunnilingus on you. Think about it while I get a flogger to punish you.”
I walked away immediately, not giving her the chance to respond right away. I wanted her to think this over, especially after what Jack had told me about her parents. Some members might recognize her, not that she’s the spitting image of her mom, but she couldn’t deny Dawn was her daughter either. I took my time choosing the instrument of punishment I was going to use. Leo joined me, curious about Dawn’s decision. I had to disappoint him as I didn’t have an answer yet. He advised me though on the instrument of punishment to use.
“You told me Dawn loves horses, didn’t you?”
“Yes, she even wants me to go riding again with her.”
“Well, I had a very good experience with horsehair floggers and I know the club has some in their collection, there are shorter ones but also some that are really very long. When you let it glide over their body it ticles them and then you surprise them with the sting when you hit. When I use one on Narumi I can get her so hot that she almost cums spontaneously when I just let the hair slide over her body after a few hits.”
“I must admit I had never used one of these before, thinking they might be very painful. When a horse hits you with its tail, it stings and sometimes give you a nasty bruise, I can assure you.”
“I can imagine, but that’s different, there’s also the hard tail muscle inside. With these floggers, it’s only the hair. OK, I grant you that it can sting but it won’t bruise her.”
“I’ll take your word for it and give it a try.”
When I rejoined Dawn, Jack looked at me with a big smile.
“I’m pleased to see you choose one of the horse hair floggers, I suggested to Tanja she took them into the collection. They’re very beautiful and natural; using them is more like giving a care rather than a punishment.”
“Yeah, Leo told me that as well, and Dawn loves horses. God before she had this crew cut she had hair longer than this flogger, so she might appreciate my choice, provided she is willing to take the blindfold off.”
“I understand you gave her a blindfold when you entered to make it more exciting for her, but why does she want to keep it on?”
“No chance of that happening, first it’s not Friday or Saturday and those are their regular days, and secondly, members are very discreet, they will never tell who they saw here.”
“Yeah, but they might think her parents would already know she’s a member.”
“Even so, if George or Janet didn’t bring up that their daughter is a member themselves, no one would ask them the question or make a remark.”
Reassurered by that answer I made my way back to where Dawn was still suspended.
“Prepare for your punishment sub,” I said, standing by her side and swishing the flogger through the air so she could hear it and feel the air displacementon her skin. I saw her pull in her stomach as far as possible, though that was about the only thing she could move thanks to Jack’s through binding. As I continued I got closer and closer to her tune until the tips of the horse hair touched it. At first, she didn’t produce any sound but as I hit her harder and harder I heard her beginning to moan altering with a small yelp when I hit her really hard. After about 15 swats I stopped and approached her.
“Have you had enough time to think about what you want next sub? Please reply.”
“Yes Master, I would love for this other Master to pleasure me orally.”
“Excellent and what about your blindfold?”
“I’m not sure, what if people recognize me and tell my parents I visited a BDSM club?”
“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that, my dear.”
“Why’s that Master?”
“Your parents are well known in the club.”
“They are?”
“Yes, you’re mother’s even got a nickname; she is known as ‘the queenof pain’.”
“What? They’re members?”
“Yes dear, when you go horseback riding on Friday they come to the club with your father competing with Jack in Shibari, and your mother screaming like a banshee when your dad flogs her to almost within an inch of her life.”
“Oh my God, I had no idea, so everyone here knows them?”
“Yes, and Jack assured me that, even if they were to recognize you as Janet’s daughter they wouldn’t mention it to them unless they brought it up themselves. That’s rather unlikely as first you’re not a registered member and second, they saw I brought you here tonight.”
“If you are sure word will not get to my parents I prefer to have the blindfold removed and finally not only feel but also see what is happening to me, especially that strange flogger you used on me.”
“OK, I’ll remove it and the flogger I used on you is something you’re going to love even more when you’ll see it’s made of horse hair.”
“Oh is it, that’s why it feel sogood.”
After removing the blindfold, Dawn blinked her eyes and looked around her, now more or less realizing how she was displayed. Leo approached together with Narumi all bathed, clean, and dressed, and asked me if he could address my sub, of course, I agreed.
“Hello Dawn, I’m Master Leo and this is my sub Narumi. I understand your Master Lew told you about the exchange he and I made?”
“Yes, I do and I would love you to pleasure me orally, would you like that?”
“Excellent, you do understand you’re not allowed to cum unless I permit you to?”
“Yes Master Leo, I do, I will not cum until you allow me to.”
“Good, but first you will pleasure me orally, would you like that?”
“Oh yes Master Leo, I love to suck cock and deep throat and when you cum I’ll gladly swallow.”
Looking at me, Leo whispered, “Oh my God Lew where did you find this angel, it took me a few months to convince and train Narumi to deep-throat me and swallow.”
“What can I say, she’s a natural,” I said with a wink.
Leo opened his trousers and his erect eager young cock sprung out immediately. He held it in front of Dawn’s lips, which she opened expectedly, her tongue already out to lick his glans. I estimated his size at average, Dawn would have no problem at all to deep throat him, and maybe he’d already cum a few times with his sub, so the amount of sperm he would squirt down Dawn’s throat wouldn’t be all that much either. Anyway, that’s what I hoped for her, displayed in this awkward position, but you never know of course with these young bucks. I used to produce serious amounts of sperm when I was his age, surprising many a girl.
As I was not interested in watching the show, but more interested in getting Narumi before my lens. I took her with me upstairs to the studio. I told her that from this moment on she was not to regard me as a Master but rather as a photographer and we would communicate in the normal fashion I do with models. The outfit she wore showed a lot of possibilities and reminded me a lot of the outfit Hellen had hurt for her oriental photoshoot for the magazine. The huge advantage of this model was that she didn’t need full body makeup to look Japanese, she simply was.
When we came upstairs, she was astounded by how big the studio was. I explained to her it was exactly the same size as the club, but it looked much bigger as it was a completely open space. To begin, I put her in the same setting I had put Hellen in for her session. Contrary to her, Narumi wore a typical overlap geisha kimono, in sky-blue silky material with dragon prints, and with the borders in red with extremely wide sleeps. The dress was held together around her thin waist by a foot-wide red belt, tied at the back with a big bow. Her feet were encased in toe slippers.
Like a real geisha, she wore white socks. As I didn’t particularly look at her feet before, when she was naked, I wondered if her toenails were painted in the samered nail poison as her fingernails. Her long black hair was piled on top of her head like a geisha wig with a couple of red chopsticks in it. She could have stepped straight out of a traditional Japanese teahouse with the one difference that her face was not whitened.
What Geishas wear under their kimono has, as far as I know always been a bit of a mystery. Although I didn’t think this geisha was wearing traditional underclothing I was hopefully going to find out as she started unveiling herself during the photo session.
To complete the picture I handed Narumi a hand-painted silk umbrella, not from Japan, but from Thailand, which I had bought many years ago when visiting this lovely village there, completely dedicated to producing these umbrellas. I had bought at least a dozen at the time, to give as a gift to friends and family. These things cost almost nothing then. 75 Eurocents for a big one and 20 Eurocents for a small one. Being also a tie aficionado I had not been able to resist all the beautiful silk ties they sold, so I bought a couple of dozen of those as well.
Returning home from this trip I had to buy an additional suitcase to take everything I had purchased home. I was very lucky to have a very astute guide taking me to the airport who put his foot under the scales at the check-in, else I would have faced some serious overweight charges, but I’m digressing, back to the gorgeous geisha in my studio.
“So Narumi, have you ever posed for a photographer before?”
“No Mas…”
“What did I tell you, dear? Here I’m not a Master but a friendly old fart who wants to photograph a beautiful young woman, Lew’s the name dear, not Master.”
“OK Lew, and no I was never photographed by a professional, though Leo takes a lot of pictures of me in the nude in various BDSM situations.”
“I’m not going to deny that we’ll end up with me photographing you in the nude, but I want to make a whole series, starting with you fully dressed. I pulled the background with the garden image down. She loved it which made it easy for her to imagine herself walking in such a garden, shielding herself from the imagination sun with her lovely parasol.”
After a serious number of shots, I suggested we went for a more erotic look, taking her to the woman’s boudoir background with the makeup table and mirror. I asked her to take a seat in front of it and pull the kimono partially off of her shoulders showing a big portion of her back, but keep her boobs hidden. No bra straps or any underwear to be seen after she pulled the kimono down to well under her shoulder blades, it was obvious she was nude under the kimono, as most men would imagine.
When she got up after taking the photos the kimono escaped from her hands, slipped down, and finally revealed her big boobs, leaving her completely in the nude, accidental or volunteer, I could only guess.
“Oops!” was all she said, so I guess she did it on purpose picking up the dressthat had puddled around her feet, folding it, and putting it on the makeup table in the set, after which she turned around, giving me a full frontal view of her elicing body.
“You do have gorgeous breasts darling,” I said to her.
“I can’t complain, I’m rather proud of them,” she replied.
I had seen her naked before of course in the semi-darkness of the club but strapped into the gyno chair, but this was different, here she was fully lit by the spots, standing up.
Now I can admit how beautiful she really is. She has a gorgeous hourglass figure, toned abdomen, and legs with a pair of serious boobs standing high up on her chest and blooming from her body, with the cute tiny areolae and nipples. Unfortunately, like a man wearing socks while naked, she also looked a bit silly with her little white socks and toe slippers.
When I looked down at them she became cutely aware of the rather unflattering look, she bent down, and removed them quickly, leaving her also barefoot. Her toenails were, as I indeed suspected, painted in the same fiery red color as her fingerprints. While she was doing that I rolled away the makeup table and replaced it with the chain longue. She immediately grasped what I wanted her to do. She took up a position on the piece of furniture like the model in the paintings by Pino Daeni I looked at her and asked, “Do you know the painting you are copying?”
“Yes I do, I study art at university.”
“I had no idea.”
“Does this surprise you?”
“No, why would it?”
“With me being a sub and craving pain?”
“No, I can fully understand that you submit to someone and that pain can give you the ultimate kick you are looking for, which has nothing to do with the career you pursuit.”
“You don’t stop surprising me mister photographer, most men your age would not understand, but I guess you being a Master it would make sense. Have you been a Master your whole life?”
‘No dear, I only got involved in the lifestyle when I rented the cellar to Tanja. I had heard of it of course and seen some footage on the internet, but I only got involved rather recently, that’s why I’m still learning. But how about you? You’re what 19, 20? When did you get involved?”
“I met Leo when I turned 18 and he took my virginity. During that process, I discovered I liked it when I experienced pain while having sex, I liked it a lot. Leo was already a member of the club, involved in the lifestyle, and looking for a sub. He brought me to the club shortly after my defloration, so one thing led to another and here we are, fully-fledged members of the club with me dedicated to pain.”
“It’s not cheap to be a member and you’re still at uni?”
“Leo works for his dad, who owns and operates a factory producing conveyor belts, so money is not really an issue, and when I finish my studies I hope to help my mother who runs a successful art gallery in the capital.”
“I see,” during this imprompromptu life storytelling I was snapping away. I asked her to sit on the floor in front of the chair, with her elbows on the seat, making her tits really the center of attention in these shots. I couldn’t resist taking a few close-ups of her nipples which were nicely pebbled. She looked at me with a smile on her face.
“If you want them bigger, you’ll need to suck on them and pinch them hard,” she said.
“You don’t mind?”
“No I love it when my nipps are tortured, so please go right ahead and even bite them.”
“If you think that’s OK, don’t mind if I do, I love to use my mouth on a woman’s body.”
I put my camera on the floor under the chair longue to keep it safe, bent my head forward, and gave a tenative lick on her right nipple.
“Come on Mister Photographer, I bet you can do better than that, use your teeth.”
To make sure I would not draw blood, I cupped her right title and took the nipple between my front teeth, and bit lightly, while pinching theleft nipple with my fingers.
“HARDER!” was the only reaction I got from her. I presumed she meant to pinch harder and not bite harder. I was terrified to draw blood, so I gave the left one a 180° turn.
“Oh yes, that’s much better, maybe you’d better use your fingers on the other one as well, as you seem to be afraid to really bite it too hard.”
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