The Photo Shop Ch. 46

All characters participating in sexual activity in the stories are 18 or over. Please don’t be afraid to let me know what you think of my stories. This story is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

To help You keep track of the different characters in the series, a list can be found on my author’s page in order of their appearance in the stories.

Chapter 46: Overaged hippy Sunshine pays a visit

Tuesday morning I dragged myself out of bed, still not recovered from the London trip, but duty calls as they say. After a quick breakfast, I went down to find Jada already hard at work making Some final adjustments to the fake magazine for Hellen’s husband. I soon learned this was the cruel day for her as her teacher Miss Danielle Brooks, Sunshine to her friends, was visiting us today. A lot was riding on what she thought of the work done by Jada.

If it was OK she could go up to the next school year, otherwise, she might need to do this year over, or end up with another assignment that could take up her summer vacation, which she was so looking forward to. She had planned a visit together with her sister Elisa to their Brazilian homeland to see the family again, after being away for a significant number of years.

“Oh Lew I’m so happy to see you, I was afraid I would have to face Sunshine all by myself.”

“Don’t you worry pet, I’ve got your back, we’ll tame that overaged-hippy bitch together.”

“She’s not a bitch Lew she’s very friendly but also very strict, the project needs to be put together correctly, and I’ve had second thoughts about how she will react to all the nudity and especially the last part with the BDSM stuff.”

“Well if she has the reputation of being an overaged hippy, I guess she’s seena thing or two during her lifetime, how old is she exactly?”

“We don’t really know, but rumor goes that she is in her seventies, although when you look at her figure you would estimate her rather mid-fifties to sixty, close to your age.”

“If she is, I’ll figure that out pretty quickly, trust me. Just show me now how far you have got so I can estimate when I can print the damn thing.”

Jada took me through the whole file on the screen and it looked very good indeed, it was clear to me she had put in a lot of work during my fun trip with Grace to London.

I wanted to do a first proof print immediately. Jada wasn’t sure, but I convinced her it would look good and it would help her get higher grades from her teacher if we could actually show a tangible result of the work she had put in. By ten o’clock we had our first print done, making it possible to have it dried and stapled by 10:30 when Sunshine was supposed to arrive.

One thing was sure, she was punctual.At precisely 10:30 she opened the door of the shop and walked in. I went up front, eager to finally meet this female in the flesh. She was the real embodiment of what they called her. Her hair, blonde with a touch of red in it, was long, all the way to just below her boobs, with a hairband in the same material as her long dress. On her nose was a huge pair of glasses. Her lips were color-coordinated with the nail poison applied to her fingerprintnails I could see on her hand outstretched to greet me.

The dress she wore had a very flowery print mixed with peace signs, while the sleeps tapered out towards her hands. Over it, she wore a suede-leather vest with the bottom part cut into strips hanging loosely similar to those Indians wear in wild west movies. Her bare feet were encased in open-toe sandals with the nails painted in the same bright red as her fingerprintnails.

“You must be Lew, I guess, going by Jada’s description.”

“Yes indeed, very pleased to make your acquaintanceSu…Miss Brooks.” Oh my God, I almost called her by her nickname, hopefully, she hasn’t noticed my slipup.

I had no such luck, “you can call me Sunshine if you wish, everybody else at school does.”

“I’m so sorry, but that was the name Jada always used when referring to you.”

“As I said no worries, I’m proud to be a hippy, but from what I was told, you too were a flower child Lew.”

“I was indeed, I even went to Woodstock.”

“You did? Oh my God, I wished I’d been able to go at the time but unfortunately, I was too young.” That was a first hint to her real age if ever I heard one.

“Well I was barely 20 when I went and it took a lot of time to convince my parents.”

“I can imagine, you must tell me all about it sometimes.”

“If you want, although it was a long time ago and memories fade over the years. Why don’t you take a look at what Jada did in the present?”

“Yes you’re absolutely right, I guess Jada is very anxious to know if her project is acceptable.”

“I don’t know if she told you what the project was about?”

“She told me it involved nudity and something to do with a men’s magazine, so I’m very curious what exactly this is all about.”

“Allow me to give you the background; I have a customer who wants to surprise her husband with a fake men’s magazine where she is featured, so we had a full day photo session with her, she also provided most of the fake articles and we acquired some ads from local business friends of mine. Today, Jada made a first proof print and that is what she would like to show you once you have checked the electronic version. Let me take you to our computer room where Jada is on tenterhooks awaiting your visit.”

When we walked into the room, Jada was waiting for her teacher by the side of the computer screen, her hands demurely folded in front of her.

“Hello Jada, so this is where you’ve been doing all your work?”

“Yes Miss Brooks, Lew has helped me and I am learning a lot from him.”

“Excellent, let’s have a look at what you have put together. Lew told me there is a sample of the final product but suggested I first take a look at it on screen.”

Sunshine took the seat Jada had occurred before and began looking at the electronic version of the magazine. I hoped she wouldn’t be too critical, it was after all the first time we had put something like this together. I must admit I was as nervous about her reactions as Jada was. Scrolling through the different pages I heard her make, what I hoped, were approving noises but as I had never met her before it was difficult to judge. When she came to the centerfold she looked up at me.

“Did you take all the photos, Lew?”

“Yes ma’am, euh, actually no, Jada also Participated partly in the BDSM session and one of her photos is also in the last part of the magazine.”

“Excellent, we’ll look at that later then, but for now, as far as I can remember you caughtthe model in exactly the same position as Marilyn Monroe in that iconic photo so many years ago, my compliments!”

“Thank you, that means a lot to me from a professional like yourself.”

“But you’re also a professional.”

“Yes and no, I only started late in life with my studio and I never went to a school like the one where you teach.”

“You started taking pictures of nude women when you started with the studio?”

“No, I was 28 the first time a woman modeled for me in the nude, I had taken some photos at Woodstock as you can imagine but those were just snapshots of girls flashing their boobs. Aside from that I mainly photographed nature and animals at that time. But can I ask you a personal question?”

“You want to know if I ever posed in the nude for a photographer?”

“How did you guess?”

“Come on Lew, it’s staring me in the face, female nudity is your favorite subject and I hear things.”

“I wonder where you hear things?” I said looking atJada who clearly avoided my eyes.

“Well if you want to know, Jada’s project was the main topic of discussion during this school year. It was the first time that female nudity was the main subject of an assignment. You can imagine the male students were most interested to help Jada, trying to get in on this project.”

“I hope none of the photos ended up in the hands of any of the other students because that could cost me a lot of money and probably my reputation.”

“I don’t know about the money but your reputation as a photographer of female nudity is now well established in the school.”

“You must know I always draw up a contract with my models where I guarantee the privacy of their photos. There are some hefty fines for me if that contract is breached, so now you have me worried.”

“Stop worrying, Jada guarded the photos with her life, none of the students saw or could get their hands on any of them.”

“If none of the photos were seen by the other students how come that my report is known at school.”

“Just by word of mouth, the other students knew about Jada’s project and then started fantasizing as she didn’t give any details.”

I turned to Jada and mouthed, “thank you.”

“I must say, from what I’ve seen so far, I’m impressed, now please show me the final product.”

Jada handed Miss Brooks the proof print. It did look convincing if I say so myself. It would look very nice between all the professional men’s magazines on display at the local newspaper shop.

Sunshine thumbed through it making lots of satisfied noises as she went. She took a lot of time when she got to the part with the BDSM stuff, I wondered if this was a special interest, or was she merely trying to detect which photo was the one Jada took. When she was done she compiled Jada on the final result and confirmed that this would definitely give her good marks on the final report at the end of the school year.

To try to ensure her teacher would have a favorable impression, and hoping that she wouldn’t run out after 30 minutes, I had foreseen a lunch in my apartment. In the end, she had spent 2 hours going over all the details, even making some suggestions on how to make it look even more professional, so I could only hope that she would accept my invitation. I must admit I was intrigued by her; why does a woman remain a hippy all these years?

“Will you do me the honor to have lunch with me…Sunshine? I could tell you some more about my Woodstock experience if you wish.”

“If that isn’t too much trouble, yes I would like that, where shall we go?”

“I sort of hoped that you would say yes, so I have everything prepared upstairs in my place unless you insist on going somewhere outside?”

“No, if you’ve gone to the trouble of preparing lunch for me I’ll gladly follow you, besides I must admit I’m curious to see your apartment, Jada can’t stop talking about how beautiful it is.”

“Has she was revealing all my secrets to you?” I said looking at Jada, who began to blush.

“No, no, she’s always very discreet, but she couldn’t stop raving about your roof garden.”

“I see, OK shall we go upstairs then? Will you join us, Jada?” I said looking at her mouth “NO!

“No thank you, Lew, I have several errands to run and some More of my Christmas shopping, besides you will have a lot to talk about, especially if you want to tell Miss Brooks all about your adventures at Woodstock, and that was way before my time.”

“Don’t worry Jada, you go and have fun with your Christmas shopping, “thank you.” I mouthed giving her a wink.

I guided Sunshine to the apartment where she was duly impressed by my, at the current time, Winter roof garden.

“This is beautiful Lew, I can imagine it must be even more impressive in the Spring with all the flowers and everything.

“You must be a real flower power girl if you can imagine flowers wit all the plants in Winter sleep now.”

“I’ve always been an avid practicer of the free love movement, but it gets more and more difficult to find kindred souls.”

“So am I, for myself, I adapted the flower power movement’s slogan, ‘Make Love not War’ into ‘Make Love not Babies’.”

“Yes that’s indeed wise, there are already more than enough people on the Earth.”

After I had put all the food on the table we took our seats and began eating. I served a nice Chablis with the chef’s salad I had prepared which she greatly appreciated.

“You never answered my question: you really being a flower power child, have you ever posed in the nude?”

“Yes I have, I was a nude model for the academic of arts for many years.”

“I see but also for photographers?”

“No, come to think of it I never posed for a photographer.”

“And you teach at a photography school?”

“Probably because of that, I wouldn’t want any of my students taking pictures of me inthe nude, it would completely ruin my authority, I still want to install some respect in them.”

“Oh you’re the teacher they all fear and want to get good marks from?”

“It helps to bring out the best in them.”

“Would you dare to break this year-long reluctance to pose for a photographer?”

“In the nude you mean?”

“Yes of course in the nude, it’s my favorite attire for women when I photograph them.”

“Shouldn’t I sign a contract then or something?”

“Yes, of course, we definitely wouldn’t want photos of you in the nude floating on the internet, now would we?”

“I was wondering though, why the interest in photographing an overaged hippy?”

“Only when the overaged hippy looks as good as you.”

“Compliments and all – you keep Surprising me.”

“If you’ve heard so much about me you must also know I do have a reputation of being able to talk women out of their clothes.”

“You don’t say? Yes, I’ve heard that rumor and also that you’re pretty good in the sack.”

“Wow, now you make me blush.”

“I don’t think you blush that easily anymore. Are you aware that you are known as the savior of lonely women of this village.”

“Noooo! Never, that’s a huge exam.”

“Care to live up to your report?”

“How about your report? Are you really an overaged hippy, a true Follower of the make love not war movement?”

“Yes I am,” she replied while getting up from the table and slowly beginning to remove her leather vest. “Would you like me immediately in the buff or do you want to take pictures of the unveiling of a hippy?”

“No please take it slow, I want to save and document every second of this happening.”

“You truly are a flower child, else you wouldn’t call it a happening.”

“Shall I put on some music?”

“I always like music, yes, what do you have in mind?”

“How about the songs from the musical Hair?”

“Couldn’t be more appropriate, go for it.”

I put on the LP ‘Don Kirshner cuts Hair’, which started, very appropriately, with the song ‘Let the Sun Shine in’.

“You still have vinyl?”

“Yes, I prefer the sound of vinyl over digital or CD.”

“So do I,” she replied starting to sway to the music while she continued dancing and slowly pulling down the zipper of her flowing dress and revealing her naked back. No sign of a bra, I didn’t even see a slip when the zip was pulled down all the way to her asscrack.

When the back of the dress was completely open, she turned 180 degrees, faced me, grabbed the top of the dress at her shoulders, looked me in the eyes with a smoldering look, and ever so slowly pulled the dress forward off her shoulders slowly revealing her grogeous naked body. I tried desperately to remain focused and keep clicking my camera, as I didn’t want any of this to go undocumented. When her boobs became visible I had an upsurge of blood in just that part of my body I wanted to keep under control.

She didn’t let the dress drop to the floor but let it slide down at a snail’s pace, revealing her naked body inch by inch to the camera. When the dress was just below her pubes she let it drop to the floor. She looked stunning, she had remained true to the hippy image, retaining a full bush; I wouldn’t call it red but it was darker than the hair on her head and more reddish. She even had hair under her arms, which she demonstrated by lifting them, making her smallish but firm tits stand out proud.

When the second song Air – Waking in Space on the album started she took steps in my direction in sync with the music, holding out her arms towards me. This was my cue to put my camera away and open my arms to hug her.

She whispered in my ear, “you really can talk a girl out of her clothes.”

I moved my face in Front of hers and kissed her. She responded by opening her mouth and seeking entry to mine with her tongue. We continued kissing feverishly while her hands movedto my front where she began to undo the buttons of my shirt. It didn’t take her very long to remove it completely allowing us to have this most exclusivecing skin-on-skin feeling. I feel her boobs and rock-hard nipples press against my chest. She was clearly as aroused by her striptease as I was. As she was not too big or heavy, I picked her up and her sandals fell from her feet. I carried her to the bedroom, placing her gently on the bed.

The next thing I did, before joining her, was to remove the remainder of my clothes. When I lowered my boxer shorts, my cock, already at full alert, jumped out. She gave a small sight sticking her hands out grabbing it. When I crawled on my knees onto the bed she almost pulled me up by it. Halfway over her exclusive body, I stopped, but she kept on pulling to make me continue my journey Until my dick stood proud at the upper door of her body. She looked me in the eye and placed a tender kiss on the bulbous head. Her hands came up and she intertwined her fingers with mine, for the time making it impossible for me to touch her anywhere. Then she opened the gates to heaven and slide her lips over the head, taking the foreskin down.

When she then moved up again her tongue came out, tenatively licking around the rim teasingly, making my dick grow even more. When she was done tickling the sensitive underside with the tip of her tongue she gobbled me up so I could finally enjoy the full pleasure of her heavenly mouth. She let go of my fingers and her hands now moved to my butt to pull me in even deeper than I already was. By now the record was playing the song of Hare Krishna and I felt young and Woodstocky all over again. If I wanted to fully enjoy her beautiful hippy body I urgently needed to pull out of this mesmerizing body hole of hers and get a taste of her myself.

Once I had pulled my cock out of her hot mouth I replaced it with my tongue sucking hers between my lips and exploring her further. After a complicated and arousing tongue dance together it was time to leave her cherry red lips and snakelike tongue and explore her body further with my mouth and tongue. Starting from there, I began my journey south kissing my way down her throat and neck.

I know from many of my previous encounters with women that their ears were usually very sensitive so I ventured back up to her earlobe and began sucking on it. She was not that much Different from the other women I made love to, on the contrary when I moved my tongue to the area just behind her ear it individualized some serious moans from her lips. There is however only so much you can do to a woman’s ear and I wanted to explore the rest of her exclusive naked body, so I moved my oral exploration further over her shoulder and collarbone towards one of the most exclusive parts of the female body, her boobs.

They were not big, somewhere between an A and a B I guessed, but firm, like the ones on a teenage girl. She sports cute small areolae, rather dark in color but with big same color rock hard nipples. They looked at least 3 quarters of an inch long. I just love small boobs with big nipples so I went to work on them, licking and sucking, trying to make them even bigger and harder than they already were. She clearly appreciated feeling my hot mouth and agile tongue working them, proof of which was her increased moaning.


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