The Photo Shop Ch. 47

Although each chapter is a story on its own, you might enjoy it more by starting with chapter 1 as there may be references to characters or events that happened in previous chapters. All characters participating in sexual activity in the stories are 18 or over. This story is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental. The ship’s itineerary is purely fictional.

To help you keep track of the different characters in the series, a list can be found on my author’s page in order of their appearance in the stories.

Chapter 47: The Christmas party with Grace (part 1).

The day after Sunshine’s Visit, Jada was at school. She would come back to the shop on Friday, but since Sunshine gave her approval on the men’s magazine, I started printing the required copies. I knew that Hellen was getting nervous, fearing they wouldn’t be ready for the big day.

I called her, “Hi Hellen, I’m so sorry that we couldn’t finish the magazine, as promised, by the 15th, but it was only yesterday that Jada’s teacher came around to give her approval. I can tell you she did, so today and tomorrow I’ll be printing the required copies and you can have them tomorrow Evening. I want Jada here when we hand them over, after all, she put most of the work into this thing and I want her to have her glory moment.”

“Of course, Jada should be there, and don’t worry we still have a few days till Christmas, I’ll see you tomorrow evening then, is 7 OK for you?”

“Yes, I’ll let Jada know when to be here.”

As Jada would probably be in class at This time, I sent her a text message about her glory moment tomorrow evening and started up the printing process. By 7 that evening I had finished printing the required copies so they could set overnight andI could staple them tomorrow. I had foreseen 10 copies in total, the proof copy we used to convince Danielle I intended to keep for myself.

There would be a copy each for Jada, Tanja, Bethany, Dawn, Linda, Astrid, and Jada’s teacher Sunshine, leaving 3 copies for Hellen who in the end paid for the whole thing. I sent out an invitation to all parties for the big handover and everyone quickly replied confirming their attendance. I’d better make sure I have enough booze and snacks in the house as this could turn into a small party. Maybe I could call Petra to help me set this up and do some waitressing. She loves these little improvement parties, particularly when I pay her for them. It always ended up with her enjoying the party as much as the guests did.

Thursday, Petra had already arrived at 5 to prepare the snacks and set up the booze, in this case, festive champione in a cooler. She couldn’t resist vacuuming the studio as well. She reminded me so much of an overprotective housewife sometimes – I should definitely get her a nice present for Christmas. The question was what exactly? Maybe I could ask one of my ladyfriends to try and figure out what would make Petra happy. Women usually confident easier in another woman, maybe I’ll ask Bethany. Although she doesn’t have kids of her own she is more of a motherly type than Astrid, the others being far too young for such a mission.

At six, Jada burst through the door, with a very sad face. “Oh my God,” I thought, “she got bad marks for the project,” I was already contemplating giving Sunshine a serious spanking the next time I saw her.

“What is it dear, did Sunshine give you bad marks for the project after all?”

She looked at me and I saw her face change while she burst out laughing, “she gave me 9.5, the highest mark anybody in my class got.”

“You little devil making me believe something was wrong or you got bad marks. Well congratulations, you earned every point she gave you.

“God Lew you should have seen your face when I came in, sorry for teasing you, and thank you for helping me with this project.”

I grabbed her in my arms and gave her a bear hug, the girl deserved a break after the life she had led before coming to Belgium with her sister Elisa. I could feel that this evening was going to be a huge success.

At six-thirty, not Surprisingly, Hellen arrived as the first guest.

“Hello, Lew, sorry I’m early but I’m so curious, I couldn’t wait any longer, can I see it please?”

“Should I keep her on tenterhooks for another half hour or should I show her? Maybe I’ll show her the proof-print?”

“I can’t hand you an official copy yet Hellen before the other guests are here, but I can show you the proof-print we made for Jada’s teacher. It’s almost the same as the final version but a few tweaks were made to it based on Miss Brooks’ remarks.”

“Who’s Miss Brooks?”

“I never mentioned her real name to youdidn’t I, well she’s Jada’s teacher, nicknamed Sunshine. She’s an overaged hippy, who had to approve it to count for Jada’s grades at school, she’ll be here tonight as well to receive her copy of the magazine.”

“So how many do you distributed and how many are left for me?”

“You get 3 copies, the other copies go to all the people that contributed to the project, and I’ll keep the proof-print copy for myself.”

“Sounds good, and they’ll all be here tonight?”


“I can’t wait to meet this Sunshine woman, an overaged hippy is she?”

“Yes, attire, attitude, you know free love and everything.”

“Oh, you had sex with her?”

“No comment.”

I saw Jada prick up her ears, and of course, Hellen was unstoppable.

“You did, didn’t you? How was it, back to your young years?”

“As I said, no comment.”

“Spoilsport! But yeah I understand I wouldn’t appreciate it if you would go blabbering about our rides in the woods, although of coursee there is proof of that in the magazine.”

“Those are only photos Hellen dear, there is no proof that we had sex.”

“Yeah but knowing you I would bet you photographed all those women coming tonight in the buff, and had sex with them as well.”

“Sorry, again no comment.”

“No worries, I hope you did, cause I’m sure they all enjoyed it as much as I did.”

“Can I offer you a glass of champione?”

“Yes thank you, sir.”

She then turned to Jada, “Oh Jada dear I have you to thank for putting this magazine together, I heard that you got good grades for it as well. I’m not surprised, it’s fantastic, far better even than I expected it to be, so thank you!”

Jada turned completely red in the face looking over Hellen’s shoulder at me as she also took her in a tight hug as I had done.

One by one the other guests started to arrive, Tanja being the first as she only had to come up from the cellar. Right on the dot of seven, Sunshine walked in, that woman must have a built-in alarm clock. She was followed shortly after by the other guests, with Bethany the last one to arrive. I must say I felt right at home, oh yes this was my home, but what I mean is I felt perfect, surrounded by 8 gorgeous females all of whom I had had the pleasure of photography in the nude and had…(I’ll leave it up to you to complete the sentence.)

They all loved Their copy and Jada got lots of congratulations on her work. Tanja even took her to one side to discuss the booklet she wanted to have made, exchanging ideas. I guess Jada will spend a lot of time together with Tanja in my computer room in the coming weeks.

By eight they had all had a few glasses of champione and several conversations with each other. The youngsters were getting a bit restless until Jada put some sixties and seventies music on and they began to dance, eventually, everyone joined in, even I demonstrated my moves on the dancefloor. The first one to join me was Sunshine as this was our music.

The party ended around nine and thirty minutes later Petra had everything cleaned up, the studio again spic and span. I was knackered.

The rest of that week and the week after was rather busy with people buying last-minute Christmas gifts and ordering photo albums and photo Christmas cards. I spent many evenings and the whole weekend working late, sometimes even burning the midnight oil preparing and sending them out for printing, and doing lots of printing myself. Some of them would only arrive after Christmas, but that was to be expected.

Finally, December 24 arrived, tough luck for the people that hadn’t yet bought their Christmas gifts, but I closed at noon. I wanted to be well-rested for my Christmas Eve dinner with Grace. I wondered if it would Just be Grace tonight or if the whole gang would be there. I had agreed with her she would arrive at 7 and stay the full 24 hours so I could claim the full time of her slavery I had won. It alsomean I would spend the biggest part of Christmas day with her.

I arrived at five to seven, really looking forward to collecting on the challenge I won in London. She opened the door fully clothed.

“Why aren’t you naked as stipulated in the challenge?”

“First, you’re early, and second, I know how much you enjoy seeing a woman taking her clothes off, so I thought that me doing a striptease for you would be a far better Christmas present than just opening the door already in the buff.”

“You keep surprising me Grace, and yes I love the way you’re thinking!”

When I came in I noticed she was alone, no sign of Nancy nor Amelia or any of the other girls that were supposed to be there for this party. Looking at her I asked, “where is the rest of the gang?”

“Tonight will be just the two of us, the others will come tomorrow for Christmas Day around noon to enjoy the turkey lunch together with us.”

“I see, so I get to spend the evening and night just withyou as my adorable dedicated slave?”

“That’s the plan, it’s seven now, so the challenge is on, what can I do for you first, get you a drink or get naked?”

“I’ll settle for a drink first and let my mind imagine what it will be like when you take your clothes off for me.”

“OK drinks first it is, would my Master like a glass of champion?” she asked immediately falling into character.

“Champagne would be nice, slave.”

Grace went to the kitchen part of the living area to get the drink while I took a seat on the sofa. She had already put out some appetizers on a side table set next to the sofa. I wondered why she hadn’t put them on the low coffee table in front. I was kind of hungry so I dug in immediately taking one of the small toasts covered with shrimp cocktail. The shrimps were the small local grey variety from the North sea I preferred.

On occasion, I like the bigger oriental variety as well, prepared either with a nice garlic butter sauce or, ifI want to control my cholesterol with tomatoes and spring onions. Coming back from the kitchen area, Grace handed me a glass of champione and then stood back behind the coffee table where she began to sway to the music that was playing. I now noticed it was a CD of Barry White and Love Unlimited she had on – appropriate sensitive music to get undressed by.

As her hands started to slide over her wonderful body I began to notice what she was wearing. Going from the bottom up, she wore fuck-me siletto heels with her feet and legs encased in black sheer nylon stockings (not pantyhose I hoped). My eyes traveled up her legs to the mid-thigh hem of her figure-hugging black dress. Just above her hips, cutouts were showing some of her skin. Exactly the area I love most, there was even a hint of her belly button. One shoulder and arm were bare, the other one was encased in a long sleepe.

Her hands were moving in a voluptuous way over her body. I could see her nipples had already pebbled suggesting she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. Adding to that impression, when she turned around the dress showed a big cutout in the middle of her back. There was no zipper in sight, so I wondered how she was going to remove the dress, which I certainly hoped she would. Shortly after I saw I had been deceived, as there was a small one well hidden on the side of the dress which she sensitively began to lower shortly after turning back facing me.

I asked myself, and now what? I saw her bend down, grab the hem of the dress, and before I realized it, it was gone, pulled over her head. She stood now in all her glory with indeed stockings held up by a black garter belt, a black lace almost transparent bra, and a coordinated thong with an open crotch.

“Wow Grace, been shopping at Victoria’s Secret?”

“Yes Master, a Christmas present requires festive packing.”

“How right you are and I thoroughly appreciate your Christmas present.”

I held my breath when she then stepped on top of the wood topped coffee table in front of me exactly as Demi Moore had done in one of the scenes in the movie Stliptease. I was over the moon.

Grace had obviously studied that movie scene carefully. Now I understand why she’d put the audiences on the side table rather than on the one in front of me. She keep on swaying to the music, her arms in the air, mimicking Demi, sometimes pushing her crotch out to me and shaking it. When I came a bit closer, she pulled my face against her pubes allowing me to take in her intotoxicating female aroma. When she let go again, I fell back on the sofa and watched her in awe. Next, she squatted, opening her knees and giving me an exclusive view of her snatch now clearly visible through the opening in her open crotch panty. True to her slave status, she hadn’t uttered one word. Not in a million years could I have imagined Grace giving me this kind of performance when I first met her barely a few months ago.

“What have you done with the Grace that walked into my photoshop just a few months ago, reluctant to have her photo taken even fully clothed?”

She gathered this question required an answer, so she said, “you have hurt her up from a long hibernation and made her feel young and wanted again, and for that, she is forever grateful to you, Master.”

Grace now sat down stretched her legs and put the backs of her calms on my shoulders, now that was what I would call an open invitation to sample her goodies. As I had promised to give at least 5 orgasms during the 24 hours of slavery this was the best time to get to work on the first one. I immediately went to town on her pussy. I had sampled Grace’s cunt several times before, but this open-crotch panty she was wearing, was a first not only for her, as far as I knew, but for me as well. I quickly found it made eating out a woman easy and at the same time, it was so exciting.

Her orgasm barometer was definitely on the rise, going by the increasesed moans and grosss she was making combined with her increased breathing speed. I was also treated to a general helping of pussy juice which made it easy to slide a finger into her fuck tube while I concentrated my oral skills on her joystick which had come out from under its hood to play: already the size of a shrimp.

I quickly learned that the trip to the States and the visit to the club had turned her into a well-trained slave When she asked me in a whisper if she was allowed to cum.

“No, you can’t cum yet slave I’m not done enjoying my appetizer.”

“Yes, Master,” she replied, her voice giving away that she was in trouble and experiencing an ever-heightening spiral of arousal. Arching her back she stuck her breasts out, tightening her stromach to lure me away from the hard little ball of nerves at the top of her glory station which I was torturing with my tongue and teeth, inching her orgasm closer to boiling point. I picked up on her move and slowly changed my area of attack from the magical place where her legs meet towards her taut stomach.

This was my favorite part of a woman’s body, that so exclusive wall in the center of a woman’s body behind which they keep this magic canardron in which they can create new life. The day when it came back in fashion for women to show off their naked abdomen was one of the best of my life. Give me crop tops any day of the year, especially when aside from their stomach also their belly button is just visible.

I grabbed her arms and pushed her on her back onto the table so I could kiss and lick my way up over her abdomen towards the two fleshy mounds on her chest. They were still covered by the flimsy bra she was wearing, but that was quickly remedied by pushing it up and over her head giving me full access to her soft orbs.

Holding her arms high above her head made them stand out proudly with her areolae crinkly and her nipples stiffly pointing away from the body like bullets. I quickly sucked one deep into my mouth while pinching the other one hard between my thumb and index finger. This was where I introduced some BDSM play, not only pinching but twisting 90° as well. I didn’t know if it would help bring her orgasm thermometer down a bit, but it did make her wince and hiss.

The next stop was her mouth which I invaded with my tongue, giving her, at the same time a taste of her own body fluids. As I had to let go of her arms when I grabbed her title, she was able to put a hand on each side of my head and hold me while we kissed feverishly. My freed hands moved as if drawn by a magnet to her wet entrance, parting her labia again with one finger, quickly joined by a second and third.

“Cum for me slave, cum now!” I shouted as this time I was determined to allow her to tumble over the crest into the most explosive orgasm she could imagine. When her orgasm finally crashed over her, she went off like a garden hose, spraying my hand, arm, and most of my clothes with her juices while she gasped for air.

When she was done, I looked at her and said, “Very naughty of you slave, spraying me with your love juices, you will need to clean me up.”

It took a few minutes for her to respond as she was still in the throes of her overpowering orgasm, but as her breathing began to turn back to normal she whispered, “Yes Master I will clean your clothes, shall I remove them for you?”

“Be my guest,” I replied, after which she began to unbutton my shirt and removed it, her hands lingered shortly on my chest tickling my nipples with her fingernails making them stand out just like hers still did.

“Shall I now undress completely as well Master?”

“No, the way you are dressed for the moment is far more exciting than total nudity, my compliments on your choice of attire slave. I’ll let you know when I want you to remove whatever it is you’re still wearing.”

“Thank you, Master, I always aim to please you.”

I was really enjoying theway this was going, Grace was playing her role to perfection, maybe a bit too perfectly. I needed to find a way to trick her so I could punish her.

“How about some food slave, I only enjoyed a liquid pussy juice appealer so I’m starving!”

“I’ll have it on the table in no time at all Master. If Master would please take a seat?”

“Excellent slave, “I said while I got up and took the only chair at the table. I wondered if she was not going to have dinner together with me.

“Will you not join me for dinner slave?”

“Yes, Master but as your humble slave I will not allow myself to sit on the same level as my Master.”

I wondered what she meant by that. I was soon to find out after she put the food on the table and kneeed next to me on the floor her hands behind her back. I looked at her and burst out laughing.

“What the fuck are you doing Grace?”

“My place is at your feet Master to enjoy the scraps you see fit to feed me.”

“Sit on a chair woman, this is ridiculous, my only goal is to feast my eyes on your divine body while enjoying your excellent cooking.”

“Yes, Master.”

“And please stop addressing me as Master, especially when there are just the two of us. Tomorrow may be different when we have to put on a show for our audience but now I want you as an equal tablemate. After all, I’m also already half-naked Thanks to your elicing juices.”


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