The Photo shop by Candyman666©
All characters participating in sexual activity in the stories are 18 or over. Please don’t be afraid to let me know what you think of my stories. This story is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.
To help you keep track of the different characters in the series, a list can be found on my author’s page in order of their appearance in the stories.
Chapter 44: Taking Maggy and Grace to the club
When I joined Jada in the computer room upon my return from dropping Maggy at home she was waiting for me anxiously.
“What took you so long?” she asked with a mischievous smile on her face, “delivering your latest nude model home?”
“You are far too curious for your own good little girl, that is for me to know and you to guess, so you’d better tell me where you’re at with our project.”
“I’ve completed the final mock-up. All we need to do now is fill the holes with the text and the photos; for the moment we’re at about 50 pages.”
“OK, let me see if Hellen has sent us what we need.”
Opening up the e-mail I saw there was one from Hellen with an attachment which I quickly opened. It was a big one but very logically ordered with blocks of text and the numbers of the photos she would prefer to see in the fake articles she had written. I was pleasantly surprised by what she had written, the articles were very professional and could very well have been original articles in this type of men’s magazine. We immediately set to work copying the text and looking up the accompanying photos.
There were even very logical suggestions on the order of the articles. For the ones about cars, she had attached the appropriate photos. She had even included an article aboutt wines and one about food and how to prepare a tempting and arousing dish for your loved one. I told Jada, that although it may be less arousing, I would add my recipe for ‘Vol Au Vent’ I had prepared for my Italian visitors. All we needed now were some ads. I could probably convince Beth to provide one and maybe also Astrid with sexy lingerie, we could then include some of the photos I took of Linda at the fashion show.
“Do you think Tanja would be interested in putting in an ad for the club?” Jada suggested.
“Why don’t you ask her, I think she’s downstairs, preparing for the Saturday bash.”
“Excellent idea!”
I went down to find Tanja.
“Hey, Tanja how’s tricks?”
“Well, well, well if it isn’t my favorite photographer and landlord paying me a visit, need another favor, Lew?”
“Yes and no, maybe this time I can do you a favor, and come to think of it you can do me one in return.”
“Tell me, you want to visit the club with some newbies.”
‘That too, but first let me run an idea by you, I’m currently putting together some sort of fake men’s magazine for a client as a birthday gift for her husband and I need ads, I have one from Bethany, to compensate her for doing the make-up during the photo shoot, and I’m going try to get one from Astrid, including some shots from the part of her fashion bash showing the lingerie and bathing suits. I was thinking that maybe you could put in an ad as well, as we have a section in the magazine with the main model, Hellen doing some kinky stuff, do you remember her?”
“So you decided to include these photos in a men’s magazine too?”
“Yes, and I thought we could do a spread on Beth’s paintings before the section with Hellen’s pictures and maybe a club ad after it?”
“Mmmmhmmm…yes, I could go for that, but then I want more copies of that magazine.”
“I’ll have to ask Hellen, but I’m afraid she will object, as it’s a special just for her husband. She will give you the one copy she promised you as she trusts you to keep it for yourself and not share it with the whole village. She has to think of her husband’s business after all.”
“OK, but how about a smaller special edition for me and the club, say 20 to 25 pages, with just our stuff in it, maybe including a number of the photos you took during the inauguration?”
“Yes, but you’ll have to pay for it, how many copies did you have in mind?”
“Say 50, with the option to have additional ones if I need them, for what price could you put something like that together?”
“I’ll need to think about it, but when it comes to printing these larger quantities, you’ll have to find someone else, I can provide the artwork but that’s where it stops.”
“Sounds good, printing won’t be a problem. One of the members has a big printshop and he prints all the local publicity folders and leavests, he’ll be over the moon to be able to do this. He’s been bugging me since the inauguration to make something like we just discussed. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have the know-how to put it together ready for printing and I’m no good at it either, even if I could find the time.”
“It will take a while to get it together but I guess we should be able to do that for you maybe by mid-January next year.”
“That’s fine, now what about these newbies you want to bring? When were you thinking?”
“I thought maybe your December open house evening.”
“Do I know them?”
“You know one at least, Grace.”
“Grace? The Grace from the realtor agency?”
“Yes, indeed that Grace and her long-time friend Maggy from the travel shop.”
“Where does Grace’s sudden interest in BDSM come from?”
“It’s more Maggy who’s an aficionado and she wants to introduce her friend Grace to the lifestyle. Maggy used to practice together with her husband, but unfortunately, she lost him to the big C about 2 years ago and after a lot of mishaps in her career she ended up in our villageopening a travel shop. Maggy and I also go back a long way, as she used to run the travel agency in the plant and make all my business travel books. I never know about her being a practicer of the lifestyle until I took her to dinner last night reminiscing about the good old days.”
“I see, and do you need assistance when you bring the two ladies, as you did with your Italian friends?”
“If you offer that will be appreciated, after all, Maggy can’t do it all by herself and as you know I’m only a novel myself.”
“OK, I’ll set it up with Jack, unless you prefer another partner?”
“No Jack is fine, I’m sure the girls will appreciate his nice big cock.”
“Yeah he’s well-endowed our Jack isn’t he?”
“Absolutely, I’m even a bit jealous.”
“You shouldn’t be Lew, you’ve got other qualities which are also very much appreciated by the ladies.”
“Yeah maybe you’re right, size isn’t always everything, you know I for one prefer women with smaller breakfaststs, probably contrary to a lot of men. I love them the size of Petra’s, my cleaning lady, huge ones are nice too but not for daily use.”
“Oh, I see the man requires daily consumption?”
“You know what I mean, I like the occasional D cup but only on, say my birthday, or a special celebration day, but for regular or even daily consumption, to use the same expression you did, I prefer smaller perky ones.”
“So my Cs are too big for you?”
“Absolutely not, they’re wonderful: should the occasion arise I would love a nice title fuck between yours.”
“There’s no time better than the present Lew,” she replied while undoing the buttons of her blouse and removing it.
“Are you serious?”
“Absolutely, I love feeling a cock slide between my boobs, I’m not just into pain or discipline you know,” she replied while unclasping her bra and dropping it. She dropped to her knees, pushing her boobs together and creating an exclusive view.
“Come on what’re you waitingfor, an engraved invitation?”
I quickly opened my trousers and dropped them together with my boxer briefs, my cock already springing to attention at the delicious view. Tanja spat between her tits to make them slide, and believe me, they were really soft and slippery, nicely encasing my rock-hard cock as I slide between them. This was an unexpected perk I never expected from Tanja, as usually, she’s all business or discipline, maybe, who knows there is also a soft side to her. I can’t deny I liked this side and was thoroughly enjoying myself, well my dick was enjoying itself. To make it all the more exclusive, she gave the head a lick every time it peeked out over the top. She kept looking straight into my eyes, which made it double exciting, but also difficult to keep from cumming. Oh my God, that look and that feeling…
“Is it going to take you long to give me my body lotion Lew?” she asked with a twinkle in her eyes.
“You want me to cum right now?”
“Yes pleasurese cum, give me your juice so I can smear it all over my C-cups, make them even grow for you, or is yours a cream from which they will shrink to your preferred A-cup?”
I couldn’t go on anymore and squirted my noblesing sperm all over the top of her boobs.
“There you go madam, one load of prime body lotion, uniquely designed to enhance and fortify your boobs.”
She gave me a toothy smile and smelled my cum all over her breasts as if it was indeed a special body lotion.
“I’m going to wear you the rest of the afternoon,” she said while getting back up and putting her bra and bloom back on.”
“Are you serious?”
“Oh yes I am, I love the aroma of cum on myself.”
“You will never cease to amaze me, Tanja.”
“That’s what makes sex so eticing, you never know in advance what will happen to you next, so I always keep an open mind.”
“I love the way you look at things, when I think back on that day you walked into my shop to view this portion of my building, I couldn’t have imagined in a million years we would be working so well together. So, see you on open-house day.”
“I’m already looking forward to meeting your Maggy and Grace.”
“Thanks, Tanja, see you then, probably around 9, we’ll have a quick bite to eat before.”
“Don’t eat too heavily if you don’t want them to…” she gestured sticking her finger in her throat…” Cheers, Lew!”
I went back upstairs to bring the good news to Jada, I knew she was going to be thrilled to make this special edition on top of Hellen’s magazine. I was certainly not dreaming of becoming another Hugh Heffner, but it was a nice change from just printing vacation shots or making romantic wedding albums. With the digitalization and all the free porn available on the internet, the big money was no longer in glossy magazines featuring naked ladies. And even though I love to take pictures of nude ladies I wasn’t interested to start making money with porn movies.
When I told Jada about Tanja’s request she didn’t disappoint me. She was thrilled to bits by the idea of making another magazine or whatever you want to call it. I’m not entirely sure she could use it for one of her school assignments, but she assured me that the teacher for this kind of work was very liberal. She even asked me if she could invite her to see how we were doing this.
“Who is this teacher Then?”
“Her name is Danielle Brooks but everyone calls her sunshine because she’s always so cheerful and the best way to describe her is to say that she’s an overage hippy. She reminds us of one of the characters from the musical Hair and the song ‘Let the Sunshine in’, hence the nickname.”
“Oh much like myself then?”
“Why? do you think of yourself as an overaged hippy too?”
“Yes and no I don’t have hair down to my waist and I don’t wear flowers in my hair, but I do believe in free love.”
“You don’t say!”
“Watch your mouth filly, you were still an egg in yOur mother and sperm in your father’s tests when we discovered and practiced free love and sex, so yeah I’d be interested to meet your teacher very much.”
“You’ll love her and I’m certain you’ll be able to talk her out of her clothes like you do with most of the ladies you meet.”
“How old is she?”
“She must be about your age, late fifties, but believe me when you see her you’ll be blown away, she’s got a killer figure.”
“I can’t wait to meet her, when can you bring her?”
“I’ll have to be careful how I handle this, she can’t show any favoritism towards me by visiting my workplace, but when I tell her what a nice boss I have, I might just be able to convince her to make an exception. Give me some time and I’ll set it up, maybe During the Christmas vacation?”
“Good idea, then none of the other students will know, but for now let’s continue with Hellen’s issue.”
“Yes boss!” she said with a chuckle.
The week went by like a flash and beforeI knew it, it was Saturday evening, and Maggy and Grace were ringing my doorbell.
“Hello, ladies, ready for the ride of your lives?”
“Ride of our lives? You’ll have to do something really special if you want to top what we experienced in the States mister,” Grace said with a chuckle.
“Don’t understands the skills of Tanja and Jack, they’re all geared up to test you and see how far they can take you before you cry out for help.”
“Wow I can’t wait to meet your BDSM friends and experience how good they really are,” Maggy replied.
“We have an appointment at 9, so I invite you, ladies, for a light meal in one of my favorite Italian restaurants.”
“Oh, only a light meal?”
“It may seem ridiculous, but I know from first-hand experience, and was well instructed in addition, that it is better not to have an overly full stomach when you want to experience the pleasures the club has to offer.”
“OK, let’s go for a light meal then, lead the way.”
We got in my car, the ladies in the back and I like a professional driver, minus cap took us to Mario’s in the next village. We had a nice Italian salad, prepared by Mario himself, accompanied by a light Italian wine from his special stash. As the meal progressed, I saw Grace getting more and more nervous. At a certain point, she excused herself to go to the restroom, leaving me alone with Maggy.
“So, have You obtained Grace’s approval to go to the club tonight?”
“Yes and at first she was all for it but when I picked her up to come to you she started getting second thoughts, and even wanted to cancel the whole thing.”
“We had some BDSM play on board the ship and certainly when we stayed in the villa in Florida so it surprises me that she would bailout.”
“Maybe it has to do with the different setting, after all on the cruise it was very private, just the two of you, and in Florida, it was only with Grace’s friends. Tonight will be totally different, she mightEven run into people she knows or be seen by them. Maybe she needs some liquid courage – why don’t you suggest a grappa at the end instead of dessert or coffee which might make her even more nervous. You can expect some disgruntled remarks from her, but do stand your ground.”
When Grace returned from the restroom she looked extremely nervous as if she had to undergo major surgery.
“Nervous Grace?” I asked with a concerned look on my face, I didn’t want her to think I was making fun of her.
“I’m not so sure I want to go through with this Lew.”
“Yes Maggy mentioned something in that direction, and I do understand your concerns about being recognized by people from the village, but look at it from the other side, you will recognize people you never thought you would meet in Tanja’s BDSM club either. Rest assured it is a very tight-knit society, and nobody wants anybody else to know they are a member. Nobody will reveal your passing through there, on the contrary, the might even be interested to play with you.”
“Play with me?”
“Yes dear like we played together onboard with Mel and Lori and later in Florida together with Jeff and Rache. Besides, when they come to Belgium at the beginning of next year you will have to take them to the club as well, they know about it.”
“How is that possible, I never told them.”
“I may have spilled the beans during one of my sessions with Rachel dear, I’m not sure anymore what exactly it was I told her but I distinctly know I told her about the club in my cellar, seeing they both practice the lifestyle. She will expect us to take her there. With your visit today, you’ll know exactly what to expect, so look upon it as market research.”
“You are unbelievable, I guess you could sell a dog turd in a bag.”
“I don’t know about a dog turd but I pride myself to be able to talk any woman out of her clothes.”
“OK you’ve got me convinced that tonight is indeed not such a bad idea, butconcerning that statement of yours about talking any woman out of her clothes, maybe one day we’ll have to put that to the test.”
“Let’s finish our meal with a nice grappa, Mario has a special stash, he has at least 10 different ones, but I’ll let him choose the one best suited to steady your nerves.”
We didn’t stop at 1, Mario insisted we taste at least 3, which eventually did not only steady Grace’s nervouss but made her even rather eager to go to the club.
By 9 we walked into the club via the official entry at the back. Dressed for the part she was supposed to play, Tanja was already waiting for us, Jack at her side.
“Welcome to the club ladies, Lew informed me you wanted an initiative into the world of BDSM.”
“Grace does, more or less, but I’m already an aficionado,” Maggy replied, “I may be a bit out of practice, but my late husband and myself joined the lifestyle many years ago, but unfortunately I lost him about two years ago.”
“I see,” Tanja replied, “well I think Jack and maybe his slave Elisa will be the perfect partners to accompany you during your adventures tonight, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t join in some of your games or that Grace won’t have the pleasure of sampling some of Jack’s skills. He’s very versatile, and we will try to make this an unforgettable evening for you both.”
I saw Grace already getting a bit nervous again, Maggy, on the contrary, had a big smile on her face letting her eyes roam over Jack’s body and immediately noticing his huge cock, prominently on display in his black trousers.
“I trust you brought your camera, Lew, to document the girls’ adventures?”
“You know me, Tanja, always with my finger on the trigger, so where, and with whom shall we start?”
“Jack will take Maggy with him and I’ll take Grace, you can alternate between us unless you want to play with Elisa, she’s over there in the corner on display, already nicely tied up.”
“Seeing she is tied up, shewon’t be going anywhere soon, so I think I’ll join you and Grace as moral support for her and to see what you have in mind. I’ll probably learn a thing or two in the process?”
“Good thinking!” she said with a wink.
I saw Jack put a collar on Maggy and take off with her in the direction where Elisa was tied up.
“Are you familiar with slave positions Grace?”
“Yes, I am Tanja.”
“From now on you will address me as Mistress or Mistress Tanja and you don’t speak unless you are asked a question or need to confirm.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“To start off, why don’t you get naked, STRIP!”
Grace started to take her clothes off, unbuttoning her blouse and sliding it off, undoing her bra, and showing us her nice C-cup boobs, the shoes, jeans, and panties followed quickly.
“Put the shoes back on, I love a naked woman wearing heels.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Did I give you permission to speak slave!” Tanja barked.
Grace looked all guilt-riddenand shook her head, without uttering another word.
“Attention!” Tanja said after which Grace quickly took the requested position.
“I see that Lew trained you well slave, excellent…INSPECTION!”
Grace jumped in the inspection position, her legs slightly spread and her hands behind her head, elbows out, prominently displaying her boobs, with already hard nubs. Tanja approached her stopping barely an inch from her face. Grace didn’t budget and kept her eyes straight ahead.
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