The Photo Shop Ch. 12

Although each chapter is a story on its own, you might enjoy it more by starting with chapter 1 as there may be references to characters or events that happened in previous chapters.

Previously at the Photo Shop: Lew, the main character of the story, after being made redundant, bought an old photo shop in his village, and had a big photo studio built behind it. As a young adult, the subjects of his hobby photos changed from animals and landscapes to the female nude form when he met a young Italian waitress. He helped fulfill her life’s dream and develops a life time friend with her. His gift is to talk women out of their clothes so they pose nude for him. In previous chapters, he became amorously involved with several women in the village, who in different ways, helped him to develop the modelling career of his first nude model.

Chapter 12 : Astrid’s and Tanja’s BDSM club

In the middle of the week after my dinner with Grace andNancy, I got a WhatsApp message from Astrid asking me to a meeting with the president of her secret ‘club’ to discuss the use of my premises for their meetings. I suggested the following Sunday afternoon as I had no intention to meet with these two in the evening; I first needed to see who this ‘president’ was. I knew from Astrid’s remarks that it was a woman, but even then you never know, better safe than sorry. I got a quick reply informing me that they would come Sunday at 3pm.

The week was slightly busier than usual, with the town festival going on, and me taking lots of pictures of all the activities for the local newspaper and for the commune’s newsletter and records. It was a good thing I sometimes had these shindigs to generate a steady income.

Sunday morning when I got up I must admit I was a bit nervous, This would be a big step for me if we came to an agreement. The basement would be fully and permanently occupied. The good thing was that it would generate anotherer steady income from rent and maybe, if I played my cards right, I could become their permanent observer and photographer. Who knows, perhaps I could even participate in some of their games.

I treated myself to a full English breakfast, which was possible as I had found a supermarket that stocked Heinz Baked Beans, a rare commodity on the Continent. I used to buy them during my business trips to the UK, together with tea and different types of cake I love; unfortunately that’s all in the past now as I don’t travel that much anymore. After lunch I took a nap to make sure I was well rested to receive Astrid and whoever her club’s president turned out to be. On the dot of three, the bell rang, and I went quickly downstairs to meet the ladies.

“Good afternoon ladies, welcome!”

“This is Mistress Tanja,” Astrid said, introducing me to the woman accompanying her.

Deliberately avoiding the title ‘Mistress’, I extended my hand and said, “Hello Tanja, I’m Lew, welcome.”

“Nice to meet you Lew,” she replied, giving me a firm handshake.

It was clear that this was a woman ‘not to be toyed with’, she oozed dominance, even her figure accentuated that, I guessed she was around my height which is 1,83 m (6 feet) but with the 12 cm (5 inch) heels she was wearing, she towered over me. She was clad in a nice silk, cream colored, bloom over skin tight jeans, I couldn’t detect any sign of panties under the jeans, so I was wondering if she came commando and if I was going to find out some time during their visit.

“Please follow me through the studio so we can get to the basement.” I opened the door to the photoshop and led them through the studio to the dressing room area. While walking through, Tanja said, “This is a very nice studio Lew, far bigger than I expected.”

“I hope you will be even more impressed by the area I would like to present to you – if you care to come this way.”

Opening the door giving access to the circular metalstaircase going down, I went first to switch on the lights so that they could descend safely. I awaited them at the bottom of the stairs, Tanja arrived first. I could clearly see in her face that she was, again, approximately impressed.

“Is this area as big as your upstairs studio?”

“Yes it’s the same surface and 3 m (10 feet) high, but as you can see, aside from some basic lighting, it’s still completely bare, ready to be turned into whatever you want it to be.”

“Excellent, I must say this exceeds, by far, what I was expecting, Astrid told me it was a big area but this big and this high, wow I am impressed, this would allow us to seriously expand our activities.”

“As you see, it’s just raw concrete all around, you can leave it as it is or you can decorate it in any fashion you like, allow me to let my imagination run wild, it could be a medieval dungeon, an SS interrogation facility, a police station with jail, or even closer to today’s fashion, Mister Grey’s’Fifty Shades of Grey’ red playroom. It’s by nature soundproof, there is water, drainage and electricity, with a separate line and meter, so lighting, or anything requiring electricity, bathrooms, dressing rooms and heating can be installed just like I have it upstairs. If you decide to take it, you have two possibilities, I can have the amenities, dressing room and bathroom or rooms installed, that will of course reflect in the rent; or you can rent it as it is and have everything installed yourself. There is another entrance at the back, big enough to move anything smaller than 3 by 3 m (10×10 ft) inside. This could also act as a private entrance without having to go through the photo studio which could prove to be inconvenient for everyone. Shall we adjourn to my apartment upstairs to talk figures maybe?”

“Sounds great, let’s do just that.”

I took the ladies back up and to my apartment.

“Please take a seat, can I get you ladies something to drink?”

After a few drinks we agreed that they would rent the place and that I would have the amenities installed, so they only had to take care of the decoration, which of course was more their specialty as my knowledge of their specialty was rather minimal. Tanja informed me that she could help with the amenities that needed to be installed as they had at least one plumber and one electrician in the club who would be more than willing to do the work for ‘a very friendly price’, as she put it. The remaining part of the cost would be regarded as my club entrance fee. It was further agreed that I would be their club photographer, provided I could also do video, which of course I could, although it was not my specialty, but hey how different could it be to taking photos I asked myself, besides I am a quick learner.

“I understand you had a taste of some of Our games with Astrid?”

“Yes I did.”

“And did you like it?”

“As Astrid probably told you, I am a novel, so I just played itby ear with the help of Astrid of course, but from her reactions, I thought she was satisfied with what I put her through, despite the side remark that I’d have a lot to learn to become a Master.”

“Would you like to learn some more?”


“Would you like to learn some more now?”

“Hey why not, no time better than the present, but who am I supposed to learn with?”

“Come on Lew, we have the perfect specimen to learn with right here with us, Astrid, stand up!”

“Yes Mistress,” Astrid replied while jumping up and assuming, what I guessed, was the slave position, legs slightly spread, hands on her lower back, head up looking straight ahead.

“Good girl, now take off your clothes, fold them nicely and come back!”

“Yes Mistress,” Astrid replied while she scrambled to get her blouse, skirt, bra and panties off, while retaining her 4 inch heels. She folded the clothes neatly, put them on a neary chair and resumed her position.

“WellLew what shall we have Astrid do? Suck you off maybe? Or shall we give her a spanking? Might be difficult as you have no whips or anything I guess?”

“No I am afraid not, but the last time I simply used my hands to turn her nice but beet red.”

“OK that could be an option, Astrid position yourself over Lew’s legs so he can get full access to your bottom!”

Astrid quickly placed herself over my legs with her bottom up, and arms stretched forward.

“Now Lew let me see how you go about this.”

I gave one of Astrid’s eclecticing but cheats a whack which seriously resounded; she gave a small cry.

“Shut up slave, you are to remain silent, take it like a trooper! Again!”

I did the same to her other but cheese, this time Astrid remained totally silent although I could feel from her body reaction it hurt.

“Excellent, but not really convincing; let me demonstrate.”

I felt Astrid flinch at those words; I could imagine she knew what was coming. Tanja stood up and lifting her arm high into the air brought her hand down on Astrid’s bum with a force that almost kicked her off my legs, leaving a clear red handprint on her otherwise whitish bottom.

“That is how you spank a slave Lew! Now do it over.”

I lifted my arm, as Tanja had done and made it come down with all my force making a red handprint on the other chef. Both of her buttocks were now slowly turning pink.

“After this, you pet her bottom to make her feel better, at the same time making sure there is no permanent injury.”

I did just that, making some sort of massaging movement over her pink and clearly sore bottom.

“Stand up slave!”

Astrid quickly moved back upright again assuming the slave position.

“Now let’s concentrate on one of her features you men are all so crazy about, her tits, you see how her nipples are already standing at attention?”

“Yes I see.”

“Slave put your arms in the air!”

“You have now full access to the slave’s tits, start tickling down the inside of her arms and the side of her tits.”

“I know this part, as I use this technique myself when having sex with a woman, so moving down the arms I then ticle circles around her boobs, coming closer and closer to her nipps, but without actually touching them right?”

“Yes, I see there are at least something you seem to know about handling a woman’s tits.”

With my nails I tickled Astrid’s arms getting closer and closer to her ample bosom which I attacked next making her shiver as I approached closer and closer to her nipples.

“Pinch them!”

I took the now really erect nipples between my thumb and index finger and pinched them.

“Not like a sissy, pinch them hard and twist them, I want to see the effect in her face!”

I pinched hard and gave her nipples a twist of about a 180° resulting in a small yelp from her lips.

“Be quite slave! And put your hands on the back of your head!” Tanja barked.

By doing that, Astrid’s boobs pushed even further forward, allowing me to really start playing with them.

“Do you have any clothes pins in your house?”

“I guess I do somewhere.”

“Go get them and bring some thin rope as well if you have it. Remember I am improving here. In the club we have proper nipple clamps we can use.”

I knew I had some new Wooden clothespins in a drawer in the kitchen and got them, together with some thin rope as well.

“First attach some rope to the clothespin, let me show you how.”

Tanja showed me how to put a bit of rope through the metal spring of the clothespin and let a serious portion hang below it. I did the same with the other.

“Now clip a clothespin on each nipple.”

“Good, do you have something not too heavy or too big?”

I was thinking hard what I could come up with, God this was almost like taking an exam. Then I remembered I had some weights from antique scales, only used for decoration these days, in the kitchen and fetched them.

“Oh, this is better than I thought,” Tanja said, “We can start slow and increase the weight as we go along.”

“Now attach one of the smallest weights to the rope of the clothespin and let it hang down.”

As I let the weight hang, I watched Astrid’s nipple as it stretched and elongated; from the reaction on her face I could see it was painful.

“OK now the next!”

As all the weights were different the second one was of course a bit heavier, pulling harder at Astrid’s nipple when I attached it.

“What is great fun, Lew, is when you now give the weights a nudge so they swing a bit.”

“OK I’ll try it,” I replied while giving the first one a light tap and making it swing.

“Good let’s add to this, put more weights on each.”

I selected the next two smallest weights and put the heaviest one together with the lightest already on the nipple and the lightest with the heaviest one keeping a proper balance between the two, this resulted in some heavy moaning on the side of Astrid. Her nipples were now seriously extended. Tanja gave each of the paired weights a push so they swung, seriously increasing the pain on Astrid’s nipples, and resulting in a subdued yelp on her side.

“Let’s find something else to please our little pain slut,” Tanja said. “Do you have a hairbrush?”

“Uh yes.”

“Fetch it!”

I almost started to feel like a slave myself, searching and fetching stuff for Tanja, but hey I had to learn if I wanted to be any good at this, and I really did want to play some more with Astrid in the future.

“Here you are,” I said, as I handed her a nice big hairbrush.

“Excellent, let’s work on Astrid’s delicious ass again for a While!”

Astrid groaned.

“Astrid, you will count every time I hit you and you will thank me for it!”

Tanja took the brush from me and took up a position beside Astrid, lifting her arm with the brush, then making it come down hard on Astrid’s right but chef, increasing the pink color it still had from the previous manhandling.

“One, thank you Mistress!”

The left one was not forgotten and got the same treatment.

Tanja kept going for a while, until Astrid finally said, “Ten, thank you Mistress!”

“OK, let’s think a bit about our own pleasure Lew,” Tanja said.

“What do you have in mind Tanja?” I asked, already imagining seeing Tanja also in the nude.

“Take your pants down!”

“Hang on a minute, what’s the idea here?”

“Just do it man, you’ll enjoy it, believe me!”

Again I felt a bit like one of Tanja’s subs, but thought, ‘if she thinks I will enjoy it maybe I better do as she says‘.

“Slave, on your knees and start sucking Master Lew’s cock!”

Astrid fell to her knees and crawled quickly towards me with her mouth already wide open. Once there, she gulped my cock all the way in one go, closed her lips around it and started sucking and bobbing her head.

“Excellent my lovely cum slut, pleasure him but remember, you are not allowed to make him cum and enjoy swallowing his cum yet, first you have to earn your reward.”

“Lew makes sure that you stop her in time as she is not yet allowed to enjoy the delicious taste of your cum.”

“OK Mistress, ooops! I mean Tanja.”

That made her chuckle. After five minutes of skillful and intense sucking and licking of my cock, I felt an orgasm building; I informed Tanja what was likely to happen in the next thirty seconds if Astrid kept this up.

“Good of you to inform me. Stop sucking your Master, slave, I have something else for you to apply your oral skills to!”

‘Was I going to see Tanja’s svelte body in the nude after all?’

‘Hooray I was.’ Tanja started to undo the buttons of her skintight jeans, slipping them down her legs. She wasn’t wearing anything under them, so she did come commando, and her nicely held pussy was thereforeimmediately on display.

“Come here slave and lick me; contrary to sucking your Master, this time you’d better make your Mistress cum!”

Tanja was standing with her shaken pussy pushed forward, exposing just a little of her inner labia. She looked at me and beckoned me with her finger.

“If you wish, you may remove my blouse and bra and play with my tits to increase my pleasure and Maybe yours as well?”

Finally I was going to get a good look at this Tanja and even be allowed to play with her tits, this was getting better by the minute. I moved behind Tanja and started from there to undo the buttons of her silk bloom. I took my time, as I wanted this to last as long as I could. I folded the blouse carefully and placed it on a chair near and took my position behind her again, this allowed me to see what I was doing with her bra, one of the most difficult things for a man to do, which I now magically accomplished in two seconds flat. Once unclasped I carefully slipped the straws down her shoulders and removed the garment carefully. She had nice pointy tits, a C-cup I saw on the label of her bra. The undergarment joined her blouse on the chair and I took my position behind her again, moving my hands over her midriff, slowly creeping up to the underside of her boobs all the while tickling a bit, which individually a moan from her lips. Then grabbing the underside of her tits in the palm of my hands I lightly pinched the nipples between thumb and index finger.

“Oooh yes Lew keep doing that, but harder please, I love it, and you slave suck on my clip, make it bigger, make me cum!”

Tanja moved her hands up and backward behind my head pulling it down, giving me a full and far better access to her tits and in the process allowing me to kiss and lick her shoulders and neck.

“I know you are not a sub Lew, but would you please do what I ask you now? You won’t regret it I promise.”

“OK Tanja I’ll take your word for it!”

“Lie downon the floor.”

With reluctance I let go of her exclusive boobs and let myself slide to the floor, stretching out.

“Stop licking me slave!” Tanja barked at Astrid.

Tanja moved until she was standing over me with her legs spread with a foot on each side of my pelvis, giving me an excellent view of her delectable pussy, glistening slightly, while she positioned herself right over my cock facing me.

“Slave hold your master’s dick upright, for me to start riding it!”

When Astrid did as commanded, Tanja lowered herself onto me like she would on a Sybian and started riding me like a cowgirl, her tits bouncing all over the place.

“Slave, take the two heaviest weights left over, hold one in each hand, spread your arms wide and hold them there while you squat over Lew’s mouth. Face away from me and hold that position without touching Lew with your pussy!”

That was not easy. Astrid needed to keep her balance, and although the weights were not that heavy, aFer a while they started to tax her arm muscles just the same as her leg muscles squatting over me.

“Lew, if you want and care for it, you can pleasure the slave with your mouth, but only if she asks nicely, otherwise she can stay there like she is until I cum on your pleasure stick! Slave the choice is yours to ask Master Lew nicely to pleasure you with his mouth and tongue or not, but remember you can only cum if I or Master Lew allows you to!”

“Master Lew, would you please like to lick my pussy?” I heard Astrid ask.

I didn’t think a verbal reply was required, so I grabbed Astrid’s butt and pulled her down towards my mouth and started pleasing her already moist pussy with my mouth and tongue, reducing part of the tension on her leg muscles in the process. Tanja was absolutely right, so far I didn’t regret following any of her orders one bit. She kept on riding my dick in a way that pushed me to use all my skills not to cum immediately, especially as I was now also feasting on Astrid’s delightful pussy, tasting her tangy and sweet juices I had had the pleasure of tasting before.

After about ten to fifteen minutes – God one loses track of time when you’re having fun – I felt Tanja’s pussy muscles really clamping down on my dick, indicating that she was also on the brink of her orgasm. She went over the cliff into total bliss, crying out loud: “Yes, Yees aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Immmmmmcuuuuuuming!”.


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