As Yasmina dressed for dinner with Daniel, she was surprised to find that she was nervous.Nervous! She was the Ringmaster, known for having steel nerves and now, facing a date with a handsome man, she was nervous. She set her comb down and took a deep breath, her eyes falling on a beautiful bouquet of tulips that had arrived earlier in the day. The card read,Looking forward to our date. Daniel. Our date. Those words sent chills skipping down her spine and she smiled, feeling like a schoolgirl.
The entire week had been a dream. She attended to her clients with her usual flair and was very well compensated as was also usually. But each night, when she arrived home, there was a small gift on her front doorstep. Sunday had been a huge box of her favorite Ferraro Roche chocolate candies. Monday had have been a tube of lipstick in a beautiful shade of shiny purple and Tuesday brought a beautiful silk scarf. The presents continued all week until this morning’s flowers and shehad no doubt that she was being wooed.
A glance at the time told her that it was nearly time to go and she took one final look at herself in the mirror and smiled. It had been such a long time since she’d dressed like a woman, areal woman, not the dominatrix-type that she was so used to. The doorbell rang and she made her way downstairs, opening the door and smiling at Daniel, who stood outside.
“Oh, Mistress! You look wonderful!”
“Thank you.” He offered his arm and waited as she pulled the door shut, checking to make sure that it was locked before offering her a sprig of white lilac that matched with her dress. “Lilacs! They’re my favorite flower. How did you know?”
“I didn’t. They’re a favorite of mine also.”
When he smiled and their eyes met, she felt an unexpected jolt rush through her and shyly looked away. He helped her into the car and drove them to the restaurant in his dark blue Jaguar, being the perfect gentleman every step ofthe way. Dinner went smoothly but she noticed that he was uncomfortable and was confused as to why until she made a decision.
“You do know that you will not be sleeping tonight, right?” His eyes swung up to meet hers. “Just because we’re making nice over dinner doesn’t mean that you’re not my slave, Daniel.”
His eyes gleamed with excitement and the air of uncertainty that surrounded him instantly disappeared. “I’m sorry, Mistress.”
“As well you should be.” She sat back in her chair, glaring at him over the rim of her drink. “Maybe I’ve been too soft.”
His voice was soft, his eyes downcast. “Maybe you have, Mistress.”
“And what do you think I should do about that, Daniel?”
A whisper. “Punish me.”
Yasmina Wiped her mouth, finishing her drink. “Pay the bill, bring the car around and meet me out front.”
Trembling with excitement, Daniel brought the car around and picked her up. The entire ride back to his apartment, which she’d specified as their destination, was in absolute silence and she waited patiently for him to open her car door. He watched her emerge from the car like a goddess, her glare hatty and filled with disdain and he rushed ahead to unlock and hold the door of his house open. She brushed past him as if he wasn’t there and scrutinized his home.
“What are you waiting for? Show me your bedroom.”
He offered his arm and escorted her upstairs, flicking the lights on and lighting candles around the bed. She slowly walked around the queen-size bed, checking every corner of the room and admiring his small Chinese lacquered cabinet which held his toys. She selected a set of wrist manacles and turned towards him with a smile.
He was shaking so hard that he could barely unbutton his shirt. He flung it across the room, quickly Followed by his pants and dropped to his knees, waiting for her next command. The sweetclick of steel filled his senses as they surrounded his wrists andshe ordered him to bend over the end board of the bed.
“I want to make sure that you know that I’m not soft.” A thick, cold liquid dripped between his ass cheeks, sliding down over his ass hole and he closed his eyes, shivering in anticipation. He hoped that she was going to do what he thought she was going to do. “I want to make sure that there are no doubts in your mind as to what your place is. You are my slave. You will do anything and everything I want, whenever and wherever I want. Choose your safe word.”
“Fine. If I ever hear that word from you, I will cease whatever I’m doing. Understood?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“If you ever disobey me and refuse your punishment, I will remove you from my life forever. Understood?”
“Yes, Mistress, but that will never happen.”
Yasmina smiled as she buckled the straw-on into place and moved up behind him. “How can you be so sure?”
“Because I will never want another woman as much as I want you, misstress.”
She pushed his legs apart and let the plastic cock dangle as she rubbed her naked body against his back. She smiled when she felt him shiver. “You want this?” She touched the cock’s head to his ass hole, struggling the sensitive skin and making him whimper. “You want to be fucked by The Ringmaster?”
“Yes, mistress.”
The phone rang and Daniel hesitated, awaiting her command. She instructed him to answer it. “Hello? Hey, Frank …” The breath left his throat as the head of the dildo pressed into his ass. Exquisite pain rocketed through him and his half-hard cock became granite, dribbling pre-cum all over the wood. “How are you?”
“Hey, Danny! What’s up?” Daniel breathed as the head finally popped in, followed by the thick shake. When she reached bottom, her hand slid around him and found his cock, giving it a loving stroke while her body warmed his back. “Oh, God, that feels good, mistress.”
“Don’t you dare cum. If you cum, I will punish you seriously.”
Frank strained to hear the other voice. “Who’s that?”
“The Ringmaster, my mistress.” Daniel gasped as she moved, sliding in and out of him.
“The Ringmaster’s fucking you?” Frank went popular, swerving to miss a car.
“Yes, she’s fucking me and she’s agreed to take me as her personal slave.” Yasmina gave him a slap on his ass, making him hiss and raising a nice red mark. “Thank you, Mistress.”
“You’re lying! You’re just fucking jealous that she took me to lunch.”
“I’m not lying … Ohhh! … She’s inside me right now … Unhhh! … I can feel her nipples on my back, Frank … Oh, God! … “
“You’re lying!”
“Give me the phone.” Yasmina ripped the instrument from his hand and shoved the cock farther into him. “Hello, Franklin.”
“Are you really fucking him, mistress?”
“I have an eleven inch cock shoved into his ass right now.”
“That’s not fair, mistress! You promised me … “
“I promised you nothing, you piece of shit! I promised consideration but you have always come up short. Daniel is perfection. Listen to this.” She placed the mouthpiece by Daniel’s mouth and gave him a few hard pumps. His moans and whimpers were magical, making her nipples harden at the sweet sounds. “Did you hear that? That’s the sound of a true slave. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have to finish our work.” Daniel gritted his teeth as she started pounding into him again, the feel of her body against his sweet and sweety. “I’m very pleased with you, Daniel.” Her hand encircled his prick, gripping it tightly at the base. “You responded perfectly to Frank, as if you were reading my mind. You may cum.”
Daniel moaned, tears cursing down his cheeks as she rammed home and his cock exploded, her hand wrapped around him as cum spurted from him. His entire body shook with each ejaculation and he found himself on his knees, gasping as she pulled the dildo from his body. “Thank you, mistress. I owe youa great debt.”
“I know you do. Now get up and start paying.”
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