The Righting Desk

Chapter One

Claire began to think of all the times where and when she would get in trouble as a child for “fidgeting” as she wiggled on the dildo and played with her clip. It was her favorite chair in the whole of the house this writing chair, she thought as she swayed, circling the large black dildo inside herself herself her eyes fixed on a point high above her on the ceiling of the room as the memories of her childhood played in the darken theater of her mind.

She was now out of her body. The wet pussy dripping over the ivory rubber shake was of another woman’s. The taunt nipples and wet fingers belonged to another. The soft moans she heard were from another’s throat. And the crescendo’s waves of orgasm were far far inside another body as Claire rocked and swwayed thinking of her story.

It now seemed to her like a lifetime since she had come into this home. Her invitation was like a new birth of herself and she could not truly remember the before of herself. They had named her Claire and from that moment on she thought only of herself as Claire, a new sexual creativity of this two story house. Had she thought about the house more she would have called it Gothic with its vaulted ceiling and its gabled roofs and its watch tower spiral. But Claire had the new eyes of a newly awaken being and her focus did not remain fixed on anything for long.

As it was Claire had not seen the outside of the house since her arrival. Her “chores” had taken her to the Master bedroom, the kitchen, and the dining room, but as yet she had not even seen the much mentioned basement or the many other bedrooms of the mansion. Her own room was her sanctuary and her ‘righting” desk was her joy.

As she stuffed herself with the dildo and wiggled herself comfortable, she took out of the thin middle drawer her writing tablet and her favorite pen. This was to be her journal of her new self and she had been ordered to enter into it every day. She was to express her inner thoughhts about her new life and her new found sense of self.

Claire thought back, as her mind often did, to when she was denied all that she could do now. To pleasure herself, like this, would have been unheard of in her old life. But, now she could fulfill her own desires. So, she wrote this down: ‘Today while cleaning the kitchen, thoughts of being taken by the young male working in there, filled my mind. Then thoughts of the Master, coming in and finding us, had me wiggling.. for I know he would have beating us both.. even that has me turned on to want to try it one day.’

Fantasies were more and more frequently now. She realized that her mind carried them like pages in a book and she wanted to write them all down for the Master. Knowing that the Master could and did read her journal, Claire recorded all she was Feeling. How and at times it did not feel like her body being self pleasured, or how and when she had a fantasy of the Master finding her and the male kitchen workers fucking.

Being discovered by Master while in the middle of a male staff gang bang became a strong re-occurring fantasy for Claire as her daily chores brought her within ear shot of the kitchen and its many male voices. She knew exactly how horny she was by the number of men she fantasised using her body. Once she flashed that four men held her while three men used her body. It was 9:15 AM when she came and her orgasm Almost made her moan aloud.

Those were some of the things that her personal journal hold.

Often she would talk to her journal like it was her closest friend. As if the journal knew her motives and could explain to her why the house and the Master held such a power over her will. ‘Tomorrow, journal, the Master has asked me to once again clean his room. I am to wear that short ‘maid’ outfit, and nothing but the apron and hat. The feather duster has a strange handle, but I was told to bring it with me. I have traced my body with the feather duster.. and the sensation that ran through my body.. still brings a smile to my lips.’

Journal, I dreamed that Master and I were brother and sister last night. It was a wonderful dream. I felt free from all care, all fear. I felt free!

Her First Story: The New Morning

Sister wakes up and loves the feeling of her brother around her body.. feeling safe.. and loved by someone other than her mom…. she feels her brother’s hard cock against her ass cheats and his arm around her body just below the curve of her tits, and his hand cupping one breast with fingers around a nipple…. She responds as he pulls her into him. ‘He is manly’, she thinks and a smile breaks over her mouth as she wiggles onto his cock.

“It is ok…mom said …to fuck me…”

It was the end of the dream and his body Stirred around his sister’s. His cock was enormous, wedged into the crack of his sister’s ass. He lifted his arm and adjusted his cock so that it pointed straight into the pussy which now he wanted sobadly…”

It is ok to fuck her….” the voice inside him said.

She starts sliding back upon the hard cock, slowly it starts to enter, when he pulls her closer with a hand between her legs, till she has his cock inside her tight asshole. A gasp of intake breath, she wiggles more at the feel of him filling her to the point of making her feel that she can not take any more. Her hand covers her brother’s that is between her legs and she moves his between her moisten lips so he knows what he is doing to her. The her other hand pinches the nipple that her brother is not touching.

James knows his sister wants to feel the love he is about to send into her as he begins to rock, moving his sensitive cock up into the warm wetness of her. He smiles as her hand leaves him and he hears her begin to twist the sheets as he seats his cock far far up inside her, his sister, his new fuck toy.

She keep hearing her mom’s voice saying this was what she wanted for her little girl, tobe with her brother, taught by her brother, loved by her brother, and she began to rock with her brothers trusting cock. “More, more, more,” she breathes as her ass sucks the cum from her brother’s massive cock.

Chapter Two

Claire had just finished her “morning” chores, and wanted to write in her journal again, something she thought of about her life before she was brought here to this new life. She had lived in a small town and life was very boring. Now however her former town held an almost pleasant memory in her mind. She was from somewhere, she thought.

Her chores reminded Claire of her father and her mother. She had heard their lovemaking in many of her nights long before she understand anything about sex. She still hears her father’s directions to her mother as he told her to get on her hands and knees so he could use her asshole as his cum bucket and her mother’s squealing responses as her father fucks her mother’s anus.

Her Second Story: Sexy Wants More

Sexy wanted more, needed more. Her small town had become a bore and her prison. She wanted to travel and needed to know that it was a possibility. Then she met him.

Her eyes had not beheld anything like him before, and her mind traveled all over, while she sat there in the park. Her fingers moved with a mind of their own, down inside her jeans, between her legs to her shaken cunt. Dipping inside her Already wetness. With her eyes meeting his, she sucks her fingers and smiles.

He had noticed her and was mesmerized as she fingered herself in public. Even in this one horse town, empty on a beautiful day, she was doing the unthinkable and he wet his lips knowing that she was one of those special women. Her like comes along so seldom, he thought, and for him to find her here in this park, on this day, was a small miracle and he had no choice but to approach her and ask, “May I lick your fingers, dear?”

A smile cross her lips as she dips her fingers inside not onceor twice but till they are coated before removing them as an offering to his mouth. “How is this, mister?” Her voice softly spoken.

He sucks her three fingers into his mouth, tasting her cum, and smelling her in his nostrils. He moans as he suck her fingers clean and reach out to touch her title and feel its hard nipple. His mind has jumped ahead of this amazing encounter to picture this woman on his cross rack with his dick in her moaning mouth.

Vision of sex with him, somewhere far away. Not another care for her to worry about or even to think on. Doing what this man said, sent ships through out her body, and caused her to moan as her juices flowed right there in the park.

“You want to give me every part of you, don’t you? You want to lose yourself and this town, and everything to my voice, don’t you? You want me to fuck you, don’t you? You want to be a slave to my wishes and you will do anything I ask, won’t you?”

Her mind said run and don’t look back; andat the same time, it screamed for more of him. His words caressing down over her senses placing her under his control. She only knew that she wanted his presence to fill her. To make her part of his world, she would willingly place herself at his mercy. She only knew that she did not wish to see him leave without her. ‘Danger, Warning’ her mind yelled at her, for she did not know if he could or would ever show Any mercy. The way she looked at him, and the way he made her feel, she knew she did not care, one way or the other.

“You want more,” he continued, “you want to escape this dullness which has a hold of your soul. You want the adventures you know you deserve; have always deserved and now you need. I can give you that. I can take you away from the empty room, the empty bed, and that ache in your heart. You know it is true…from the first moment you saw me, you knew it was true. All I ask is that you believe, obey, and please.”

The though of adventure, something she hasdreamed of for a long time, to be possible is what makes her agree to at least give it a try. For who knows, she thinks, she might just like what he has to offer her. With his eyes that hold her, the voice that can calm her and make her willing to do anything for him. But, could she believe and put her trust into the sexy, and dangerously handsome stranger? Dare she do so? Yes, she thought, I want to do this.

Before she can change her mind again, she looks in his eyes again and just above a whisper says, “I will go with you. To see what it is you have to offer me.”

“First show me you trust me and accept my blindfold. I want you to follow without knowing where you are going. Blinded and helpless. Wanting and willing. I want you to need me as I lead you into your new life.”

He slipped a black silk scarf around her eyes and tied it firmly making her day disappear.

She stays in place as the blindfold is placed over her eyes, turning her day to night. The thought ofgiving complete control to him, is making her so fucking hot and wet. She wishes that he would just fuck her here. Fear he would do so also. This is just so much more than she ever thought she would be willing to do. Yet for this man, she did not say a word. Her pants are starting to get wet and showing that wetness.

“Yes, I will follow your lead. Take me away to a new life.”

He slides his hand roughly under her pants and feels her pussy and her wetness. ‘She is willingly,’ he thinks as he leads her with a gentle pull through the park to the sidewalk and to a house on the edge of the park.

“Careful,” he warned her, “this is a basement apartment.” And he leads her down into a cool stairwell, stopping to unlock his door. “Don’t remove your blindfold. But remove all of your clothes. I I want you to enter into your new life naked, without any past, without any reservations.”

The thought of being naked in the stairwell, sends shifts down her body with a heated and wanton craving. She lifts her top off, and lets it drop to the ground. Her hands remove the wet jeans, as she slips her shoes off, giving him total trust and free will with her naked body as she leaves her past life behind as of that second.

“As you wished me to do. All are off, and I am ready.”

He opens the door and guides her inside. The floor is cool to her feet and her nipples harden as she enters and hears the door close behind her. He puts her clothes in a near by chair and guides her to a sofa. “Bend down,” he instructs loosening his own pants and pulling out his cock. “Place your arms on the back of the sofa and spread your legs.”

The cooling of the floor feels good to her. The hardening of her nipples brings her a new sense of life, and now she feels more alive then ever before. Her hands find the back of the sofa and she steals herself, spreading her legs as she was told, not sure what he has in mind; but the way he said it, she knew she had to obey. As shewanted to obey his words.

Her heart starts to beat faster, waiting to feel what he was going to do to her. As she was at his total mercy and found she loved the thought. So, she stood there in a way, bent over hanging onto the back of the sofa, with her legs spread wide for this stranger, and seeing that she had given her will over to him, too.

Suddenly she felt her ass buttered with a cool gel and her anus poked with a thumb pushing lube inside.

“Don’t move.”

It was a strange voice that commanded her and she shuttered as she obeyed, feeling the hand work her ass with a pressure that was uncomfortable, filling her with a fear she had never known before.

She dared not move. Staying where she was as her ass was being violent, for never before had anyone dare touch her there. Blindfolded still, the voice did not match that of the guy. She did not know if it was the same person or not. But, a fear was gripping her, a fear she had never known before.

This madness, what was she doing here? Did she dare speak? Her body tremble with both fear and excitement with what was happening. Did she really want this, is this what she really did crave? Something told her, that this would be only the beginning of that new life he promise her.

He worked her asshole with his thumb, with his middle finger, with two fingers, and worked the lube deep into her asshole as she moaned her surprise, her disappoint, and her growing lust.

She tried to move away, when he used his fingers to lube her up. Each push he did, made her ass sore; and yet, her lust for him grow. Once he removed his fingers, she relaxed just a bit, thinking he was done with her tight ass.

He then poised the head of his cock at her virgin asshole, pushing the head slowly into her. “Yes.” He said, as his cock penetrated her and stuck inside her, swelling as she twisted in pain and pleasure.

When he penetrated her ass, with the head of his cock, she almost leavesd forward screaming. She kept trying to get away from him and his cock. Begging him to stop and remove himself from her sore ass. She felt violent now. She wanted to get away from him and run. She did not even care that she was nude.

“Please, don’t.” She dared to speak and begged him to stop and not use her ass. “Don’t do this to me. Please do not go further in me .. not there.” All the while moving forward to get away from him.

But it is of no use as he grabs hold of her hair and forces her to her knees and standing in front of her warns, “Do not ever refuse me, again, you slut. You will never be free of this small town, this small life of yours, unless you obey your MASTER.”

Tears run down her face, something she has not done since her parents had died over ten years ago. She was now terrified of him, this man that she thought was something else. Oh, he was something else alright. He was a MASTER, and she walked into his lifestyle willingly today.

Her ass still hurts her, and when her eyes met his, the rebel buried in her still shows through her eyes. She would fight him, till she left, or he broke her will and made her submit to his. She would fight him her eyes vowed.

He saw it immediately and knew she must be broken and he grabbed her hair and drag her to a dimly lite room where there was an X rack, complete with wrist restraints and ankle cuffs.

“Here is your path to freedom.” he laughed as he shackled her to the rack and spread eagle, her resistance into useless struggle.

Shackled as she was, still she fought, twisting in the restraints, though they cut into her skin. Eyes now showing fear… real fear of what this man could and would do.

“This is freedom? How?” Her voice held the fear like her eyes, but there was more she said. “Is this the only way, you can feel strong and in charge.” As soon as she had spoken these words, she knew she would regret them. But, she had to stay strong for as long as she could.

He now grabbed a vibrator, silver and cold, from an ice bucket. He applied it to her pussy, holding it between her legs and pressing it to her. “This is step one.” he sneered as she twisted in the shades. “You will regret all this futile struggle later.” And he pushed the dildo inside her pussy.

The coldness sends her squirming against the restraints more, the way he was using it on her, made her want to leave; but, it was impossible. She screamed in pain as the vibrator/dildo fucked her.

“Stop this! Why are you doing this!!?” She was not thinking, only trying to get him to let her go from where she was. “Please … stop.. please” Her begging and pleading, were making her lose her voice against what he was doing.

“No one can hear you scream, your protestations are of no use to you or anyone. You will live through this. And you will come to enjoy this. So to struggle is pointless.” And he applied the vibrator directly to her clip and hold it there as she struggleled and compromised.

Gradually, even as she struggled, she felt the warmth growing inside her. Almost on the verge of tears, she cried, “Ohhh. God, fuckin, damn it. You bastard! What are you doing to me!?”

His cock is now stiff again and he says, “I’ll show you what I am doing to you!”. And without any warning, he thrusts himself into her pussy. “THIS..IS..WHAT ..I…AM DOING!!” And he bangs her pussy driving hard against her twisting and screams of terror. “Do…you…feel ….THAT…? Do YOU?”

“Yes… but… what… the… GOD…?” Her screams continued beyond her words. “Who…. are … you … really?”


All she could do, was taking what was being done to her. She now know part of what she had been fantasizing about. What it would feel like to be completely at the mercy of a man that knew what he wanted and not afraid to take it. One that could and would teach her about being a slave, a real sex slave in her lifetime.

Chapter Three

Today, Claire had been told to stay put onto a chair that has a dildo in the seat, she had been given her journal and told to write what was going Through her mind. Claire impaled herself upon the dildo and reached for the writing pad neary.

Her Third Story: Breaking New Grounds

She is still scared of the man that has her shackled to the rack. For he had turn her to face the rack, her ass is now facing out for his use. She keeps trying to see, but the blindfold is still over her eyes.

“Please, what? Why? Please stop… please, mister.. just stop and let me go…”

She feels his ice cold hand struggling her skin and shutters. Her mind is racing in a thousand bewildered circles. How did this happen? Howdid she go from being seduced to being a prisoner? What change this man from a seducer into a dungeon master? And what was he going to do to her next?

“There…there,” he cooled and stroked. “Don’t worry. Feel and learn!”


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