The Right One

This is a slow burn but so worth it. I hope the characters feel as real to you as they do to me.




What if I just keep driving?

It is a thought that replays in my head more often than not nowadays. Either from the drive to work or back home, even when driving back from the grocery store. What if I decided one day to leave? Start somewhere new with a new name and maybe a new identity. My parents are too independent and self-suffivecient to notice right away. Once they do, they would probably have a hard time tracking me down from their RV. They probably wouldn’t even want to. They are retired and living out the rest of their days visiting each state in the US without a care in the world. Me going missing may put a damper on their adventure.

My friends would find it odd. I am nothing if not predictable. They can probably guess where I am right at this very moment. They know what days I have my yoga class, when Ilike to go to the movies, and how I like to spend my afternoons relaxing as soon as I am free. Being spontaneous and adventurous is not part of my makeup. They know that. It is the reason I am their dependable friend. The one they call right before their party so that I can bring extra ice and anything else they may have forgotten. The one who stays behind after a celebration ends and helps clean up. I am that friend that will make sure they get home in one piece after our nights out. I herd them like a mother hen, it is my role.

Especially on those nights that do not include Hank, my boyfriend.

How long would it take for him to notice my disappearing act?

Probably a few minutes if I’m being honest. As soon as he realizes there isn’t a warm plate of food in front of him and no toilet paper on the roll since we ran out this morning. He’ll probably yell my name a few times while he’s sitting there on his phone wondering what is taking me so long. I look in my backseat at the packet of two-ply.

I am nothing if not predictable.


Monday morning rolls around the same way it typically does, very slowly.

The work itself keeps me busy. It is the beginning of a new week. Everyone who was in town for a trip or visiting family is long gone, making room for the new wave of guests. This hotel has more foot traffic than others in the area because of the location. We’re the closest to downtown without the ridiculous prices and the shopping center next door has enough entertainment for most family members.

I’ve worked as a front desk agent for three years now.

At first, I thought it would be a nice change of pace from the rigid world of numbers I worked in accounting. I made good money. My coworkers liked me and so did my bosses. But then I had a major life event happen. Not that major. My boyfriend cheated. I found him with his best friend and had no choice but to move out of our apartment.

What made it a semi-major event?

I allowed myself to put all of my eggs in one basket. One rotten basket. I didn’t date much in high school, barely in college. He was my first real boyfriend after graduating. I assumed when one committed to a relationship, they went into it head first. My parents married after knowing each other for three weeks and have been together for over fifty years. It truly never crossed my mind to tread carefully in my first official real relationship.

I gave him access to my phone, my bank accounts, and my apartment. He fit in. He made himself comfortable. Took up space in my life until all I had was him. The more I gave, the more he demanded. But we were in love. I had no qualms. We were building a life together. We were working towards getting married and buying our white picket fence home. We had dog names and kid names picked out. I was the happiest woman alive.

It just so happens that I wasn’t the only happy woman in his life.

I was blindsided.

Utterly at a disadvantage.

Never in my twenty-something years of age did I imagine him having eyes for anyone else. Just like I couldn’t see another man that measured up to him. I thought we were soul mates. That he understood me and everything that I stood for. I left nothing out when I bared my soul to him. I didn’t know that when you are in a relationship with someone, there should be pieces of yourself that you should take care of. That you should guard with everything that you are worth. Because there are people who never deserve to see that part of you. That vulnerable part can cause you to bleed out if it is ever exposed.

He cut me deep.

The rug was pulled from under my feet. The blindfold fell off. The rose-colored glasses broke into a million little pieces. Maybe not completely since I eventually allowed myself to heal enough to let someone else in. I mourned my first love. I cried and I left. He never contacted me after my last day in the apartment. Not even when the new lease came and went. It was maybe the guilt or maybe he really respected my wishes. After what seemed like a long time, I began to seek the warmth of another

I moved on.

I got a new apartment. A new job. Same friends after dropping a few who know about the affairs. And finally, a new boyfriend after two years. I also had to get a new bank account and remove him from all of my online subscriptions. Eventually, I started to feel normal again. Like the wound was really starting to heal over time. The ache turned dull and it was replaced when I met Hank.

He is nothing like my ex. He is younger than me but mature for his age. He wants nothing to do with my finances and he insists on living together but splitting everything in half. He doesn’t ask much of me. He is the Perfect companion. Not the most handsome man out there, but he has a lot of heart. Enough for both of us. He doesn’t push me or demand anything more than what I am ready to give. He is nice. Exactly what I need.

Just like this job.

It is reliable. I’ve become familiar with the seasons. I know when we should expect the most guests and when we will have a slow month. I can even predict what our quality index scores will be like depending on which housekeepers are on schedule. The regulars know me by now just like I know them and their preferences.

I’ve immersed myself in my role over the years. My navy blue blazer and skirt are a staple of my position. I take great care to always wear a white blouse, black tights, and comfortable black shoes in perfect order. As I am reminded every year during our annual training, I am the first friendly face the guests see when they arrive. I particularly make sure my name tag is always straight, Just in case anyone wants to pass along any feedback regarding their customer service experience.

So, why on Earth would I ever want to leave here and drive away without ever looking back?


Rupert, my boss, sits in front of the team during our morning meeting.

He’s a nice older man, who has worked with the hotel longer than I have been alive. He was the one who interviewed me directly and has been an absolute angel since I joined his team. His once brown hair is graying on the sides but he looks good for a man his age. His gorgeous wife makes sure to feed him only healthy meals, which we all tease him about during our lunch break.

“There is a new initiative that they want to roll out for employees interested in growing within the company.” He smiles brightly at all of us. “I have a few employees in mind but I want to leave a list up here for those who would like to sign up for the opportunity to get hands-on training by professionals in our field. The training itself will be three days long with all traveling and hotel expenses paid for. There will be other employees from different branches around the country. I highly recommend it if any of you areinclined.”

I see a few employees sit up straighter.

I’m sure the prospect of getting three days’ worth of food and being away from here has caught their interest. Personally, I know which ones I would send if I was Rupert. The idea does sound appealing but not enough to actually follow through. I like where I’m at. I don’t think I would want to change anything about my position now.

He hangs the list up on his bulletin and leaves us.


The training is all but forgotten by the end of my shift.

That is, until Rupert pulls me aside.

“I noticed you did not add your name to the list.” His kind eyes narrow slightly. “I thought you’d be the first to sign up.”

I bow my head to hide my smile. “I don’t know if I’m ready for something like that. Maybe next year.”

He crosses his arms and sights. “There may not be a next year. Besides, I already sent your name up to corporate.”

My eyes widen slightly. “Oh, that isn’t necessary. Ithink there are others who have been longer and actually deserve it.”

“Leila, I almost always let you have it your way. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to pull the boss card on you.” He pats my shoulder. “Don’t worry though! My friend, Ethan, is part of the committee in charge of putting the whole thing together. I’ll ask him to keep an eye out for you.”

That doesn’t make me feel fundamentally better but I plaster on a fake smile.

Rupert has been too great of a boss to snub over one minor overstep. Especially when it has something to do with my career advancement. I know he’s been pushing me to look into more administrative roles but this is the first time he’s taken action on it. Maybe I should be annoyed or uncomfortable. But after building a trusting relationship with him, I can only assume he has my best interest in mind. I can’t hold that against him.


Hank isn’t thrilled about the trip.

“Well, what am I supposed to do forfive days?” He’s sitting on the couch, pouting.

The training itself is only three days but they are giving employees the option to stay over the weekend for half the price for the two additional days. The actual location is close to their downtown so I thought it would be a nice vacation. One where I am not expected to cook, clean, or do anything I don’t really feel like doing. For a moment, I feel guilty. Maybe I shouldn’t stay the extra two days. Then I think back to Rupert’s words, maybe there won’t be a next year.

“You could sit and watch T.V. like you do every night.” I know he’s mostly upset about having to eat out for five days since he won’t cook.

“Wouldn’t you rather stay here with me?” He looks defeated which helps with my resolve.

“As much as I love watching our favorite shows together, I think some time apart will do us some good.”

His face falls and I realize those words were probably not the best.

“Are you leaving me?” He sits up.

I stop packing and face him. “No, I love you.”

He nods but doesn’t say it back.

Although being with Hank has been easy, it is hard not to imagine what it would be like to have my own space back. Not to have to clean after him every day. Or have the T.V. for myself. Finding shows that we both like is getting tough. And even if I pretend that watching something Together qualifies as quality time, I often wonder what it would be like to actually use that time to talk instead.

We don’t talk enough.

I know things about him. I know about his childhood and past girlfriends. Then there are things that I don’t know but would like to. But isn’t that what I wanted? Someone who would not pry into my weak spots? Someone who will be happy with what I give them and ask for nothing more? Why do I want to know things that will only hurt us both in the future if we ever break up?

Our arguments usually end with us both giving each other the silent treatment. Until one ofus caves and then apologies. We never talk about what caused the argument or how it can be avoided in the future. I know it isn’t productive considering we’ve argued about the same thing on multiple occasions. But it is easier this way.

At least for me.

It means we like each other enough to argue. We don’t walk on eggshells and have to pretend that all is well. Except then we only make up temporarily knowing it will happen again. The fights themselves are harmless. They’re never serious enough.

I will take an argument with Hank over a splitting heartache any day.


Maggie, my closest friend, and her boyfriend, who is now my other closest friend, Travis, are just as surprised about the news as Hank is.

“But you never travel.” Maggie pushes the last of her pizza slice away. Her usually friendly brown eyes are concerned as she watches me.

She’s wearing one of her loose purple dresses that compliments her dark skin.

“Not for work.” I agree.

“Or ever.” Travis puts his snapback backward, showing a little fluff of his red hair through the back loop. When he crosses his arms, his muscles bulge out. He typically sticks to sleepless shirts that I know Maggie likes so she can ogle him.

“Only because I’ve never really cared to travel.” I shrug.

I can feel them ready to pounce. This is Weird for me. Having plans that are outside of my usual routine. They probably have a lot of questions but are trying to find a polite way to ask without sounding like jerks. I am their boring friend. The one that is usually home if I’m not at work. Not the friend that travels for work or has plans outside of watching T.V. with Hank. The most interesting things that happened to me in the past all happened Because of my boyfriend cheating, causing a ripple effect. It was not really my doing.

“What person in their late twentyties doesn’t want to travel?” The judgment in Maggie’s tone is thick. She clears her throat to get rid of it. “I mean, this sounds like a great opportunity though.”

“Didn’t you say you wanted to stay working in front desk for a few more years?” Travis doesn’t let me off as easily.

“Rupert went over my head with this one. He’s been trying to get me to pick something a little more career driven.” I place my hand under my chin and lean on the table. “I reserved an extra two days at the hotel where they’re doing the training as part of my trip. Trying to give myself a little vacation.”

They both look at me with a sense of pride.

“Leaving Hank to fend for himself, are you?” Maggie sounds too happy about that.

She has always considered him to be a man-child. But she doesn’t know that he is helpful when he wants to be. And that he fits in well with my current lifestyle. We are good for each other. He helped me when I needed to move on.

“Two days is nearly not enough but good for you.” Travis clears the table, giving me and Maggie a few minutes alone.

“Seriously, are you and Hank doing okay?” She reaches across to grab my hand.

I roll my eyes. “Yes, mother.”

Leaving for the first time in years and I’m being questioned like it is a crime.

Maybe I wouldn’t get too far if I ever did decide to drive off without looking back one day.


My anxiety increases as I get off the plane.

The trip was relatively short, too short to enjoy a strong drink. The car ride is a lot shorter to the hotel. I’m left with my mouth hanging as I see the size of the building. It is four times the size of the current hotel that I work for. Both in length and in width. I didn’t even know they could be built this big. I cringe at the thought of having to check in triple times the number of guests that I typically do. My face would probably break from all the smiles I would have to plaster on during each transaction.

I watch silently as the guests move through the multiple lines atcheck-in. Their process is very efficient, I’ll give them that. I’m in front of the line before I can even process how they do it so quickly. Especially in the early hours of the day. The welcome lines sound rehearsed but I appreciate the little extra step the front desk employee goes through to show me a map of the hotel. They point out the restaurants and blinds. Then they give me my keys and send me on my way. Just the perfect amount of efficiency and friendliness after traveling for hours.

As I walk across the main lobby, I see a big welcome sign for all of the employees attending the training for the next couple of days. There is even a smaller sign next to it with additional information. It has all of the different locations where employees are coming from. I read it as I wait in line for check-in. Maybe I should have dropped off my luggage before checking in. It would have given me time to check myself in the mirror before meeting anyone. I don’t have a moment to reconsider before I am the next one in line.

“Hello and welcome to our first Employee Career Development Training! May I have your last name?” A friendly gentleman looks up from his list.

I smile back. “Hi, my last name is Spencer.”

He uses his pen to help him navigate through pages of names. His dark hair sits a little longer up top, styled over to the side. It falls forward as he leans down to take a closer look at the list. I can’t get a read on his age. He appears older but has a lot of energy.

“Leila?” He still has a smile on his face but there is some recognition as he says my name.

“Yes!” I smile just the same and wait for him to give me my name tag and additional information about the training.

“It is so great to meet you!” He gets up from his seat and turnes to the woman behind me. “Can you actually take over for a moment? I have to take care of something.” He grabs his suit jacket from his back seat. “Thanks, Drea.”

I watch, rooted to my spot, as he walks around the check-in desk and extends his hand out to me. I continue to watch as he buttons his jacket with one hand. He’s very tall, making me crane my neck up to look at him. I am tall myself, so it is rare that I have to make an effort to meet someone’s eyes. His suit is cut to perfection as if it was tailored specifically for him. I wouldn’t doubt it, given his height and broad shoulders. Although, he isn’t as imposing as someone his size would normally be. It is kind of hard to be when his smile is so open and friendly. He’s practically harmless.

It isn’t until he pulls me aside, so the person behind me can get help, that I finally react.

“I’m sorry!” I feel the blush creeping to my cheeks and reach out to shake his hand. The thick watch on his wrist catches the sunlight coming in through the windows. “Do we know each other?” I move further aside to give others enough space to walk by.

He looks embarrassed. “I should be the one to apologize! I’m Ethan, Rupert’s friend.”

I notice his hazel eyes for the first time.

My smile is geneuine this time. “Oh yes, he said you would be here. It is nice to meet you, Ethan.”

“Nice to put a face to the name.” He hands me a lanyard with my name and a pamphlet. “Here is what to expect for the next three days.”

I glance down, noticing a jammed packed schedule.

“There will be some light breakfast served during the first section.” He looks down at his watch. “Which will start in an hour.”

I pull my bag up closer to my shoulder. “Great! I will go to my room and freshen up before then.”

He motions for my suitcase, on the floor. “Do you need help with that?”

I shake my head. “It looks heavier than it actually is.” I grab it and give him one more smile before excusing myself.

“I will see you in a few.” He goes back to his original spot.


The training feels long.

Not in a terrible way. I find two of my coworkers, Sheila andMel, and sit with them for the first half. They were the only other two from our location who were given the opportunity to come. Word around the place is that if this is successful enough, they’ll invest more resources for next year and extend invitations. It’s nice to think of others having the chance to learn as much as I have in just one morning.


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