The Revenge of Flavius Pt. 02

Flavius ​​woke up very happy and optimistic. He was half way to his goal of bringing Gaius down through family humiliation. He had now humiliated his son, Marcus, by fucking him in a brother, and humiliated his daughter, Julia, by fucking her cunt and ass while she was drugged. Now for the other two, Gaius’ wife Lucillia, and Gaius himself. Flavius ​​sent for Mario and gave him instructions to send spies out to watch Gaius’ house for movements of the family members, and report back to him on anything of value.

In the midafternoon he received a message from his friend Scipio, inviting him to his house for dinner and entertainment, but first he wanted Flavius ​​to meet him at the bathhouse. He summoned Mario and told him his plans, and ask for an escort.

Later that afternoon, he was reclining in the bathhouse with his Friends, exchanging gossip and talking political tactics. Everyone was very nervous, but cautiously hopefully, they could turn things around. An army was forming in Greece and would soon be sailing its way across to Brindisi. There it would land and then make its way to Rome. With this additional force, Gaius and his allies would have to back down. Things could be turned around in the Senate then, and Flavius ​​could be elected governor of an eastern province and make a fortune.

Flavius ​​let it be known he had other backup plans in mind, if somehow the army didn’t materialize. His friends questioned and probed him, but he would reveal nothing more than it would be a knockout blow, don’t worry, and then he laughed. Everyone had speculations as to what it was, but from what Flavius ​​could overhear, they weren’t even close to figuring it out.

By late afternoon, it was time to leave and make their way to Scipio’s house for dinner, and to be sure, something fun Afterwards.

They left as a group and made their way to Scipio’s house. In a narrow alleyway they saw a large group of men blocking their way. Quickly Flavius’ body guard and theBody guards of the others, offered a shield wall of protection and then went after the attackers. Even with the extra body guards Flavius ​​and his friends were greatly outnumbered. Flavius’ bodyguards were however, ex-military of the highest standard, as were many of the other men’s guards. Most of the attackers were poor and untrained street thugs. They apparently had thought Scipio would be going home alone, with Just a few bodyguards. The confrontation could go either way now.

One of Flavius’ men tossed him a sword. It was in his hand just in time as one of the attackers made it through the wall of the guards and ran towards him, sword raised to strike him. Flavius ​​had served in the military and had seen and been in many battles. He felt the surge of adrenaline shot through his body. One was never so alive as in battle. His senses seemed to be amplified a hundred times. With reflexes built from countless hours of practice he parried the man’s thrust, and lunged forward himself.The man seemed surprised. Then Flavius’ sword entered the man’s body near his heart. He screamed. His sword fell to the ground and his hands went unthinkingly to his breast. But it was too late. Flavius ​​pulled his sword out, as the man took one of his last gasps and fell to the ground where he understood and made horrible gurgling noises.

Flavius ​​knew better from combat than to the focus on the man’s death throws. Other Attackers might be coming. As he looked up, he saw men fighting, dying. Flavius ​​advanced to join in, but one of his bodyguards saw him and pushed him back, out of the melee. It seemed most of Flavius’ guards were still standing, a large number of the attackers lay on the ground, wounded, dead or dying. In a few minutes it was over.

Flavius ​​had not felt so live and energized in years. Not even After the most intense sex he experienced. He tried to think of any other way to get this rush without running the chance of dying. But he realized the potential of dyingwas what made it so good.

The bodyguards managed to capture a good dozen or more of the attackers. Scipio smiled, “Well, well. Maybe we will have a different entertainment tonight than was originally planned.” He told the guard to take all the prisoners to his house and await further instructions.

The group sat down to dinner later, with a combination of euphoria at having survived an attack, and nervousness that such an attack had been planned, and almost succeeded. They tried to drink away the bad thoughts. Scipio made sure everyone’s cups stayed full. As dinner ran down, Scipio’s head service came in and whispered into his ear.

“Well gentlemen, it seems things are ready for us. Shall we go?”

Everyone got up and followed behind Scipio as he led them to the back of the house. He led them into a large room. They were immediately assaulted be sounds of moans and screams. They soon understand why. The prisoners captured earlier were being tortured, but not by just anyone. A group of women were in charge of what was going on. Very, very big women. All were well over 6 feet tall and had muscles that would be the envy of any man. All of them were as big if not bigger than any of the men they were torturing. They were in fact, female gladiators.

The women had several of the men hanging from the ceiling by their arms. They were whipping their backs, and also torturing their penises. They were struggling them vigorously to the level of pain, whipping their cocks, kicking them in the balls. The men were thrashing about in agony, but that seemed to only excite the women to torture them more.

One was struggling a man’s cock extremely vigorously. She would stop well before he came, then stroke it again, whip it, smack it, kick it. She kept doing this again and again until he finally came, shooting a big load into the air. This time though she held onto his cock and kept jerking it. The intensity sensing had the man screaming. She got tired of his screams and shoved a large cloth into his mouth. She then went back to torturing him. Raking his skin with sharp pieces of metal attached to her fingerprints.

Other men were strapped face down over leather saddles, with bits in their mouths. They too were being whipped hard on their asses and backs. The women took turns fucking them in the ass wearing large strap on dildos. The women seemed to enjoy doing this tremendously. The women grabbed the reins attached to the bits in the men’s mouths, and yanked their heads back violently as they rode their asses. Other women simultaneously slapped the men’s faces until they were red and raw, their eyes swollen.

A last set were placed in stocks, face up, their mouths forced open as the women took turns pissing on them. Then the women went to the other end and held their legs wide open while they fucked them. They humped the men mercilessly. Extremely humiliating to a Roman man. They too had their cocks and balls kicked, whipped andtortured.

Scipio had as many of his male servants as he could muster, even a very large number of males recruited off the street, to jerk off into buckets. Buckets and buckets of cum. When done the men’s heads were tilted back, their mouths forced open as the women poured cum down their throats, until they were choking, gagging, and gurgling.

All of this was done under the watchful eyes of Scipio’s guests. They enjoyed it immediately. Almost as good as going to a gladiatorial arena. They were hoping it would end in the men would be impaled on swords. It was certainly what they deserved after the attack earlier in the day. But when the men had reached a point where further torture would probably result in unconscious or death, Scipio stopped things.

“One of you will be lucky. I am going to release you to go back to your leader, your fellow thugs, and tell them what happened here. If they try anything like what happened today again they will suffer a similar fate, or worse. For the rest of you, death would be too easy. I am sending you to serve on a war galley. You will serve there until you die. Every day will be torture.”

The men were too out of it to really acknowledge what they heard, but they heard it, and know their lives were over. Scipio allowed the women to choose the one to let go. They chose the smallest, oldest, man. His face was battered and bruised, his back red with whip marks. He would be lucky if his penis ever worked again. But he was the lucky one. Scipio motioned to his servants and they pulled him to his feet, and dragged him across the floor. In an hour or so he would be dumped in the street near where his gang came from.

The women begged to have several of the men as their play toys, their own slaves to fuck and torture as they please. Scipio thought This was a great idea. His only condition was when they were done with them, they be used in the arena for some sort of one sided match to the death. He wanted the women to invite him to the match so that he could watch them die.

The others were taken away, and in a few days, after they healed enough to move, would be transported to the coast, to serve out there lives on board a galley.

All of this got Flavius ​​extremely excited. He went home that evening and asked for the tiny woman who had been fucked by the giant soldier. He kept the image of the soldier in mind while he fucked her, imagined that he had a penis that large, had a body as big and strong. He took the woman from behind just like the night he watched the two of them fuck. It was an empowering image and he came very intensely in the tiny woman. Even with Flavius’ much smaller penis, the tiny woman was still screaming and thrashing about. Flavius ​​loved every second of it.


Things seemed to be going well. Gaius’ spies had learned of the army forming in Greece and their probably landfall in Italy. He sent word for his own fleet to assemble in Brindisi. HeFelt the odds were in his favorite. He needed to keep the knowledge of his fleet as secret as possible. If Flavius ​​were to learn of it, he could have the fleet land elsewhere with potentially disastrous results.


Flavius ​​awoke to a new day. He was hopeful he could make progress in his plan to fuck Lucilla, and he wasn’t disappointed.

“Our spies have seen Lucilla leaving house almost Everyday and went to the Temple of Diana to worship. Though she has guards, they stay outside when she is there.” Mario told him.

“Very good. Send me one of the older women slaves. One we can totally trust with an important message.” Flavius ​​said as he paced the room.

Mario replied quickly, “I know just the woman.” With that he turned and left.

Flavius ​​went to his desk and started writing. He destroyed the first few attempts. They didn’t say exactly what he wanted. Finally he was satisfied and sealed the note with a wax seal. When the old woman arrived he made sure she understand the importance. He recognized her from days past, when he was younger and careful. Where had all the years gone?

“Make sure no one gets hold of this. No one, but Lucilla. After you give it to her, tell her you will return each day waiting for her reply.”

The old woman nodded and assured Flavius ​​she would make sure Lucilla received the message. She turned and left the room. Flavius ​​was lost in thought in what message he would get back, and what he would do depending on the answer. There seemed to be infinite possibilities.

The old woman along with several guards dressed as citizens, discreetly hide near the temple, but so as to see the entrance. After a few hours wait they saw Lucilla approach with her body guards and then go into the temple alone. The old woman gathered her courage and made her way to the door. The guards looked at her, but let her in. Inside was dark, but she could pretty make out a few dozen women scattered around here and there in the vast temple area. She made her way up to the alter and was rewarded by recognizing the clothes Lucilla had been wearing upon entering.

She went up to Lucillia and gently touched her arm. Lucillia turned and looked at the old woman, searching her face. Then she recognized the woman as a service from Flavius’ household she had seen so many years ago.

The old woman took out the message and held it out to Lucillia. ” Here, it’s from Master Flavius.” Lucillia took the message and opened it. With some difficulty in the dim light she was able to read it. It proved Flavius’ love for her. That it had never died. He wanted to see her, soon, so he could tell her face to face.

The old woman watched Lucillia’s face but was unable to read her thoughts. “I will come back every day, right here, awaiting for your reply.”

Lucillia said, “No need to return. Tell your Master I feel the same. I will await him two nights from now, in the garden directly behind this temple. He must come alone, as will I. Assure him I want him even after all these years,” Then she took the message over to one of the large pots that were filled with flaming oil, and dropped it in. Looked in to make certain it was consumed.

The old woman turned without a word and left the temple, anxious to tell Flavius ​​the news. An hour later she was in Flavius’ office and giving him the message. Flavius ​​was beyond happy. It was the best outcome of the dozens he had been contemplating.

Flavius ​​spent the next two days thinking of nothing else but the meeting. He had his hair cut, his bear trimmed, new clothes made, bathed and perfumed himself. Though of what he wanted to do, to say. In the meantime, correspondence built up on his desk, unread.

Finally the night arrived and he snuck out of house with a single body guard. They made their way to the temple. Flavius ​​had to have his guard help him over the fence into the garden. He went from on alone.

It was pitch black out,no moon. Flavius ​​made his way forward more by feel than sight. He heard a rustling in the leaves in front of him. Cautiously he whispered, “Lucillia?” He heard back, “Yes, over here.” He went toward the voice, ran into a tree. “Lucillia?” “Right here. Another few steps.” Flavius ​​cautiously moved forward with his hand out. Then he felt her.

“Lucillia is that you?”

“Yes, Flavius. I am here. It has been so long. I have missed you every day.”

Flavius ​​was touched by her words. He remembered the sound of her voice. To hear it again brought back wonderful memories of his youth. “I have missed you too. Why did we ever part?”

“You know why. That is the past. We are here now. Love me now.”

Flavius’ heart melted. He no longer wanted to fuck, degrade Lucillia, but make love to her. “Yes, I want that too. Now”

They kissed each other in the darkness. Flavius ​​could smell perfume on her. A scent he remembered well, and dreamed about smelling again one day. And nowhis dream was being realized.

Lucillia said, “Lie down. We will do it right now, as if the recent past never happened.”

Flavius ​​couldn’t see a thing, but he got on the ground awaiting Lucillia to join him. Soon he smelled her sweet scent again, felt her against him, with no clothes on. She helped him take his clothes off. She turned over on her back, and pulled him on top of her. Flavius grabbed her. She was a little bigger than he remembered, but then so was he. He felt for her legs and pushed them apart. He got between her legs and lowered himself. Soon he felt the tip of his cock going into her. She grabbed his shoulders.

“I love you Lucillia,” Flavius ​​found himself saying. Lucillia’s finger found his lips, crossing it, letting him know to be quiet. He got the message and concentrated on moving on her. She was moaning but very, very quietly. He could barely hear it. He moved in and out of her, she responded with her hips. Grabbed his bottom and pulled him into her.

Oh, my Lucillia, it has been so long. I have wanted to do this so many times, he was thinking. They moved in synchronicity until they both came at the same time. Flavius ​​thought that though it was not the most explosive or erotic orgasm, it was better in many ways, as he felt in love again. It was perhaps a wish of times gone past. Recaptured youth. Something probably impossible to repeat. But for now his mind, his emotions, let him pretend it was true. And that was good enough. After he pulled out, he felt Lucillia stand up, and move off, to put her clothes back on.

A minute or so later he heard her say, “I want to be with you again. Gaius has been seeing Agrippinia. Though I should be a dutiful wife and just accept it, I don’t want to. Will you help me. I will tell you soon, the next few days, surely less than a week, when and where he will meet Agrippinia. I want you to confront him. Tell him of our love and make him dividend me. Use whatever force you need, if you must.I don’t care any.”

Flavius ​​thought about it. He would be able to accomplish two things at once. Take on and embarrass Gaius, and get Lucillia.

“Yes, send me the information and I will deal with it. I can’t promise things won’t get out of control.”

“Do what you have to do.” Lucillia came close to Flavius ​​and gave him a kiss. “I must go now.”

Though he could only hear her leave, soon Flavius ​​knew he was alone. With a lot of struggle, he finally made it back to the fence. He whispered for his guard to help him. Soon he was over the fence and on his way home. Though it didn’t go as planned, he was still very happy. A week ago he wanted to degrade and fuck her, now he had made wonderful love to Lucillia and wanted to make her his next wife. But first he had to deal with Gaius.

The next morning still sleep, Flavius ​​felt someone shaking him. He opened his eyes and saw Mario standing over him.

“Scipio is here. He has news for you that can’t wait.”

Flavius ​​opened both his eyes, sat up and swiveled his legs off the bed.

“Tell him, I’ll be right there.”

In a few minutes he found made his way to his study and found Scipio waiting for him.

“What time is it. What is so important to wake me in the middle of the night?”

“It’s three AM. And bad news. Our fleet was defeated off Brindisi. A lot of ships and men were lost. Those that managed to escape are in their way back to Greece.”

“Fuck. We will have to regroup, try somewhere else.”

“I don’t know if we have enough support now. We will need a new strategy. Or negotiate some sort of peace with Gaius.”

Flavius ​​knew such a thing was the end of his rise to power, perhaps even his life.

“How did we not know that Gaius had a fleet there? Surely someone knew,” Scipio said.

“I don’t know.” Flavius ​​had a sinking feeling as he looked over at the unread messages on his desk. He wondered.

After Scipio left he sat down and started to rapidly go through the pile. Fuck. Fuck. Yes, there it was. Days ago a spy had sent him a message that he had information that Gaius was assembling a fleet in Brindisi. He had been too preoccupied with Julia and Lucillia to have time to read it.

Well, not all for nothing. He was close to completely his back up plan. He would have to focus his attention on Gaius. Fuck him, tell him that he had also fucked his entire family and demand Gaius back off or he would reveal the knowledge to all of Rome. Perhaps even just the knowledge of what he had done would be enough to get Gaius to commit suicide.

Still, Flavius ​​was very angry the rest of the day. Angry at the world, angry at himself. How did he let himself get into such a situation. By late afternoon he was ready to blow off some of that anger. He called for Mario and told him what he wanted for the night. Mario looked concerned but didn’t refuse the order, though he wanted to. Mario bowed, and left.

Flavius ​​spent the rest ofThe day drinking. He wanted to forget what happened this morning. By the time evening came he was fairly drunk and ready to vent. Mario led him to a room in the back of the house. When he entered he found a woman in front of him prostrate on the ground.


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