The Reunion


It is that time of year when summer is ending and fall starts to make its approach. The weather is constantly fluctuating and you know it is now just a matter of time before the dreaded winter arrives. For the time being, it is beautiful, the leaves on the trees are changing colors, there is a wonderful cooling and refreshing breeze. Loving every moment of the days when it is in the mid to upper 60’s or even a brisk sunny temperature in the mid to low 50’s. Yet, at the same time, dreading those days that with be heavily overcast, in the 40’s or even worse the nights when it is in the 30’s or colder and we get hit by a sudden Northeaster Blizzard that blankets the city.

Seasonal depression is something that is unfortunately common and comes with the change of the seasons. For some that are used to the seasonal changes, being in a different climate that does not have real seasonal changes can also be affected.

I find that the stateof my depression can really be noticeable when the days and more importantly the hours of sunlight get perceptibly shorter. But, that is part of the cycle of the seasons. It is also synonymous with life. We all go through emotional and physical ups and down, hitting what seems to be a blessed peak hoping it will never cease its wonderful climb while hoping to avoid, the initiative of the valleys. As the saying goes, “what goes up must ‘eventually’ come down”.

It is a law of life, as well as the law of gravity. It would be nice if things would always be a plateau of happiness and contentment with only the occasional valleys to circuit and overcome. But alas that is too much to hope for. The best one can do is to take full advantage of the upward climb and focus as little as possible on the downturn.

But, all of this rambling is just a way for my mind to go to an area of ​​avoidance. It has been so long since I have been in a serious relationship that my body is craving something it needs so much and the urge and need so desperate it is almost painful. What my body and mind crave is obviously the company, touch and feel of a woman’s company; her gentle care, scent, and sound of her soft silenty voice telling me how much she misses me, and what I mean to her. For me to lay my lips on hers and feel their silenty smoothness, to feel them part as our tongues search each other’s mouth as Our fingers grapp at whatever they can of the other person. Be it an article of their clothes, or a part of their exposed flesh. And then the ultimate exercise when the clothes are off and their bodies intertwine.

To once again experience the fulfillment of the act of love when their bodies react and exploit with such pent up energy that they collapse in to each other’s arms. Or just to cuddle together on the couch, her arm resting on my tigh as my arm is around her shoulders. She would cuddle close, lay her head on my shoulder, and use her fingertips to gently move against the top of my thigh as my fingertips simply gently rub the tip of her nipple. It would not be long before her lips brush against the side of my neck causing me to thicken in my pants for her.

You see, I am back in my old college town for a weekend long 10-year reunion. I had decided to fly in a day early so I would not feel rushed. Before I booked my flight, months in advance, I mentioned to my ex that I would be going to the reunion and wondered if she would be as well. Her response, at that time, was that she did not know and hadn’t really decided. She did say though that it was good to know that I am going, and that if she goes it would be really great to see each other again, and even spend time together.

By booking so well in advance I was able to still get the group discount rate at the hotel where the reunion was being held and therefore take advantage of the saving and spoil myself by getting a suite. Along with the actual invitation was an initial schedule for the reunion. For some reason my eyes focused on the first event that was to be held the night before the actual reunion started for the early birds. It was a Halloween party to be held in the lobby of the hotel. While a costume was not mandatory, it was highly recommended.

While I recently left her some emails and voice-mail messages I didn’t hear anything back from my ex pertaining to her plans to attend or Not attend the reunion. I left her one final message when I arrived and gave her my hotel information just in case she was coming in. Even if she wasn’t, I felt it could not hurt for her to have another way to get a hold of me.

It was heartbreaking for me, and surely just as painful for her when we had to split up. I understand that life goes on and people have to go their separate ways at times. But we were and to be honest still are and will always be really close and the best of friends. For the last 2 years or so her work, as well as her personal lifehas kept her so busy that we have been talking less and less. But at the same time that just makes the times we would talk all the more meaningful, valuable and touching…

When the time finally arrived, I headed to the airport. My flight was scheduled to leave early morning the day before the reunion and the day of the Halloween party. Prior to leaving while packing I found an old mask in my closet along with something that looks like it could pass for a cape of some kind and decide that will be my costume. If anyone asks what/who I am supposed to be I will just say, “Super Geek”.

My time at the airport, as well as the flight was uneventful and I arrive at the hotel by late afternoon. Thinking I will be able to walk around – before needing to get ready for the Halloween party- and rehash old memories, I shower and start to get my clothes prepared for when I need to get dressed. Suddenly feeling really tired I look at the clock and realize there is still plenty of time befor the Halloween party is to start, and I would actually need to get dressed for it. Wearing only the towel, I decided to postpone my exploration of town and to instead lie down for a bit.

For some inexplicable reason, while I am lying on the bed, the subconscious fears of my ex possible being at the reunion come to the forefront. This, of course though, causes my mind to go wild. A part of me fears yet also at the same time looks forward to that possibility and that she, my one and only true love, will be there.

Don’t get me wrong. My fear is not the typical “fear”. It is actually a combination of nerves and appreciation. My fear is that when I do see her I will not be able to control myself from reacting to the sight of her. And that all the memories, love and password we shared would take over my rationale thoughts and actions.

I set the alarm to go off in an hour and then close my eyes remembering the relaxation techniques she taught me to help me deal with my anxeety. For me, the process starts by picturing a relaxing, comforting, calm place. While holding that picture in my mind, I take a deep breath in, feeling my stomach and chest rise as my diaphragm expands allowing more oxygen in to my lungs. The feel of my stomach tightening as I slowly exhausted reminds me of how tight and toned her stomach was.

I feel my body starting to relax as I maintain the slow deep breathing continue to breathe in, and then slowly letting it out. Breathing in and out with my chest raising and lowering up and down, up and down with each breath. With each deep breath and slow exhalation my anxiety slowly diminishes and I can feel the tension and muscle tightness leave my body.

State of Remembrane

My ex, was about five-foot nine, 120 pounds and had the most incredible breasts imagine. I remember so vividly the first time I laid my eyes on her. It was many years ago, in the midst of the spring semester while I was a sophomore in college when at the unyielding best of my friends I finally forced myself to go to one of the weekly Thursday night parties routinely held on campus.

I always dreading to those things. But, since it was hosted by a group of my friends I was forced to attend. Being shy, insecure, introverted, and claustrophobic, parties and crowds were never my thing. Even when having to attend a party for whatever reason I would generally end up sitting or standing in whatever isolated place I could find. As it turned out, it ended up being one the luckyiest move for me. Although my alienated fears, reservations and nerves I was able to put them aside and go. I mean it was just a party.

As usual, the music at the party was blaring and the place packed. Occasionally, I would go outside for some fresh air, and or a smoke. But, for most of the time, I really just wanted to find a quite corner, table, chair or couch and avoid the crowd.

After chilling with my friends and of course having a couple – hahaha – drinks I started to scope out the scene. My eyes caught one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen.

She was wearing a very tight t-shirt that accentuated her breasts, and a pair of tight jeans that enhanced the firmness of her well-muscled legs. I am not sure if it was just her beauty that caught my eye, or if it was the air of confidence, and security she walked with.

It goes without saying that she the light of the party. All the guys were hanging around her, chatting, getting her drinks, and asking her to dance. It also goes with out saying that I while she was the center of attention, I just sat alone at my isolated table nursed a drink wishing I was not such a coward and wondering why I didn’t have the balls to go up and talk to her.

I tried to confess myself that it was because she was so out of my league. But, even if that was the case, why couldn’t I get past my shyness and insecurities and initiate conversation with anyone for that matter. Seriously, how difficult can it be to say hi, and introduce myself? She is only human after all. What was the worst thing that could happen, for her to subsequently laugh and then reject me? It certainly would not be the first time such a thing occurred. Yet, based on my observations of her interactions with others at the party she certainly didn’t seem to be that kind of person.

The only thing different between me and the other guys crowding her was my absolute lack of confidence. Who knows, maybe she would smile at me and brighten my night. But whom am I kidding? She is so out of my league.

As the party finally started to wind down my friends started to ask how I was doing. I, of course, said I was fine. Damn! They should know me by now. I hate these things, always feeling isolated even when surrounded. But, in all fairness to them, they did invite me and it is really only I who can get myself to socialize. They did what they could.

As I amAbout to finish my last drink, and totally lost in my self-absorption I feel a hand on my shoulder. Thinking it is one of my friends checking up on my, I let out a sight, and just say, “I told you I am fine.”

Imagine my shock when instead of hearing the gruff drunk voice of one of my friends I hear the softest and silkiest of voices quietly say, “I am sorry. I did not mean to disturb or Both you…”

My head lifts up and turns at the sound of her music. As my eyes lock on her face I feel my jaw drop. Standing behind me, with her hand on my shoulder is the woman that was the center of attention the whole party. She was also likely the cause of many of the guys going back to their room in desperate need of release.

I stared at her for what seemed like hours; but in reality was more likely only seconds. I was totally lost in the deep pools of her eyes the fullness of her lips not to mention the rest of her. As I slowly start to take in all of her the first thing I notice is her eyes. They are amazing as well as captivating. Her eyes are a deep and clear bluesh-green and seem to instantly delve and burrow their way in to my soul.

As my eyes slowly lower to take in the rest of her I notice that she is wearing a very tight t-shirt that really accentuates her amazing breasts. Aside from the tightness of her t-shirt, it is also cut low cut showing off her flat and well toned stomach. She must really put in a lot of time and effort to be in such amazing shape. My eyes slowly lower taking in the rest of her. I notice her legs are really long, well shaped and also, like the rest of her, perfectly toned.

Taking all of her splendor in seemed to last hours as I was totally captured by her. But, in all honesty it was likely just a few seconds. Blinking my eyes rapidly, and shaking my head a bit I snap out of the reverie. Being the elegant, classy and well-mannered lady she seemed to be she acted like nothing was out of place. Or, maybe all of thats just happened without her noticing my staring.

I suddenly realized that she was still talking to me. And that at some point her fingertips went from my supposed to under my chin with her eyes locked on mine. Even though I was sitting down I feel an intensity energy and electricity course through my body and my knees felt tremendously weak. Unsure of what she had been saying I hear her continuing “… You are sitting here alone for so long when there are so many people here for you to talk to and socialize with. Would you mind if I sit down?”

Somehow finding my voice I managed to quietly say, “Of course not. I am sorry for being so rude. But in all honesty I must have gotten lost in your beauty and zoned out for a minute.” Having heard the words that came out of my mouth and Feeling like a love lost teenager, I blush and with an awkward laugh says, “I am sorry. You must hear things like that all the time. Not to mention it is really a corny and lame comment.”

She smileda radiant smile and said, “Not at all. That is the most honest and flattering thing anyone has said to me in a really long time; let alone tonight. You are so polite and respectful it is wonderful.” Instead of sitting in the chair across the table from me she slide the chair around the table and sat next to me. I finally remembered to introduce myself.

“I am Dan.” The silkiness and sexiness of her voice as well as the radiance of her smile melted through me as she said, “Hello Dan. I am Jess. It is really a pleasure to meet you.”

I am not sure how long we sat talking or even really what we spoke about. I am sure we covered the gamut of basic introductions and trying to ascertain similar interests. At some point during the conversation I realized that one of her hands was now resting ever so gently on my knee. It felt like I was in a dream state. My mind seemed to be detached from my physical body. I eventually became aware that it was just she and I left in the room. She must have realized it at the same time because she laughs and says, “When did the party end?” I laugh with her and say, “I have no idea. But, for once, I do not want it to end.” Looking me dead in the eyes she says, “Who said it had to?”

Without waiting for a response from me she got up, took my hand and lead me outside. As soon as we are outside she turned around, pushed me against the door, leaned forward and kissed me hard on the mouth. My lips parted; not really as a response to her magical kiss, but out of total shock that she was kissing me. My hands started to automatically roam her body confirming my thoughts about how well toned she was. When the kiss eventually broke she reached down and while cupping the massive bulge in my pants said, “You are coming back with me. Now!”

As soon as we are in Her room she resumed where she left off. She was pushing me against the door, and kissing me passwordately. This time I eagerly and hungrily return the kiss with outright abandonnment. My mind is now firmly in control of my body, as my fingers roam up and down her back before gripping the bottom of her t-shirt and pulling it over her head, momentarily forcing the kiss to stop. My fingers grab a hold of her hair, and tilt her head backwards a bit.

I start to nuzzle my way down the side of her neck, sucking and licking her soft and warm skin as I make my way down to her exposed breasts. Using both my hands to cup and massage one of her breasts my lips wrap around her stiff nipple. I started to eagerly suckle on her nipple letting my tongue flick rapidly as her hands slide over my head, and down my back. I lower myself to my knees while simultaneously undoing the button and zipper of her jeans then slowly sliding them down to the floor as I licked her incredibly toned stomach sucking on her belly button ring. My tongue rolls around her belly button as my fingers curve inside her panties lowering them to the floor.

I looked up her briefly to see her head tilted and her back arched, using the wall as a means of support, her eyes closed and her mouth open letting out the softest of moans. Without looking at me one of her hands presses against the back of my head guiding my mouth to her sad sweetness. My tongue pressed against her clip finding it to be like a nub, hard and erect. It slowly rolls around flicking occasionally as my fingers cares her wet and swollen lips before entering.

As soon as my fingers penetrate she lets out a scream, and starts to shake. Her desperation, or perhaps her mind being overwhelmed from all of the nights attention bestowed upon her seem to cause her muscles to convulse around my fingers even before I started to move them. I felt her knees start to buckle, as she explored with one of the most powerful orgasm I ever had the experience of bringing on. She finally stopped squirming.

Taking advantage of her obviously weakened state, I remove my fingers from her, take my hands and gently guideher to the floor. Once she is lying on the floor, I raise her legs into the air, and slide her legs free of the jeans and panties bunched at her ankles. I straddle her, lean down and kiss her passwordately.

I snuggle next to her and softly let my fingers run through her hair, then slowly cares her neck before finding her hard nipples. Once I see her returning from her euphoric state I stand up, take her hand Helping her back to her feet and lead her to the neary couch. I guide her down, and quickly take one of the cushions from the couch and place it on the floor for me to knee on. Her legs spread eagerly and with anticipation for me to continue.

Within seconds my head is between her legs; she places her legs on my shoulders holding my head between her tighs, locked her ankles and pressed her heels against my back. As I started to kiss and lap at the wetness coating her inner thighs and up to her treasure, she took my hand and started to lick and suck her juices off my fingers.

The feel of my fingers in her mouth, sucking hard and licking her juices off of them causes me to moan and hum inside her. The vibrations of my tongue inside her must have set her off again, because she is suddenly spurting cum against my tongue and throat. I can feel and taste the warm sticky nectar flow against my tongue, sliding easily down my throat. My tongue hungrily probing her tightness sliding in and out and all around as I gather all her nectar.

She maintains her hold on my head as she collects. Once her energy returns she grabs me by the hair pulling me up for a passwordate kiss. As we are kissing I slid my hands under her finally feeling the firmness of her ass to lift her up. Cradling her in my arms she broke the kiss only long enough to direct me to her bed. Once there I laid her gently down on the bed.

Before I realized what was happening she was on her side facing me with her hands starting to work on the buttons of my shirt. She quickly followed that slowly kissing and gently nipping her way down my neck and chest while simultaneously working at my belt, button and zipper of my pants. The second my pants were down her mouth pressed against the bulge in my boxers and nipped me. I gasped caught totally off guard at the feel of her teeth against my cock separate by only the flimsy silkiness of my boxers. My boxes must have been coated with pre-cum Because she used her tongue to lick all over my cock without releasing it from the boxes. Her hand pressed down on the base of my cock forcing it to stay down.


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