I sat naked on the sofa in the hotel room waiting for Jim to return. He had met all day today and he told me to enjoy myself but to be here when he returned. He expected to be back a little after 4 pm and it was now 3:45. His rule was that I had to be naked in the hotel room at all times, unless he gave me permission otherwise. The last time we had been together, I had violated that rule and paid the price for it. I wouldn’t make that mistake again.
I had enjoyed a wonderful day; I had shopped and wandered around the city near the hotel. I had bought some gifts for my family and I had bought some new sexy underwear. I was looking forward to showing Jim my purchases but really I was just looking forward to seeing him. This was our fourth meeting. The first one was just an evening; an hour or so at a bar and then some mind blowing sex afterwards. He was a dominant man but a kind lover and I couldn’t wait for a repeat performance. A few months later, we had our first weekendrendezvous. We had a whole weekend while he was at a conference and we developed a comfortable relationship that was full of sex and some stimulating conversation. It was not quite a year later when we managed to get together again and he became more dominant in his control of me and I loved it even more.
He had been here for a couple of days but I had arrived late last night. He met me at the door of the hotel room, gave me a deep kiss, took my luggage and directed me to the middle of the room. He put my suitcase away and then sat on couch and directed me to strip. He had told me to wear some of the sexy clothes that I had bought on my last trip with him. I had on a red short skirt, a leopard print thong, and light blue deep V-neck shirt, and a push up leopard print bra, sporting plenty of cleavage and some sandals.
I slipped off My sandals then leaned over towards Jim as he sat there watching me. This gave him a full and open view of my tits and cleavage. Shaking just abit before beending back up and pulling my shirt over my head, I heard he command, “Bend over and let me see your ass.” I turned and bent over. My skirt was short enough that it showed him my ass prominently displayed with the thong string in my ass crack.
“Back up here.” I heard him say.
Still bent over, I backed up and felt the sting of his hand hitting my ass cheek. And then I felt it again on the other chef.
“Remove your panties next.” He said.
I stepped back and removed my thong.
“Next your bra.”
And I reached behind me and unhooked my bra. I bent over and let my tits spill out of my bra as I shrugged the holster off my shoulders. My tits hung down, showing my 44DDD in their full glory. I heard his breathe do a sudden intake which made me immediately wet, as if I already wasn’t. Having me leave my skirt on, he then reached for my hand and pulled me into his spread legs and pushed me to my knees. His boxes were tenting as his cock lengthened with anticipation of my mouth. I quickly took his semi hard cock into my mouth. I had been eager for this moment for several months. I loved sucking his cock.
After only a few moments of licking his cockhead, sucking gently, and orally worshiping his cock, I felt the pressure of his hands on the back of my head. He picked up the pace of my movement and began to face fuck me in earnest. A few seconds later, I heard Jim moan, felt his cock twitch and suddenly the wonderful taste of his sperm flooded my mouth. Oh what a splendid taste.
Jim was a routinely early riser and had an early morning meeting the next day, so we went to bed with my hand cupping his soft cock and my soft breast against his arm. It took me a few minutes to fall asleep as I had been left still horny but happy.
As had become our routine, he awoke in the middle of the night with a raging hard on. I feel his fingers in my pussy and I awoke eagerly anticipating what would come next. Without a word, he feelmy wetness and then crawled between my legs and plowed his hard cock into me in a single stroke. His hard cock hit the mark with my wet pussy and he was pistoning in out of me. For the middle of the night he had staying power and I reached above the headboard to steady myself from banging my head. He stopped and pulled me down in the large bed and went back to his fucking. He leaned over me and bit at my nipples which pushed my orgasm over the edge and he came shortly thereafter, collapse on me for a few moments before rolling over and back to sleep. I was now sated and very happy and drifted off with him.
I was awakened in the early morning light with the pressure of a slightly hard cock at my lips. I opened them to the pressure and I was suddenly having a breakfast of soft cock which was rapidly becoming hard cock. I licked and gobbled and bobbed on the cock until it was as pumped in and out of my mouth. He grabbed my hair and fucked my face with his morning wood and then drenched my throat with his hot sticky cum as a morning breakfast drink.
After a show, he dressed and got ready to leave for his meeting. He kissed me good bye and told me to remember the rules and that he would return a little after 4. I had gone back to bed and gotten up much later. And now I sat here waiting for his return. As I travel some, I am often in hotel rooms in the nude — figuring there is no good reason to have clothes on — but knowing I was in this state because he required it and knowing he was going to be fully clothed when he returned gave me an antsy feeling in my gut. And I was forbidden to play with myself to relieve my increasing desire.
Right on cue, shortly after 4, I heard the card slide through the door and the click of the lock. Jim strode in and my heart and other parts quicken. He has a certain presence about him that makes you want to follow him, trust him, and obey him but he doesn’t have to give direct orders — the mere suggestion is enough.
I was approximately undressed when he came in and he acknowledged his pleasure. I was thrilled to have gained his approval. He said he was a little tired and because he had another early morning meeting and he wanted to take me out that night, he wanted a short nap. He asked me to lay down and be his pillow. I laid down on the bed and still dressed, he curled up with his head on my tummy, his hand in my pussy and I put my hand on his back and within a few moments, he was a sleep. I listened to him breathe and snore softly and tried to sleep myself but I was afraid if I moved I would wake him and I didn’t want to do that so I just laid there thinking and fantasizing about my life as his sub.
When he awoke, it was late enough that is time for us to get ready for dinner. He changed from dress slacks to jeans and he reaches into my luggage and pulls a low cut blouse, a short mini skirt, a push up bra and a pair of thongs. I dress and slide into a pair of sandals. Dashing on some make up, I trotted behind him to the car.
He opened the door for me and rubbed my upper thigh as it was exposed when I entered the car. I know his mind was on sex, as we had not had any for over 10 hours at this point. This might have been a record for us being together. After he got on the interstate, he patted his crotch. I looked at him not certain if I understand or not. We had been together in the car before and he had never asked for this so I wondered if I was reading something into his gesture that wasn’t intended.
“Yes, slut, I expect you to suck me while I drive. More importantly I expect you to worship my cock while I drive. It will give you something to do. And pull that top down and let me feel those luscious tits against my leg while you do.”
Well I guess that was the answer to the unspoken question. I did what he asked. I leaned over and pulled my top down so the fullness of my tits was completely exposed. I carefully unzipped his zipper and pulled a slightly hard cock from his jeans and briefs. I kissed the tip of his cock and tasted him. Rubbing my tongue around the head of shake, I pushed my tits into his thigh and squeezed his cock. Oh this felt naughty and fun all at the same time. I was worried about too much excitement while he was driving so I just licked it like a lollipop, kissed it all over, and nuzzled the base of his cock as if to worship his manhood. His cock got harder as I played and I could tell his breathing pattern changed. I was wondering how far to go and what to do next when I heard the blinker come on and the car slow.
“Damn, you have to get up now. You are going to pay for the fact that I am so horny and not saved.”
Panicked, “Did you expect me to get you off while driving?” I questioned.
“No, but You are still going to pay the price.” He said with a smile.
We chatted through dinner about politics, our respective jobs, the challenges of managing people and bosses, and for allIntensive and purposes, we looked like any other couple out for a nice dinner together. The dinner was excellent, the drinks were heavenly, and the company divine but I knew there would be a catch and I presumed I would like it as much as dinner.
As we got up to leave the restaurant, I told him I needed to use the little girl’s room. He said yes I did and to bring him my things when I returned. I He took them without much fanfare and I breathed a sight of relief that he hadn’t made a federal case out of my being sans underwear.
We went back to his car; by now it was dark and he had me pull my Shirt down to expose most of my tits. He rubbed the tops of them and reached between my legs to see how wet I was. Finding me very wet, he pulled his fingers out and putThey to my mouth for me to clean. Horny as ever now, I eager licked my juices from his fingers. He had me slump in my seat and pull my skirt up, playing my legs for his access to my pussy. He dipped and fed me all the way to the next stop which was a non-descript bar that apparently he had scoped out before I got there.
I righted my clothes and we went in. It was dark but you could tell it was a country bar. The music was a thumbing country sound, many more men than women, several pool tables in the back and a bar with every red neck beer sign ever created.
He ordered me a Long Island Iced Tea and himself a Jack and Coke. We sat at the bar until a slow country song comes on and he sees me swaying to the music perched on the barstool.
“Would you like to dance?” He asked
“Sure.” I respond.
He takes my hand to the dance floor and pulls me into his arms. The song is a slowly, sultry one and the dance floor quickly fills with all the combos of men and women thEre are in the room. We were originally on the outside of the dance floor but as more couples joined, we were pushed towards the center. Jim deftly moves us back towards the outside. He began to feel my ass and carefully works my skirt into a bunch in his hand so that it starts to become apparent to the many men not on the floor that I am pantiless.
Before he gets great attention to my plight, the music changes to something fast and thumby. We leave the dance floor and go back to our stools. He urges me to drink up and then orders another round. When the fresh drinks come, he takes my hand and drags me to the pool table.
“We are going to play only one game. Just for the record, you need to play the ball from the further possible reachable position. Do you understand?” He whispered. “And pull your shirt down as far as you can.” He added.
“Yes” I responded, realizing that he was about to show anyone who was watching everything that I had. I pulled my shirt down so thatThe tops of my breast were showing everything but my low cut bra. I left little to the imagination up there and when I bent over the pool table, I would leave nothing to the imagination there.
He broke and sent a stripe into a pocket. His next shot was deliberately a flubbed shot. He did however leave the cue ball in the middle of the table with a good shot for me from the end of the table, pointed towards the bar. I went to the end and realized that to reach it I must stretch and lean and that in the process of doing so; I will be showing everything I have to any guy looking my direction in the bar. Know that is what Jim wants, I do my best. Reaching and kicking up one leg and showing my ass. I missed the shot completely and Jim just laughed.
“It could be a very long game,” He announced.
He takes his shot, sank another stripe, shot again and missed, but leaves the cue ball again where I needed to stretch to make my best shot. This time it is over the corner and I put my public bone on the corner and lean to get to the shot. Both of feet are off the ground and I am basically laying on the pool table. I shot the ball and my solid ball goes in the opposite corner pocket. The cue ball came back towards me and without thinking; I took an easy shot near by and missed my solid ball.
“I said the further shot you had. That is one.” He announced.
“One what?” I asked, realizing that I had screwed up.
“Oh, you will find out soon enough.” He responded.
Quickly taking his shot, he missed but gave me the cue ball position he loved so much.
I leaned in again to take my shot and this time I noticed a crowd of guys gathering to watch our game. But they are not close by. They are hanging out at the bar area. I don’t really think they are paying attention to the game. I sank my shot but I leave the ball near me. Remembering not to screw up again, I walked around to the other side of the table and lean in to get to my ball. I looked up tosee many male faces staring — not at me but at my boobs as they lay on the edge of the pool table, exposing most of them as they hang down. I missed my shot but accomplished getting every guy’s attention that is not with a girl and a few who were.
We played another couple of rounds with me having plenty of opportunity to show both my boobs and my pussy before Jim made short shrift of the table and won the game Easily. About that time, another slow song came on and Jim took me to the dance floor. He didn’t get a chance to dance with me too long before a long tall cowpoke tapped him on the shoulder and asked if he minded sharing. Jim turned me over to the guy and he quickly danced me into the throng on the floor. Before I knew it, I am in the corner behind the speakers and the cowpoke is poking me from all directions. One hand was on my ass, other was moving my hand to his dick, and then rubbing against my tits. He dry humped me a few times and then Jim rescued me.
We wentback to the dance floor proper and then we got cut in on again. This guy was thick and muscular. He nearly crushed me up against the wall at the end of the floor but he actually got his fingers in my pussy. When he found out how wet I was, he licked his fingers clean and then humped me a few times while pinching my nipples through my bra. Once again, just when I don’t know where this is going to go, Jim arrived and Rescued me.
On and on this went, for most of the night, I must have danced with every single man in the place. Most of them got a feel, a lick, a kiss, or a grope before Jim would move them on. I danced to slow music, fast music, and music I could not even find a beat to but for the most part it didn’t matter. These guys just wanted a chance to feel me up and to see how far they were going to get with me.
By the time Jim was ready to leave, I was as wet as I had ever been and probably bruised from being nearly mauled. Jim was as hard a brick and you could tell hewas uncomfortable as hell.
When we got back in the car, I started to lean over to relieve his pressure and he said “No. I have been drinking and I need to concentrate. We don’t need a problem. Besides if you got it out and didn’t get me off, I don’t know if you could get it back in these jeans without hurting me. I want to fuck your brains out when we get back to the room.”
When we returned to our room, he quickly turned very dominant. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he told me to take my shirt and bra off and come here. I did as I was told and he pulled me over his lap and flipped the skirt up with my bare ass showing.
“This is for disobeying me while we were playing pool.” He said as he slapped my ass hard. And then he proceeded to spank me as hard has his hand would allow for 25 times or more. My ass was red, hot and hurting but I would not let him know that. He finally finished with my punishment and pushed me from his lap.
“Get on your knees.” He commandedand pointed to the bed.
I crawled onto the bed with my ass in the air and knelt down to make myself accessible. He squeezed my hot red ass and rubbed the other chef. Meanwhile, he had disrobed and he guided his hard cock into my pussy, pressing his groin against me. Pushing for all it was worth, he reached around to grab my tits. He pinched my nipples which were still hard from all the attention at the bar earlier. He squeezed my tits. And using them as handles started to pump my pussy.
He would occasionally move a hand to smack my ass again and then just before he was about to cum, he reached around and touched my clip. I was so hot that the pure touch was all it took to get me off like a rocket. He pumped a few more times and then diddle with my clip again and I came again. This time my convulsions took him over the edge and he came in hot spurts into me.
He pushed me down on the bed flat and laid on me for a few moments while we both caught our breath. Getting upand pulling out of me, he went to wash up. He returned with a washcloth and told me to clean up. We crawled under the covers and he grabbed my breast in his hand and gently pinched my nipple. Within a few seconds we were both sleep.
The next morning, he had an early morning meeting. Before leaving, he took his mountain climbing ropes and secured me to the sofa. My hands were free to move but could not reach the binds of the other and I could not reach the binds of my legs. One leg was secured to the sofa around the bottom leg and the other leg was tied to the coffee table which left my pussy wide open. He handed me one of the sexy “Blaze” books I read, fixed me a morning soda and left me there. He had always had a fantasy of having a hotel maid during his travels and he had also mentioned wanted to see me with another woman. I didn’t Know which one of these fansies was the reason for this arrangement but it was horribly erotic to be bound and unable to hide myself from incoming personnel.
A little while later, the maid knocks and knowing that I was supposed to be caught in this position by the maid, I didn’t respond. The maid was a Hispanic woman of about 5’4″ and plump but not as heavy as I was. She saw me as she entered the general room area and immediately gasps and then quickly asked me if I am in trouble. I said “No. I love it. “
She asks, “Why has he done this to you.”
“I think because he wanted to embarrass me and I think he was hoping that it would lead to either you using me or finding someone who would.”
“Is that what you want?” She asked.
“I want to make him happy as it always makes me happy and most of the time makes me feel very good in the process.” I responded.
I tried not to stare her down as she shrugs Her shoulders and say fine and then go about her business. She cleaned the room without much more conversation but as she vacuumed the carpet near me — she brushed against me in a way that suggests intrigger. She left the room a few minutes later.
I heard the click of the lock a little while later and figured Jim has returned but in stride a tall black man dressed in a maintenance shirt.
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