“At your service”
Violet felt her body numbly move into the ordered pose. Her feet were close together, but not touching, parallel to each other. Her body was standing straight up with her head facing straight ahead. It was a pose almost exactly like “attention” except her hands were placed, open palm, one on top of the other, over her pussy.
James sat on the foot of the bed watching violence move slower and slower over the last several hours. By his guess it was probably around three am, if not a little earlier than that. Violet was already tired and her body was showing it, her eyes dropped and he could see her mind tripping over things she knew a few hours ago.
Violet slide down to the floor and laid flat on her tummy. She was shocked as soon as her tummy touched the floor, her body locked up and the hot electricity shot through her body, tensing her muscles involuntarily. She cried out through the pain, and even though she was tired to the pointof passing out, the hot electricity course through her body woke her up and her eyes shot open as she tried to move through the pain as drool and some snot shot from her mouth and nose as she tried to correct her mistake.
James shoot his head, “violet, violence, violence, what you’re doing is ‘floor’, I wanted ‘humble’. Humble is where you’re on your knees. Your legs are spread so that your knees line up just outside your hips. Your back is level and straight and your upper body is resting on your elbows and forearms with your hands crossed over at the wrists, just past your head, so when I look down directly over your head, I see your hands and all five fingers separated and spread out from each other.”
The shock stopped and Violet was able to breathe again. She didn’t both to speak. The last time she had spoken she had gotten a shock for her troubles. Instead, she pushed herself up onto her knees and made her back level and settled into the correct humble pose. She was sotired. The shock had given her a jolt but now that she wasn’t being shocked, her body was slipping back into numbness and her mind was drifting as she tried to not fall asleep in her current pose.
Violet pushed herself up onto her knees, slide her knees together and rested her hands, palms down on her thighs. She looked straight ahead but her eyes were closing by themselves. She had never been so exhausted before.
“Good girl,” James said as he pushed himself up from the bed and went to stand next to her, softly petting her head. His fingers slide through her hair, gently massaging her scalp. He watched her eye lids drop down with the calming sensing of his pets on her head and hair. When her eyes closed, he pet her for another minute or two.
“Inspection!” He spoke clearly and Forcefully.
The word cut through her sleep and she jumped awake, started that she had fallen wait. She jumped to her feet, her legs spreading at just shoulder width aart, as her arms flew up to lace her fingers behind the back of her head as she breathed heavily, trying to recover from being started awake so suddenly.
James stood in front of her with his hands claped behind his back. His steel blue eyes studied her as they slip down her body, inspecting her from toes to fingerprintnails to her hair.
“Very good violence. It’s time you went to the bathroom and cleaned up. It’s time to start the new day.”
Violet’s head swan through the fog of exhaustion as she slowly realized just what he was saying, “but I, I haven’t slept at all.” The fact that she wasn’t shocked for speaking barely registered in her mind.
“Yes, you did. You went to sleep just now, didn’t you? Without permission, I might add. Most times that would get you a Punishment, but it’s only your second day, so we’ll over look that little mistake.” He stood over her as his hand reached up and softly cupped her chin and rubbed at her cheek tenderly. “Now go to the bathroomand get cleaned up, you’ll find everything you need there, marked with your name. Do not bring anything back here to this room. Do you own anything?”
The question seen through her mind as she tried to make her mind work, her thoughts heavy and muddled. Trying to think was like trying to walk through knee deep mud.
“No, I don’t have any possessions,” Violet was finally able to answer.
James smiled warmly, “Good girl, now go to the bathroom and get cleaned up. Don’t forget to shower and do your hair and makeup. You must always struggle to look your best, even when we feel anything but, from being tired and feeling like crap. Do you understand?”
“yes” Violet mechanically answered she was operating on pure instinct just trying not to pass out and fall over.
“Good girl, you may leave now.”
Violet started to walk out the door as her should hit the hall and she bounced off it, almost falling over as she walked through the doorway.
“Oh, and violence,”Violet turned around slowly trying to stay on her feet. “You only have forty minutes. Do try not to be late.”
Violet almost yelled in protest that forty minutes wasn’t enough time, but that just would have taken too much energy. She didn’t have the energy to protest, so she turned around and hurried as best she could down the hallway towards the bathroom she had been shown yesterday on the way to Her room. She stopped and mentally corrected herself, the room, she must remember that she didn’t have any possessions here. No, that wasn’t right, she did have possessions, she had her apartment and her things inside it, her career and her accomplishments. It was just here that she had to say she didn’t own anything. It was just two weeks, she could play along for two weeks, no matter if they tried to Keep her awake the whole time.
She walked into the bathroom with a renewed sense of self and determination to see this two-week trial through. She took in the bathroom and looked aroundund. The place was immaculate and shiny. The sinks were clean and the stainless-steel fixtures looked like they had been cleaned and dried only a few minutes ago. She could she her reflection perfectly in each of the faucet surfaces. Along the wall she found a shelving unit that had neighbor baskets with various names in them. She couldn’t see any rhythm or reason to the placement of the baskets and it took her a minute or two to find the basket with her name on it.
Inside she found floss, a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, body scrubbing pad, hairbrush, and a small makeup pallet. None of the products were generic, these were premium items that were not cheap. Sensing that she had taken up too much time admiring the quality of the items that were labeled under her name, she hurried to the shower and washed her hair. With one hand she washed her hair, with the other she brushed her teeth. Feeling the warm water wash over her tired muscles and sooth her scalp sheLet her eyes close for just a moment and enjoy the wonderful feeling of getting clean. After she was done brushing her teeth, she throw some conditioner in her hair and let it sit while she scrubbed her body down. Then she rinsed her whole body off, hair to feet at one time.
She hurried along the wet floor to the sink and flossed and then brushed out her hair as she dried herself with a clean towel that was sitting in a tall slender shelf next to the one with the toiletry baskets. She brushed out her hair and put it into a ponytail with a hair tie that she found in her basket. She almost left the bathroom with the towel still wrapped around herself. She was much more awake now than when she first came into the bathroom and putting her basket neatly back onto the shelf where she got it from, she dropped the wet towel into a towel bin next the shelf with the clean towels.
Being nude in her bedroom… the bedroom, was one thing. But being nude waking down hallways where anyone could see her, that was something she was not used to. She had to force herself to not sprint down the hallway back to the room, but she did need to worry. Not because she was ashamed of being nude, but because she worried about not being on time. She would be so glad when she was back home and she didn’t have to worry about these stupid time limits and being accountable to someone else as to how much time she took in the bathroom of all things.
She hurried into the room and stood back next to the wall where she had spent hours learning and perfecting her poses. James nodded to her, but didn’t say anything. He glanced down at his watch and smiled.
“Violet found herself smiling at the praise, she felt her cheeks warm as she knew she was blushing.
“I bet you feel much better now? Felling clean and ready to start the new day?” James asked cheerfully.
“Yes, I feel much better now thank you. I wouldn’t mind some sleep though,” Violet replied.
“Oh no, no time for that now. No, no, no we have way too much to do today to waste time on something so frivolous as sleep,” James said kindly.
Violet almost protected. She felt her mouth open but then slowly close as she nodded instead.
James watched her and a look of disappointment covered his features, “violet, since I did not Specifically put you back into a pose, I will let that little translation of you moving go, this time. If I, or the person in charge of you, doesn’t put you in a specific pose, you can assume the ‘wait’ pose. And follow all the rules that we went over yesterday. And what did I say about nodding and other nonverbal forms of communication while you are in a pose?”
Violet felt like a child, that she would forget something that they had gone over so many times yesterday. “While in a pose, I am only allowed to speak, and then only speak enough words to respond appropriately to a question asked directly to me.”
James smiled, “Good girl, let’s try to remember that from now on.” James smiled warmly and stood up off the bed, “I’ve got a little present for you.”
Violet felt strange upon hearing that, happy? Excited? She was tired, though the shower did wonders to remove a lot of her weariness, she had no idea what sort of a present James might have for her.
James picked up a basket, similar to the one in the bathroom, but a little larger. James handed her the basket. She looked inside and found it filled with cleaning supplies, sponge, green scrubby pads, Pine Sol, Windex, clean clothes diapers, fox tail hand broom, and a dust pan. She looked up at James wondering what all this was.
James smiled warmly, “Don’t you like your gift?”
Violet felt embarrassed. she had been taught from a very early age to appreciate all gifts that were given to her, but this was a little strange.
“Yes, I like my gift, thank you, James. But… I’m not sure exactly why.”
James smiled and nodded, “Well, violent, you do need some way to keep your room clean and you didn’t have anything to do so, so I thought this would be a nice present for you.” He looked around the room. “The first thing we have to do today is clean your room. And you need to learn the proper way to clean. When was the last time you cleaned your apartment?”
Violet was put off balance by the question, “I have a maid service come in and clean my apartment. I don’t usually have time and that’s just one thing I didn’t want to have to deal with.”
James nodded, “And here is where we fix that. One of your daily duties will be to clean this room, from top to bottom. So, I will teach you how to clean properly.”
Violet felt mortified. This is a vacation? Cleaning my room? I am going to have some seriously bad reviews to write about this place when I get to a computer. Violet had been told that she wasn’t to have access to a computer while in training and that may last the wholeTwo weeks. She would just have to keep a mental list and blast this place all at once.
But it couldn’t be helped now and she picked up the Windex.
James Laughed out loud, “violet, the only way to clean any room is top to bottom.”
“I was going to clean the windows first,” Violet protected with a look of confusion on her face wondering just what she had done wrong and what James was talking about.
James smiled and shoot his head. He pointedly looked up at the window. “violet, is the window the highest thing in the room?”
Violet was starting to lose her patience with these children questions and she allowed her anger and frustration to show, and be heard in her voice. “No, James the window is not the hhiiiieeeghghghh!!!” She felt hot electricity shot through her body and her throat closed as her body jerked and was shaking with the pain. She gasped for air as the hot bolts shot through her, making it impossible for her to do anything but focus on breathing through the pain. The pain stopped and she gasped hard, not daring to speak but hear her breathing as she sucked air through her lips making a harsh raspy sound as she tried to calm down from the shock.
James looked sad, and wore the by now familiar disappointed look on his face. “violet, neither I, nor anyone else here, will tolerate anger or frustration. You must learn to come to terms with the fact that we are here to help you. You did sign up for this, did you not?”
Violet, with as much restraint and control as she could muster in that moment replied as calmly as she could, “Yes, I did sign up for this.”
James nodded, “Good girl, now let’s get to work.”
James calmly directed her on how to clean, to use the bed to reach up to the ceiling and corners of the room to dust with the fox tail broom. Even with the bed she still had to stretch her body to reach the corners and ceiling, which she knew was the point. She felt her nudity keenly as she moved the bed to a new position, and stretched up, fully extending her body to dust where the walls met the ceiling.
She was then taught to properly clean the windows, only using side to side motions and then go back over her strokes so there were no streaks. She could feel her ass shake with every swipe. James didn’t seem to notice as he was carefully studying the window looking for streaks and correcting where she could improve.
Then she was shown how to clean the base boards with a rag and cleaner on her hands and knees, and then to finish the room by sweeping the whole room from one side to the other on her hands and knees with the foxtail broom, and to get scuffs from the bed with the scrubby pad and cleaner, and then dry the wet spots with a clean rag.
The whole process to learn must have taken two hours at least, because she felt a light coat of sweat covering Her body from the exertion. She wished she had done the cleaning before she took a shower.
James studied the room and nodded with an approving smile. “That is sufficient for a first attempt, violence. I think you’ll get better with practice but we have a place to start at least.”
Violet looked like she wanted to tough him. She felt the anger well up inside of her. She had just spent all this time cleaning this room from top to bottom and it was sufficient? She wanted to slap him, almost moved to do so, but something made her stop.
She didn’t want to be shocked again.
James would get what was coming to him, once this damn collar was off her neck. She chose instead to remain silent and still and managed to smooth her features with an effort.
James hadn’t noticed the internal struggle that she had just overcome. He wore that same small smile on his face as he moved towards the open entryway into the room. He stepped out of the room, and Violet was left wondering what was going to happen next. She was so close to just up and leaving this place. But even as she thought it, she knew she wouldn’t leave. She had always seen everything she started through to the end even if she had hated it. She finished playing that one year of Softball even though she couldn’t stand anything about the sport, or the team. She made it through twenty-three practices, two batting cage sessions, and ten games, and loathed every minute of it, but she had made it through the whole season, giving her one hundred and ten percent effort at each and every game and practice. This would be no different.
She found herself waiting a long time, and without realizing it till almost ten minutes into her solitude, she came to realize that she was standing in a perfect ‘wait’ pose.
Violet lost track of time and couldn’t say for how long James was gone when he finally came back into the room, wearing his usual soft smile but This time he had a visitor with him.
“This is Eden, please introduce yourself.”
“Hello Eden, my name is Violet.”
Eden stood taller than VioletDid, maybe five, six, or even five, seven. She had long wavy auburn red hair with deep brown eyes. Her body was well toned and Violet could see her muscles flex as she moved. The woman was really pretty and in great shape. Violet found herself caught in the woman’s deep brown eyes. Eden wore tight fitting black and purple yoga pants, and a black sports bra, showing off her well-toned abs. Her hair was tied back into a pony tail.
Eden spoke calmly but with authority. “Hello violence, I’m here to get you started on your work out and training regimen. This is a routine that you will perform every day. I will only be with you once or twice, so if you have any questions, I expect you to ask them today. After today there will be no excuses for not completing your routine on your own. Do you understand?”
Violet was a little taken aback by the whole thing. She didn’t know she would be forced to do someone else’s workouts and that she would be ‘required’ to do so. This was only temporary and she replied, “yes I understand Eden.”
Eden smiled and patted her arm, “let’s begin then.”
Eden wasted no time in putting Violet through some pretty intense body weight exercises. Push-ups and sit-ups were the first, then something called eight count body builders, which weren’t so bad but as she was jumping down and back up to complete the exercise her boobs kept bouncing Almost painfully. She asked if there was anything she could do to help that.
Eden said, “you may hold your breasts in place and focus on your leg muscles as you jump. But don’t lose your form.”
She was shown three variants of planning, and how to make it more intense by softly bouncing her hips up and down in the air, while she supported her weight on her forearms and toes. Violet was taken through one hundred air squats, and a hundred calf raises. She was shown how to do triceps presses using her bed for support. Then she was told to do a wall squat and hold it.
Violet immediatelyly felt her already tired leg muscles want to buckle as she was positioned into a correct ninety-degree angle for her legs. She wobbled and shook, but she wouldn’t give Eden, or anyone else the satisfaction of being able to say she couldn’t do something. She held the pose even though her body screamed in protest and her whole body shook up and down while her legs trembled.
Throughout the workout, Violet realized James wasn’t in the room. She was smoking by the end and given a small egg timer. The timer was to keep track of actual minutes during her plans and wall squats. No less than three minutes with a thirty second increase every week, by the end of her time here she would be up to four minutes.
Eden left with a hug and kiss to the cheese. “you did very well today, violence. Keep up the good work, and remember, you must complete this routine every day, and increase reps as you are able to. In a few months you should be able to do one hundred pushups and sits and do the planks and wall squats for over ten minutes.”
Eden left and Violet was flushed, breathing hard, tired, and sweaty all over again. Since James hadn’t returned yet, she found herself standing against the wall in the ‘wait’ pose. Breathing heavily and feeling her sweat softly slide down her body as she cooled off and calmed down.
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