I walk into the restaurant – my eyes searching for You. I have followed the instructions that You left on my pillow this morning – to the letter.
As requested, I am wearing a red shantung silk form fitting dress, with a heart-shaped yoke ending just above my cleavage, and back cut down to my “other cleavage.” The dress has a high band collar with the letter “P” in crystals on the front. The dress ends mid-thigh atop a pair of black silk seamless stockings – meticulously straight – and a pair of red thin-strapped 4-inch silettos. In short, my outfit is breathtaking.
My hair is swept back revealing a silver “P” in one ear and a “K” in the other. My makeup is very light and modest as You desire. I approach the table with eyes shining, and as I slide into my seat, I see the approval in Yours. You slide a hand up my tigh – checking to make sure that all of Your instructions have been carried out.
“Yes Master, I am wearing the new clitoral vibrator that You left,” I sayas I glance at you with a puzzled look, “but I didn’t see a way for it to be switched on.” You smile that special smile that lets me know that You have been scheming, as your reach into Your jacket pocket and remove a small device. My eyes widen as I realize what it is.
“Thank you, little one,” You say with that wicked gleam in Your eye, “you have done well – and now Please remove your panties and place them on the table for me.” With my heart beating fast and my mouth dry, I maneuver the tiny scrap of red lace off of my hips and down my thighs. Slipping them off, I place them on the table next to my napkin as You signal for the waiter.
“What time will Your colleagues be here.” I ask as I see the waiter approach, hoping that You will retrieve the panties – but you remain motionless. The waiter stands there, as I look at my plate, and as You look at me, I can sense that he is looking at my silk undies. “The lady will have a fresh glass of ice water, with lots of ice,” You say to him, casually. (I am so glad for being black right now – as my face would be flaming red otherwise.)
“Don’t worry, precise one, I have just enough time to get you warmed up before they arrive,” You say as You slip the panties into Your hankie pocket and arrange it professionally. The waiter arrives and clearly notices the panties’ new location. You scoop a slider of ice from the glass and put it in Your mouth, then lean over to kiss me lightly. You slip the ice between my dry lips and whisper, “I don’t want you to be dry” as You reach into Your pocket and calmly switch the vibrator on.
I gasp auditively, and look around the room to see if anyone has noticed – electric sensings humming along my clip. My fingers grip the stem of the water goblet. You reach and take it, as I moan deep in my throat.
“Careful love, someone may hear you.”
You lay your hand in my lap and press down gently on the vibrator and whisper, “Pick a word sweet one.” I look at you perplexed. “… and make it a pet.”
“Dog,” I say quietly, as my breathing gets heavy, and as I try desperately to stay still in my seat.
”Now, pick another.” I am really confused now, and whisper “bird” and then You switch the vibrator off.
”Very good, sweet one.”
”Master, why the words?” – but You don’t answer as Your friends have arrived at the table. I try to collect myself as introductions are made, watching to see if anyone notices your “hankie.” Conversation is flowing nicely when You ask about everyone’s pets. The man across from You mentions that he has just bought a new dog (why do I think You know this?). Then I watch as your hand slips into Your pocket, and turn the toy back on.
A deep shudder runs through my body and a fine sheen of perspiration covers my upper lip. You reach across and take my napkin from my clenched fingers, and dabbing at the sweat, whisper “Feeling feverish honey?”
As I look into your eyes I can see the enjoyment beneath the feigned concern. I shake my head slightly as You turn to Your friends. “She seems to have attracted a light bug.”
Gathering my control, I enter the pet conversation – barely able to control the shudders course through my body. Thankfully, the woman across begins to talk of exotic birds and you turn the vibrator off promptly. By now I have figured out your plan for the night, and try desperately to find some other topic of conversation. Unfortunately, the male is inordinately proud of his new dog and is quite content to discuss dogs as pets and their other uses at length. Each of his discussions is soon joined by my own gasp, a not-so-gentle squirming in my seat – and a growing pool of moisture between my legs.
The woman, on the other hand, is an advocate for ending the importing of exotic birds, and thus a constant struggle ensures, with You seeing how long You can keep the precise toy turned on – and with me trying to get someone to utter the word that will end my exhaustite torture.
As the conversation progresses, I am convinced that the two of them firmly believe that I need a doctor – when what W/we both know what I truly need is You.
After dinner, while enjoying cups of coffee, You ask me to dance. I look at You, trying to convey the fact that I do NOT think that it is a good idea for me to stand. Eventually, You understand my prediction and offer me Your jacket. I slip it on, as I stand and watch You slip the tiny piece of lace from Your pocket – as You bend over on some pretense and try and dry my chair.
From the looks of the chair, I can imagine that the dress is ruined from the erotic battles of the previous conversation – unknown to the guests. Pulling me close in Your arms, and basically holding me up as my knees have become jelly, You slip Your arms beneath the jacket and lean Your head close to my ear. Your soft and wicked laugh surges through my body as You say, “Are we enjoying the conversation yet, sweet one?”
I contemplate the length and depth of my punishment if I bite You right now. Holding me as close as possible, You say the words that I love to hear. “I am very proud of your control tonight, sweet one. You have done well with our little improvement pet conversation.”
Pressing my lips close to Your ear, so that no one can hear, I whisper, “Thank You, Master.” I can feel Your erection twitch against me, and as you hold me even closer, you utter those fatal words, “Cum for Me.”
My body erupts in waves of sensing – a moan coming from deep inside me that I know for a fact is overheard by the woman next to me. I also know that she passed the information on to her companion, who looks at You and winks. As my orgasm peaks, I am beyond caring – as the sensing of being in Your arms and in Your control is exhaust. I also have no doubt of the effect that I am having on You – the evidence is trapped tightly between us.
You bite down sharply on my earlyobe and whisper, “that’s enough, Sweet one. You have pleased your Master, and desert awaits us.”
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