The Resort

I lean back into the blind chair and luxury in the warmth of the sun on my skin. The late morning light dapples the pool in front of me, and low mountains rise in the distance. My husband and I are at this resort for the rest of the week, taking a well-deserved respite from the recent demands of our work. We’re only about an hour from our house, but it feels much farther away than that. I glance to my right where my husband has his nose in a book. His body is fit and toned, and I briefly gaze at the bulge in his swimsuit. Reaching out to touch his arm, I smile. He turns and smiles back, then returns to his book. Still smiling, I close my eyes and think about how lucky I am as I start to doze off.

“Is this chair taken?”

I open my eyes. The girl standing to my left has a questioning look. “No, help yourself.”

“Thanks,” she says.

She proceeds to settle herself next to me, placing her towel on the chain and her bag on the pool deck. She gives me a small smilee as she sits and removes her sandals, putting sunscreen and a magazine on the table between us. I am instantly struck by her beauty and grace. Her wavy blond hair reaches almost to her waist. Her blue eyes are the color of the sky, wide and set far apart. Her lips are pink, her teeth straight and white. Her flat stomach and slender legs are tanned, and the black string bikini she is wearing sets off her flawless skin. The bikini ties at her hips and between her breasts, and for a second I imagine how much fun it would be to untie the knots…

I close my eyes again and try to focus on the moment. The sun, the pool, the mountains, my husband next to me. But I can’t get the girl out of my mind, and after a few minutes I turn my head towards her.

“Is this your first time here?”

“Yes,” she replies. “It’s sort of a…reward, I guess you could say.”

“Really? For what?”

“I just finished grad school with a Masters in Psychology. My parents paid for the suite I’m staying in.”

“Wow, congratulations. That’s great.”

“Yeah, I guess so. But now…I don’t know what comes next. My whole life has been, like, so prescribed until now. I always know what to expect, where I would be, what I would be doing. Now, I’m not so sure.”

I look closely at her. “Are you here alone?”

“Yeah, for now. My boyfriend is away on a work trip, but he’ll be joining me in a few days.”

“Ah,” I say, “that’s nice.”

We talk for awhile, chatting about the weather, the rooms and food at the resort, the generally miserable state of the world. Then we fall silent. I glance to my right. My husband has closed his eyes, his book on his stomach, one leg bent on the chair. I’m pretty sure he’s not sleep, though, and that he is listening to us. I start to close my own eyes, but then the girl sits up in her chair and looks at me.

“What did you do after college?”

I turn to look at her. For a moment I consider making something up, but then I thnk, why not tell her the truth?

“I did sex work.”

Her eyes widen in amazement. “Really?”

I nod. “I started as a high-end call girl. It turns out that any number of men were willing to pay lots of money to…” I pause and gaze into the distance, remembering, “…have me.”

Her gaze flicks over my body. “I’m not surprised.”

I smile. “Thank you. It was very lucrative. But also dangerous. Then I discovered there was even more money in being a professional dominatrix. So that’s what I became. It was safer, since I was in control. But it was still thrilling. I did it for several years.”

She looks at me, fascinated. “Wow.”

“I know.”

“What made you stop?”

I reach over and put my hand on my husband’s leg. His eyes are still closed, but I know for certain he is awake. A small smile plays around his lips. I turn back towards the girl and catch her glancing at his swimsuit, then she quickly looks up.

“I met this man. We fell in love and got married. I couldn’t continue what I was doing and make the marriage work, so I took all the money I had earned and bought a small business. It’s become very successful. And so, long story short” I wave my arm to take in the resort, “here we are.”

She continues to stare at me. “Do you miss it?”

I look back at her, not sure how much to reveal. Then I decided to just keep telling the truth. “No.” I pause. “No, because we’ve figured out how to take what I learned about bondage and desire and incorporate it into our lives.”

I search her eyes for understanding, and it doesn’t take long for me to find it. She suddenly gets an embarrassed look on her face, and looks down at her legs.

“I’ve…I’ve fantasized about that.” She looks up at me shyly.

I meet her gaze and smile innocently. “About what?”

“About…being tied up.”

I’m pretty sure she’s blushing, and I pause before responding. “What about your boyfriend?”

She looks away. “He’s not very advenurous in the bedroom.” Her voice is soft.

“Ah,” I say. “That’s too bad.”

She sits back on the chain and stars out at the pool. “I know,” she says with a sight.

We sit in silence for awhile, enjoying the heat of the sun, the sounds from the pool, and the sight of the mountains in the distance.

Finally, without looking at her, I say, “There are ways to make fansies come true.”

She turns to look at me, her eyes full of questions. I meet her gaze, then reach into my bag and pull out a card. “This is a website which you might be interested in. Check it out and see what you think. My name is on the back.”

She takes it from my hand and studies it, then looks up at me. “My name is Amy.”

“It’s been a pleasure to meet you, Amy.” I stand and shake her hand, then gather my things and put them into my bag. I glance at my husband, still “dozing” with his eyes closed. I smile, then look back at the beautiful girl on the chain.

“Perhaps we’ll seeyou again.”

—The Next Day—

My husband and I are sitting in the resort restaurant, enjoying an early dinner as we gaze over the manicured grounds to the slanting light on the mountains in the distance. My phone pings, and I click on the notification. I scan it quickly as a big smile spreads across my face.

“What?” he asks.

“She just responded.”

I look up at him, and his smile is as broad as mine. The website has spun its magic web. It is the same site I used when I was awakened to the pleasures of bondage for the first time back in college. It facilitates safe sexual encounters, carefully vette its users and establishing clear limits on what is and is not permitible. My husband and I have used it to introduce a number of girls to the world of bondage. Now there is another, right here at the resort.


“Tonight. In her room.”

We look at each other and grin. My mind works quickly, and I design a scenario which will recreate the first time I was tied by strangers, teased by a beautiful woman and fucked by a man I never saw. I can already feel the dampness between my legs. I type specific instructions for her into the website, then we sign for the check and go upstairs to prepare.

Not quite two hours later, we are standing outside the door to her suite. I check my phone to ensure it’s the exact time agreed upon, then quietly open the unlocked door. We enter the suite, locking the door behind us, then move silently through the entryway into a lavish sitting room, letting our eyes adjust to the dim twilight. As instructed, the lights in the room are off, and the girl stands silhouetted in front of the glass doors to the balcony. Her back is to us, and she is wearing the same black bikini as the day before. Her wrists are crossed behind her, her blond hair falling down her back in waves.

I move quietly behind her. “Are you afraid?”

“Yes.” Her voice is not much more than a whisper.

“We won’thurt you.”

“I know.”

“Do you remember the safe word I gave you?”


“Good,” I say gently. “I’m going to blindfold you now.”

A shiver passes through her body, but she doesn’t say anything. I reach into my bag and pull it out, fasting it from behind and adjusting it until I’m sure she can’t see. I step back, the sight of her almost taking my breath away. When I glance over my shoulder at my husband, I see that he too is enranced with her beauty and innocent.

“We’re going to take you into the bedroom now.”

“Okay.” Her voice is even softer than before.

She turns slightly, and I take her by the arm and lead her into the bedroom. It is almost as spatial as the living room. More glass doors lead to the balcony, a sofa sits in one corner, and an ornate writing desk occupations another corner. But it is the luxurious four-poster king size bed which dominates the room. I guide her to it until her knees are touching the mattress.

“Lay down on your back in the middle of the bed.”

She hesitates a moment, then take a deep breath and climbs up. When she is settled, I go to my bag and pull out the ropes. My husband and I move to opposite sides of the bed, quickly loop the ropes around her wrists and pull her arms towards the headboard, tying them off on the posts. We do the same with her ankles, leaving her spread eagled but not stretched. She tests the bonds tenatively, a soft moan escaping her lips. We stand and watch her for a moment, mesmerized by the sight of her bound on the bed between us. He looks up at me and grins, then moves to the sofa by the window to watch.

I reach down and lightly touch her ankle, then slowly trail my fingers up her leg and along the soft flesh at the inside of her thigh. I do the same on the other leg, stopping just short of Her bikini bottom. I trace slow circles around the edge of the triangle of fabric, lingering a moment before moving my hand up and across the girl’s baremidriff. My fingers move still higher, over the cups of the bikini top. Her nipples are prominent under the thin fabric, and I flick them with my thumb. I watch as the girl’s breath catches in her throat. Then I lean down and put my face close to hers.

“You have surrendered control of your own pleasure. It belongs to us now.”

Her lips part slightly as she turns her face towards mine. Her voice catches as she whispers “I’m still afraid.”

“I know. That’s part of the thrill. Fear and pleasure and sometimes pain all mixing together until you are overwhelmed with sensings and feelings. This is your fantasy, to give up control. Just allow it to happen.”

She pulls against the restraints again, then stills. I watch her for a moment, then reach down and slowly untie her bikini top. I pull the cups apart, exposing her upturned breasts. They are not large, but they are perfectly proportioned. The areoles are raised slightly from the soft skin of her breasts, and the pinknipples stand out proudly. I smile as I think about making them larger and harder. Then I move down to the ties at the sides of her bikini bottom and until they one by one, then slowly pull it down. Her pussy is shacked clean except for a small patch of curly hair just above her clip. I pull it out from under her ass, my eyes locked on her glistening pussy lips. I sit up and take in the girl’s beautiful body displayed before me, naked, tied, spread and vulnerable. The girl shirts and moans, and I feel myself getting wet.

I think back to my first time, the experience still as vivid and real as if it happened yesterday. It was altogether terrifying and thrilling. I smile, remembering, then stand and walk to my bag, pulling out a fine-tipped brush and a small jar of oil. I move back to the edge of the bed and Dip the brush in the oil, then begin to trace slow circles around the girl’s left breast with the brush. I continue the circles, coming closer to the areola but never touchingit. I watch as the girl’s breathing changes. Now I touch the areola, still circling but not touching the nipple. Finally I paint the nipple lightly, then touch the tip, watching it grow and harden. I do the same on the other breast, taking my time before the brush touches the nipple. The girl makes little mewing sounds and pushes her chest up to increase the contact, but I pull the brush away.

I watch her for a moment, then shift position on the bed. I dip the brush in the oil again, this time painting the girl’s swollen pussy lips. I move the brush slowly, down one side and up the other, first on the outside, then the inside. The girl’s mouth opens, her breath coming more rapidly than before. Her clip begins to poke out from under its hood, eager and needy. I dip the tip of the brush into her juices, then touch the tip of her clip, causing her to jerk in her bonds. Again I paint slow circles, first one way, then the other. When I move the brush sideways back and forth, the girlstrains against her bonds, her mouth open. I move the brush up and down on her glistening bud, slowly at first but then more rapidly, and she moans loudly. When I pull it away, she groans.


“Please what?”

“Please, don’t stop.” Her voice is a whimper.

I continue to paint her clip with the brush for awhile, and she pushes her hips up to increase the friction. I keep teasing her until she is writing on the bed, pulling against the ropes. When I sense her orgasm nearing, I pull the brush away, and she groans again.

“Oh god,” she pants.

“I know.”

I smile down at her, enjoying her torque. When I look over my shoulder, my husband is standing in the twilight by the glass doors, naked and struggling his cock, his eyes staring intently at the girl on the bed. When he glances up at me, I grin and silently mouth the words “Not yet.”

I put the brush aside and climb up on the bed, kneeing between the girl’s outstretched legs. I began to fondle her nipples, pulling and rolling them between my thumbs and forefingers. They are erect and swollen, sensitive to my touch. I am gentle at first, but then I pinch them, hard, and she yelps. I alternate between gentle and rough, introducing her to pleasure and pain, and her body twists under me, her mouth open in a soft moan. Then I bend down and thrust my tongue into her mouth, kissing her hard. She tries to kiss me back, but I quickly plug a finger into her vagina, reaching for her g-spot. She starts to move under me, and I push a second finger into her, then a third. The combination of the kiss and the finger-fucking causes her to buck and understand, the muscles in her arms and legs taut against the restraints. She moans into my mouth, and I suck on her tongue. I keep my fingers moving in and out of her now sopping wet pussy, fucking her furiously, my thumb brushing her slippery clip. She can’t keep her body still, and I know she is close. When I pull my fingers out of her pussy and my tongue out of her mouth, she is breathing heavily, on the edge of an orgasm unlike any she has ever known.

“Fuck, no,” she moans, “don’t stop. Oh god, oh god, please…”

I lean down close to her face, my lips beside her ear. “Remember what I said? Your pleasure is mine.”

“Please,” she whiles, her voice barely audible. “Please let me cum.”

“Not yet,” I reply softly. I am having way too much fun with you, I think.

It suddenly occurs to me I am the only one in the room not naked. I reach down to the hem of my short dress and pull it quickly over me head, turning and tossing it towards my husband. He is still struggling his thick cock, his erection hard and throbbing in his hand. He smears precum around the tip, then grins at me.

I grin back, then climb quickly off the bed and move again to my bag of toys. I find what I want, then watch as the girl’s hips undulate as she waits for what I will do to her next. I go back to the bed and sit on the edge, cotinuing to watch the girl move in her bonds. When I touch the head of the oversize dildo to the entrance to her pussy, she stops breathing and holds her breath. I slowly push it all the way into her until she starts to breathe again. She lies still as long as she can, experiencing the fullness of the toy, until she can’t keep her hips from moving against it. I respond by fucking her, slowly at first, then faster and harder. The girl gasps and groans and writers under the pounding into her pussy, but it isn’t until she feels the buzzing of the vibrator on her clip that her body starts to quiver. I move it lightly over her sensitive bud, up and down, then side to side. She continues to tremble until I start to move it in ever-faster circles around her clip, when her trembling turns to uncontrollable shaking. Her mouth falls open, her breathing ragged, and she cries out, again on the edge of an overpowering orgasm.

Just as she is about to cum, I pull the toys away. She whimpers, then screams in frustration, her body in a frenzy, her thoughts a jumble of incoherence. I watch as she thrashes in her bonds, unable to get what she wants and so desperately needs. I get off the bed and put the toys on the sofa, then walk over to my husband. I reach out and squeeze his raging cock, kiss him hard on the lips, then look up at him and smile sweetly.

“Now it’s your turn.”

He walks to the foot of the bed and stars down at the gorgeous creation spread out before him. He climbs up, settles himself between her still quivering legs, then puts the head of his cock at the slippery entrance to her pussy. Her body recoils instinctively when she realizes what is about to happen, and even though I can’t see her eyes I can see the fear return and spread across her face. She has consented to this, but it is not uncommon for submissives to have second thoughts. Especially the first time.

“It’s not too late to use your safe word if you want,” I say gently.

I watchher face closely, the conflicting emotions battles each other. She is afraid of being fucked by a man she doesn’t know, but the overwhelming need in her body can’t be ignored. My husband and I continue to watch the battle on her face, until finally she shakes her head and quietly says “No.”

“No is not your safe word,” I say.

“I know.” Her voice is barely a whisper.

I walk over to the sofa and sit, one leg up on the seat with knee bent, my hand between my legs. I watch my husband bend down and pinch the girl’s nipples. She gasps and tries to pull away, but of course she can’t. He leans over further and puts his face next to hers, then kisses her hard, his tongue stalling into her mouth. Again she tries to pull back, but then she pushes back with her own tongue. Her desperate need for release has won out over her fear, and she kisses him fiercely. I watch them from the sofa, my eyes half closed, my fingers plunging in and out of my wet cunt, my thumb rubbing my slippery clip. My own need is building inexorably.

My husband suddenly plugs his thick cock into her and she opens her legs as wide as possible to take all of him. His thrusts are slow and rhythmic, and the girl wants to moves her hips to match his rhythm. He continues to deep kiss her while increasing the pace of his thrusts, then he pulls back to watch her face while he continues to pound into her with a frenzy. He reachings down to rub her clip with his thumb, and I watch as the waves of sensing in her body build to a crescendo. She shakes her head back and forth repeatedly, then arches, pushing her ravaged pussy up to meet his pulsing cock. Her mouth opens in an O, her body stills for a second, then she screams. The orgasm exploits through her as her body convulses and shakes wildly. My husband grunts and groans, then roars as his jism shoots deep into her warm cavity. She continues to thrash and scream and spasm, her orgasm going on and on.

My own legs are played wide asI watch the girl and my husband cum together, and I pass the point of no return. I plumge the dildo deep into my pussy, then push the Hitachi hard against my clip. I close my eyes, succumbing to the waves of pleasure shooting through my body, and I cry out, the three of us riding out our orgasms together, the sounds of sexual release culminating in a symphony of overwhelming desire.


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