I really enjoy stories with peril and the idea of being rescued by a heroine in the nick of time. The damsel in distress concept is incredibly erotic and I wish there were more videos and stories around that flipped the gender roles too. I also like the idea of couples being tied up together, so I figured I’d put all of these elements together. I’m definitely going to consider using some of these concepts again down the road.
The Rescue:
The mission has gone about as badly as you could expect. You were infiltrating the compound of a mad scientist, one who is hell-bent on world domination. You learned that she’s been building an army of robots and drones, and that she’d taken a hostage. Your mission was to infiltrate her lair and rescue her captive, putting an end to her plans. You’re an experienced agent, and you’ve often have been assigned to work with superheroes. Your main partner is a superheroine named the Red Bullet and you’ve often allowed your relationship to blur into rather unprofessional connections. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough time to wait for her, and you have to move now. You’re a strong, dashing agent, and you are well equipped for the mission.
Your black spandex suit is outfitted with electric weapons that could disable the scientist’s robots and you are well-trained with them. Sneaking into the base, you hid from the drones and robots patrolling the outside. You have an EMP device that can disable the whole robot army if placed in the right spot. As you make your way deeper into the facility, you hear muffled moans. There is no doubt that this is the hostage you’ve been sent to rescue. Slowly opening the door, you find her. She is stunningly beautiful, with bright green eyes and long red curly hair. Her body is athletic and slim. She’s tied to a chair in nothing but black lingerie. She’s gagged with a ball gag, with drool dripping down from her lips. Her head is slumped over.
You approach the captive, and she struggles as shehears your footsteps. She sees you and starts shaking her head, trying to speak through her gag. You continue to walk towards her, eager to untie her. Before you’re halfway into the room, you realize something’s wrong. A heavy weighed net drops onto you from the ceiling. You try to struggle, but it constructs around you, pinning you down. Before you can move anymore, it secretes a foam that quickly stiffens around you, rendering you immobile. The hostage you were trying to save looks at you helplessly, struggling against her restraints.
You’re completely trapped. You hear metallic footsteps and see a horrific looking robot emerge. It resembles a metal spider, and it shoots a rope like web that attaches to the net. Another more humanoid robot appears, picking up the damsel You tried to rescue and walking away with her. As you watch it leaves with its captive, you feel the spider robot pick you up and carry you away. Before you know it, a mist sprays on you, quickly causing you toFall unconscious.
You wake up with your wrists and feet encased in metal restraints. They don’t seem to be physically attached to anything, but you are suspended and spread eagled. You try to test them, but they always pull you back to the same position, stronger than before. You are surrounded by a metal wheel, which you might as well be chained to. You notice all your equipment is missing and you Only have your spandex suit on.
“Like my magnets?” A semiconductor female voice asks.
A dark-haired woman walks into the room. She is dressed in a sexy black liotard. Her pale legs are long, and a plunging neckline is cut into her suit, revealing volunteer breasts. She clearly admits your body and walks up to you, feeling your chest, and running her hands down to your cock.
“I heard you met our guest. A talented little scientist. Unfortunately, she refuses to cooperate with us, so we’ve been playing with her to get her to change her mind. If she continues to refuse, then I guess we’ll just have to dispose of her.” She purrs.
“You’ll never get away with this! The Red Bullet will stop you!” You protest.
“Ooh Red Bullet? I’ve always wanted to capture her. Once she’s out of the way, I’ll have nothing to stop me from taking over the world. You’ll make excellent bait for her. Whether you’re dead or alive.” She gloats.
You thrash Against the restraints, eager to attack her. It’s no use, you are completely helpless.
“Now I want to see what’s under this costume of yours. I have a delightful machine that will strip it off of you. The key is suction.” She tells you.
You notice a remote in her hand. She presses a button on it, and you see metal tubes with fleshy, peach colored tips emerge from panels in the ceiling and floor. You struggle mightily as they run over you, pulling at your spandex suit. You do everything you can to break away, but they continue sucking. You feel tears on it as the suit is ripped up and torn away. You are left in a pair of black briefs, shivering against the cold metal.
“Ooh I like the way you look in that.” She taunts.
She approaches you and pulls out your cock. She grabs a suction tube in one hand, jerking you off with her other hand. Once you are rock hard, she uses the suction tube on your cock, filling you with pleasure.
“The Red Bullet will help! She’ll save me!” You yell.
She ignores your calls and brings you to the edge of orgasm. Just as you are close to shooting, she yanks the suction tube away. You struggle and squirm as hard as you can as she laughs at you.
“Oh, I want your cum for myself.” She says, stripping out of her bodysuit.
She strips down to a tiny white thong, one that might as well have have made of floss. You can even see her perfectly manicured pussy. She begins looking up at you with her dark eyes as she blows you. Her lips are wet and warm, filling you with pleasure. She works quickly and efficiently. She stops blowing youWhen you’re on the edge and begins jerking you off. She produces a pass and strokes you mercilessly until you cum into it. Milking you dry, she laughs, holding the overcome of your semen up to you.
“I have what I need from you, agent. Now it’s time for your doom!” She declares.
She places a gas mask over your face, and you notice a strange substance being pumped into it. You try to hold your breath as long as you can, but you eventually give up and breathe it in, causing you to fade out of consciousness. You wake up strapped to a metal table, still in your black briefs. You turn your head to see the hostage from earlier, also strapped to a metal table. Her lingerie is slightly frayed and a device that resembles a vibrator is pressed against her clip through her panties. Your captor enters the room, accompanied by robots. She presses a button that causes the vibrator to buzz to life. She shouts at you over the sound of the hostage’s moans.
“I’ve developed the most marvelous contraction to dispose of you, agent.” She explains.
One of the robots squirts a foam over the scientist’s bra and panties. Slowly but surely, they began dissolving away, leaving her naked as the vibrator does its work.
“When our friend here succumbs to the vibrator and orgasms, a laser will drop down from the ceiling. The orgasm will cause electric shocks in her table to fry her, and at the same time it will fire a deadly beam at you. Eventually it will move up between your legs and you won’t be an issue for me anymore. I would love for The Red Bullet to show up, but there’s nothing that could save you.” She tells you.
She motions at one of her robots, which sprays a foam over your chest. It’s surprisingly warm, and you can feel it slowly drip down your body.
“The Red Bullet’s going to find you naked, saw in half, and with a drooling young scientist orgasmed to death. It’s time to leave you to it! I’ll be waiting.” She giggles.
She leaves the room asthe foam finally drips down your stomach and reach your briefs. The foam gets to work dissolving it, tearing away at your waistband. It all slides down, warming your genitals, and by the time it dissolves, you are completely naked. The scientist is almost unconscious, with the vibrator relentlessly pleasing her. She is gagged, with drool dripping down her naked chest, and she is struggling hard against her Restraints. You are also fighting hard to break free, unable to escape.
The moment comes, and the scientist begins shaking with a mind-blowing orgasm. You hear her gasp under her gag, cumming hard and dripping from her wet pussy. Before you know it, electricity begins course through her. After a minute, she slumps over. Before you can react, you see the laser drop from the ceiling, and begin shooting a red beam. You can’t escape. You struggle and squirm and shout but it’s no use. The beam moves up. It’s painstakingly slow. It gives you enough time to contemplate your fate.
“Help me! Please save me!” You plead.
The beam moves closer and closer, just inches from your balls.
“HELP!” You shout.
Just before it reaches its target, your savior kicks open the door. It’s the Red Bullet. She shoots a laser from her wrist and the beam stops, the laser bursts into flames and exploits. The Red Bullet walks into the room. She is one of the sexiest superheroines you know. She has long straight black hair tied back into a bun, and her eyes are covered by a red mask. She wears a red sleepless tank top with blue star-spanling panties. Her shiny red boots run up to her knees, and she has a utility belt with all kinds of gadgets.
“Red Bullet! You saved me!” You gasp.
“I got here just in time.” She observes.
She checks on the scientist, revealing her perfectly round ass. She shakes her head indicating she was too late for her.
“Be careful! They’re expecting you!” You warn her.
“I better get you out of here so you canhelp me then!” She responds.
Before she can take a step towards you, a half-dozen robots enter the room and attack. Still strapped naked to the table, you have no way to help. Red Bullet seems to struggle as the robots begin to pin her down, holding her wrists and feet together. They begin yanking at her costume, pulling up on her panties, and bring her to the ground. She squirms and is able to miraculously break free. She punches the head off of one of the robots and then yanks a limb off the other. She beats them all down. The sight of her defeating them arouses you slightly, and you watch with hope as she gains the upper hand. All the robots are broken down and defeated, allowing her to come up and break off your restraints.
You fall into her arms and begin kissing her, you can tell she is aroused too with her breath quickening. Before the two of you leave the room, the sound of cacheling fills the room, coming from loudspeakers on the walls.
“I now know what the upper limit of your powers are, you super-slut. I have you now.” The mad scientists’ booming voice announcements.
Robot spiders emerge and immediately shoot their web-like ropes at the two of you. A rope ties your ankles together, causing you to fall over. Before you can react, a robot spider crawls over you and ties your wrists together. You are quickly hogtied, struggling Uselessly as the Bullet battles the rest. She is initially tied like you are but is able to wiggle out of the ropes and use her weapon to disable one of the robots. Four of the robots coordinate with each other and each shoots a rope at her, trapping her wrists and ankles. Before she can fight back, they yank her down and have her tied spreadeagle. They crawl over the two of you, spraying you with the same immobilizing foam from the nets you encountered earlier.
The robots drag you into separate rooms. You are pulled into a room and left alone, immobile, and hogtied, unable to even struggle. A humanoid robot emerges, untying you and picking you up. You’re still unable to move as you are dragged over a velvet carpet. The robot stretches out your arms and legs, then places down stakes around you. A spider robot shoots ropes, tying each of your limbs to a stake. The robots then leave you alone in the room, frozen in place and tied up. You’re not sure how long it takes before the foam wears off and you can move again, but it’s rarely been a while.
You try to move, but you’ve been staked down tightly, and your limbs are stretched out. You can only imagine what’s happening to Red Bullet. All you can do is wait. You feel the rug against your naked body, it’s almost relaxing. You are left there, abandoned for ages. You have no idea if it’s been hours and you’ve given up on struggle after it’s clear there’s no way to escape. Alone in the enemy base, you are helpfully bound and defeated.
The mad scientist’s voice blares through the speakers.
“I haven’t forgotten about you.”She declares.
Robots burst into the room, almost smoking around you.
“I bet you’re curious about what’s happening with your super friend.” She muses.
One of the robots roughly lifts your head and places a headset over your eyes. You see the Red Bullet tied to a wall. She is unmasked and looks like a young college student in her early twentyties. Her costume’s been completely stripped off with only her star-spangled panties remaining. She has a vibrator firmly pressed against her clip. She is in the midst of an orgasm, shaking and shivering with pleasure. You can hear her screaming over the speakers.
“She’s been cumming over and over again. For ages. It’s impressive really. I even used the same device that killed your scientist friend, but she’s survived it. She is incredibly strong. As much as I’ve loved testing her limits, I have plans to carry out.” The robot pulls the headset off.
“Let her go!” You yell out.
She ignores you. A robot produces a strange device that looks like a large cup. It walks over to you and places the device over your groin, trapping your penis and balls inside of it.
“I already have your cum, and I don’t need any more of it. But it is so much fun to watch you squirm with pleasure. I figured it would be time to give you some of the treatment that Red Bullet’s been given. This machine’s going to run for half an hour. I wonder how many loads I can extract from you in that time.” She muses.
“After this, I’m going to dispose of the two of you. In the meantime, I’m going to let you watch Red Bullet so the two of you can cum together over and over again. Enjoy!” The robot presses a button on the device and another one places the headset over your eyes.
The stimulation instantly makes your cock hard, and sexual pleasure immediately surges through you. You can sense the robot standing by you, and you feel a mist spray over you. You feel it touch you and instantly turn you on even more. Some kind ofarousal chemical. Within minutes, you are on the edge of orgasm, the sensing unlike anything you’ve experienced before. On the headset, you see Red Bullet jolt with electricity from an orgasm. You try your hardest to resist, but the pleasure is too great. You cum hard into the device, struggling against the ropes.
There’s no rest or time to recover, as the device keeps stimulating you. The process goes on non-stop, and both you and Red Bullet are forced to cum over and over again. You lose count of the orgasms you’ve had, and they cause more pain than pleasure. There’s nothing you can do to stop the relentless pleasure, you are simply a prisoner to the device, bound to the floor. When the robots finally lift the device off your penis, you are spend. You have no energy to resist as they pull the headset off and untie you from the stakes.
You are brought to your knees by the robots, who then tie your hands behind your back and around your chest. You are picked up and led out of the room. Stumbling through the corridors of the base, you are led to the lair of the mad scientist on the top floor of the facility. Inside, you see Red Bullet strapped to an x-shaped frame. The mad scientist is dressed in a black latex bra and panties, teasing her with a whip. To your surprise, you can see a rocket pointed up towards the ceiling.
“Excellent of you to join us. You’ll just love what I have in store. You see that rocket? It’s going to fire an EMP blast that will disable the whole city. It’ll be the first strike in my plan to take over. And you? You’re going to be part of the fun.” She purrs.
Red Bullet hears this and starts struggle. The robots drag you to the rocket, despite your efforts to fight back. They briefly untie your hands, causing you to try to wrestle your way out, but they wrangle you and push you against the rocket. Before you can resist anymore, robot spiders shoot ropes binding you to the rocket. They tie you to the rocket by your arms, your chest, and your ankles, suspending you off the ground. You helplessly thrash against the ropes but it’s useless. Red Bullet has been placed directly in front of you, being forced to watch.
“My helpless little super slut. You’ll watch your boy-toy get fired off with the rocket. And then you’re going to watch me take over the world. I’ll keep you alive long enough to watch the defeat. You failed utterly to rescue him. And now look at you now, super slut!” The mad scientist gloats.
“You’re crazy! Let him go!” The superheroine yells back.
You can do nothing but struggle against the bonds holding you to the rocket. The robots leave the room, and you can see attack plans on several large screens above a control panel. On one of the screens, you see the robot arms gathering. The mad scientist laughs, enjoying the sight. She presses a button and a timer set to 12 minutes appear.
“I’m going to enjoy this.” She says in a sinister tone.
She presses a button, and the timer begins counting down.
“Time to play, super slut.” She smiles.
You watch helplessly as the scientist picks up her whip and begins to strike it against Red Bullet’s bare skin. She smarts from the pain, and squirms. She tries to break free of her strraps, struggling. The mad scientist enjoys the torque, laughing with each crack of the whip.
“Stop it! Leave her alone!” You shout.
“You’re right. I should make sure your last moments on earth are spent in torque. I’ll make sure you’re aroused when the rocket fires.” The villainess gleefully declares.
Two minutes have passed when she slowly walks up to you. You see Red Bullet try all four of her limbs, testing each strap. The villain places her hands on your cock and stimulates you. Although you’re weakened from the torture device, she is able to arouse you. Her hand strokes you, making you hard, and she places her lips around your cock. You are forced to endure the pleasure. You struggle, but the feeling of helplessness only turns you on even more. There’s now eight minutes left on the timer, and her mouth is pleasure you to a point of weakness. All hope seems lost.
The timer has six minutes and thirty seconds left. You notice that Red Bullet is able to pull one of her straps loose. With a couple of more pulls, her left arm is free. You need to keep the villainess from Noticing. You distract her by moaning with pleasure from the blowjob she’s giving you. The Red Bullet is able to get her other arm, and then her legs free within 30 seconds and with just under 6 minutes, she is off the cross. The villainess then notices her, slapping your cock angrily and spinning to face her opponent.
Before the heroine can reach the console, she’s attacked. The two are fighting in front of you, and the villainess is able to use all kinds of gadgets against Red Bullet. She uses rope shoters to tie her up, but the heroine is able to wiggle free. She then uses her super strength to break the mad scientist’s weapons. The scientist pulls a serum and drinks it. You see her muscles swell to an inhuman and grotesque size.
“You’ll never stop me.” She growls in a distorted voice.
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