There was a silence in the offices at work as I walked in from the lift. Clearly, they had all seen my latest video on my video log. One or two of my co-workers still offered me a friendly smile, but others, I could see them judging me from the distaste in their gaze. I looked down to the floor as I walked through to my office, unable to meet their gaze though I felt it burning through me the whole way as I Walked through. Sighing, I collapsed onto my chair and lowered the blinds, this was going to be a long week.
The web series I had created was proving to be more popular with every episode. Since the second episode had been posted, I had over doubled in the number of subscribers, I was nearing twenty-five thousands now. That was going to be a hell of a payday for me, I’m glad I added that cause as a condition for accepting this gig. No one else wanted to do it, some were too shy, some too prudish. In the beginning, I didn’t want to do it either, to be on display to all my colleagues, and all the subscribers. Right now though, I didn’t care. They could talk about me all they cared to, I’d be gone from this place soon, moving on to bigger and better things.
Things were different for me now though, I went into this project just thinking about the money and how it would benefit me. I had no idea just how much this would change me. First, the pony play with Ian and Mia convinced me that my views about the lifestyle were wrong, these were wonderful people and very welcome, and above all, it was fun. Then there was last week with Selena. Selena. Just her name made my body quiver, the anticipation of seeing her again left me impossible. That session with her changed me in ways that would have a lasting impact on my life, I discovered who I was, I was submissive, and I wanted to serve her. Even right now.
I was distracted by my thoughts as I was called into the manager’s office by Geoff. His blinds were closed as I knocked on the door and there was a musky smell inside. Ewww, he was sweaty, no wonder it smelled in here.
“I’ve just enjoyed watching your latest video.” Geoff stared at my breasts again with a creepy smile, I really hoped that wasn’t the reason he was sweaty, that he hadn’t just masturbated to my video. I sat down opposite him feeling very uncomfortable at the way he was looking at me. Geoff then stood up and he started walking Behind me, I could feel his hot, sinky breath on my neck. “You’re doing very well with this web series, making the company, me and yourself a lot of money. Would you like to thank me for giving you the opportunity now?”
“What?” I asked, slightly dumbfounded.
“You should thank me for giving you the opportunity.”
“Thank you?” I questioned Geoff, Though he took it as an actual ‘thank you’.
“Actually, since it was your video that’s caused it, I want you to thank me for seeing to this.” Geoff creepily rubbed his cock under the trousers. What the actual fuck? Did he think this was in any way acceptable?
“Get that fucking thing away from me.” I wasn’t able to keep the disgust from my voice. It didn’t stop him though, he unzipped his pants.
“Everyone around here knows what a whore you are once they had seen your videos. Now don’t be such an ungrateful bitch and suck it.” Geoff had unzipped his trousers and was holding his ugly, sweaty dick in his hand. I stood as he walked closer and backed into a corner as he continued to approach. When he was close enough, I put both hands on his shoulders and then kneed him as hard as I could in his balls. “You crazy bitch.” Geoff yelled as I ran out of his office. “You’ll regret that, you won’t work in this city again.”
I hid in my office for the rest of the morning, feeling both scared and angry. How fucking dare he? Just because I enjoyed what I did and consented to do it for the web series, he automatically assumed it was okay to do what he just did. It didn’t take long for the feelings of fearto disappear and be replaced with that of rage. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and when I realized it wasn’t Geoff outside, I attempted to calm myself and told them to come inside.
“Hello, Penny?” Looking up from my desk, I saw Annie, a polite yet timing coworker of mine. She was very small, cute in an innocent kind of way, but she usually keep herself to herself.
“Yes, Annie?”
“I don’t mean to pry, but err, did Geoff do or say anything inappropriate to you in the office?”
“He did,” I admitted and she smiled at me sympathetically before offering me a hug, which I accepted. I guessed, she needed it just as much as I did. It turns out, that Geoff had blackmailed her into sex a number of times, and since she was too shy or timing to do anything about it, he had got away with it. She said she also knew of some other girls that he had sent creepy e-mails or text messages to recently. We began to plan a way to get rid of him, unfortunately, the owner of the compAny loved him. He had been taking credit for people’s work for years.
“Oh, I just wanted to say I love your web series,” Annie mentioned as she was leaving the message. “People should be allowed to do what they enjoy as long as they’re two consenting adults and is not illegal or harmonious to others. You go into these episodes open-minded and fair to the people you interview, it’s so refreshing. It can be so easy to judge what you is outside your own box.”
“I wish everyone was as level minded about this as you are Annie.” I Joked.
“Well, if you ever need any support, whether it’s on camera or off, please let me know.”
I thanked Annie and thanks to her little visit, my mood had improved considerably. Maybe this week wasn’t going to be as bad as I originally thought it was.
It turned out I was wrong. The week had been awful. Someone had printed out various pictures of me from the videos, and stuck them around the office. As I had walked in on Wednesday morning,I walked into a crowded lift, only to see a picture of myself in between Selena’s legs eating her out, staring back at me from the inside of the doors. The lift was silent, and I couldn’t get out of their quick enough, the only problem was that there were many more around the office upstairs. By the time I’d got into my office, I was almost in tears.
The rest of the week passed slowly as I waited for the weekend and my next escape from the office for another episode of the web series. The only thing I knew about this episode, was that I was going to be experiencing my first ‘gangbang’. It was originally going to be a threesome, and exploring the fun with multiple partners, but since I’d met Selena, she decided that she wanted me to do something different, something more. Selena had taken over the situation, booking me in for something else, and Jason was going to pick me up on the Saturday to take me there.
When Saturday finally arrived, I woke up feeling nervous, but alsoincredibly excited. The thought of seeing Selena alone was enough to excite me, even though I’d only met for the first time last week, it had been such an intense session for me that I hadn’t been able to get her out of my head, and my fansies. I’d been told that it didn’t matter how I dressed, so I’d gone casually, thankful for the comfort. Jason met me outside and he greeted me with a hug. We spoke as he drove, and I told him about how shit things had been at work this week, but how I wouldn’t let it stop me from continuing. He was shocked that someone had gone to them lengths to humiliate me, and even further disgusted when I told him about what Geoff had tried.
“I never did like him. He was always rude, always thought he was above everyone else.” Jason added.
We arrived at our destination a little over an hour later and I almost froze as I saw Goddess Selena waiting outside a large, old building. The plaque on the wall had shown that it was built in the sixteen hundrededs, and had been restored in ways to keep the original design in mind.
“Good morning Penny.” Selena smiled as I stepped out of the car.
“Good morning Goddess.” I replied, easily slipping into the same frame of mind I had with her from my first visit. It was incredible the amount of power she held over me already, and how much control I was willing to give to her.
“So, today we’re having a party.” Selena started. “And you’re the entertainment. Follow me.” Jason and I followed her inside the house. Inside it was beautifully decorated in an older style, it was spatial with antique furniture all over. Selena led us upstairs to one of the main hosting rooms, a very spacious room with a large rectangular table, able to seat fifty-two people, one on either end at the ‘heads’ of the table, and twenty-five down each side. There was a large amount of space around the tables with sofas lining the walls, BDSM furniture and all sorts of BDSM equipment and toys. “The party will take place in here, and the room will be full of people, including other submissives brought in by other dominants. You’ll be representing me, so I want you on your best behaviour.”
“Yes Goddess.” I enthused, thrilled to be given the opportunity to impression.
“I know you’re still new to this, so just some basic etiquette. Don’t speak unless you are addressed to, keep your gaze to the floor, if someone gives you an order, comply, unless you feel that it goes against something I’ve said, or if it’s something you’re not willing to do. Just like with our session, if at any point you feel uncomfortable or it gets too much, make me aware and I will take you out of the room. I will be close to you at all times. Understood?”
“Yes Goddess. Thank you.”
“Good girl. Now, follow me to that door over there, I will help you get prepared for the meal and the party. Jason can get set up ready to film.” I nodded a short goodbye to Jason and then followed Selena as she walked towardsthe door. She instructed me to keep a little behind her and to keep my gaze to the floor. I did. There was something ridiculous about how I felt the need to do as she said, but I desperately wanted to please her. At a room in the back, there were a few lockers and Selena had me completely strip down for her. I felt completely at ease in her presence, despite being completely naked.
“I want you to wear This.” Selena said as she held up a black, leather collar. “It represents that you are protected by myself, and whilst this isn’t a permanent gift, the collar represents big things in the lifestyle, know that I’m not offering it to you lightly. I like you Penny.”
“Thank you” I gulped. Not sure how to reply and I let her place the collar around my neck. Just feeling her hands by my neck as she placed it on was enough to give me goosebumps. Once the collar was fitted, it was locked on with a small padlock and Selena put the key in her bag.
“There you go. You’re all mine for today.” Selena beamed and I couldn’t help but smile goofilly back at her. She also placed black, leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles, a blindfold to cover my eyes, and she attached a lean to my collar.
“Ready?” Selena asked, and when I nodded, she led me out of the room. “Keep your arms folded behind your back.” I compiled instantly, trying my best not to show any of the Discomfort I feel from holding my arms in that position. Following where she led me whilst blindfolded was difficult, but the feeling of being on display whilst being unable to see who was looking at me was very arousing. I could already smell the scent of my excitement already, there was no doubt that people around me would pick up on it as well, and that only aroused me further.
“Hey, Jason. How are you?” I heard Jason answer Selena and state how good I looked which only caused me to blush and Selena prompted me to thank him before telling me to go on my knees. She asked Jason how his week had gone and I heard more people come over and speak. It made me feel inferior to those around me, being instructed to knee on the floor as my superiors talked above me. It was humiliating, objectifying, and I loved every second of it. With the time that passed, I felt myself drop further into my submissive happy space. Letting all my worries just disappear, all that mattered was being of service to Selena, and right now, that mean kneeing on the floor and being ignored or referred to without being allowed to talk unless addressed. I heard more and more people join the group and more voices as the room filled with more guests. I’d never felt on display like I had as I had before, and I couldn’t even see who was looking at me or even how they reacted to me.
A little while later, a voice announced that dinner would soon be ready. I was led over to the table by Serena and she instructed me to get up on top of the table. Selena helped me up and guided me so that I was lying flat on my backon the table, I heard other girls being sit up in similar ways, and since the table was long but narrow, I’m guessing the thing I felt touching my head was another girl’s feet. Sure enough, when I stretched my feet, I felt another girl’s hair.
The host of the party thanked everyone for coming and a sushi meal had been prepared. I was wondering why there were no plates on the table, but when I felt cold Things being placed on my stomach, I realized I was the plate. Dropping further into subspace, I heard Selena talking to other guests at the table as she and others near to her, picked food off my naked body with chopsticks.
When all the food was clear, Selena had me go on all fours on the table, and I heard the same instruction being given to the girls on either side of me by their owners. I was unable to see who gropeed me, I knew Selena was encouraging others to touch me though. A shiver ran through me as I felt more and more like a sex doll right then, an object to be usedand gropeed. If this carried on, I was going to need to cum sooner rather than later. Things got worse when Selena started struggling my clip and then encouraged the girl behind me to eat me out. I was then told to do the same to the girl in front with Selena guiding my tongue to her already wet hole. She tasted sweet, not as nice as Selena but still pleasant. The girl behind me must have had some practice in going down on a girl because she was making it very difficult for me to focus. It felt so good.
Once everyone had finished eating and had settled, we were all removed from the table. My blindfold was removed, and for the first time this afternoon, I was able to see the scale of this party. There were at least ten other girls, naked like I was who was here as the entertainment. On top of that, there were I’d guess around twenty members of staff, serving drinks and little bites to eat. Then there were easily over fifty guests with even more turning up after the meal. I’d never been so vulnerable and on display in front of so many people, and now I was able to see people’s faces when they looked at me. The looks of appreciation of my body were lifting and it helped me feel sexier than I normally would, as did the hungry gazes.
Selena first led me over to the St. Andrews cross in the corner of the room. My cuffs were connected to the ringlets on the cross and I was bound to face the cross. Selena started flogging me expertly in front of a watching audience. She encouraged some of the other guests to have a go as my ass and back got redder, warmer and sorer. When Selena got the floggers back, she increased the intensity, hitting me harder, causing me to cry out in that new mix of pain and pleasure that I was beginning to love so much.
Thankfully, the submissive girls were rotated around the room, so After a little while longer, I was unbound from the cross and moved to the next station set up for entertainment. We were now at the bar and all of the bar stools in front of the bar had a slightly larger seating area with a hole in the seat. The bottom of the stool opened up and there was enough space for me to knee in there. The cushioned seat opened up like stocks as it came apart for me to fit my neck through, and then it was locked in place, fitting my head in place. I could see a few other submissive girls being fitted around me and I could guess what was coming next. Selena climbed on the stool I was fitted inside, and when she was seated, her delicious pussy was touching my face. In between her thighs, I began eating her out gently as she instructed, whilst she spoke with some of the other guests. I could feel my own cliporis ache for more attention, but right now that didn’t matter, I was here to serve after all. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jason getting a closer view of the action with his camera. It was the first I’d seen of him all afternoon, but then he was good at being discreet and keeping out of the way soas not to disturb what he was filming.
Sometime later, Selena got up and helped me out of the stool. It had been heaven eating her out as she tasted divine and I had zoned out to a peaceful state. When she patted my head, commending me on a job well done, I couldn’t help but smile delightedly. Selena then let me out and guided me to the middle of the room where another girl was suspended, hogtied above the table. Her knees were spread and she had weighed nipple clamps hanging from her. Selena had a word with the person who rigged her up and they agreed on something before turning to me. The rigger passed Selena what looked like a dildo, but it was on a small stick, and on the other side of the dildo, was another, smaller but girls dildo. The strap was fitted around my head, with the girlier part being fixed in my mouth like a gag. Selena then helped me up onto the table where I knelt whilst my face was guided to the girl’s vagina. Gently, she eased the dildo attached to my gag inside of her and she had me nod my head back and forth to fuck her. The girl moaned in pleasure and I basked in the humiliation of being made to serve others, despite my growing need for release. Deeper and deeper I reached, fueled on by the other submissive girl’s moans of pleasure. I reached fully forward so that my nose rubbed against her clip every time I pushed inside her, and when she got close, Selena grabbed me by my hair and started ramming my head in quicker, and deeper. The extra intensity was what the girl needed and she squirted all over my face as she climaxed.
When the other girl was untied, another rigger then came and began to suspend me above the table in a similar position. Laying flat, facing down with my legs spread and my ankles and wrists hogtied. It felt weird to swing weightlessly from the ceiling, unable to move, but it was kind of freeing. Once I’d been rigged up, Selena invited some guests to queue up if they wanted some fun. She stepped up onto the table in front of where I was rigged up, and another man climbed up behind me. Selena positioned me in front of her pussy and had me lick her whilst the guy penetrated my vagina from behind. It was hard to try and give Selena the worship she deserved whilst I was being pounded from behind, but I gave it my best shot. It seemed to be enough as Selena climaxed loudly and then swapped places with someone else. Before she went down, she replaced the blindfold on me and fitted my ass with a steel plug. I felt my eyes roll back as the overwhelming feeling of having all three holes full brought me to climax, which was to be the first of many.
For some time, I was suspended there and had my holes used over and over by people who were queueing. I’d never felt so much like a living fuck doll in my life, just holes to be used by the guests and I wasn’t even able to see who was using me or who was watching. Just growing more sensitive, and lost in my arousal. Thankfully, all the men so far had been wearing condoms, otherwise, I’m sure I’d be covered in cum. As I grew close to climax once again, I heard a small crowd cheering me on until I cried out in pleasure, and they whooped in response.
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