The Reporter Pt. 01

“Geoff. Can’t you give this online piece to someone else? It’s just fucking weird.” I asked desperately, but Geoff, my boss, wasn’t budgeting. He was an ageing, balding, sleaze-bag of a man, but hey, it was hard to get work in this city. Like many young journalists, I had dreams. I wanted to make it big, I wanted to be the one that covered the big, ground-breaking stories. Not this piece of trash piece that he was telling me to do now. After all this Fifty Shades of Grey bullshit, there was apparently a growing amount of people entering the BDSM lifestyle. Bondage, Domination, Sadism and Masochism. It was all a bit too weird for me, wasn’t normal sex enough for these people? I wasn’t a prude, I enjoyed having sex as often as I could, but all this pain and pleasure malarky didn’t interest me.

“Look, no one else wants to do it Penny. You’re last one in, so you’re lowest of the pile here. Do you have any idea how many smart-ass young girls I have who think they’re the next big thing? The next Pulitzer prize winner. Either you go do this piece, going from place to place, meeting people from the lifestyle and interacting, trying a few pieces yourself, or you’re out. It won’t be hard to replace you Penny.”

“Argh, fine. I’ll do it.” I moaned as I slammed the door walking out. Unfortunately I had no other option. I moved to the big city a few months ago and I wanted to make it here. This was the only place that would take me with my limited experience, if I could make my name here with some well written articles, video reports and common interest pieces, maybe another media company would pick me up. Then I could shove it in Geoff’s face that I wasn’t just another replaceable intern. Make the bastard regret treating me the way he had.

Over the next few months, I would travel and meet with people who were from many aspects of the BDSM lifestyle. I was expected to make a web series and report on each of those aspects from a neutral point of view, and even get interactive, to experience some of them myself. If the reports went well, I would get a whole section of the media’s website dedicated to my travels and my experiences. It would be eighteen plus, and people would have to subscribe to it. On the plus side, if this did go well, I earned a share of the subscriptions. The only problem, I would have to get naked. I would have to do some of the things that these people do. Of course, I didn’t have to enjoy it, and I didn’t have to lie and try to sell the experience. I’d try to keep my distaste out of the write ups and the reports for the sake of being professional.

A week later, I met up with my cameraman, footage editor and all round tech know it all, Jason. Jason was an intern, like me. This was his first piece for the company and as we travelled, my first impressions of him was that he was a Really nice guy. Friendly, funny, and not too bad on the eyes at all. We drive out the city to a small town on the outskirts until we finallyy reached our destination, a private estate surrounded by woods and a large wooden fence in the middle of fucking nowhere. This weekend this place held a pony play fetish festival. Apparently people enjoyed being treated like human ponies and all kinds of weird shit. Fuck knows how I was going to get through this without calling out these perverted wankers.

There was a large security gate blocking off a private lane which we had to buzz for access to get in. Once we passed the gate, we drove for another mile or so through a narrow lane surrounded by trees before it opened up into a massive wide open space. The main building was stunning, looking historic, possible from the Victorian times. Spread away from the main building were several smaller buildings and barns which had probably once been the living quarters for the family’s servants.

Outside the main building, we were greeted by a man called Ian. He was a tall, bearded, handsome man, and he was pleasant and welcomed.Something you wouldn’t expect from someone who owned a place like this. The event we were here to cover didn’t start for another four hours, so Ian gave us a little tour of his grounds, explaining the history of the house. After the tour, he sat us down and had one of his workers make us all a tea and a sandwich whilst he spoke about the evening event.

“How much do you know about what you are filming here?” Ian asked curiously.

“Not a lot.” I answered honestly. There was something about Ian that made me feel at ease and inspired me to be honest, that it was safe to do so. “To tell you the truth, I have never experienced or looked into anything like what I’ve got ahead of me for this web series. It’s never interested me, but work is hard to find and my manager wants me to do this.”

“That’s understandable.” Ian replied sympathetically. “For you this will be weird then, and unlike anything you’ve experienced. You may not understand what people get out of this, but be assured that I have met some of the best people in this lifestyle. Wonderfully interesting characters and friendly. I only ask that whilst you film this and experience it yourself that you do not judge, you do not make my other guests feel uneasy or uncomfortable.”

“I can do that. As much as I don’t want to be here, that’s not yours or your guests fault. I promise you I will act in a professional manner. It’s in my best interests for this web-series to go well. Thank you for your hospitality Ian, where should we set up?”

Ian led us outside to near the barn. The area was abuzz with activity, his workers setting up the area and bringing some equipment needed such as chariots and such.

“If you follow me Penny, inside is my partner Mia. She is taking part in the festival herself and if you’d like to watch her being set up, you can record that as part of your report.”

“I’d love to, thank you Ian.”

Ian led us inside the barn, it was mostly empty but on the walls were hooks and chains and plenty of leather straps and gear hanging. Mia was standing by the wall and when Ian came in, she kissed him. Like Ian, Mia was very polite, and had a great sense of humour. I know I judged these people as weird at the very least in the past, but so far, both of them had been amazing people.

After we had set up, Ian started to get Mia undressed. Naked, Mia was a beautiful person and she had Every right to be confident with her body. What amazed me was just how confident she was being naked around people, it was as if nothing was any different.

“Hello, and welcome all to The World Of Kink, and I’m your host, Penny De Vale.” I put on a smile and a happy voice as I spoke into the camera. “Over the next few weeks, I’ll be travelling across the county bringing you some of the highlights from the World of Kink. This week, I’m here at The East Wood Ranch, ready for the Pony Girl and Pony Boy festival that is held here annually. So, stay turned to see the exciting world of kink, and who knows, maybe you’ll find your next kink as well.”

“Good stuff Penny.” Jason made an okay sign with his fingers and I told him. He turned the camera now to Mia as she was to be prepared for the event. I could sit back and watch and do the voiceover for that bit later. Standing next to Jason, I watched Ian approach Mia and he kissed her forehead, a signal that she was entering a new head space for her pony play.

The first part of Mia’s equipment to be placed on was the harness. It was a diamond in shape at the front, with a stick coming up in the middle of her breasts, connected to a ring on her collar. At the bottom, there was a stick that went through her legs and up the other side, leaving gaps for access to both holes. There were all belts around the sides and the bits coming from the collar so that the outfit was placed n tightly. At the back and the sides of the harness, there were a few rings to attach cuffs or whatever the pony girl was pulling.

Next, Ian got the head harness ready. Made of leather, like the body harness, the head harness fit round Mia’s head with straws coming down on the inside of her eyes. There was a metal bit gag which was placed inside Mia’s mouth. Ian allowed me a closer look showing just how far the gag went. It was pretty much sitting on Mia’s gag reflex, causing her to drool uncontrollably. In her safe place, Mia rubbed her head against Ian’s arms as a show of affection and he stroked her hair before he placed it in a long pony tail. The head harness also had blinders, like a horse would have, preventing views from the side. Mia would only be able to see straight ahead of her.

I shifted uncomfortable, unable to take my eyes off of Mia. As weird as this was, I felt a dull ache in between my legs. Mia looked stunning all dressed up in her gear, even more so when the leather platform boots were fitted. Next, Mia’s arms were pulled behind her back and she had what looked like a double arm length glove was fitted around her arms and then tightened, pulling her shoulders back and her arms close together behind her. This had an added effect of pushing her chest out, showing off her magnificent breasts. Yeah, this was definitely affecting me in a way I wasn’t expecting. I felt my cheeses warm as I knew I’d be fitted in a similar way to this, was I actually looking forward to it? What was wrong with me?

With Mia fitted in her pony girl gear, Ian worked on some small additional details. Mia’s nose was pierced with a small bar in the middle of her nose, this was removed and replaced with a small ring. The bars in her nipples was also replaced with rings, and so was her Christina piercing and the two she had in each pussy lip. I was transformed watching this transformation, it was almost dehumanising, and I was finding it hot. Ian then attached a small golden bell to the rings, and hearing them ring with every movement made the situation even hotter for me. To be so on display and have every movement you make draw even more attention to you. This was beginning to get difficult, if I couldn’t sort myself out I was going to need to disappear for a few minutes and give myself some relief.

“She looks absolutely stunning.” Jason whispered to me and I could only mumble a reply to agree. “Looking forward to getting dressed up yourself?” He asked and I wondered if he could tell how it was affecting me. My body was not discreet when I got aroused, my breathing got heavier, I got very wet, very quickly. It wouldn’t surprise me if I had a massive wet patch now. And knowing that I was going to go next and that I’d have to be naked for that. Either I’d have to excuse myself and give myself a moment to calm myself as I cleaned up, or I’d have to just go for it and not give a fuck what people thought. Mia certainly didn’t and I admired her a great deal for that.

The last piece to be added to Mia’s outfit was a butt plug. The steel device looked intimidating, but it had the same colour hair trailing from it as what was on her head. Mia closed her eyes in pleasure as the plug was lubed and placed inside her ass. I wondered what that felt like, I’d never had anal sex, let alone a plug fitted up my ass.

Whilst Mia had been prepared, other guests had arrived on the grounds and prepared their ponies as well. As I followed Ian as he led Mia outside, her tail swaying behind her. I was surprised with just how many people had arrived. Men and women had come from all over the country, well world, to attend this festival. It was amazing to see so many people enjoying themselves. There were tours of the ground in a cart pulled by pony girls, there was an inspection area, a wash area and an area to ‘park’ your ponies with others whilst the dominant socialised with others. It was exciting and very arousing watching some of the shows and the parades with the pony girls and boys. I was afraid to speak, afraid that I’d give away just how much I was enjoying this.

“You’re very quiet Penny.” Ian commented and I smiled.

“There’s far less sex than I imagined there being.” I admitted, surprised by my turn of opinion for the event.

“There’s usually an after party held inside after the festival. Rest assured there will be sex and games there. This time is purely for pony play fetishists however, and many of them don’t have sex whilst regressed in the pony play mind set. For my guests however, I can’t invite you and your camera man for that.” Ian explained.

“That’s okay.” I agreed, though a little disappointed. It was clear there was more to this stuff than I originally thought. I’d been so wrong to dismiss it as something bizarre that perverted people did. It may be perverted, but I could see why people did it. Maybe Those who were perverted had a little more fun that others missed out on due to their hangups on the lifestyle. Maybe it was okay to be perverted, as two consenting partners, no one had a right tojudge you. “So, where do I need to go to get fitted?” I asked nervously. It was going to have to happen for the web show eventually, there was no point in delaying it any further.

“Follow me back to the barn, I’ll fit you myself if you’d prefer.” Ian suggested softly and I agreed. Better him, someone that I’ve spoken to and seen what kind of person he is than someone I didn’t know. My heart was pounding as I followed Ian. I was confident with my body, but I’d never been naked in front of so many people. In fact, it was usually only one person at a time.

I was led to the barn by Ian, and he locked the door behind him after Jason came in, I’m guessing to help me get comfortable. As Jason set up his camera, Ian talked to reassure me. I was safe, there was security around the event should anyone misbehave. I wasn’t going to be judged by anyone here, I’d treated everyone with respect and kindness so far, so likely everyone would treat me the same way.

Slowly, I undressed.Fully aware of my surroundings, I kept looking to see if either Ian or Jason stared or laughed, but they did nothing of the sort. Both were facing away as if to give me my privacy, which was ridiculous if you thought about it. I was going to be naked in front of them anyways. Once I was fully undressed, I stood there with my arms by my side. A big part of me wanted to cover myself up, though when Ian and Jason turned to face me, that went away. I felt safe here, both of them checked on me and made sure I was okay. Neither stared, and both looked at my face when talking to me. Totally professional and calming behavior from both of them, it put me at ease instantly.

“Ready to begin?” Ian asked, and I nodded, signaling for Jason to start recording.

“So, after all the watching, it’s time for me to get involved. This here is the lovely Ian who owns the facility here. He is going to get me fitted as a pony girl, and then I’m going to have a little play outside with the other pony boys and girls.” My voice was far confident than I thought I could manage seeing as this was the first time I’d been naked on camera. “So, without further delay, I’ll let Ian explain what he’s doing as he fits me. I tried to focus, smiling at the camera despite my growing nerves.

“Let me know if you are struggling at all and need a break or to stop.” Ian whispered before he Begin, and I smiled warmly at him to try to show him I was at ease. He first picked up the leather harness, similar to the one he put on Mia but with a few differences. I listened as he explained what it was and what it did to the camera. This one had only one hole for access to the ass, unlike Mia’s which had two, otherwise it was the same diamond shape that fitted underneath my breasts and covered my pussy. The harness felt comfortable as he tightened the belts, ensuring that it fit properly. A leather collar was then fitted around my neck, which forced me to look up a little. It wasn’t too uncomfortablebut it would take some getting used to.

“How’re you doing so far?” Ian paused from fitting me and explaining all the way to check in on me and I gave him a nod. There was something about wearing this, something about being dressed this way that made my mind regress into itself. It was as if my other worries no longer mattered, that this was a welcome escape where I can let loose and enjoy myself. It felt like I wanted to submit, but I wasn’t ready to admit that to myself, let alone Ian or in front of a camera.

Once the harness had been fitted to the collar with a leash, Ian then got the head gear ready. He started by fitting it over my head, placing a rubber bit gag inside my mouth. Thankfully, I didn’t have the same steel one that Mia was wearing. That one would have made me choke on my own drool I think, I had a sensitive gag reflex. The straps of the head harness covered my eyes a little. Unlike Mia’s which had the blinders attached which stopped Mia from looking out atthe sides, this one slightly obscured my vision at the front instead. The straws went around my head and fastened in place, meaning that I was unable to push the gag out. I looked at the camera and felt myself growing further aroused.

I tried to distract myself as Ian put me in my boots, and fitted a clip on tail to the back of my harness. Lastly, Ian fitted a pair of leather cuffs to my wrists, and then attached them to a metal ring on the back of my harness. With my arms cuffed, and my control took from me, I slipped further into my new found submission. Ian checked how I was one last time before he led me a bit closer to the camera. I couldn’t meet Jason’s eyes as he did a close-up of me on the camera.

My heart pounded as I was led outside, and it took my eyes a second to adjust to the extra light. Around me, there was plenty of activity as people enjoyed the festival. People smiled and nodded as I passed them, but there was no laughing, no bad comments. Ian was right,If these people were treated with respect, they’d treat you that way in return. I could tell it was a close-knit community, even if these people didn’t know each other, they were with people who shared the same kinks that they did, so why the hell would they kink-shame others?

Mia whinnied as I approached her and she brushed her head against my arm as a show of support. I couldn’t help but smile, she was so god damn cute, and sexy. She rubbed her head against Ian next, seemingly requesting something and he smiled and lightly sprayed her face with cool water.

Over the course of the afternoon, Ian showed me many of the things the pony girls and boys got up to. I learned to walk properly as a pony girl should, lifting her knees up high and looking ahead at all times. I even pulled a cart with Mia and a couple of pony boys with Ian and Jason in it. As the afternoon went on, I found that I was actually enjoying myself thoroughly. My initial expectations of this had been completedely wrong.

As enjoyable as the day was, it was exhausting. After helping pulling the cart, my muscles felt like they were on fire. I think Ian could tell I was exhausted and he helped me back to the barn to get out of the outfit and dressed again. I thanked him for his time, asking him for his number to keep in touch. It honestly felt like I had made a couple of new friends today. Embracing him, I said goodbye, as did Jason and we left. I was a little gutted we didn’t get to be involved in the after party, but he was right, we had no right to intrude there.

“How did the footage look Jason?” I asked when we got back in the car.

“It was very good Penny. You looked amazing, and you did so well as a pony girl. How did you find it?”

“In truth, I loved every second of it. I’m definitely a lot more optimistic about enjoying making the rest of this series.”

We spoke the whole way home, both of us on a high after a great day. Jason was very easy to speak to and a very pleasant guy. By the time he dropped me off home however, it was late and I was exhausted. I wished him well as he went home to edit and post the first video on our website and then crashed into my own bed. Next week I had a visit planned with a professional Dominatrix. At first I just wanted to just get through this web series, but now I was actually looking forward to it. Next week Couldn’t come quick enough.


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