Lisa McGreager, nee Simpson, was a 22 year-old graduate of the Columbia Journalism School, just married five months ago to her college sweetheart. Everything had broken her way recently, and the future looked rosy. The only flaw after her wedding was a lack of money which necessary that she and her husband, George, live with his parents, a very sexy situation that already had led to a frosty relationship with her in-laws. However, that one blotch on the conjugal bliss had been cleared a month ago by her being hired as a junior reporter at a major local newspaper. It was an ideal job, one she had hoped to get down the road, not so soon, and, significantly, her salary combined with George’s permitted them to rent and furnish a lovely condominium apartment. It would have been hard for her to see a cloud dimming her sun.
Unfortunately, that cloud appeared, ready to rain on her parade, in the form of a major mistake in her first significant independent story. She diligentlyresearched a local story of corruption, interviewed those involved, checked all of the facts carefully — and then carefully typed in the wrong name of the accused! It probably should have been caught by an experienced editor, but it wasn’t, and, suddenly, the paper was threatened with a disastrous suit. As the most junior employee involved, she received all of the blow, and being fired seemed inevitable.
The managing editor, one James O’Conner, was noted for his courage and his refusal to give employees a second chance except in very unusual circumstances. She, and everyone else, expected the worse. There was no question as to ultimate blow in this case and she sat there all day, suffering and waiting for the axe to fall. Finally, as the press room emptied out and everyone was going home, Lisa was summoned to his office. As she stood Before his desk, being berated for her stupidity and carelessness, Lisa was determined to accept her fate slightly and bravely since, other than her inexperience, she had no defense. However, as doom was delivered and the severance from a job she loved took place, it was just too much. Suddenly, it all hit — the loss of the job, the catastrophic loss of her income, the consequent inability to keep the apartment, the thought of being forced ignorantly to go back to George’s parents, etc. She saw her whole future and, perhaps her marriage, collapse around her. Her stoic facade broke, and disintegrated into a flood of tears and a plea for leniency. Her woes tumbled out and her boss was registered with more than he wanted to hear about the impact of firing her.
Now, James O’Conner was a gruff, hard veteran of the news business, but he was not immune to the desire displayed by the tearful young woman before him. He was a 52 year-old widower, old enough, literally, to be her father, and, contrary to popular opinion, he did not enjoy firing people. In reality, he quickly fired employees who, in his opinion, were not deicated to the newspaper business, but he actually tried to find a way to overlook the indiscretions of those in whom he saw that dedication. In this case, he had been on the phone all day, apologizing and placing the offended party and was preparing a prominent retraction, thus, averting a suit. Nonetheless, there was no way that her careless actions could be overlooked and he had already prepared an alternative to firing her — after threatening her, successfully, with the ultimate punishment. “All right, Miss McGreager, what do you suggest? That I should just overlook your story that has greatly embarrassed this newspaper? I hired you on the recommendation of Dean Simmons at Columbia, my old friend, and I hate to disappoint him, but I can’t just let this pass and risk you doing something like this again.
Lisa suddenly saw a ray of hope. “Oh, Mr. O’Conner, please let me stay! I’ll do anything! Punish me some other way!”
“All right, young lady. If you don’t want to be fired, you will have to suffer another way…a good, hard spanking!”
Lisa was stunned. She had never even dreamed of such a proposal. She hadn’t been spanked since she was six years old and the idea of being spanked by her boss was inconceivable. Still, mulling it over for a second or two, she realized that this was a real way out. Her job, her home….everything, hinged on this unexpected reprieve and if being treated like a little girl would save her, well, a little embarrassing pain was a small price to pay. Finally, she managed to say, “I did a stupid thing, and if that will make up for my mistake……well, ok.”
“Understand, I’m not talking about a little paddling. If we do this, your little ass will be blistered and you won’t sit down for a week. Think about it.”
Lisa was shocked, both by the blunt language and the realization that this would be real punishment. Still, she saw no other way, so, hesitantly, she replied, “I guess I have no choice. I want this job so very bad, for many reasons. Ok, go ahead.”
O’Conner swung his swivel chair around, saying, “All right, come over here and get ready. I’m not going to do it over all those clothes, though. Take off your pants.”
Again, Lisa was shocked. Somehow, she had never conceived of having to undress for the spanking. Worse, this day of all days, she had destroyed a one piece jump-suit with Only her panties beneath it. She had small, perky breasts and frequently, as today, went braless. She was stunned at the thought of being almost nude in front of Mr. O’Conner, yet she saw no alternative as he waited impossible for her to follow his orders.
“Come on, girl. I don’t have all day! Either get ready or forget it.”
Reluctantly, Lisa reached for her zipper and slowly pulled it all the way down, and, turning criminal as she did so, slide the suit off of her shoulders and stepped out of it. Mr. O’Conner, frankly, had not expected such a revelation as he saw her standing there in a pairof sheer panties and, incongruously, knee socks. Resolutely, however, he gestured her over in front of him and, before she could even think to react, stripped her panties down, leaving her, effectively, naked. Her thinking processes numb from these unbelievable circumstances, she didcily lifted her feet alternatively as he removed the panties and throw them onto his desk.
She presented a lovely picture, slim with those perky breasts topped by small pink
nipples, her flat stomach featuring a triangular shaft of curly, blond hair above two relatively long, shaped legs. She still was still benumbed, completely at a loss, incapable of any independent reaction. No man other than her husband had ever seen her nude, yet here she was, unclothed, standing in the office of her employer, her sensitivities overwhelmed, waiting Submissively for whatever was coming next.
Now, James O’Conner was old enough to be her father, but he wasn’t her father. Seeing this very attractive youg woman standing naked before him had the effect it would have on any normal man. Still, he ignored his hormone urges and turned to the job at hand — firmly implanting the need to be accurate into Lisa’s mind by giving her a sound, through spanking on the other end of her anatomy. “All right, Mrs. McGreager, You asked for this. Come here.” Shortly afterwards, she was drawn over his knees, her head and legs hanging down, her hips jutting upward, waiting for the inevitable.
O’ Conner found himself looking at those hips, two perfect, plump shafts covered with the smooth, unblemished skin of a young woman. As with most women preparing to receive a spanking, her legs were tightly clinched , her buttock muscles were rigid as she instinctively attempted to conceal her most intimate areas. That self-control and concern for modesty didn’t last long, however.
The spanking started with a stinging slap, causing an involuntary cry of “ouch!” As the slap was repeated, Lisa made everyeffort to remain rigid and silent, but her resolve quickly disintegrated. The blows continued, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, with an occasional SLAP thrown in. Ultimately, each blow was immediately followed by a cry or moan of pain. Slap, “oooh,” slap, “ouch,” slap. “oww,” slap, “it hurts,” SLAP, “OWW.” Meanwhile, her tightly held legs began to play open as she attempted, unconsciously, to avoid the punishment. Also, her buttock muscles couldn’t stay rigid and the cheats of her ass became much softer while being even more elastic and resilient.
Slap, “oooh!,” slap, “ooooh,” slap, “owww,” slap, moan, slap….. On and on, as the spanking continued, that unblemished skin first took on a rosy flush, followed by a spreading angle purplish red. For O’Conner, the experience was nothing like he had experienced before. If the spanking had occurred immediately after he discovered the blunder, his anger would have been kept him focused, concentrating on punishing the transgressor, not on the transgressor’s anatomy. His anger had cooled, particularly since the controversy had been defused. Now, the spanking was really a way to install in a promising young reporter the need to be very accurate, rather than taking the draconian step of firing her. Thus, while the spanking was harsh, deliberately inflicting pain, his mind was less on the spanking, itself, than on the exclusively intimate female appratus spread out before him. Every time her legs opened, her lightly haired cunt was on display. If they opened wide enough, as they often did, her rear opening was exposed, both to his eyes and to his spanking hand.
For Lisa, the exposure of the most intimate openings was no longer even a concern. She would gratefully have spread herself wide if it would have stopped the spanking. She hadn’t dreamed that it would hurt so much or last so long. Actually, she no longer was thinking at all, merely lying there, completely submissive, absorbing the punishment while moaning and eventually pleading for it to stop. Slap…”OWWW,” slap, “OOOH,” SLAP, “Oh, please, I’m sorry!” slap, “ooooh,” SLAP. “Oh, it hurts,” slap, “ouch!” This went on for a full five minutes, until her bottom was past the point of being just red, it was almost radiating like a red light. By that time, she had ceased moving and was just lying there, sobbing and moaning. Finally, O’Conner withheld his hand and looked at his handiwork. There was no white skin showing on her ass cheeses or even in the furrow between them. Even her cunt had received a number of firm slapses as she twisted about. Still, however, he wasn’t finished.
“Stand up, Mrs. McGreager. I’m going to finish with 10 strokes from my ruler so you will see longer-lasting welts to remind you of your punishment.” He helped her to her feet and had her lean over his desk, resting her elbows on its surface. Lisa was beyond protest at that point and all that really penetrated was that it would be over after 10 more slapses. As she would find,However, a ruler’s slapses are different from those of a hand.
She presented an unbelievably sexy sight as she leaned over the desk. Her feet were well apart to brace herself, and as she bent over and her bottom pushed out, everything that normally was hidden now was graphically displayed. Now her cunt lips were revealed in their entirety, their light coating of curly hair doing nothing to conceal details.
Needless to say, O’Conner’s eyes focused on that erotic sight, but he forced himself to concentrate on the work at hand. Reaching into his desk drawer, he pulled out an 18″ ruler made of thin, flexible wood. Without waiting or giving warning, he brought it down, with vigor, directly across both chefs, creating an instant horizontal slash on the red skin. The pain was unbearable and Lisa recovered up with a shriek, jerking her hands back to protect herself. “Take your hands away and bend over,” he ordered harshly. You have nine to go!”
“Oh, please, no more of those! Please! I’ll do anything!”
“Bend over!”
Resignedly, Lisa slumped down, surrendering, and…twack…twack…twack….the ruler whipped down on her defenseless rear. After each “twack,” Lisa screamed in age. The sharp snapping blows on her already sore hips sent currents of pain zapping through her entire body, pain no longer localized in her ass. Twack….shrek….twack…..twack….. scream…..twack..”ooooooh,” twack, “Oh, god, no more!”….twack…”Oh, please!”
O’ Conner paused, then said, “One more!” With that he held the ruler vertically and brought it up directly between her legs, hitting directly on her cunt as a finale, that last “twack” causing her to literally lift off of the floor and, then, sag down against the desk. With it finally over, he was Very solicitous, putting his hand on her shoulder, saying, “Its ok, Mrs. McGreager. It’s all over. You were very brave and certainly have paid for your mistake. Are you all right?”
Lisa’s mind was in a peculiar state.She still was reeling from the chatisement, pain she had never dreamed of, but, at the same time, she was exalted that it was over and she still had her job. Talk about mixed emotions! Tentatively, she reached back and ran her hand over her burning hip, saying, “God, that hurts. It feels like there’s a fire inside.” Then, without thinking, she added, “My heavens, I’m on fire! Feel it!”
Only too Willing to do so, O’Conner placed his hand beside hers and feel the heat, but, more importantly, feel her ass. Once his hand was there, he couldn’t pull it away, and it ran, without opposition, all over and, then, down between her legs onto her cunt. At that point, things got out of control. Lisa was still bent over the desk, legs open, and as he felt her, she responded spontaneously, by spreading them wider, Welcome his exploration. Suddenly, his hand left and behind her there was an undoing, an unzipping and, very shortly, she felt a very hard cock at the opening of her cunt.
If an hour ago anyone had suggested that she would welcome any man but her husband into herself, she would have been insulted that the thought even arose. Now, however, the idea of stopping him never entered her mind. At that point he, almost literally, could have done anything he wanted with her.
Without hindrance, the cock sank completely into her with one push. It quickly withdraw and began the eons-old process of a man screwing a woman. There was nothing delicate about it, merely the increasingly vigorous pounding of her cunt as his excitement built. It should be mentioned, though, that as her cunt was pounded, her clip massed by his balls, she, also, was aroused and pushed her hips out to meet his inward plunges. It didn’t take long — he was too stimulated to last — but when the final coming together occurred and he exploded deep inside her, both were quite satisfied.
Afterwards, the atmosphere was, as might be expected, somewhat strained. He watched her pull her panties on over her crime, welded bottom, and warned her, “You had better not let your husband see you undressed until the marks are gone. That will take a while!”
“I know.” Then, blushing, “That’s not all I’ll have to keep my husband from knowing!”
As she drove home afterwards, Lisa found the entire set of events to be almost unbelievable. She never had been seen nude by any man Other than George and now she had been seen, spanked and, inconceivably, screwed. How she would face George when she got home, she had no idea. Or, for that matter, how would she face Mr. O’Conner tomorrow? Would he wants to have her again? What would she do if he did? Still, and with a feeling of exhilaration, she thought, “I still have my job! We can keep the apartment! I guess being spanked and screwed isn’t too high a price for that!”
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