My name is Maria Arnolda. I am a bit on the north side of 45, and I feel that I am slowly reaching my expiration date. You know, best if used by Christmas. Thank goodness I look younger than my years, in spine of a few extra pounds. They say a lot of guys like extra padding—something to grab onto. I hope that’s true.
Best if used by Christmas. That has a nice ring to it. In fact I would really like to be used by Christmas. Naughty me! I shouldn’t be thinking things like that. All those erotic stories on the internet, especially the BDSM ones, have stirred my blood. Of course it’s all fantasyland. Those kind of things don’t happen in real life. Or do they?
It has been difficult and lonely taking care of Mom for these past years, but I’m really glad I did. She needed me. After my dick of a husband left me high and dry for his bimbo secretary, I moved in with her. At least I didn’t have children to worry about, and I was able to work full time as the office manager for a law firm. Then Mom got sick, and between her care and the job I lost contact with my old friends. The few men who showed any interest in me were not my type, whatever that is.
Six months ago Mom gave up the struggle. I just sold her house and bought myself a condo downtown. Now I am ready to kick start my social life, but first I have to find a new job. Apparently ten years of competent service doesn’t count for much when the boss decides to replace you with a sexy young thing who looks good but knows nothing about running an office.
I have been on a couple of interviews, but the competition is stiff. Maybe this ad for an administrative assistant to a construction company owner will pan out. It’s in an industrial area, which is Not my first choice, but beggars can’t be choosers. I pick up the phone and dial. A man answers.
“Morgan Construction.”
“Hello, I’m calling about your ad for an assistant to the owner.”
“Yes, hello. I am John Morgan. Thank you for calling. I’m scheduling interviews with the first five callsers. You are number five.”
“Well I feel very lucky,” I say gaily. “You are not asking for resumes?”
He laughs. “No, I have found that resumes are usually so full of examations to be virtually useless. I prefer to learn about an applicant’s experience by asking questions in an interview. But I warn you; I am looking for someone with relevant experience. I’m being overwhelmed with paperwork.”
“I understand about resumes. I have seen some really creative writing during my travels. I have a ton of experience.”
“You sound experienced. What’s your name?”
“Maria Arnolda.”
“Well Maria, can you Come see me tomorrow morning, at say, eleven?”
“Yes sir.”
“Excellent. See you then. Good bye.”
“Good bye.”
I like the sound of that one. She seemed confident and didn’t try to sell me on the phone. My guess is that she really has had a lot of experience, and I need someone competent for a change. I can’t let my prediction for eye candy get in the way this time. After all, I get all the stimulation I can handle from my little hobby.
My hobby is a club called “The Sanctuary”. I bought this building in order to have a suitable place for it. Fortunately my construction business has thrived, and I am able to indulge myself in any way I wish. My club is a place where like-minded men and women can come and safely live out their fans, most particularly their sexual fans.
It is very exclusive; the people I invite are thoroughly vetted. Betty, my all-purpose secretary, handles this task. She was kind of a junior partner in setting up the club. The members are sworn to secret, and they must agree to be filmed in Compromising situations so that they know they will have a lot to lose if they ‘blow the whistle’ on the club. I want “The Sanctuary” to be a true sanctuary.
The club is located in the basement floors of my warehouse. The building is built on an incline, so that from the parking area in the rear there is a ground-level entrance to the basement. This entrance is a steel door, marked with a sign that reads “Acme Importers”. Below the basement is a subbasement, perfect for certain kinds of activities.
I am fifty years old, childless, and have been divided for twenty years. My young wife wasn’t able to deal with my passwords and kinky proclivities. Our separation was for the best. She is happily remarried, and I have found that there is a large community of people who feel the way I do. Attractive, adventuresome women find their way to my club, and I and my friends tease out their secret thoughts and turn them into real experiences.
In fact lately it has become almost too easy. By the time women are vetted and approved for club membership they are so primed for action that they offer virtually no resistance at all. I like the challenge of breakingThrough a woman’s inhibitions.
I’m almost late for my interview. Fussing over how I should dress took too much time. I finally settled my best tailored suit. It makes me look a bit matronly, but I have to act my age. After all, Mr. Morgan said he wanted someone experienced.
One of the things I have learned is that you don’t go on a job interview without doing some research on the company. You have to demonstrate that you are serious and curious. The internet makes it easy. I must say I was very impressed with what I read about John Morgan. He and his company are respected by people in the industry, and people want to work for him. I am definitely one of them. And he is so damn good looking!
Gosh what a dump of a building. And with all that construction equipment it’s hard to know where to park. That new-looking Mercedes must belong to Mr. Morgan. It seems out of place sandwiched between two bulldozers. I guess I’ll just pull my car in behind his.
I get out of my car, being careful not to brush up against the big dirty machines. All those years working in clean downtown office buildings has really spoiled me. I hope Morgan Construction at least has decent coffee.
The entrance is up a couple of steps. I enter and find a honey-haired blonde pecking away at a computer. It’s a wonderful she can see the keys over the prominent bulges in her tight sweater. She is young and pretty and my heart sinks. Is she another applicant, taking a typing test? If so, I am at an immediate disadvantage.
“Hi there,” she says. “I’m Betty. You must be Maria. John is expecting you. The last applicant just left.”
“Hello. Sorry I’m a little late.”
“No worries. I’ll tell him that you’re here.”
She gets up and twitches her tight butt at me as she slithers through the open door into the office beyond. I get the feeling that she is letting me know that she is the number one girl here. I hear mumbled voices, then John appears.
Oh my god. He is even more gorgeous in person. He must be well over six feet, and totally bald in that sexy, Yul Brynner way. I can just visualize those rippling muscles under his clothes. If I get this job there is no way I will be able to keep my eyes off him. I feel so old and dumpy in these clothes.
That last girl was a disaster. Dumb as a fence post. She obviously thought she could get by on her looks, and in the past I might have been tempted. But look at this office. It is a mess. Let’s hope this final applicant is the type I need.
“Good morning, Ms. Arnold, please come in and have a seat.”
“Thank you sir. I am glad to have this opportunity for an interview.”
“I should thank you. I hope you didn’t have trouble finding our building.”
“Not at all, but the trip took a little longer than I expected.”
I sit down behind my desk and she takes the chair opposite, legs together, hands folded on her lap, lookingdirectly into my eyes. I like that. She is really quite attractive. I can picture her bustling around the office, organizing things.
“Tell me about yourself. What kind of work experience have you had?”
“I started right after college. I worked in several companies, including a car dealership, a grocery chain, a bank, and couple of high tech firms. I got a lot of technology training at the high tech companies. In fact the job that I was just laid off from always brought in the latest software, and it was my job to implement it.”
Excellent. She is not afraid of computers and software. “How did you learn about computers?”
“Oh I went on YouTube, watched a few videos and experimented.”
Another positive. She has initiative.
“Have you ever done invoicing, accounts payable, account receivable?”
“No not really. However after a few days of training and asking questions I am sure I could do it.”
I’ll bet she can. It’s really pretty simple. Even Bimbo Betty out there can do most of it. I decided to put the question to her that I have asked all the applicants, and have never gotten a satisfaction answer.
“Well, you can see the mess that my office is in. I can’t find anything. If I were to hire you, what is the first thing you would do?”
“Mr. Morgan I think you would need to tell me what tasks you want me to tackle first. You know your industry and the rules and regulations. You know what needs to get done so I would be looking for guidance from you for the first few weeks as to what to do. I would expect to meet with you first thing in the morning, and at the end of the day. The morning meeting would be to go over what you want me to do, and the evening meeting would be for you to tell me whether I have performed to your expectations. If I have done something wrong I would want you to let me know, and if I do something you like, I would want to know that also. This way we can manage our mutual expectations.”
Wow. What a great response. She has reflected on her past experiences and learned from them. Also she is willing to take directions from her boss. Umm… that is also a trait we value at my club. But I mustn’t be thinking about that.
I have only one more question. “So you were laid off from your last job where you were for 10 years. Why?”
“I was the executive assistant to the president but he felt he no longer needed an AA. He was going to use the receptionist as his AA and she would pull double duties.”
Ah. I have been that route myself. The double duties were probably triple duties, the last one being doing the Lewinski while he talked on the phone. The receptionist was probably some 20 year old bimbo that the president wanted to fuck, so he got rid of Maria.
I get up and walk around my desk. She looks up expectedly.
“You’re hired. I will pay you twenty percent more than you were receiving in your last job, plus full benefits. You will start tomorrow.”
“Oh. I don’t know what to say. Thank you. Thank you. I won’t disappoint you.”
I sit down in the chair beside her. She lowers her eyes and moves away, just slightly. Interesting. Is she afraid I’m about to put the moves on her? Or is she afraid of her own response to my closeness? I study her face and note that she is quite pretty. With a new hair due and less makeup she would look much younger. I am incorrigible. I can’t help thinking about my club.
“Are you married Maria?”
“Divorced sir, but what does that have to do with the job?”
Ah, feisty. Quick to realize the implication of my question. She will be a challenge.
“It relateds to the fact that you will be asked to work late from time to time, and if you had a family that might interfere.”
She relax s and smiles. “Since my Mom died I am all alone. Working late will not be a problem.”
I take her hand. “Excellent. Welcome aboard. See Betty on the way out and she will give you the necessary formsto complete.”
Her hand trembles slightly in mine. I hold her for an extra beat, and she looks deeply into my eyes.
He walks out of the office and leaves me sitting there. It’s like he is defining the basis of our relationship by letting me know he will do whatever he wants, without regard for politeness or convention. I am strangely excited.
After a minute I get up and go back to the reception area. Betty is smiling.
“Well, congratulations. You must have said all the right things. John told me to sign you up. Sit here and I will give you the papers.”
I take a deep breath. “Thanks. I’m so glad to be getting this job.”
“I hope it works out for you. John has had five assistants in as many months. He is very particular. I tried it myself once, but he said I was more suited for reception and data input. And a few other things.”
I take note of that last statement and let my eyes rove over her body. She blushes slightly.
“A girl has to do what a girl has to do,” she says.
“I’m sure you do it well,” I reply, trying to sound sincere and not catty.
“Yes, well here are the papers.”
I complete the forms and return them to her. She tells me that work begins at eight. I thank her and leave.
Driving home I relive every moment of my interview. My skin is still tingling from the way he touched me at the end. His hands were so big and powerful. He could easily have captured both of my hands in one of his, and …
I feel a rush and almost drive off the road. I have to get home fast. A need is building in my gut that demands to be satisfied. My imagination is running wild, recalling scenes from stories I have read.
Quickly I enter my condo and go into the bedroom. It takes only seconds to get out of my suit and underwear. I leave them in a pile on the floor, and flop down on the bed. My favorite friend is in the drawer on the night stand. I tried to remember when I last replacened the battery, but then I realize that it won’t matter. I am not going to last long.
I’m on my back, my legs spread. The buzzing sound promises release, but I want to delay it as long as possible, and I start by teasing my nipples. An image materials in my head. With one of his big, strong hands John is holding my wrists together behind my back. I am facing him, helpless to resist.
He is caresing my face, telling me to relax, that there is nothing I can do to stop him. A finger runs over my lips, gently urging me to open my mouth. I comply and the finger enters. He tells me to lick it.
I feel a surge of wetness. The story I am spinning for myself is doing the job. I push the vibrator hard against my nipple and imagine what he will do next.
What he does is to continue to hold me while he slowly exposes the front of my body, one button and snap at a time. Soon he has complete access. He kisses me, thrusting his tongue in my mouth and pinching a nipple. I shudder and move my humming friend down over my stomach to just above its ultimate target.
I moan as I imagine his hand traveling over the same territory. In my mind his fingers end up on my pussy at the same time I slide the buzzing probe into the slippery valley. I cum in a volcanic exploration, crying out. Afterward I wonder if my neighbor heard me.
My work life is so much easier and relaxed now, since Maria came on board. She is bright, intelligent, well read and very independent. I love how she organized my office and took over my schedule. She is so smart and frankly I love talking to her.
Sometimes she looks at me in a funny way, and I wonder if she could be a late submissive. She calls me Mr. Morgan and Sir, and I don’t correct her. And I may be wrong, but her clothes seem to be getting sexier and her body tighter. She must be exercising. There is no question that I am attracted to her, in spite of, or maybe because of, all the action I get at my club.
A few days ago she started bringing me coffee without my asking. Today she brought eggs and bacon for both of us. I’ll have to keep reminding myself that I need her as an administrative assistant, and that if I allow myself to get involved with her it could mess things up.
Also, Betty is getting jealous of the private conversations I have with Maria. I thought she was going to bust a gut when Maria showed up with breakfast today. Now she is pouting. But I know what will cure her. I’ll give her some special attention this weekend at the club.
I love working here. It’s been three months now. John is so great. He seems to really appreciate how I have gotten things under control. I love bringing him coffee and calling him Sir. And of course I love looking at him. When he rolls up his sleeves I can see the beautiful tattoos on his muscle arms. Almost every night I pleasure myself while calling up images of him and his voice.
I am working hard on my appearance, and I think it is working. He is starting to look at me in a different way. But I know he has lots of young, sexy girlfriends. I am dreaming if I think I will ever be a part of his social life.
In fact he makes a big point of my leaving the office on Fridays promptly at four o’clock. And we never work on the weekends. He has told me under no circumstances am I to come back to the office before Monday morning. That’s fine with me, but I can’t help wondering what happens here on the weekends. Does he have wild parties?
I have made some new friends and go out on the weekends to clubs and bars, but my sex life is still centered on the internet. Stories about being tied up and teased and forbidden to cum turn me on immensely. Last night I read a tale about a sub who was tied up wearing a dildo and lightly flogged until she acknowledged that her Master could do anything he wanted to her.
What would it be like to actually experience these things… to be the sub of man who controls me totally… who puts me in restraints and teas me while he whispers in my ear, telling me I am not allowed to cum until he says… and then make me do things to him before ravishing me.. ooo..
Hey, snap out of it Maria. It’s Friday afternoon and I’ve got to finish up and get out of here. John and Betty have already left, so I will be locking up. I’m looking forward to having dinner with my friends Monica and Lucy tonight.
At six o’clock Betty and I open the club. She remains in the reception area to control access, while I take a tour to make sure the maintenance guy has done his job cleaning up after the last party. His name is Luke, and he does the work in return for being a member. He is rough around the edges and I was hesitant about admitting him, but Betty convinced me that some women would go for session with a guy like that. She was right.
Friday night is usually a big nightat the club. People need to unwind after working all week. A few of the members always come early; they must be telling their spouses that they’ve had to work late so that they won’t have to come to work on Saturday. It’s a shame that many people are afraid to reveal their true passages to their partners. If I ever got married again, I am making damn sure the woman shares my inclinations in this area. Sexual attention is the basis of the male-female relationship, and it’s crazy to have to suppress desires that you were born with.
The main room is large, almost half an acre. A circular bar in the center has stools for thirty people. Most people start out there, getting a drink and sizing up the situation. Sometimes new members and guests will spend a whole evening sitting and watching.
There is a lot to see. All around the circuitference of the room are alcohols, each large enough to hold four or five, although often it is only two. A velvet rope can be strung across the opening to indicate that the occupations do not wish to be disturbed, at least physically. Except for a couple of alcohols with folding screens, there is no visual privacy. And even on those with screens, there is no audio privacy. Sometimes the sounds coming from behind those screens are the most exciting thing in the room.
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