The Reluctant Submissive Pt. 03

It was Thursday before Ryan met up with his girlfriend Nikki again. She had cleared her work for the week during the previous two days when Ryan had been in London and was planning a leisurely day in his apartment, the main priority being to catch up on exactly what had taken place after Ryan had described it as intense on a call the night before. Ryan was almost two weeks into a four-week arrangement with an online dominant, during which he was expected to serve as a submissive. If he completed a series of tasks his Master was giving him, the Master had agreed to release Nikki from her arrangement as his online submissive, allowing Nikki to serve a female dominant she had met and who lived nearby.

Settling onto the sofa with a cuppa in her hand, Nikki beckoned to Ryan to sit next to her which he did gingerly. He then proceeded to remember the events of the last two days. It had only been a few weeks since Nikki had confessed to her submissive tendencies, and they had both agreeded that whatever happened from that point on they were going to be 100% honest with each other. So, Ryan went through the details of the photo shoot with a new model, Carly, his mysterious message from the Master that had led him to a chambers run by a professional dominatrix, having to strip for her to have his ass beaten and then being pegged for the first time, before discovering that Carly also had dominant tendencies that had led to her contacting the Master. The last she had said to him as they had parted was that the Master liked the idea of ​​Carly being involved for the remaining two weeks of the arrangement.

‘Come on then, show me your ass. Let’s see if it is as bad as mine was after that first night with Mistress,’ Nikki asked, putting her cup of tea down and turning to face her boyfriend. Ryan rose from the sofa and turned away From Nikki, pulling down his shorts and pants to reveal a bottom covered with horizontal welts. They were no longer red but gave a clear indicationion of the ferocity of the beating he had taken at the hands of the dominatrix.

Nikki asked lots of questions. How he had felt as the various things had happened to him and whether he had ever thought of using a safe word and calling a halt to proceedings. She was particularly interested in his mindset, especially on hearing that he was now firmly convinced he too was submissive by nature. She also paid particular attention to what had happened with Carly on the Tuesday evening, which culminated in Nikki pulling quite a face when she heard about Ryan washing a naked Carly in the shower. Nikki asked to see a picture of Carly and Ryan showed her some of the photos from the shoot on which they had met, which had been for a lingerie company. Nikki commented on how pretty Carly was, which prompted Ryan to reassure her that he was not about to ditch her and move in with the model.

‘Babe, you have to believe me, I love you. You don’t think I would keep up this game with the Masterif I was about to leave you, do you? I’m doing this for you, so you can be with your Mistress. I may be starting to develop submissive tendencies, but I still don’t really know what that means going forward. The one thing I do know is that I’d much rather serve a woman than a man,’ he said, trying really hard to convince his slightly sceptical girlfriend.

‘I bet you would. Especially if your Mistress looks like that and you get to shower with her!’ Nikki waved her hand at the tablet that had displayed the images of Carly.

‘That’s not fair. Anyway, look what happened to you on that weekend with the Mistress. Sucking off a guy in the sauna and then giving yourself to four complete strangers. And sauna guy was an athlete, wasn’t he? I bet he’d welcome you with open arms if he can expect that sort of service on a regular basis.’ He tried his best not to get angry or make his comments sound like an accusation, holding her gaze until Nikki blinked and looked at the floor.

‘Look Nikki. We knew this was going to take us somewhere dark as soon as you agreed to serve the Mistress that weekend our little online fantasy became a very physical reality. Now I’ve experienced the same, I think I have a bit of an idea of ​​how you’re feeling when you serve her. You get that buzz don’t you? It’s such a feeling, there’s nothing else like it. But it can’t last forever and when all that excitement has gone away, when the endorphins have evaporated and everyone has had their way with you, I’ll be there for you to come home to because I love you. All I ask is that if you do ever develop feelings that might threaten what we have, you tell me OK?’ He looked at Nikki who was a little teary, but she nodded her head gently.

‘I know exactly what you mean. I’m so glad you understand me,’ she replied, moving to hug him as they sat on the sofa. ‘I don’t want to lose you Ryan, but I can’t stop this. Not yet.’ She looked up at him. ‘Do you hate me for that?’

‘God no. I love that you’re being honest and that you are brave enough to see where this could lead. And I’m so grateful to the Master for making me truly experience those same feelings. Now listen. There is no way I am going to leave you for Carly. Yes, she is beautiful, but so are you. And she’s just too thin for my taste. I love your body and I adore feeling all those curves.’

‘That’s the nicest way anyone has ever told me that I’m fat!’ Nikki said, laughing as she did so.

‘I hope you’re joking,’ he replied, also breaking into a grin. ‘I don’t know what’s next. Hell, none of us do. You want to serve the Mistress, but you’ve no idea what that means. How much of your time will she expect? Where will it leave us? How do I fit in? What if I do develop a D/s relationship with Carly? I don’t even know where she lives. We need to get through the next two weeks and then have some grown up conversations, with Carly and with the Mistress, to try and work all this out.’

‘And talking aboutt the next two weeks, what about all your daily tasks? Have you kept those going?’ she asked once she was reasonably convinced that Ryan still fancied her.

‘Well I was given a free pass on Tuesday. Yesterday I did them when I got back. I haven’t done today’s yet,’ was his summary of the situation.

‘Maybe now would be a good time?’ Nikki suggested. ‘I quite like the idea of ​​watching you take that dildo in the ass. Who knows, I might even pick up some tips!’

Ryan disappeared to the bedroom. When he returned he was naked, carrying his phone and a seven inch dildo. His first daily task was to practice a series of submissive poses, holding each for one minute. Then he had to repeat the pose of the day for three minutes, take a picture of himself in the pose and send it to the Master. Whenever Nikki was with him, she had taken to using the camera on his phone and recording the image. As she was doing so, Ryan standing in front of her with his legs should length apart andHis hands behind his head, she marvelled at the fact he was now wearing the chatity cage all day every day.

‘I still can’t believe you just sent that second key in the post as instructed. Yes, I’m impressed at your submissive self following instructions to the letter, but you realize there is no way out of it now for a week. What if there is an emergency?’

‘OK, confession time,’ said Ryan. ‘There’s actually a third key. I’d give them all to someone near, but not to someone over 100 miles away I’ve only met once.’

‘Ah, I see. Sneaky.’ Nikki took the picture for the Master and allowed Ryan to end the pose. ‘Well, keeping in the spirit of things, maybe I should have that third key. Go get it for me.’ Ryan didn’t hesitate. As he’d explained, he had no qualms in Nikki holding the final key. And part of him had felt as though he was cheating when he had sent the second in the post as the professional dominatrix had instructed. As he passed the third key to Nikki, he knewhe had given up control of his penis completely.

‘Right, dildo time.’ Nikki said it matter of factly and Ryan wasn’t at all taken aback. He sated the dildo on a chair from the kitchen and then excused himself to give himself an enema. The latest addition to his daily tasks had been to ride the dildo for fifteen minutes every day. It was the dildo Mistress Samantha had forgotten in a strap on when he had visited her in London and she had taken his anal virginity. Now the idea was he got used to the size of it, because she had threatened to use a bigger one when he returned for his second appointment the following week.

On his return and without any pause or embarrassment Ryan rode the seven inch dildo in front of his girlfriend. Nikki marvelled at how far they had both travelled in such a short space of time. She recorded a brief video for the Master and then sat back and watched as her boyfriend performed in front of her. Before she had started their journey into submission byreplying to a message from the Master, their three years together had involved plenty of lovemaking and whilst they had experimented with more than just the traditional positions, their sex life had been extremely vanilla in comparison to what the two of them had experienced over the preceding seven weeks.

With required messages sent to Master and with nothing else pressing to be done that day, they decided to walk to their favourite café in the Nearby park, again marvelling at how long the spell of uninterrupted dry weather was lasting. On their way Ryan received a message but decided to wait until they were at the café before reading it. The Master lived in the US and they had become accustomed to the time difference, this latest message coinciding with him waking on his side of the Atlantic. The different time zones had been one of the reasons Ryan had first agreed to the four week arrangement to earn Nikki’s freedom, thinking that ultimately he could hide certain things fromthe Master as a result of the distance between them. His recent trip to London and the interaction with the professional dominatrix, arranged by the Master, had brought home to him just how wrong he had been and looking forward to the remaining two weeks was now starting to fill him with a sense of foreboding.

The message did nothing to quell his growing fear of what lay ahead.

— Hello subbie. I’m glad to see you’re not neglecting your duties. You really need to have that ass trained for your next visit to Mistress Samantha, else you will regret it. Now, I’ve been chatting with the lovely model you were working with, Carly, and she has agreed to help me out with the next stage of your journey. So, you are exempted all my tasks for the weekend. Instead, you will arrive at Sheffield train station on Friday Evening and look out for your Goddess there. She will return you to the station on Sunday afternoon. In between you belong to her. All my rights over you I transfer to her. She will give me a report and if she isn’t happy, you will have failed me. I don’t need to explain what that means do I subbie?’ —

There was nothing else. Ryan passed the phone to Nikki to read the message. When she handed it back, she had a very different look on her face, the happiness of being with her boyfriend on a lazy, sunny day replaced by a slight grimace.

‘Well, this will be a test to see if those fine words of undying love for me are true, won’t it? A weekend with Carly, presumably at her place. It’s almost as though he is copying what I’ve been through. Maybe there is a dominant’s guide to breaking in your sub they all get a copy of!’

‘One thing will be different from your weekend with the Mistress though babe. I won’t be fucking anyone with my dick locked.’ Ryan looked at Nikki, who now had a wry smile on her face. ‘Don’t forget,’ he continued, ‘I am doing this for you.’

‘I know babe,’ she replied. ‘And I know how much it hurt you when I toldyou about what happened that weekend with Mistress, but we’ve got to accept if we’re truly submissive then we don’t get a say in how our bodies are used anymore. No, that’s not right, we do but when we trust our dominant then we don’t. Does that make sense?’

‘I know what you mean. The right to say no if they suggest something you’re not comfortable with, but when the dominant Knows you well, they’ll never push you to that extreme. So you’ll always stay within their control, doing what they ask to please them.’

Nikki smiled. ‘That’s it. Exactly right. So make sure you have a safe word or some way of getting out of this, because though the Master is experienced, it sounds as though Carly isn’t.’

They chatted about what might be in store for Ryan for the rest of the afternoon before including they didn’t really know. Ryan suspected there would be quite a bit of the Master’s influence at play, whereas Nikki suspected Carly would be allowed a free hand. Eventually they put it out of their minds temporarily and enjoyed a rare evening together. It was the first time Ryan felt aggrieved at being locked, wishing he could have made love with Nikki but instead having to make do with an extended session of oral sex that culminated in a powerful orgasm for Nikki and frustration for him.

Ryan was still thinking of how Nikki had teased him over his locked cock as he boarded the train for the journey to Sheffield the next day. After her first orgasm, he had pleaded with her to unlock his cage but she had insisted on him remaining locked, as the Master had intended. He was so immersed in his thoughts he almost missed the train, having to run to the platform from the coffee shop he had been sitting at.

The train was busy so he stood, his bag held firmly in his grap. Although the fact no one could see the contents he felt self consciousness that it contained the collection of sex toys the Master had required him to buy a little over a week ago; butt plugs, nipple clamps, enema kit and balaclava mask, in addition to the two dildos he now owned. He had received a message before setting off telling him to take it all with him so that Carly had some options as to what tasks she would have him perform.

He received a text from Carly during the journey advising him to head for the Ritazza coffee stand when he reached the concourse and following those instructions he saw her as soon as he passed through the ticket barrier. She was an oasis of calm in the bustle of the railway station, standing still with her hands claped behind her back as everyone around her either rushed to the platforms, the taxi rank or the car park depending on whether their journey was just starting or reaching its conclusion. She wore cut off jeans that just made contact with her tights and a tight fitting top that left no doubt she had dispensed with a bra on yet another warm summer day. Her figure would have turned many a head as it was, but combining that with her striking red hair which she was wearing tousled and cascading over her shoulders mean that virtually every man under 40, not to mention a few women, slowed slightly as they passed her to take a second glance in her direction.

Ryan wasn’t sure whether to acknowledge her or just head in her direction. In the end he chose the former, raising his hand and giving a short wave. It prompted a smile but no wave in response. As he approached she started to speak.

‘Hi Ryan. Good to see you again. How was your journey?’ she asked.

Dispite the fact she had called him Ryan he was a little unsure as to how to address her so he decided to play it safe.

‘Er, yeah, not bad. Busy train but on time so I can’t complain. How are you?’

‘Me? Oh, I’m fine thanks,’ she replied. ‘Looking forward to the weekend. Shall we get going?’

‘Yes, sure. You’re the boss,’ he replied.

‘That I am!’ She answered with a broad grin on her face, before turning and heading in the direction of the car park.

Her demeanour changed almost immediately they were seated in her car, a Mark I Audi TT. Ryan remembered how she had done the same in London, flipping easily from the happy go lucky model to the strict dominant. No sooner had he closed the door than her voice became much more commanding.

‘So your Master has decided to use this weekend as a little test for both of us, subbie. It’s for me to experience some time with a 24×7 submissive and for you to experience some time as a slave. Master has been telling me there is an important distinction between submissive and slave. This weekend the line between the two might get a little blurred. So your Master has told me to tell you, there will be one free pass available to use this weekend. Basically if you’re told to do something that makes you Uncomfortable, you can decline the task. But you only get to do that once. If later in the weekend you want to pass on something else, you can, but that will mean you have failed your four week assignment. So use your free pass wisely. Do you understand, slave?’

‘Yes Goddess.’ Ryan was in no doubt he was now talking to his dominant and addressed Carly as such.

‘Good. So let’s get going.’ She reversed out of the parking space in quite an aggressive fashion. Ryan suddenly realized he was placing a lot of trust in a woman he didn’t really Know. His first encounter with Carly had been with him in charge and Carly as his model for a photo shoot. She had been professional but deferential, taking instruction and making the odd suggestion. She had come across as confident without showing any sign of this more aggressive and dominant woman now driving him to a weekend of what? Slavery, but what exactly did that means. It certainly wasn’t what he had signed up for.

‘One more thing slave. Switch your phone off and put it here. You won’t be needing it this weekend. I’ll let you have it back on Sunday.’ Carly’s tone made it clear there was to be no discussion of the matter, so Ryan switched off his only link to the outside world and placed it in the cup holder she had indicated.

Ryan had never been to Sheffield before and therefore had no idea where they were going. After around 25 minutes they left the city behind and were driving through the suburbs. It appeared from the road signs as though they were heading for the Peak District, a view that was confirmed When Carly turned onto a B road that gave an unencumbered view of green fields. Another five minutes of driving and then she suddenly turned down an unsigned road, single track with hedgerows on both sides, giving no opportunity for Ryan to see where they were. Suddenly the hedgerows ended, as did the road. In front of them was a small cluster of farm buildings, a barn to their left with what appeared to be stables and other outbuildings to the right. In the centre was the farmhouse. It had seen better days, but there were signs that some restoration work had begun.What really captured Ryan’s attention was the view behind the buildings, which had been built at the bottom of an incline to a rocky outcrop. On the right, behind the stables, was the edge of a forest. The setting was spectacular. Ryan suddenly remembered a film he had watched when he was young, a remake of Wuthering Heights, that he had found particularly boring until the first scene that showed the moors. Then the Young city boy had marvelled at a world he never knew existed. To this day he felt it was watching the film and first seeing the breathtaking scenery that had pushed him towards a career that involved so much travel and outdoor work. And the rocky outcrop he looked at now was so reminiscent of one that had featured in the film.

Carly pulled up in front of the farmhouse and switched off the engine. She turned to Ryan with a smile on her face.

‘Spectacular, isn’t it? I still can’t quite believe it’s mine. It belonged to my grandparents and my grandfather used to farm the land. When he passed away my nana spared the land over beyond the outcrop to the neighboring farmer, just to continue the tradition of the land being worked. She passed away last year and it just seemed natural to continue the arrangement. And I’ve two horses who are looked after by the farmer’s daughter for me when I’m not here. Horses are my password. Whenever I’m not working I’ll come up here and ride every day. She has two of her own so we often ride together. When I’m done with modelling I want to try and work the land again, keep the old traditions going for one more generation.’


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