The Reluctant Submissive Pt. 02

Monday dawned bright and clear. They woke early despite having nothing planned for the day. Rather than rushing to get up they spooned, Ryan wrapping himself around Nikki. She chuckled as she felt his erection pushing against her bottom, knowing he was not allowed to cum for three more weeks, unless his online dominant gave permission.

When Nikki made it clear to Ryan that she wouldn’t be doing anything to break his orgasm ban he reluctantly got up and made them each a cup of tea to start the day. Waiting for Ryan to return, Nikki checked her phone and was surprised to see the message that had arrived the night before just as she was setting down to sleep was from the Master. Curious as to why he would contact her, she opened it and read the contents. He was asking for her help in ensuring Ryan didn’t break any of the rules that were being set. She replied and confirmed she would stay involved. Nikki had served the Master a few weeks before and when she had asked permission to transfer her allegiance to serve a local female dominant in person, the Master had agreed on condition Ryan serve in her place for a month. Nikki had been surprised at the request but she was curious to see if he would last the course. They had been together for over three years and she felt sure Ryan would be her partner for life, but there was no harm in seeing how he shaped up to this test of his commitment.

As they drank their tea, Nikki raised the subject of the Master. ‘You mentioned yesterday that you have a daily routine. Are you going to tell me what that entails?’ she asked.

‘Sure. I have a daily retweet task. Choose a tweet that arouses me, retweet it, then send a message to Master explaining why I choose it. Then I have to practice these submission positions as he calls them. And now he sends me a daily position that I have to perform for longer than the others, including taking a photo and sending him that. Today he wants you to take the photo for some reason.Oh, and I almost forgot, from today I’m also to practice deepthroating the dildo for 30 minutes.’

‘Well, you’d better get started then. Leave me your phone and I’ll read through your retweets while you do your positions. I’m curious to see what you’ve already tweeted. Shout when you want your picture taken.’

Nikki found the RTs interesting. Ryan was clearly Favouring the images of a male in chatty being dominated by a woman. She opened his messaging app and read the exchanges with the Master, noting that he imagined the Mistress who Nikki was hoping to serve as the controller of his chatity. Filing all that information away for future use, she took the picture when asked and then jumped in the shower as Ryan looked for another post to retweet. Ryan followed Nikki into the shower and when he came out later Nikki inspected the damage that had been caused by his chatity cage the night before and deciding it wasn’t as bad as they had feared, asked Ryan what he was planningto do about the cage. When he replied that he wasn’t sure, she suggested a few hours that day to get his body used to the idea of ​​wearing it every day.

‘OK. I guess it’s going to be a feature of the next three weeks so I might as well get used to it.’ He retrieved it from the bedside table and started fitting it, noting that he was not in any way embarrassed to be doing so in front of Nikki. Becoming a little More adept at the process he was relieved that he could now get the cage in place quickly enough that his penis didn’t grow to a size that made insertion into the cage impossible.

‘What do you think to the idea of ​​a steel cage, babe?’ Nikki asked when Ryan had completed his task. ‘You have to admit the problem with the plastic ones is they don’t look anywhere near as attractive.’

‘It’s not just that,’ Ryan replied, ‘everything gets a bit sweaty when it’s been on for a few hours. I quite like the look of some of those steel ones, but I guess they are going to bequite expensive, aren’t they?’

‘Maybe you should take a look. Who knows, I might even be able to convince you to keep wearing it after your little trial period with the Master is over.’ Nikki had a smile on her face as she spoke.

‘Now that sounds complicated. How would that work? My submissive girlfriend keeping me locked in chatity? Can you have a relationship with Two subs and no dom?’ Ryan looked generally confused.

‘No idea. We don’t have to fit into the stereotypes you know. We do what we enjoy and we don’t have to put a label on it. Anyway, does that means you see yourself as a submissive rather than a dominant?’ The smile had left Nikki’s face and she now looked deadly serious. Ryan realized she was actually thinking about life after the next three weeks.

‘I’m pretty sure I’m not a dominant. I certainly don’t see myself in that role with you. There’s no way I could do some of those things to you that your Mistress has done. That’s not to say I don’t likethe idea of ​​you being a sub and I’ve got to say, I really enjoyed your reactions that first time. But I think I’m more submissive than dominant. Hell, I must be to accept this!’ He indicated his groin and the chatity cage.

Nikki laughed. ‘Maybe I need to ask the Mistress if she does two for one deals!’

‘You’re not paying her are you?’ Ryan suddenly asked.

‘No, I’m not paying her anything. I generally think this is a lifestyle thing for her. I’ve no idea where it’s leading, I’m just enjoying the ride at the moment.’ The grin was back on her face.

They decided to get dressed and head off to the park for a coffee. Nikki had checked her work email and there was nothing that could’t wait until later in the week. It was one of the things she enjoyed most about being a freelancer, within reason she could choose when to do the work she was offered.

Sitting outside the café on another gorgeous clear day they chatted about their plans for the next few weeks. Nikkiadmitted she felt a little odd not having a dominant in her life but had decided to make the most of the calm before the storm as she expected things to become quite intense if she was allowed to see the Mistress in three weeks’ time.

Suddenly Ryan’s phone beeped. Looking at the notification, he remarked that it was early to be hearing from the Master and opened the message. He spent the next couple of minutes reading and re-reading the message before passing the phone to Nikki for her to see. She read it and then shrieked, ‘Oh what fun. Let’s get going’.

— Hello subbie. I hope you behaved last night. I can only imagine what a temptation your girlfriend must have been. Well today I have a special task, designed to dampen your ardour and teach you that not everything in the life of a submissive is going to have a sexual aspect to it. Today you are going to go to your girlfriend’s apartment and you are going to clean it from top to bottom. You will do this naked and for aslong as you are cleaning you will be at her beck and call. Whatever she asks of you, you will do. I expect a report at the end of the day. And then to ensure we don’t have any accidents, you are to spend the night apart. I will contact you again when you are in London with a special task for you. —

Ryan looked at Nikki. ‘Sounds good to me,’ she said. ‘A naked slave in my apartment. I’m already thinking what I could have you do apart from just cleaning. You know, I do wonder if Master is testing me as well to see if I’m a switch!’

And so they set off back to Ryan’s before going to Nikki’s to start what had suddenly become a very different day to the one they had expected. Nikki packed up her belongings and decided to move back to hers for the rest of the week as she wouldn’t be seeing Ryan until Thursday. No sooner had they set foot into her apartment than she dropped the bags in the hallway and shut the door. Ryan looked at her wondering why she hadn’t progressed into the living room.

‘Erm, I think you’re forgetting something, slave. Clothes off. Now!’ she laughed as she spoke.

‘Yes Mistress,’ he replied with a grin. Stripping off he stood in front of her, naked.

‘Well don’t hang around. You know where the cleaning things are. Why don’t you start with the bathroom? I’ve been meaning to clean in there for a week or two. Oh, and you can unpack my bag and put things away. And there’s the washing to do. And I’ll have a cup of tea.’

Ryan looked shocked. Nikki throw her head back and turned on her heel, heading for the living room. ‘Look lively slave, you haven’t got all day. Oh, wait. You have. Well get a move on anyway. I’m going to sit and think what else I can get you to do for me.’

She worked Ryan hard all day. He certainly didn’t feel much in the way of sexual energy and yet the fact he was naked, caged and at her call kept him on edge. She took various photos during the course of the day but he wasn’t entirely sure of how many in total. He also had no idea what she planned to do with them. It was approaching 6pm when he finished cleaning in the bedroom and he walked back into the living room, as she had instructed.

‘Before you go slave, I’d like you to prepare a meal for me. There isn’t much in, so you’ll need to be creative. I plan to eat at around 8pm so it either needs to be something cold, or something I can easily heat up. Off you go.’

Ryan felt uncomfortable cooking naked. He also felt odd that he was cooking a meal he wouldn’t get to eat. He’d already said he intended to be home by 8pm to finish packing and have an early night. He’d decided to cook a chilli, which was one of Nikki’s favourites and cooked enough for two thinking he could always take some home. It was almost 7pm When he walked back into the living room and informed Nikki of what he had cooked. She was on her second glass of wine, both of which had been provided by Ryan in response to Nikki shouting to him.

He stopped suddenly as he looked at her. She had removed her jeans and was sitting with her bottom on the edge of the sofa, her white panties clearly wet where they covered her labia. ‘You’ve done well today slave so I’m going to reward you. You may come and eat my pussy.’

Ryan needed no second invitation and closed the gap between them before falling to his knees and reaching out to move the panties aside. ‘No slave, take them off,’ Nikki commanded when she realized what he was about to do. She stood and raised her hands allowing him full access. He hooked his fingers into the waistband and pulled them quickly down her thighs and to the floor. Then she daintily stepped out of them before recovering her place on the sofa.

He set to work with a focus on her cliporis. He had correctly gauged that she wasn’t expecting a long, leisurely ride to her orgasm, this was to be quick. The events of the day had clearly had an impact on Nikki, though Ryan wasn’t sure if the cause had been thesight of him naked or the dominant role she had adopted. It was no more than five minutes before Nikki was groaning and pushing her hips forward. Her orgasm overcame her and she grabbed his head, pulling his tongue deeper into her as she rode the waves of pleasure. Then she stood, knocking him back a little from his kneeing position, before curling her finger in a beckoning motion. Ryan stood and faced her. She took his head in her hands and gently licked his face, savouring the taste of her own juices.

‘Session over!’ was all she said.

Ryan wasn’t sure what to do next. He hesitated. Nikki saw his confusion and allowed him to hang for a few moments before coming to his rescue. ‘Well get dressed silly, there’s no point in you being naked now.’

With no further comment made about the events of the day they said their goodbyes and Ryan made his way home. As he was climbing into bed that night he received a message from his Master.

— Good job today subbie. Your girlfriend gave you a glowing report which means you will get the best of the three options I was considering for your London task. More details tomorrow. —

Attached to the message was one of the photos Nikki had taken earlier. Ryan, standing in front of her carrying a glass of wine. Nikki’s legs were in shot, obviously seated and allowing Ryan to serve her. His face was pixelated but his cage was clearly visible. He fell asleep that night beginning to see his girlfriend in a slightly different light.

Tuesday morning saw Ryan operating on autopilot, as was often the case when he had an early start. Before he knew it, he was arrive in London and he was relieved to see his bag on the lucky rack above his head, thinking for a minute that he had forgotten to pack his equipment and a change of clothes. He picked up the bag, checked his notes and headed off in the direction of the museum. It was only then that he realized he was still caged, having decided to leave the cage on overnight rather than have the extra complication of putting it back on that morning. The night had gone surprisingly well, considering he had expected problems from all the comments in the chatity forum he now read regularly. He had been tired twice by the pain of a night-time erection pulling at his testiles, but a quick application of lube had taken the edge off the pain and allowed him to get back to sleep.

Arriving at the museum he reported to the front desk and was directed to a wing of the museum that was marked as closed for a private event. Pushing through the doors he found he was the last to arrive, despite being 15 minutes earlier than the appointed time. In front of him on some straight backed chairs were Carly, the model, and an older woman who introduced herself as Sandra, the Head of Marketing from the lingerie company. Off to one side, studying one of the huge pictures on the wall, was the museum curator, John. The four of them spent the next 30 minutes walking around the wing of the museum that exhibited a number of pictures from the Renaissance period, together with display cases containing artefacts from tours to Italy, Turkey and Sardinia undertaken by the family of the wing’s patron. Sandra outlined what the company was looking for, which Ryan had already worked out from studying their earlier campaigns. He outlined an idea he had developed that involved Carly being pictured in Front of some of the paintings, adopting a similar pose to the subjects in the pictures. Everyone immediately loved the idea and they agreed that would form the basis of day one. They agreed to meet at the same time the following day to review initial shots and decide if any follow ups were required.

‘Right,’ said John, ‘please don’t forget you have exclusive access until 1pm, then we will have to open up to the public. I’ll lock the doors so that you have some privacy and if you need to get out for any reason, there is a phone on the wall by the door. Just call me on 144. Please don’t open the display cases or touch any of the exhibitions. Any questions?’

Ryan looked at Carly and they both shook their heads. ‘No,’ replied Ryan, ‘that all makes sense. Just one question for Sandra. Presumably that bag back by the chairs has all the lingerie in that you want us to use?’

‘Yes, that’s right. There are twelve sets in total. We thought we might use them for a calendar tied to the social media campaign if it goes well.’ Then looking at Carly, she added ‘usual rules, you can keep everything when you’re done.’

Carly thanked Sandra and then the four of them headed back to the door, before John and Sandra left. Ryan listened to the door being locked and then turned to Carly, who had opened the bag and started to take the sets out.

‘I always like to start with the more substantial things and then end up skimpy. Does that work for you?’ she asked, looking up at Ryan.

‘Er, yes. Whatever you prefer,’ he replied.

‘Great. Well let’s get started. I love this concept you’ve come up with. Which painting do you want to start at?’ As she spoke she stripped off her tee shirt and unhooked her own bra. She was totally unself-conscious as she continued getting undressed. Then realising Ryan hadn’t replied, she turned and faced him, wearing just a skimpy pair of panties. ‘You’re not going to be one of these oddballs who’s uncomfortable with me being naked are you? I don’t want to have to keep running backwards and forwards from the toilets. It will be a right faff having to keep calling John.’

‘Er, no. I guess I hadn’t thought about where you would get changed, that’s all. Sorry. I’ll go and check the light, see which one gives us the best natural light to start with.’ With that he grabbed his camera bag and set off, as Carly pulled down her knickers and grabbed the first set of underwear she would be modelling.

The shoot went really well. After the initial nervousness, Ryan became quite chatty,Taking the time to explain to Carly what he was doing, lighting wise. When he was happy with the first shots he showed her the display on the back of his camera and she was impressed. By the time they had completed the fourth set, Carly was in tune with his thinking and they rattled through sets five to nine in quick time. Ryan had moved to the end of the long room and was studying a picture showing a young woman, naked and Defenceless, who was being approached by a soldier apparently fresh from a battle. He was thinking that it was amazing how they had got away with nudity in those days on the grounds of it being art.

‘Bit saucy, this one, isn’t it. More in tune with what I’m wearing, certainly.’

Ryan turned to see Carly approaching and for the first time that day, feel his penis stir in the confines of its cage. The lingerie was certainly skimpier than the previous sets, but in addition to there not being much of it, what there was present was sheer. Carly had quite a slend frame, as you would expect for a professional model, though her breasts were well defined. They were straining at the fabric of the green gauze, her nipples clearly hard and erect. She stood with her arms crossed under her breasts and her legs apart. The material covering her public area was equally revealing and Ryan was able to clearly make out that she was fully hiden and that she had slightly distended labia minor.

Carly positioned herself in a way that would allow Ryan to capture both her and the image behind her. He decided to make sure the angles protected her modesty. After all, these photos were for a national lingerie chain, not a pornographic website. He did the best he could, but the underwear really did leave very little to the imagination. Showing Carly the finished photos afterwards he explained what he had done and checked she was ok with it, which she was. They moved on to the penultimate set of underwear.

Ryan was again checking lighting conditions.The pose this time was a lot simpler. In the painting, a young shepherdess was standing in front of a gate, her legs crossed and her arms outstretched, one holding a crook and the other a bell. As Ryan decided on the light settings, Carly returned.

‘It’s not getting any better I’m afraid. Is this going to be OK?’ she asked as she approached. This time the fabric was solid, but the underwear featured peepholes. Her nipples were protruding through the holes in the bra and whether by accident or design, her labia were clearly visible through the slit cut into the panties.

‘Should be fine,’ replied Ryan matter of actually as he nodded towards the picture and the pose Carly would be required to adopt. ‘You’ll have your legs crossed, so we can hide your, er, pussy and I quite like the idea of ​​your nipples showing. I can do something with those.’

‘I bet you could!’ Carly replied with a smile on her face.

‘No, no, I mean I can do something with the light. Highlight yournipples. If you could just moisten them a little, please.’ He turned red as he explained what he had meant.

‘Well, you sure know how to let a girl down. As I was just starting to get excited.’ Carly said, smiling. As Ryan looked up at her, she put her fingers into her mouth and then, with them coated in saliva, she rubbed each nipple between her fingertips.


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