The Referendum Ch. 03

When Anton Janacek received the news that he was to be transferred back to Prochody jail to be interviewed about an historical rapey allocation he went berserk. Arianne Voric watched with deep satisfaction as the three woman restraint team went in to his cell. They were very good. Their special training in techniques of control means that the prisoner stood no chance. Their leather covered truncheons rained blows down upon Janacek’s body, his fate was sealed from the very first blow. Whichever way he turned he presented an easy target for at least one of the guards, who took full advantage of their superiority of numbers. His squeals had no effect on them, it fact it arguably drove them on as they enjoyed giving the beating. Within a minute the multiple blows had him down and out and he was soon trusted at their booted feet, his wrists locked into rigid restraint cuffs behind his back. His face distorted as a laced combat boot forced him down into the concrete floor, incongruously feminiine laughter filled the cell as the guards celebrated an easy victory.

Two of them dragged him out to the waiting van and throw him carefully into the reinforced cage for transport to Prochody. “Use a body cage” said Arianne. The cages had been bannered everywhere outside China where judicial torture was still surprisingly widespread. Recently they had been reintroduced by the Ausitanian justice department, a move that Arianne had strongly supported. Without doubt it was a very cruel, inhumane device but it was entirely consistent with the firm line being taken with violent criminals. It looked like a rectangular lobster pot made of heavy gauge galvanised steel wire. A man’s body just about fitted inside one with his legs folded up behind him. It was intended to prevent any movement of the prisoner and was equipped with handles at either end to allow it to be carried, a task sometimes delegated to other prisoners. Two of the guards forced him inside and locked down the latches.

A few groans still came from inside as the cage was loaded into the rear of Arianne’s silver estate car. She slide the load area cover over to hide the nature of her cargo and slipped into the driver’s seat. On her arrival at Prochody she was greeted by a guard with two male orderlies who removed the cage from the car and carried it down past the holding cells and dropped it on the floor of the newly equipped interrogation centre.

Both Arianne and Veronika now slowly circled the body cage that had been placed in the centre of the dungeon floor, only the regular click of their heels on the granite floor broke the silence. They stood on either side of the cage. The guards truncheons had clearly done their work efficiently, Janacek’s back and shoulders were heavily bruised by their impact, large areas discoloured by areas of blue and purple marked his pounded flesh.

Arianne applied a siletto boot heel to the edge of the cage and found one of the most marked parts of hisback to put pressure on. She wore her knee high boots as an extra weapon, the black leather reflecting mobile pools of light from the wall lamps. The pointed tip of her boot found it’s mark and the dungeon resounded to his anguished cry. “I think that I am going to enjoy this” she said.

Once removed from the body cage Arianne fitted him into her favourite piece of equipment, a device known as “The Kneeler”. Another product of the Chinese grey market in products designed purely for torture it consistent of a pair of steel ankle fetters connected by a short length of steel chain to a circular clamp that hinged into two parts. Once secured about the wearer’s scrotum just behind the tests the key was removed leaving it locked into place. Removal was impossible without resort to the key. The length of the connecting chain was chosen so that it Did not allow it’s wearer to adopt any other position than kneeling or squatting. Within a very short space of time this applied pressure to the muscles of the calendars and thighs leading to acute fatigue and often cramps. In addition to this any movement on the part of the wearer tightened the chain and pulled the scrotum painfully away from the body.

Arianne had passed many an enjoyable hour as she sat and savoured the pain of a victim locked into such a device, enjoying every twist and turn of the hopelessly shackled man. Many a macho type had ended the evening sobbing at her feet as she informed him that it was time for her to take to her warm, comfortable bed whilst he looked forward only to a long night of agonising torture on the cold floor of a prison cell.

Janacek cursed loudly as Arianne fitted him into the kneeer. His wrists were still handcuffed behind him and he was totally at her mercy. The two women retired to the adjacent office for coffee leaving him marooned in the centre of the dungeon floor. She explained “Leaving them like that for a bit serves to increase their isolation, it begins a spiralof despair and that is important in softening them up for a confession. You see some response best to physical pain, others to psychological torture. I find that it’s the combination of the two that cracks the tough nuts. We will leave him for an hour or so then begin to work on him in earnest.”

Veronika poured the coffee. They had gone upstairs past the rows of holding cells to her office. She studied her tutor’s profile as she raised the cup to her criminal glossed lips. Arianne possessed an unusual beauty that was completed by the luxury gloss of her auburn hair. The police officer found herself briefly pondering her own sexuality for a moment before realising that the magnetism of this woman was about far more than sex. For the first time in her life she found herself in the company of a woman who was in complete control of her own destiny, someone who had the confidence and the ability to steer her life on the exact course that she chose without the need for any great adjustment or the input of others, she really was a round peg in a perfectly circular hole.

“So how did you get into this job?” She found herself wanting to know more about this remarkable woman. She was well aware that this could easily slip into hero worship. Arianne finished her coffee and placed the cup back on the desk and leant back, her long booted legs crossed, the heel that she had pushed into Janacek’s back described little circles in the air.

“I started off as a medical student, I did a couple of years at university in Vienna before switching to criminal psychology. That was a subject that had always fascinated me. As a matter of fact I don’t view those two years as time wasted, they provided me with a valuable insight into physics, it’s so important to know both the body and the mind, it’s surprising how the two aspects come together in interrogation. Good torture is all about getting the combination correct, get it right and there isn’t a man alive you cannotcrack.”

“And do you enjoy your work.” She realized as soon as the words had left her mouth that it was a superfluous question.

Arianne throw back her head and let out a carefree, girl laugh. “On god, do I enjoy it! I enjoy every aspect of it. I suppose a psychologist would have a few things to say about me, but do I give a damn?” A slightly pensive look came across her features. “They would definitely say that I was a sadist for starters, but it’s more than just that. OK, giving some lowlife the thrashing of his life that he richly deserves is the icing on the cake. The whole experience leading from taking charge until the point that the bastard signs his name on the confession condemning himself to years of misery, it’s a thrill from start to finish.”

They returned to the dungeon. Janacek, in his desperate efforts to relieve the pain that the kneeer was inflicting on his scrotum had somehow managed to topple over onto his side and now lay helpless on the cold stOne floor, his tortured scrotum encircled by the steel clamp and drawn up into a painful mass of flesh. Already discoloured by the blood restriction it had now taken on a purplish hue. His pulse reminded Veronika of some sort of insect, a cockroach caught in a trap and unable to escape. Arianne playedfully placed the sole of her boot on the helpless man and casually rocked his body back and forth.

She drew the key from the pocket of her leather jeans, handing it to Veronika. “Release him from the kneeer. We will stick him down onto the benchmark and begin the interrogation process.”

Once free of the kneeer Arianne took another key and freed Janacek from his handscuffs. The freed prisoner now changed instantly from being completely subdued to a raging bull of a man. Maddened by his humiliation he turned on Arianne, advancing menacingly towards her. Seemingly unconcerned by this she adopted a defensestance, long booted legs set apart, her arms before her ready for his attack.As he came within range her right arm came up with lightning speed and caught him across his unprotected throat with a karate style chop. An instant later her boot found the already tortured flesh of his crotch and the big man ignorantly slumped to the ground where he lay groaning. She stood over him, gloved hands on her hips, like some sort of triumphant big game hunter as her pointed siletto heel dug into the soft flesh of his belly.

“Help me get him up onto the punishment bench,” she said. The two women lifted his now limp body onto the upholstered platform, Arianne stretching out his arms along the Y shaped projects to the front of the frame, pulling the strdy strps up tightly around his wrists and upper arms as she inhaled the aroma of fresh leather. She tightened them all down a further notch, feeling deep satisfaction as the brand new buckles restrained his limbs, he was hers now. Once his legs had been similarly strapped down to the played leg rests she stood back to consider her next move as Veronika completed his bondage by the addition of a wide leather belt around the waist.

Arianne had laid out the circular brown leather carrying case on the table beneath it’s wall rack with it’s array of canes and whis. She unzipped the end and drew out her most delicious possession. Veronika recognized the long strip of antique rhino hide leather as the antique sjambok whip that had have been used on the prisoner at the state vineyard. Arianne laid it out on the table. At slightly less than a metre in length the whip was clearly very old, the leather having a patina that comes only with great age. “It dates from the late nineteenth century, around the time of the Boer War. It would have been owned by a Voortrekker the Dutch settlements in the Transvaal, these are very rare now, all the modern ones are plastic but this original rhino hide has a unique feel to it, these are truly terrifying weapons.”

She picked the whip up and passed it to Veronika.”Get a feel for the weight of it, that’s the important thing, and the fact that the rhino hide gives it a supplement that plastic can’t imitate. The effect is like no other whip, I shall give you a demonstration of it’s capabilities very soon.” She nodded towards the heavily bound Janacek, all four limbs spreadeagled as he awaited his fate.

She took the prison file and moved across to stand before him. ” Let me take you back to March the ninth two thousand and sixteen Mr.Janacek.” His body stiffened noticeably as he listened. From his position strapped down to the bench he could see only her black leather boots before him, their laces knotted neighborly at the knee. “You picked up Maria Tardelli at Libovice International, do you recall what happened when you dropped the pretty young Italian tourist at her hotel?” Arianne perceived only the merest shake of the head. She continued. “Ms.Tardelli says that after offering to carry her suitcase up to her room you then committed a serioussexual assault.”

“The dirty little bitch is a liar.” His accent betrayed his roots. Many rural Australians shared a cultural heritage with a tribe of ancient nomadic gypsies. It was an intensely male dominated patriarchal group to whom any kind of autonomy ceded to women was total athema. Their women folk were meant to defer to their menfolk in every aspect of their lives, those who did not got a taste of the belt, or worse.

“Why does your response not surprise me Mr.Janacek? Now the sjambok was in her leather gloved hands, the leather lanyard slipped over her wrist as she felt the comforting weight of an old friend in her hand. “It’s always the same isn’t it? The women are at fault. What was it Janacek, did she ask for it, maybe her skirt was too short? Always the same excuses with your type isn’t it?” The feel of the heavy whip gave her the usual thrill welling up from deep inside. It combined with the one in her mind to create that irresistible urge to see the effect that the unbridled sjambok would have on his bound body.

“You can’t use that thing on me bitch.” He was now animated by the sight of the fearsome whip held out between her leather gloved hands.

She laughed softly. A gentle, good natured, feminine laugh that completely the believed their situation. “Oh I think that you may have misread the nature of our relationship Mr.Janacek. I have had You brought to this place exactly because the usual rules of law are suspended here. If you think that there is anything that I can’t do to you then I think that you are sadly mistaken in that view.”

His eyes followed her every move now, not realising that this was all part of the process. She moved out of his sight, her footsteps disappearing somewhere behind him. Time seemed to stand still for him as the Suspense built in the brief silence that followed. Then he feel the gentle touch of the sjambok at the base of his buttocks, just where the cream of his thighs met them. The cool feelof the leather came again as she adjusted her position, booted feet set wide apart to give her the stability the next stage required.

Veronika watched with the excitement inside her growing. Arianne really represented the peak of physical perfection with her slim, athletic body encased in it’s carapace of tight, black leather. She made adjustments to her stance, her long legs set apart in her lacened siletto knee boots as she prepared to swing her sjambok. It descended in a wide whistling arc as it cut it’s way through the air towards where her ranged taps now guided it.

The impact of the shake of heavy dark brown rhino hide on the flesh of the heavily strapped down Janacek was dramatic. The swinging descent of the whip terminated in a loud report as all the pent up energy of the swing was dissipated into the bound man’s body. Veronika watched in fascination as the flesh of his buttocks distorted for a moment under the impact before returning to it’s original shape. Withina few seconds the site of the strike was marked by a wide red stripe that quickly darkened towards an angle deep purple wealth. As this was happening Janacek’s full throated scream reverberated around the stone walls of the dungeon. It subsided to a series of low, pathetic sobs as he felt the tip of Arianne’s whip once more as she readied to strike again.

The two women exchanged smiles briefly. The sjambok soon rose and fell again, his screams growing louder as the ferocious assault continued. A third stroke followed and quickly a fourth and a fifth. Arianne was into a rhythm now, each stroke adding to her pleasure as she brought the whip down repeatedly across the screaming, bucking man’s tortured body. He pulled heavily but inevitably against the leather straps that held him firmly in place across the punishment bench.

Following the impact of the sixth stroke his skin gave way, the sjambok landing in exactly the same place as the previous two strokes. The repeated lashes on the same spot were enough to create a fissure in his flesh, blood flowing freely from the ragged crisis edged gas. Bright rivulets that coursed diagonally across his thighs formed pretty patterns as it began to coagulate. His torqueor applied two more equally hard strokes, the blood spattering more from the impact of the whip.

Janacek’s screams had diminished into a series of soft sobs. ” I just have a Feeling that the sjambok alone isn’t going to provide us with the breakthrough that we need, but I do have other weapons in my arms.” She laid the whip down, the tip and part of the shake now discoloured by his blood. She flicked the catches on a small black attaché case. The contents were revealed. A bright steel domed anal plug, a slim steel urethral sound about fifteen centimetres in length together with coils of electric wiring in red and black and a small black generator box with a control that looked like the kind of blipper used to unlock a car.

Arianneplugged one wire into each of the steel probes and smelled each with a lubricant gel. Janacek’s whole body stiffened as the anal probe slide in until only the red wire protruded from his anus. Similarly the steel sound slipped down the length of his cock. She plugged both into the generator box and switched it on. A red light glimmered extremely. Picking up the remote she handed it to Veronika. ” It generates a very high voltageage but there is really no power there, but it’s the voltage that counts, that’s what makes the bastards really dance.” Her gay laughter tinkled around the dungeon as they prepared for the next stage of the interrogation. “The tips of the two probes are only a few centimetres apart from each other but when the current flows between the two it can only pass through his body, the effect can be really quite dramatic, as he will soon find out.”

Veronika’s finger hovered over the red button for a second. “Don’t be frightened it won’t bite you, although it will him,quite hard.” The strapped down man’s body bucked slightly accompanied by a little squeal. She pressed again, this time for slightly longer, watching in fascination as his whole body tensed, his muscles tightening in response to the electrical current. A loud animalistic howl came from deep inside him as the current coursed between the two electrones adding further to his torture.

Arianne took a leather head harness from the wall rack and inserted a solid leather ball gag into Janacek’s mouth. He tried to resist but it was hopeless, she merely pinched his nostrils between her leather gloved fingers until he was forced to open his mouth to draw breath and the gag slipped in. She deftly tightened the strraps that ran across his skull pulling the gag deep down into his mouth. He shook his head as violently as he could in a vain attempt to prevent the incursion, but it was hopeless.

“I often find that using a gag helps getting a confession. The opportunity to confess their crimes can come as something of a relief. I inform them that if they don’t confess then the gag goes back in and it may be a long time before they get another chance. Sometimes they fear that these shocks may kill them, they won’t of course, but they don’t know that.”

Veronika was enjoying her new toy now. Every stall of the red button brought another strange shriek from deep down inside the bound man as the electric current performed it’s cruel and merciless work. “After a good session they feel like they have run a marathon.” Arianne continued. “Every muscle completely ruin out by the futile fight against the straps.” Once more Veronika pressed the red button and another shock ripped through their prisoner, the veins on his forehead standing out like cables as their torture continued. Eventually Arianne was forced to take the control from her colleague. “Time to give him a little break and allow him to contemplate his future.”

They went into the office for coffee and returned half an hour later. Arianne unbuckled the head harness and removed the gag “This is your opportunity to sign the confession on the Tardelli case, I suggest that you give it serious consideration before we continue with the interrogation. Of course if you refuse then the gag goes back and we increase the current for the next session.” This was in fact a bluff on her part, the current was already on maximum setting, there was nowhere else for her to go.”


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