Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any similarities to any events or to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All players are over the age of eighteen unless otherwise stated. If you have a problem with bondage or non-consensual sex, go no further! This story is purely for adult fantasy and entertainment. The author in no way conflicts violence towards women. Constructive criticism and comments welcome at the end. My special thanks to a new fan, Gee J, who gave me this idea! I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter One
This is ridiculous! I don’t need therapy! This is all a mistake! I’m getting out of here.
“Mrs. Meyer?”
The receptionist jars me from my thoughts.
“The doctor will see you now. Go right in.”
“Eh, thank you.”
I head into the office. The first thing that strikes me is how soft the light appears. There are a couple of lamps with shades that look like they were fashionable from paper that gave off a soft orange light. On the walls are paintings of calming things, a sandy beach, a beautiful sunset and one that instantly catches my eye, a woman standing under a street lamp all alone with only the glow of the light surrounding her. I get closer to look. The street looks wet and the puddles look so real!
“One of my patients did that for me,” says a deep voice. I jump.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. How are you? I’m Sam Mitchell.”
He’s tall, probably about six feet and some change. He has a nicely built upper body, broad shoulders and chest. The grey at his temples contrasts nicely with his wavy dark hair and the stubble on his face gives him a kind of rugged sexy look. His hazel eyes twinkle at me behind dark rimmed glasses. He’s wearing a nice fisherman’s sweaterter over some dark jeans. He doesn’t look like a psychologist! If anything he looks like he should be shooting an ad for some designer men’s cologne, the kind that they put in fashion magazines on those cards and the sample makes you weak in the knees!
“Hi, I’m Rayna Meyer. It’s nice to meet you.”
He has a nice firm handshake.
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Meyer.”
“Oh, you can call me Rayna. Only my daughter’s friends call me Mrs. Meyer.”
“How old is your daughter?”
“She just made nineteen.”
“Is she going to school?”
“Yes, sophomore year at the university downtown. She’s majoring in nursesing.”
“Very admirable profession. Nurses are still the most trusted professionals. Politicians are at the bottom of that list.”
I chuckle.
“Well, why don’t you have a seat wherever you are comfortable?”
“Thank you.”
I sit on the couch. I’m surprised at how soft it is.
“So,” Dr. Mitchell sits in a big leather high backed office chair facing me, “what brings you here?”
I fold my hands on my lap. I find one hand unconsciously pulling at the thread of my own sweater.
“I…well, it’s kind of silly,” I laugh nervously.
“Are you anxious, Rayna?”
“Eh, uh, just a…a little.”
“May I see your hands?”
“What for?”
“I just want to see your nails.”
I hold out my hands to him. He inspects them briefly.
“You bite your nails.” His tone is merely observant, not condescending at all.
“Yes. I’m afraid that it’s a habit that I haven’t been able to break.”
“Have you done this since childhood?”
“Was growing up hard for you, Rayna?”
“Well, kind of.”
“Could you elaborate?”
I tell him about my childhood. I grew up in a two parent home. My dad worked, my mom stayed home with my sister and I. In reality, I had what other kids wanted. I wasn’t a latchkey kid. There was always someone there when I got home from school. My mom was a good cook. She chauffeured us around to all of our activities. She and my dad came to our concerns, recitals, and games. However, the other kids always had a way of making me feel like I was lacking in some area or another. I was constantly picked on and teased because I was smart.
“Nothing I ever did was good enough for my peers,” I find myself saying. “I could walk into school looking like I was modeling clothes for a major department store, and they would still find a reason to laugh at me!”
“So you feel insecure growing up?”
“All the time.”
“How did that affect your love life?”
“I’ve had a lot of boyfriends, but that was because any guy who showed me attention, I went out with him. I ended up with a lot of losers.”
“Were you ever abused by any of them?”
“Physically, no, but verbally, yes. My husband was the latter years of our marriage.”
“Do you feel comfortable talking about your marriage?”
I shift in my seat.
“I uh…” I stammer.
“May I offer you some tea? I find that it helps my patients relax.”
“Oh. Yes. Tea would be lovely. Thank you.”
“Would you care for some Southern Sweet blend?”
“Yes. Thatwould be nice.”
I notice that he has a mini Keurig behind his desk. It takes only a few minutes to make the tea. He hands it to me in a delicate china cup on a saucer. I gently blow on it and take a sip. It’s wonderful! It has a warm smooth taste that feels good going down.
“This is very good, Dr. Mitchell. Thank you.”
“Now, do you want to talk about Your husband?”
“How long have you been dividendd?”
“About nine months. Really, we have been out of sorts for some time. Really, we just held it together for our daughter.”
“That’s not uncommon. What led you to dividend him?”
“Honestly? He cheated on me with my best friend.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. Did he Say why?”
“She is everything I’m not, taller, thinner, prettier, she can afford plastic surgery, to name a few.”
“You aren’t happy with your body, Rayna?”
“No. Well, I’ve had curves since I was eighteen. I have been up and down my whole adult life. I havebeen every size between a ten and a twenty. When we first got married, James loved me. He loved it when I was pregnant. He was such an attentive husband and a good father. At least we never argued in front of Trinity, our daughter. She didn’t know until she was older that there was content between me and her dad. I’d say when she was twelve, things started falling apart. He said I was too heavy. I wasn’t sexy any more. I went on diets time after time and lost weight, but then I’d got stressed and gain it all back. When he really complained about me not being interesting in the bedroom any more, I started taking belly dancing classes so I’d learn to be more sensitive for him.”
“Did you continue with those classes?”
“Yes, I did. I like the way they make me feel…even if my husband didn’t appreciate it, or told me that I was too fat to be a belly dancer.”
“That was very wrong of him to put you down that way.”
Dr. Mitchell began to softly tap his own cup with thering on his right hand.
“Are you feeling more relaxed now, Rayna?”
“I…I think so.”
“Perhaps you would care to stretch out a bit? You may take your shoes off if that makes you more comfortable.”
“Thank you.”
I am feeling relaxed, very relaxed.
“Do you feel as though you might fall asleep?”
I He picks up my hand. Small jolts of electricity begin to travel through me. Each one makes me feel more and more like I’m floating in the air. I cannot feel my feet anymore.
“You are very relaxed, aren’t you, Rayna? All that you can hear right now is the sound of my voice, correct?”
“Y…y…yes, Doctor…”
I sound like I’m Drunk or drugged, but I don’t care. I am feeling like I just had the best alcoholic beverage in the world, and now it’s wrapped me in its arms.”
“Listen to the rhythm of my voice. You are in a state of relaxation and suggestion. My voice is the only one that matters now, not your ex-husband’s. He did not appreciate what a lovely lady you are.”
“Yes, Doctor,” I whisper.
“In fact, you are going to stand up and take off your blouse and sweater because it is very warm in here.”
I stand up. I carefully remove my sweater. It is warm in here! How come I didn’t notice before? Then I unbutton my blouse and lay it down. I stand in front of him in my bra and my jeans.
“Please let me see your belly, Rayna. I’m sure that is as beautiful as the rest of you.”
“Yes.” I unbutton and unzip my jeans.
“Come closer to me.”
I walk over until I am just inches from him.
“You are beautiful, Rayna.” Dr. Mitchell reaches out and places his big hands on my abdomen. They feel warm and soft.
“Do you have a sexy and sensitive move that you do when you dance? Something that gets the men going?”
“The belly roll.”
“Show me.”
I place my hands on my hips. I pull my abdominal muscles in from the top and then push them down and out.
“Very nice. Can you show me again?”
I repeat the movement.
“Can you make it go the other way?”
I pull my muscles in from the bottom and push them up and out.
“You feel very sexy right now, don’t you, Rayna?”
“Yes, Doctor.”
“Don’t you want to take off your jeans and socks? I have turned up the heat in this office.”
I removed my jeans and socks. Now I’m clad in my underwear.
“Turn around. Show me how beautiful you are, Rayna. Turn slowly.”
I began to turn as his eyes gently peel away layers of hatred from my soul.
“Has it was a long time since a man has approved of you?”
“I approve of you. I think a woman needs a little meat on her bones. I would like you to take off your bra.”
Without hesitation, the bra is soon gone too.
“Mmmm, I like the shape of your breasts.” He cups them gently. “Now, take off your panties and stuff them into your mouth.”
“Yes, Sir.”
I pull down my red satin panties and step out of them and push them into my mouth.
“Now, take this roll of tape and wrap it around your head three times and seal the panties in your mouth.”
He hands me a roll of microfoam tape. I stretch it out and lay it over my lips and begin winding. When I have wound it three times I tear it off and set it down.
“Yes. Very good. Now, stand with your back to me and hold your wrists together.”
I do as I’m told. I feel him binding my wrists together with rope.
“Face me.”
I turn around. He reaches up and gently grab my breasts.
“You have nice breasts. Your nipples are very hard. Are you aroused right now, Rayna?”
I nod.
“No. Tell me. Let me tear the effectiveness of that gag.”
“N nm fmrm nrnnphmn, Nr. Mnphchmm.”
He chuckles.
“I would say that you have done a good job of gagging yourself, my dear. You want to please me, don’t you?”
“Mmmmm, hmmmm.”
“Dancefor me. I am your customer. I have paid top dollar to be aroused by your beautiful body.”
I straddle him and begin slowly moving my hips from side to side. I shift my weight from one foot to the other and move my pelvis from front to back. I push my chest forward then pull my torso back and let the motion go all the way to my feet.
“I want to see some of those sexy belly rolls.”
I stand straddling him as I slowly roll my belly, from top to bottom and then reversing the move.
“Turn around. Push that sexy ass into my lap.”
“Mmmmmmm,” I nod. I turn around and slowly rock my ass in circles.
“Stop,” he orders. “Face me again.”
I turn and stand in front of him.
“Spread your legs.”
I stand with my feet shoulder width apart. Dr. Mitchell reaches between my legs. His fingers brush my pussy.
“Are you wet?”
“Mmmmmmm!” I nod.
He withdraws his hand and stands up.
“You’re wet because no man has ever made you feel this way, has he, Rayna?”
“Nmmmmmm,” I shake my head.
“You find me attractive. From the moment you saw me, you fantasized about fucking me.”
How did he know?
“And right now,” he cups my chin, “you want me to tie you up some more, don’t you? You want to be immovable in the ropes, don’t you?”
“Mmmmmmm!” I nod.
“Good. First, I need to examine your pussy. Sit on the couch and spread your legs nice and wide for me.”
I sit down and spread my legs. He knees in front of me.
“Mmmmm, you smell good. I like the way your pussy looks, but the next time I see you I want this hair gone. I like my pussy bald and clean. I’ll let it slide this time.” He holds up his index finger.
“Any ideas of where I should put this finger, Rayna?”
“Mmmmm,” I nod.
“Nn mm pnphphm.”
“I’m sorry dear. I didn’t quite catch that. Where?”
“Nn mm pnphphm!”
“Mmmm, I’m sorry honey, it’s so hard to understand you with all that tape over yourmouth. I think you’re just going to have to show me.”
“Mmmmmm!” I thrust my pelvis at him. “Mmmmmmm!”
“Oh, down there? Well, why didn’t you say so?”
I roll my eyes. He chuckles and slides his finger into me.
“Mmmmmmmmm,” I moan.
“Now that my finger is in there, what should I do with it? Just hold it there?”
“Mmmmmm!” I shake my head.
“Then what, my dear?”
“Mnhm mm cnm!”
“What was that?”
“Mmmmmmm! Mnhm mm cnm!”
“Mmmmmmm!” I nod.
“I hope you don’t mind if my mouth gets involved in the process.”
He leans forward and begins licking my clip and pussy.
“Ommmmmmmm!” I cry. “Mmmmmmmmm! Hmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmmm!”
I keep thrusting into his mouth. His tongue is going wild! His finger continues sliding in and out of my warm tunnel.Oh God, I am going to cum!
“Mmmmmmmmmmm! Hmmmmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!” I scream. Dr. Mitchell stands up. He is quite aroused too!
“See what you’ve done,” he says, unzipping his pants, “now I’m afraid I have to fuck you.”
His pink thick cock springs free from his khaki pants. He straddles me, positions his dick at my entrance and pushes down.
“Ohhhhh,” he moans, “oh yeah, mmmm, that’s a girl! Uhhhhhh! Move your hips!”
“Mmmmmmm!” I nod. He feels so thick and full! He leans down and kisses my taped mouth.
“Mmmmmm, hmmmmm!”
“You like being gagged and not able to talk?”
“Mmmmmm, hmmmmm,” I nod.
“You’re a slut, aren’t you, Rayna?You’re a bondage slut! You crave being dominated and teased and fucked, don’t you?”
“Mmmmmmm! Hmmmmmmmm!”
“You can’t cum without being tied and gagged, can you?”
“Mmmmmm!” I shake my head.
“You will be my submissive. You will do whatever I tell you without question. You will live to please your doctor. No one else can make you feel what I do.” He kisses me again.
“I’m going to tie you up and make you cum. I’m going to leave you tied up for hours. You will please me and whoever I order you to please, won’t you?”
“Mmmmmmm, mmmmmm,” I nod.
“If I want to take you in public tied and gagged, I will. You will learn how to dance properly for me so that you arouse me.”
“Mmmmmm,” I nod.
“Kiss me, Rayna.”
I push my taped mouth to his lips. He cups my face and kisses my cheeks.
“You’re mine, Rayna. You belong to me and only me. Is this my pussy?”
“Mmmmm!” I nod.
“I will have this pussy when I want it, won’t I?”
“Mmmmmmmmm!” I nod.
“Good. You may cum again.”
“Hmmmmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmmm!” I cannot tell you the last time I had two orgasms back to back! Fire is shooting from my loins, and if burns so good!
“Ohhhhh shit! Shit! Uhhhhhhhh!” His body stiffens. He trembles and relaxes. He diseases from me.
“I’m afraid our time is up. Get dressed.” He unties my hands.
I got dressed, minus my panties.
“Cut the gag off.”
I cut the tape from my mouth.
“Remove your panties. When you wake up you will not remember anything that went on here. Sit down.”
I sit on the couch.
“I’m going to count backwards from five. When I am done, you will wake up feeling good and refreshed. Five, four, three, two…one.”
I blink. Dr.Mitchell is sitting across from me. He looks a little flushed.
“How do you feel, Rayna?”
“I feel…I feel fine.”
“You did well today. See the secretary on your way out to book your next appointment.”
“Uh, thanks. Sure. I’ll um…see you next week.”
I jump off the couch and grab my purse. I pause as I’m about to leave the office.
“Dr. Mitchell?”
What happened to my panties? I remember putting some on this morning.Did he take them? No! Why would he do that? He’s my therapist! Why would he need my panties? I shake my head. I go to the secretary’s desk.
“I’d like to book an appointment for next week,” I tell the girl behind the desk.
“Sure thing, Miss Layla. Same time, same day?”
“That would be fine.”
“Alright, I have you down for next week.”
“Thanks. Have a good night.”
I step outside. The sun has set already, and a light rain is falling. I reach into my pursuit and pull out my umbrella. The cool water tickers my face.
Hmmm, the rain is making me feel thirsty. I need to drink more water! My mouth is suddenly dry. Oh well, better head home and figure out what’s for dinner. With Trinity home for the weekend, I have to cook. I don’t want her getting in that junk food habit that plagues so many college students. Dormitory food, as I can recall, is edible, but it’s nothing like good old fashioned home cooking. So far, my daughter has managed to maintain a beautifuliful and slender figure. I hope she is never plus size like me.
My cell phone dings. I look down and read,
“Mom, Chrissy invited me to her house for dinner. I’ll be home around ten or eleven. I love you. -T”
Well, at least I don’t have to worry about cooking. I didn’t take anything out to thaw anyway. I’m suddenly very hungry. Actually, pizza sounds real good about now! I start the car and head home.
Chapter Two
When I get home I check all of the rooms and make sure that all of the doors and windows are secure before going to my room and taking off my clothes. A hot bath sounds good. It’s my weekly treatment. During the week, I take shows, but on Friday nights, it’s candles, soft lighting, bubbles and me. I take off my Sweater and blouse and gasp. Why do I have strange marks on my skin? I look at my wrists. They look like they’ve been tied together. I shake my head. When did this happen? I went to work, I came home and changed and went to therapy! Where in there could I have been tied up? It doesn’t make sense!
I take off my jeans. What happened to my panties? I know that I put some on this morning. I would never go to work el commando! I work in a school, so that’s an absolute no-no. I take off my jeans. I’m wet between my legs, like I’ve been having sex. Have I been having sex? With whom? It’s been more than a year, right?
This is all very weird! I light the candles, dim the bathroom lights and get into the tub. I like to run the water while I’m in there so I don’t burn myself trying to get into a tub of steaming water. I run the water and add the bath salts while the tub fills around me. Before long, the salts make a film that swirls around my spread thighs like an oil slick. My pussy does feel a little different. I’m just wondering why.
I lay back on my pillow and close my eyes. Suddenly, I hear a deep voice saying,
I open my eyes. It can’t be?
“D…Doctor Mitchell? How did you…”
Heknees down and holds his finger to my lips. Oh God, in the dim light he is even sexier!
“You are the sexiest woman I have seen in a long time,” he purrs into my mouth. “I want you to cum for me.” He places his hand over my mouth and slips another hand under the water. His big fingers begin teasing my exposed clip and pussy.
“Ommmmmmm! Mmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm,” I moan.
“That’s it,” he whispers, “move your hips. Give it to me, Rayna. Give me those sexy moans.”
“Mmmmmmm, mmmmmm!” I cry against his hand. It’s so tight across my lips, but it feels so damn good! I thrust against his hand.
“Cum for me, my pet.”
I am cumming! I cum hard! My gagged voice and his touch drive me over the edge. Ohhhhhhh! Shit! Shit!
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