It’s 4:30 Dan will be home soon. I smile and start picking up my nail supplies. I choose purple today, doing my nails make me happy and give me something to do after chores and daytime tv. It’s Friday we get to play tonight I should pick an outfit. I go to my closet in excitement. I have the perfect purple lingerie to match my nails its lace with a butterfly pattern, there’s holes for my boobs to be out and easily access the tong broke the first night the side strings snapped when he ripped it off me. I looked at my phone to make sure he didn’t send any instructions today. No messages It’s up to me this time. I quickly put it on and sat on the chair next to the bed, silently waiting.
I drifted off as I waited in anticipation I awoke to Dans massive cock smacking me in the face. I’m sorry baby I didn’t mean to. I start kissing the head and licking between kisses. It’s ok you’ll make it up to me he said as he softly stroked My check. With his hand he guides my head up,we are looking into each other’s eyes he winks I nod back we are now characters playing our roles.
I gently kiss the tip of his dick I hear him exhaust slowly. I know what’s about to come I brace for impact. SMACK! I feel the blood rush to my cheek turning it red like rose colored blush. Open your hore mouth he demanded. I acted quickly. I always do as I’m told I’m a good girl. He starts shoving his big throbbing cock down my throat. I struggle to breathe and try to fight back the gagging. He is just too big. He holds my face in place as he fermly sticks his dick as far down my throat as it will go. a tear streams down my cheek I can’t take it all it’s too much I’m going to throw up. Calm down you can do it I think to myself. Just focus oh no I’m gagging again. With his dick still deep in my throat I look up at him and he knows I can’t take much more. He looks at me with disappointment. He grabbed me by my throat and ripped his dick out of my mouth. In a deep voice he says, I thought youwere better than this.
He pushed me away my dress flew up as my body fell to the ground. I slowly got to my knees, I didn’t get a chance to turn around he is now bending me over. I’m going to beat your ass! He said With a hand on each chef he squeezes and spreads my cheeks apart and slowly penetrating my tiny ass hole with his giant cock.
Aaaa! I screamed in my head it hurts so much. I dare not say a word I don’t want to anger him. I just cried out in my head, oops I cried out loud. Don’t be a bitch! are you a little bitch he yells as he smacked my ass. I guess you are but your my little bitch he giggles and pops the top of the lube bottle
I’m so relieved. The Cold slippery liquid dripped off my ass in a puddle on the floor. I was so excited I started moving back putting him deeper inside me. He fiercely grabbed my hair pulling it back so hard my neck popped, whispering did I say you could fucking move bitch?
No sir I moaned he grabbed my hips thrusting deep into my ass with each word. your a fucking hore aren’t you aren’t you. Yes I screamed yes I am your whore I feel his hands moving up my body and wrap around my throat,his grip getting tighter,I’m getting lightheaded the blood flow has stopped going to my brain my body is getting tingly oh my god I’m going to cum.
pleas can I cum I start begging please sir? No I CUM first you bitch! you better not. I start shaking he’s pumping faster and faster and with one last hard stall I can feel him pumping cum deep into my ass he slowed a little. I ask again. may I cum now master? I can hear a little giggle he loves it when I call him master.
Yess baby girl go crazy. I slam my ass against his body making a slapping sound each time. he asks me what do you want? you just Want to cum. you are just a fucking slut a nasty little fucking slut. Yeeessss! I am your nasty slut I moaned. Here it comes, My whole body starts twitching and I’m squirting all over the floor. He pushes me off his dick and I lie there in a pool of lube and my own fluids.
I pull myself up and crawl to the chain he is now sitting in with his dick still sticking straight up. I started cleaning him with my tongue from the tip down the shaft. He lovingly strokes my hair as I suck on his ball. That smile is so cute I know how much he loves it when I mass his balls with my mouth. Go take a bath I’ll be there to check on you in a minute he says as he stands up. He looks down at me, now be a good little girl go now!
Iv was waiting in this tub for so long the water is getting cold. Finally there’s footsteps coming to the door. He comes in with a bag in hand and sits on the edge of the tub. I got you something, I figured if you’re going to act like a bitch you should look like one too. He pulled out a big but plug with a tail attached and a dog collar with a little chain on each side and nipple clip at the ends. He smiled as he saw my face light up, that’s not all we are going to the red light tonight so let’s worry.
I jumped out of the tub and took the position still dripping wet on all fours he placed it snuggly in my ass put the collar on and tightened the clamps. I jokingly barked he patted his knee come on bitch let’s go. I got up and grabbed my robe and headed to the car. Why are we going to the club tonight we don’t normally go on Fridays.
We were invited to a party don’t Worry you can stay back in the VIP area I will let you know if I find anyone interesting. you know you have the final say if we invite anybody into our bed or not. I don’t know if a new girl would be the best we have 100% trust in each other and a deep intimate knowledge of our bodies and boundaries.i have been putting this off it’s such an emotional and vulnerable process.
This is for you baby I thought you wanted someone to play with especially since I’m going to be going out of town in a little while. Yeah you’re right I do need somebody to come around sometimes i do geta little bored especially when you’re not home.
I can hear the loud music from the parking lot my heart starts racing I love coming to the sex club it’s the only time I leave the house and I do have some good friends here.
I met Dan here many years ago. I was new to this lifestyle. I didn’t know what I was doing I just knew I wanted to be controlled. I chose the wrong partner. Billy was an angry man. Much like my father.
I remember the first time I met Dan, Billy and I showed up one night after a particularly violent session.i was sitting in the corner nurse my wounds, almost in tears I fought so hard not to show my emotions. I noticed him looking at me I smiled and turned in his direction.
He saw right through the fake smile. He shook his head and walked straight towards us. I was nervous I didn’t know what the head shake was about. Was he angry was he going to hurt me? He walked over to Billy they talked for a second they shook hands and he turned to megrabbing my hand he walked me to one of the open private rooms.
I was scared, once billion loaned me to his friend he had a violent rap fantasy. I was emotionally and physically scarred from this experience.
Once the door was closed and lights were lowered he sat next to me looking deep into my eyes he asked are you nervous? I looked at the ground and I softly spoke up yes. Is it excited nervous or fearful? Still looking at the ground fear came out of my mouth. He gently grabbed my face, I was shaking. You’re doing it wrong. I looked at him confused. Iv been watching you two he uses this as a reason to be a discussing and violent person.
Do you see him treat the other girls this way? Do you see any other girl here looks the way you do? covered in his marks, his trophies of control and fear? You are so beautiful you don’t want this I can see it in your eyes.
Do you ever fear for your life? I shake my head and I can’t stop the tears from flowing. It’s not supposedto be that way he whispered as He just held me tight as I cried like a baby I knew then in that moment I loved him.
He told me not to worry about billion there’s a code and he has broken many. I wouldn’t have to see him again A weight was lifted off my shoulders.I was able to relax for the first time in years. I drifted off to sleep in his arms.
Sara… Sara… it’s time to wake up. don’t recognize the voice. I open my eyes and see Dan looking down at me I’m panicking. I’m sorry sir I’m sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you I’ll make it up I grab at his parents. Stop he said just stop you don’t always have to be on you are a person not just someone slave. Calm down I need to talk to you. The real you.
I don’t know the real me I think as I sit there looking at him. Billy is gone he won’t be able to come back do you have anything at his place you need? In my head I’m going through all the things in his house. Um NO. I will go get anything you need you don’tneed to see him right now or ever. Those words made me so happy and terrified at the same time.
I was so overwhelmed with the thought of never seeing him again I could barely hear Dan asking do you have somewhere to go? Hay I know this is a lot but I need you to look at me. What do you need right now?
I don’t know I yelled. I have nothing I am nothing I cried. he scowled at me and very angrily said and this is why he will never step foot here again I want to beat the shit out of him. Fuck! he screams and punches the wall.
It’s not supposed to be like this! You are beautiful you are strong you have boundaries you have say in how you are treated. This lifestyle is about trusting someone with inner most fansies about loving and supporting and accepting each other. I’m so scared and he sees it.
punching the wall again with a big BANG. I flench, see you shouldn’t be afraid of me I would never hurt you like that, never in anger. You should know what to expect andit should never go any further. you should feel comfortable with my hands around your throat.
I sat in silence. my love grow with every world that left his lips. I grabbed his hand and gently kissed his forehead. He buried his face in my breast and held me tight.
He gently laid me down and passwordately made love to me. I was still very sore and in pain from what billion did to me. He Couldn’t bring him self to finish, It angered him I was treated this way and left broken and bruised.
Would you like to come home with me? Or I can get you a hotel room whatever makes you comfortable. I smiled. I want to be with you I hugged him tight. I’m safe i say out loud. He hugs me tight. you are always safe with me. We have been together for five years now.
I start navigating my way to the back room I can’t wait to see Maggie my best friend her partner Jeff is Dan’s best friend they have all shown me so much. we have had so many great exotic and mind bending experimentaliences together. She is going to love my new tail.
I see her over by the bar she is in an all leather mini dress with leather gloves. I get excited this means she is a dom tonight. I hope she has time to play with me. She likes to come and play with the submissive men. Dan, Jeff and I have fun watching her show.
She sees me and waves me over for a shot. I hang up my robe revealing my collar and dog tail, I get on the ground and crawl to her. She giggles and pats my head. Are you a good doggie? yes you are she places the shot on the ground I put my mouth around it and with a flick of my head the whiskey runs down my throat.
I sit on the stool next to her. What are your plans for tonight? I didn’t have any but now you’re here I think I can think of something good. I’m going to look in the toy closet and our guys together.
I’m thinking the main stage are you ok with that? Will others be able to join? I ask always! I hear as she walks away.
Hay can you set up the camera? It’s been a long time since I was the entertainment I’m really excited. She comes out with a box and puts a lean on me. Are you ready? I bark and knod.
She smiles and walks me on stage there’s Dan and Jeff in the front row. I quietly sat there waiting for instructions. Look what I found she shouts look at this cute bitch. I bark. Can you introduce yourself bitch. I Turn bearing my ass to the audience. That’s right she giggled you communicate with ass play. Here let me introduce myself to you. stick her ass in my face I lovingly start licking I notice the video camera getting closer as my tongue is going in and out of her ass hole.
She stands up to address the crowd. I start winning like a little dog. Don’t interrupt me! Bad dog Bad dog! She spanks me with a whip. I quickly shut up. That’s a good girl you hungry you want a treatment I start panting with my tongue hanging out. That’s good I have all the pussy you could eat.
She sits on a small stool in the middle of the stage come get your treatment can you do a trick for me? I sit up and twirl around on my knees. Good girl now you can have it. I jump head first between her legs and start vigorously licking her clip. She moans squirming and moaning louder as I ticle her clip with my tongue finally squirting all over my face and floor. I start licking up the cum from her heels
She turns her attention back to the crowd who else wants to play with her? She drags me by the chains connected to the nipple clamps to the middle of the stage, bends me over hooking a chain around my wait securing it to the striper pole.
Ok who’s first who is ready to introduce themselves to this very naughty bitch. A guy I have never met stepped up first. Sticking his ass in my face I quickly stick my tongue to his ass hole licking up and down all the way to his balls
I hear Maggie says I think she needs a bone to suck on. Give her your bone she demanded him. He turns putting his slobbery ass onthe stool and his dick in my face.
I need another volunteer Maggie announced. I have a bigger bone she needs inside of her holding up a dildo shaped like a dog bone. I was too busy focusing on this dick in my mouth to care who volunteered.
I moaned with pleasure as the big bone slid into my pussy. I Start fucking them both enthusiastically.oh she likes it I hear on the speaker what a slutty dog we got hear.
My body starts shaking I’m not just going to cum I’m going to have a full on whole body orgasm. Our host Maggie can see it coming. I can hear her telling whoever is pounding me from behind. she is going to cum and I want to see you eat it.
seconds later I feel a warm mouth kissing my clip slowly licking still pounding my pussy with a giant silicane bone. with all my hole felt to capacity my body tightening I can’t move I’m tingling from head to toe. I realized I’m holding my breath I’m going to pass out, I let out a scream,mouth still full of dick I black out. only to be awoken to clapping. Good job baby Maggie says as she unhooks me from the stage.
I go to the bar still shaking thinking about the guy I just had in my mouth he is cute I give him a wink. he walks towards me Smiling and says That was the most fun I have ever had in a long time. do you mind if I get a copy of that video? My name is Paul by the way and what should I call you?
For tonight you can call me bitch. I stick my ass out a little wagging my tail as I walk away.
I see Dan and Jeff on the side of the stage looking over the video I just made I ask Jeff who’s the new guy?
Jeff explained he just moved here he was a part of our other club in his home town. He was highly criticized by his chapter president.
On the ride home I Couldn’t stop thinking about paul. there is something about him.
He has a sweet smile but his eyes, the dark blue pools draw me in like the ocean pulling me under I’m so overwhelmed with emotions lust, fear,and panic. I have never felt this way about anyone before.
It’s Saturday the night we usually go to the club. I’m going to take it easy tonight. My body is still sore from last night it was pretty intense. The pain reminds me of the pleasure I experienced and the mysterious man I can’t stop thinking about.
I hope he is there. I’m thinking about him as I get ready. I find myself wondering if he is going to like what I’m wearing. Why am I thinking about him? My partner is on his way home right now.
I feel like I’m doing something wrong. Sex is just sex but I am getting feelings involved. Should I tell Dan? No! it’s nothing I’ll get over it. I hope. I slip into my black silk spaghetti strap nighty and head to the living room. I hear Dan Pull into the driveway. I met him at the door.
He raps his arms around me kissing me lightly on the neck. Picking me up with a firm but gentle embrace we end up on our bed.
He placed my wrist in cuffs attached tothe head board and my ankles strapped to the foot board.
I have been thinking about your performance last night. I can’t stop thinking about it you make me so horny
He opens the dresser and pulls out a bottle
It’s massage oil. I smile and close my eyes. I love rough sex but slowly password love is good for the heart.
As I lay there unable to move with his hands gently moving over my body my nipples get hard. He starts gently licking one and softly stroking the other. Harder I say. He giggled and with a smile he said no. Slowing his fingers moving around my nipple. He knows how much I want him to bite, pinch squeeze and stretch my hard nipples.
He loves teasing me. The tension builds I want it so much and he knows it. I’m squirming and moaning in hope it will finally happen. He grips my tits pushing them together with my nipples touching he opens his mouth wide putting both nipples in his mouth. He starts sucking he is sucking harder and harder with eachsuck it’s so close. A little harder I think oh please harder.
I Love the pain it feels so good I moan louder. He tightens his grip on my chest. My pussy is getting so wet now I want him inside me right now. I pull at my restraints I have no control
I lay there longing to be penetrated needing something inside me anything at all I beg, please fuck me please! He pulls at the rope hanging from the ceiling the end is attached to my ankles my legs start moving up the more he pulls the higher my legs go. Now I’m on my back rope holding my legs up and apart as wide as they can go revealing my wet pussy.
He sticks his face between my legs licking my clip. With his finger he traced the opening of my vagina I want him in me he keeps teasing me. I start moving my hips trying to force his fingers inside me. He looks up at me, don’t move! I exhausted in frustration. Smack. I feel the sing across my ass.
I’m done with you he said. Don? what do you mean done I start crying so confused we didn’t start how could he be done. what did I do I’m sorry I cry out. He starts unstrapping me. Don’t worry I just wanted to get you all hot and bothered before we go. You have been requested for a private session.
I think you really impressed that new guy, paul? My heart skip a beat. Paul asked for me. I haven’t been this nervous since the first time I performed on the stage.
Does he have any requests? I ask as I get out of bed. Should I put on something different? No he didn’t say anything,he just asked if he could take a private video.
On the way I try not to act nervous or excited I make small talk like usual. What do you have planned for tonight?
I’m not sure yet. we will meet after and exchange stories. He already reserved room #1 just go on in when you’re ready he tells me to have fun and kisses me then we spit up.
It’s dark and there’s only a dim light in the corner just enough light to illuminate the bed covered in red silksheets. I sit silently waiting, butterfly in my stomach nervous from anticipation.
The door finally opens. He walks in still in work clothes I assume black slacks and a dark blue button up.
Sitting next to me on the bed he whispers I’m not only going to fuck you up I’m going to fuck up your mind. I don’t know what that means I think to myself, but I don’t say a word.
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